Showing posts with label Apart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apart. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Prince Harry and Prince William: Our Wives Are Tearing Us Apart!

Even though even Prince Charles knows Meghan Markle is cooler than Kate Middleton, both Duchesses and their Princely husbands are as thick as thieves.

But that may be about to change after Meghan gives birth.

Apparently, Prince Harry and Prince William are drawing up plans to divide their joint “court” and have separate offices.

Prince William and Prince Harry are very close, even for siblings, but they’re looking to create some distance.

According to The Sunday Times, William and Harry are considering separating their joint “court” at Kensington Palace.

They would instead go on and create two separate offices.

These alleged plans would only be implemented this spring or later, after Meghan Markle’s due date.

That is, of course, if they follow through with it at all.

We know that it’s always tempting for people to suspect some sort of secret family rift as the culprit.

That’s always interesting a juicy, but only rarely true.

The Princes have an actual purpose for dividing into separate offices, and it’s because they have different royal destinies.

William will one day be Prince of Wales. He is his father’s heir.

And it seems likely that William will one day be king, barring a bizarre set of circumstances.

Harry and Meghan will very naturally want to forge their own path, according ot insiders.

Sally Bedell Smith, author of Royals, spoke to People on the subject of this potential separation.

“The arrival of Meghan has changed the dynamic of the relationship in a fairly significant way,” Smith reports.

That makes a lot of sense. Harry was the center of attention for something other than international thirst.

“It is inevitable and practical,” Smith says of the move for separate offices.

Smith says it will happen “because it gives Harry and Meghan some freedom to build up their own collection of interests and charities.”

Meghan is a passionate, caring person.

“Meghan has very strong views on what she is interested in,” Smith affirms.

“And,” Smith notes. “That may be what Harry shares.”

That wouldn’t be a surprise. They dated for a long time before they married.

It would only make sense for them to have a lot of shared passions.

“But,” Smith admits, Meghan and Harry’s charitable interests may be “not what William and Kate share.”

“They have brought many charities working in the same sector together to empower them and lend their positions,” Smith says of the Princes.

“But,” Smith continues. “They will increasingly follow their own respective interests.”

A report has claimed that Prince Harry’s friends don’t like Meghan’s Left-leaning views on topics such as animal welfare.

They allegedly consider such views “trendy,” which is exactly what you’d expect from terminally British aristocrats.

“I think it really is just a shift in priorities and interests,” Smith suggests.

“William is a husband and father of three and his focus is primarily on them,” Smith notes. “And Harry will soon be a father.”

In Sally Bedell Smith’s estimation, both Princes will more or less go on as they have.

“Each of them will continue [to be] the very strong representative of the Queen,” Smith says.

Smith says that they will do so “in carrying out tasks and assignments that she, and probably their father, wants them to do.”

Royal duties don’t go away, even when you’re a parent.

And separate offices won’t change that.

“They are going to be sharing in this diffusion of activities on behalf of the Queen,” Smith affirms.

That said, the palace had no official comment on this story. The princes may go in another direction.


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Camila Cabello and Fifth Harmony Members Purposely Seated Apart at AMAs

Camila Cabello’s breakup with Fifth Harmony might be 2 years old, but it was fresh on the minds of the American Music Awards producers, who treated them like warring relatives at a wedding … TMZ has learned. Production sources tell us three…


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Brother Says that Prince Harry Is Keeping Them Apart!

Meghan Markle is happily married to Prince Harry. Unfortunately, she continues to be burdened by her idiot dad’s cruel comments and by her two truly, madly, deeply evil half-siblings.

We’ve heard a lot from Samantha Grant, but Thomas Markle, Jr. is eager to voice his horrible opinions about Meghan.

He says that her mind was warped by fame, but appears to lay some of the blame at Harry’s royal feet.

In a raving interview with The Daily Mail, Thomas Markle, Jr. says that Meghan is being needlessly cruel to their father.

“No father-daughter relationship should be like this,” Thomas asserts.

Well, one would hope that most fathers would not carry out a media blitz in which they constantly discuss their daughter and new in-laws.

“I feel for him because of how strong their relationship was,” Thomas explains. “And what it’s become now.”

“That’s got to hurt anybody,” Thomas says.

“It’s not the Meghan I remember,” Thomas says, somehow blaming her for her reasonable response to their father’s bad behavior.

“The Meg I remember was very caring and she cared about everybody,” Thomas says. “That was important to her.”

His implication, of course, is that she is somehow no longer caring, rather than that she is taking the important self-care measure of cutting toxic people out of her life.

“Since Hollywood and being on that show,” Thomas says. “Being a celebrity has changed her.”

Yeah, we guess that the sky-high celebrity factor of starring on USA’s Suits really got to her head, huh?

“Maybe she feels she is above everybody,” Thomas guesses, adding: “Maybe even more now.”

She’s not the one slamming her own family members on social media and claiming that they’re bad people.

“But if she wasn’t with Prince Harry right now — even if she was still on Suits right now — she would have stopped what she was doing,” Thomas says of their father.

He claims that she would have dropped everything “to go and visit him and make sure he’s ok.”

Maybe so. But if she were still on Suits, he wouldn’t be acting out like a brat in the media.

Thomas Markle, Jr. says that Meghan could have taken a different approach with her family.

“I think it got ignored and swept under the carpet for so long, it’s a shame where it’s ended up,” Thomas says. “Especially between her and my father,”

“She’s capable of doing anything,” to appease her relatives, he says. “She’s just got to want to do it.”

Would exposing herself to people who are viciously attacking her in interview after interview really be the right thing to do?

“If she wants to make amends, by all means, she can do that,” Thomas claims. “But she’s got to want to do it.”

In other words, it sounds like she could get them to be quiet and go away.

Thomas Markle Jr. also lays some of the blame on Prince Harry and Kensington Palace.

“They’ve dealt with this kind of stuff for a long time and why they did it this way, that’s the big question?” Thomas says. “Why?”

Apparently the royal family, though no stranger to scandals, never imagined that someone’s own siblings would be so pointlessly petty.

They’re ready for assassins, not for character assassination.

“They could have looked after my dad and he would have been happy,” Thomas says. It sounds like he’s suggesting that they put Meghan’s family on a payroll to buy their silence.

Thomas says: “I don’t think he deserves that kind of treatment from her.”

“I think she owes him emotionally as his daughter to support him the way he supported her,” Thomas claims.


“To see all this go on in the media,” Thomas laments. “From their relationship being so close and so tight knit all her life to come to this,”

Thomas says that it is “like she doesn’t want to deal with him for what reasons I don’t know.”

We would humbly suggest that if he and his absolute harridan of a sister and their bumbling father would shut their mouths and stay quiet, Meghan’s feelings about them might change.

Instead, they whine in front of any camera that points in their direction — especially if there is money involved.

That is not the behavior of a loving family. That’s not even the behavior of a family.

It sounds like Meghan is better off without them.


Meghan Markle"s Brother Says that Prince Harry Is Keeping Them Apart!

Meghan Markle is happily married to Prince Harry. Unfortunately, she continues to be burdened by her idiot dad’s cruel comments and by her two truly, madly, deeply evil half-siblings.

We’ve heard a lot from Samantha Grant, but Thomas Markle, Jr. is eager to voice his horrible opinions about Meghan.

He says that her mind was warped by fame, but appears to lay some of the blame at Harry’s royal feet.

In a raving interview with The Daily Mail, Thomas Markle, Jr. says that Meghan is being needlessly cruel to their father.

“No father-daughter relationship should be like this,” Thomas asserts.

Well, one would hope that most fathers would not carry out a media blitz in which they constantly discuss their daughter and new in-laws.

“I feel for him because of how strong their relationship was,” Thomas explains. “And what it’s become now.”

“That’s got to hurt anybody,” Thomas says.

“It’s not the Meghan I remember,” Thomas says, somehow blaming her for her reasonable response to their father’s bad behavior.

“The Meg I remember was very caring and she cared about everybody,” Thomas says. “That was important to her.”

His implication, of course, is that she is somehow no longer caring, rather than that she is taking the important self-care measure of cutting toxic people out of her life.

“Since Hollywood and being on that show,” Thomas says. “Being a celebrity has changed her.”

Yeah, we guess that the sky-high celebrity factor of starring on USA’s Suits really got to her head, huh?

“Maybe she feels she is above everybody,” Thomas guesses, adding: “Maybe even more now.”

She’s not the one slamming her own family members on social media and claiming that they’re bad people.

“But if she wasn’t with Prince Harry right now — even if she was still on Suits right now — she would have stopped what she was doing,” Thomas says of their father.

He claims that she would have dropped everything “to go and visit him and make sure he’s ok.”

Maybe so. But if she were still on Suits, he wouldn’t be acting out like a brat in the media.

Thomas Markle, Jr. says that Meghan could have taken a different approach with her family.

“I think it got ignored and swept under the carpet for so long, it’s a shame where it’s ended up,” Thomas says. “Especially between her and my father,”

“She’s capable of doing anything,” to appease her relatives, he says. “She’s just got to want to do it.”

Would exposing herself to people who are viciously attacking her in interview after interview really be the right thing to do?

“If she wants to make amends, by all means, she can do that,” Thomas claims. “But she’s got to want to do it.”

In other words, it sounds like she could get them to be quiet and go away.

Thomas Markle Jr. also lays some of the blame on Prince Harry and Kensington Palace.

“They’ve dealt with this kind of stuff for a long time and why they did it this way, that’s the big question?” Thomas says. “Why?”

Apparently the royal family, though no stranger to scandals, never imagined that someone’s own siblings would be so pointlessly petty.

They’re ready for assassins, not for character assassination.

“They could have looked after my dad and he would have been happy,” Thomas says. It sounds like he’s suggesting that they put Meghan’s family on a payroll to buy their silence.

Thomas says: “I don’t think he deserves that kind of treatment from her.”

“I think she owes him emotionally as his daughter to support him the way he supported her,” Thomas claims.


“To see all this go on in the media,” Thomas laments. “From their relationship being so close and so tight knit all her life to come to this,”

Thomas says that it is “like she doesn’t want to deal with him for what reasons I don’t know.”

We would humbly suggest that if he and his absolute harridan of a sister and their bumbling father would shut their mouths and stay quiet, Meghan’s feelings about them might change.

Instead, they whine in front of any camera that points in their direction — especially if there is money involved.

That is not the behavior of a loving family. That’s not even the behavior of a family.

It sounds like Meghan is better off without them.


Monday, August 13, 2018

Jennifer Aniston: Gleeful Over Angelina Jolie"s Life Falling Apart!

Brad Pitt is still going through his divorce, and apparently Jennifer Aniston feels so bad for him.

That happiness reportedly stems almost entirely from schadenfreude over Angelina Jolie’s misfortune.

In fact, it sounds like Jen is gleefully dancing on the ashes of Angelina’s entire life.

The once epic love story of Brangelina has devolved into a nasty, acrimonious divorce that neither side can keep quiet.

RadarOnline has gained some insight into how Jennifer Aniston is allegedly feeling about all of this.

“Jen’s in a very positive place right now,” an insider reveals.

Apparently, Aniston’s cheerful disposition doesn’t come from spiritual enlightenment or doing yoga or loving herself.

It seems that her joyful mood comes from watching Angelina’s life in shambles.

“She’s privately ecstatic to see Angelina at rock bottom,” the source says.

As we have mentioned, Angelina filed court documents to try to prompt Brad Pitt to pay his fair share of child support.

Brad fired back that he’s given her tons of money and accused her of filing court documents as part of a “media manipulation” campaign.

Angelina replied with a statement that a loan is not child support, my good dude, but apparently Jennifer Aniston enjoyed the drama from afar.

“She never doubted Angie would self-destruct eventually,” the insider says.

Aniston was apparently confident of this “even when she was at her most smug and supposedly loved-up with Brad.”

It might sound wildly out of character for Jennifer Aniston to be cackling like a Disney villain at the very real misfortunes of a real woman with real feelings.

But the insider explains: “This is a woman Jen views as pure evil.”

That’s an odd perspective, since it’s hard to see how Angelina realistically wronged Aniston, but feelings don’t have to be rational.

“So,” the source asks. “Is she happy to see her miserable and getting the payback she deserves?”

The insider makes it clear that this is not a rhetorical question, answering: “You bet she is.”

Apparently, Aniston believes that this is justice on a cosmic, spiritual scale.

“Jen’s a huge believer in karma,” the source shares. “And she despises Angie.”

It’s often a mistake to believe that the spiritual order of the cosmos just happens to align with your personal grudges.

The insider adds: “She’s finding it hard not to smile when the (divorce) comes up.”

Well, we are all entitled to a little schadenfreude. And it’s hard to see how the former Friends star feeling this way hurts anyone.

That is an interesting read.

However, we do have to ask … is this really how Jennifer Aniston feels?

We would like to think that Jen doesn’t spend all day moping around her home, wondering about what life with Brad would be like if they’d never split.

Similarly, we would like to think that this source, though decidedly Team Jen, is wrong about her alleged vindictive feelings.

If anything, Jen and Angelina have a lot in common — they’re both successful actresses who have years of happy memories with Brad even though those memories are tainted by their bitter breakups.

Honestly, it sounds like they’re both amazing, talented women who gave years of their lives to a man who threw away what they had.


Monday, June 4, 2018

Josh Duggar Returns to Social Media, Gets Torn Apart By Fans

Over the weekend, Josh Duggar’s son Marcus celebrated his fifth birthday.

Normally, Josh keeps a pretty low profile on social media, but he decided to make an appearance on Facebook in order to celebrate Marcus’ big day.

Needless to say, it didn’t go well.

The above photo appeared on the Duggars’ official Facebook page on Saturday, along with the following caption:

“Happy birthday to our sweet grandson, Marcus!” Josh’s parents wrote.

“We love your sweet, precious spirit, Marcus! You are growing up so fast and learning new things each and everyday! We love you and love watching you grow in the knowledge of the Lord.”

Josh made a tentative return to social media last week, but it seems his intention then was to quietly steal money from fans.

This is the first time in quite a long time that fans have seen a new photo of Josh.

It’s also the first confirmation in several months that — despite rumors of Anna leaving Josh — the family of seven is very much intact.

Some Duggar followers didn’t take the news so well:

“Josh should be castrated!” wrote one fan, adding:

“Those poor little girls are at risk for being prey to their own father! The plot to cover for this monster was a very Christian thing to do!”

“Ugh that josh tho,” commented another Facebook user.

Those sentiments were widely echoed, and the memory of Josh’s sexual misconduct clearly remains fresh for many.

And those folks remain thoroughly disgusted by his actions.

But as In Touch Weekly points out, a surprising number of fans are calling for forgiveness for Josh:

“A story of God’s love and restoration. Too bad others have such a difficult time forgiving. God bless this family,” one fan wrote.

“It’s so nice to see a photo of Anna, Josh and their beautiful family. Anna doesn’t post too often on Instagram,” remarked another.

Yes, it may be hard to believe, but there are folks out there who are fervently Team Josh.

We don’t know what’s more bizarre — that some people are so quick to forgive such shocking abuse, or that they’re eager to advertise their loyalty to Josh on Facebook.

In either case, it seems the eldest son of Jim Bob and Michelle won’t be going away anytime soon.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Former Sen. Bob Kerrey says Vietnam, Civil Rights Tore Country Apart More Than Trump

The notion that President Trump is dividing our nation more than it’s been since Vietnam is total crap … according to former U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey. We got Nebraska’s former governor and Senator on Capitol Hill Wednesday, and asked…


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson Falls Apart on Instagram, Confirms Divorce?

It may finally be all over for Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett.

The long-time couple has two kids together, but also one transgender hand job scandal that it appears they"ve never fully moved past.

For years, Kendra has hinted that there"s trouble with her marriage, ever since Baskett confessed to receiving manual pleasure from a model named Ava London.

In late February 2018, Kendra insisted to everyone that her relationship really was in trouble…

… and a month later, well, she did THIS.

She shared several photos and messages on Instagram, all of which depicted an ex-centerfold in major trouble and which seemingly culminated in a major announcement.

Scroll around below to see what we mean and then see if you agree with this really does appear to be the end of the marital line for Kendra and Hank:

1. How Did We Get Here?

Kendra and hank photograph

Kendra, a former Playmate, and Baskett, former NFL wide receiver, were married on June 27, 2009.

2. They Share Two Kids

Fun family day

The couple are parents to a son (also named Hank) and a daughter (named Alijah). They kids are very cute.

3. But Trouble Has Been Brewing for Years

Sad hank baskett

In 2014, Baskett says he went to a hotel room to buy some marijuana and ended up getting a hand job from a transgender model named Ava London. (Really, this was his story and he’s stuck with it.)

4. Seriously, You Can Watch the Confession

Hank baskett confesses to kendra part 2

Click above to see Hank break down as he tells his wife what transpired.

5. Kendra on Top…

Kendra on top hank on bottom

… but Hank on the bottom. The couple starred in six seasons of a reality show on WEtv that chronciled their relationship and wondered whether they’d ever move on from this cheating scandal.

6. The Last New Episode Aired in August of 2017

Kendra on top promo photo

In the months since, Kendra has continually told social media followers that her marriage is on the rocks. Is she serious? Or just trying to garner attention for Season 7?

View Slideshow

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Derick Dillard Attacks Jazz Jennings AGAIN, Gets Torn Apart on Twitter

If you’re a fan of the Duggar family, then you’re probably already aware that Derick Dillard has been fired from Counting On as a result of his decision to berate and harass fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings.

Back in November, Dillard directed an unprovoked social media tirade at Jennings, a transgender teen who also stars in a reality show on the network.

In the months since, neither Derick nor his wife, Jill Duggar, has filmed any scenes for her family’s popular series, and it doesn’t look as though they’ll be returning to the spotlight anytime soon.

These days, it seems that Derick is trying his best to make amends, but as usual, he’s just digging himself a deeper hole.

The latest Derick dust-up has had to do with the former reality star’s views on the national gun control debate.

Last week, Dillard attacked the survivors of the Parkland school shooting for behaving in a “ridiculous” fashion.

Needless to say, his comments were not well-received.

Yesterday, he tweeted a link to an article in which he was criticized for being critical of traumatized teens.

“No, I criticized the media’s use of kids again…like @TLC uses Jazz,” Derick tweeted in his own defense.

“My heart goes out to the victims, but all ideas should be heard, and subjected to criticism.”

He probably would’ve been better off not bringing up Jazz up again, but ultimately it was a pretty tame comment by Derick standards.

Unfortunately, when fans responded to the tweet, Derick chose to engage with them in offensive fashion:

When one Twitter user accused Derick of bullying Jazz, Dillard responded:

“Hi, please realize that I never said anything against him.

“If you read that in a tabloid, I encourage you to be extremely skeptical of anything put out by any opinion or gossip publication.”

Yes, while claiming that he can’t understand why people think he’s being unkind to Jazz, Derick once again misgendered the girl.

Not surprisingly, fans weren’t having it:

“If you are uncomfortable or against using the pronoun ‘her’ you could just use the name ‘Jazz’,” wrote one follower.

“You don’t have to go out of your way with the ‘he’ and ‘him.’ It would be the kind thing to do. Just sayin.”

“You are a hypocrite and a child abuser and a bully,” tweeted another.

A third slammed Derick as an “ignorant piece of sh-t.”

Dillard has yet to respond to the latest round of criticism against him.

As for the Parkland issue, however, Dillard is sticking to his guns – literally.

He recently tweeted a link to a post about a conspiracy theories and alleged anti-gun media biases with this description:

“True; I think it’s pretty obvious.  My wife has over 200,000 followers and still hasn’t been verified.”

Well Der, if it’s any consolation, now that you’ve gotten her kicked off her show, Jill probably won’t have that many followers for long!

Watch Counting On online to relive better times for the Dillards.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Snooki & Jionni LaValle: We"re Living Apart, But We"re NOT Divorced!

Rumors that Snooki and Jionni LaValle are headed for divorce have been circulating non-stop several months now, because apparently a surprising number of people still care what the former stars of Jersey Shore are up to these days.

Of course, the vast majority of those people didn’t tune into the recent Jersey Shore reunion special which tanked in the ratings, but that’s a different story…

For a long time, Snooki and Jionni refused to address the divorce rumors at all, which only furthered suspicions that they were on the verge of calling it quits.

And it’s hard to see why fans were convinced a divorce announcement was in the offing.

Seemingly out of the blue, Snooki abruptly stopped posting photos of Jionni on her Instagram page.

According to Radar Online, LaValle was even absent from the family Christmas card photo.

Some Snooki aficionados proposed other theories, but everyone seemed in agreement that comething was up with the LaValles.

And it looked as though whatever it was, they would do their best to keep it under wraps for the foreseeable future.

These days, however, Snooki is more in the spotlight than at any other time since the peak of her Shore fame, which makes it all but impossible to keep a secret.

It’s universally understood that Snooks is who people are tuning in to see (if they tune in, that is), which meand Mrs. Polizzi-LaValle is even more front-and-center than her cast mates.

Yes, folks may have lost interest in The Situation’s situation, but Snooki has maintained a pretty steady social media following over the years.

As in her Shore days, much of Snooki’s appeal stems from her candor, which may be why she’s decided to finally address the divorce rumors…

…by having Jionni clear things up:

“My wife is filming a scene packing up and leaving for her new show and I am choosing not to be on TV because I simply do not like it,” Jionni wrote on Instragam this week.

That may sound worrisome, but it turns out the reason he doesn’t want any part of the scene is that he doesn’t want her to go.

“I own my own business and work hard at it, that’s what I do,” LaValle.

“My wife is a reality star and works hard at that, that’s what she does.”

He did not respond to the persistent fan question about whether or not he and Snooki are living apart, but he did insist that they’re “not divorced.”

So it doesn’t sound like it’s all rainbows and sunshine in Snooki and Jionni’s world, but it does seem like they’re trying to work things out.

Probably not the best timing for her take off on a drunken road trip with a bunch of guys she’s previously hooked up with, but what are ya gonna do?


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Suri Cruise: Begging to See Tom Cruise After Four Years Apart?

Suri Cruise has reportedly not seen Tom Cruise for years. She’s photographed with (and by!) her mom, Katie Holmes, all of the time.

We’ve talked before about how this is probably part of a long-standing agreement between the parents, and likely for the best.

But does Suri know that? A report claims that she’s been insisting on seeing her father.

So, the new cover of Star claims that Suri Cruise has been demanding to see her father.

The story teases Suri’s “heartbreaking plea to Tom after 1487 days part” and even the irresistible rhyme of “4 years of tears.”

Gotta love a catchy rhyme that’s also evocative.

The story goes on to describe Suri’s alleged emotional plea: 

“Desperately missing her dad, the 11-year-old asks her father a poignant, heartbreaking question: When can I see you?”

It then describes how Suri is too smart to fall for the “he has a busy film schedule” line, since Tom Cruise hangs out with some of his other children who are older.

That is a powerful story that cuts right to your heart. It reads as the story of every child with an absent parent who wonders if they’re just not good enough, with the twist of the absent parent being omnipresent in film (even if he shouldn’t be in some of them).

The story has some problems though — beyond the fact that we have no idea who the “source” providing all of the details might be.

For starters, the story refers to Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx going public with their relationship. Which they have — in only the most literal sense, because they were looking very cozy together while outdoors.

That’s not the same as an announcement.

In fact, Jamie Foxx doesn’t even tell his friends details about his relationship with Katie Holmes. 

Whatever the reason behind these two playing coy, whether it’s part of some obscene divorce agreement from Tom Cruise that Katie would wait a certain period before publicly dating anyone else or … actually that’s the only explanation that comes to mind … it seems like they both take it pretty seriously.

So the Star article was already on thin ice, at this point.

Then the reports by this insider get even more outlandish, describing how Tom Cruise was having a sudden change of heart upon hearing Suri Cruise’s plea.

First of all, we wonder how he’d even hear it. He very likely does not pay attention to any news, ever. Not only is he busy with his career, but Scientologists are reportedly discouraged from looking up news about the Church of Scientology and also about themselves.

But, sure, maybe Suri made this plea and also sent it or Katie Holmes sent it or whatever.

The insider claims that Tom Cruise might be considering leaving the Church of Scientology, of which he is the golden poster boy, in order to spend more time with Suri.

The Church of Scientology does everything for Tom Cruise. He can stay at any place of theirs that he wants. David Miscavige bends over backwards for Tom Cruise, because they want him happy and he never wants to leave.

So that does not sound believable. Which calls everything else into question.

(And let’s be honest — the whole thing was already in question)

Gossip Cop reports that there’s nothing true about the story. That Suri Cruise did not make any such plea.

A representative for Katie Holmes said, point-blank: “Nothing in the story is true.”

They also said that they shared as much with Star.

The rep also added a very good point about Star‘s magazine cover: “It’s unfortunate [the publication] put a child, who is a private citizen, on the cover.”

(Many publishers have a policy of avoiding buying paparazzi photos of children so that celebrity kids, who never asked for this life, are less likely to be stalked by an over-eager photographer who wants to make a big score)

So … it sounds like the Suri plea probably didn’t happen.

There’s no telling what Katie Holmes has told Suri to explain her father’s absence.

But, as we’ve stated, it sounds like it’s for the best.

As many people noted when they saw Tom Cruise jump on Oprah’s couch in the world’s most alarming bit of televised furniture parkour, the guy is intense and does not think like other people and is, in many ways, out of touch with your average person.

In the years since that famous interview, from before he and Katie were even married, even more people have realized that maybe Tom Cruise is good at acting but might not be the perfect role model for a child or even the best caregiver.

Letting Suri grow up in the most normal possible environment for her, with Katie, is almost certainly the best thing for her. And we have a feeling that Suri probably realizes that.


Monday, October 9, 2017

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle: Driven Apart By Her Career?!

We know, we know–you’ve heard this one before, but bear with us.

For roughly the 47 millionth time since the couple began dating, there are rumors that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are engaged.

Harry and Meghan appeared at the Invictus Games in Toronto last week, and the high school cafeteria gossips who have grown up to become royal obsessives took it as a sure sign that they would be announcing their engagement at some point during the event.

To the chagrin of many, the games came and went and still no sign of commitment bling on Meghan.

Still, the consensus seems to be that Harry and Meghan are engaged, but not ready to make an announcement.

So what’s the holdup?

Well, some believe that the royals feel it would look strange for a married couple to live on separate continents.

Yes, it seems that for the time being, Meghan is planning to remain a full-time resident of Toronto.

While sources say this will be her last season on the USA Network legal drama Suits, Meghan is reportedly committed to remaining fully focused on her work until her time on the show comes to a close.

“Meghan loves playing Rachel and feels she owes so much to Suits,”   says one insider.

“But Harry can’t move to Toronto, so she’ll have to move eventually if they want to be together.”

Yes, we suppose representing one of the world’s most powerful nations on the global stage is somewhat more important than helping to fill the time between Polident commercials on basic cable.

So even though Harry’s schedule likely allows for greater travel time, he can’t just abandon his royal duties to go eat poutine and watch the Leafs battle the Habs.

(That’s a hockey reference, for you 99% of Americans who are vaguely aware it’s a sport.)

So it sounds like despite rumors that royal rules would prevent Harry and Meghan from getting hitched, secure plan is in place for Harry and Meghan to share their big news with the world.

But at this point, no ring is on the finger

Insiders say Harry and Meghan are “as good as engaged,” but that might be cold comfort for Meghan.

After all, we’re sure Prince William assured Kate Middleton that she “pretty much his fiancee” for years before he popped the question.


Friday, October 6, 2017

Tyrese SLAMS Dwayne Johnson: He Tore the Fast Family Apart!

The ninth installment in the popular The Fast And The Furious film series won’t be out until 2020, but it looks like this cast is going to generate enough drama to keep us entertained until then.

This week, Tyrese Gibson, who plays Roman Pearce in the films, is slamming Dwayne Johnson, who plays Luke Hobbs. Why?

Because Dwayne Johnson accepted a spinoff which Tyrese feels delayed production of the 9th film … and was a betrayal of the entire cast!

Tyrese taking swipes at Dwayne Johnson is hardly the first time that the men of the Fash & Furious franchise have let their drama spill out into the public.

Dwayne Johnson, who was not in the series at the beginning, took to social media to slam his Fast 8 costars in an epic rant.

This is a guy who gives off a “cuddly” image to his fans, but he was not only exposing the on-set drama to the public, but also bashing unnamed male costars.

It was quickly obvious that Dwayne’s not-so-subtle rant was targeted at costar Vin Diesel.

Which … might be the first time, in our recollection, that anyone has ever publicly had a problem with Vin Diesel. He’s just a very buff nerd with a deep voice. This is the guy who taught Dame Judi Dench how to play Dungeons and Dragons.

Vin Diesel’s response was very mellow and honestly pretty vague, which really fits his brand. He’s not really Riddick, he just plays him in films.

The feud between these two beefcake actors has been going strong for a while now.

And Tyrese is very decidedly on Vin Diesel’s side. Especially now that Dwayne Johnson has accepted a role to star in a spin-off.

In an Instagram post, Tyrese Gibson shared his thoughts about the direction of the Fast & Furious franchise … and whose fault it was.

“Diversity, love, multi ethnic worldwide multi generational, United Nations, One Race, Fast Family…… Until Dewayne showed up.”

That sounds like an adaptation of the opening lines to Avatar: The Last Airbender, right?

“I guess this whole time he had a problem cause he wasn’t the ONLY ONE on the movie poster……”


“….. I guess dreams do come true congratulations to @hhgarcia41 and @therock you guys are just amazing you really broke up the #FastFamily”

Hiram Garcia is also joining Dwayne Johnson in the spin-off.

“I tried to warn you guys… You thought I was hating…… I was simply fighting to keep the family together what makes us great is when you see us all TOGETHER we don’t fly solo…..”

Ensemble casts can make for the best storytelling.

“#MyLastPost today….. I got 3 years of venting on this clown – They offered but YOU didn’t have to agree with a solo #HobbsMovie”

If he has three years of venting built up, we imagine that he’ll have more to say in the coming days … and years, actually.

“#OriginalFastFamily we salute you and stand on your shoulders #VinDiesel #PaulWalker #RobCohen #RomanTej were offered a spin off we TURNED IT DOWN!!!”

Invoking the late Paul Walker’s name might be a bit much, but Paul Walker was very close friends with Vin Diesel.

Now, we don’t know if Dwayne Johnson actually had a prima donna issue with being part of an ensemble cast instead of playing the lead.

He does tend to project a larger than life image, and we’re not just talking about how swole he is.

Tyrese may genuinely believe that Dwayne Johnson’s motivations are egomaniacal, but that doesn’t make it true.

And in all fairness we should point out that some of Dwayne’s supporters have argued that Vin Diesel turned down his own similar offer because they weren’t offering him enough money, not out of loyalty.

We … don’t know that this is the case. That doesn’t really fit Vin Diesel’s brand or personality at all.

But we felt like we should mention that counter-argument anyway.

For his part, Vin Diesel simply shared a photo of himself with Tyrese and Paul Walker.

Vin captioned that photo: “Brotherhood.”

It’s not a direct response, sure, but it definitely seems like it’s a vague endorsement of Tyrese’s intentions if not necessarily of all of his words.

That’s very much Vin Diesel’s style.

All of this makes us wonder — is Vin Diesel going to have more time to produce his Riddick franchise TV series and more Riddick movies since Fast 9 has been pushed back and Vin didn’t accept the spin-off?

Sorry, but we’ve got to look for the silver lining in all of this.
