Monday, June 4, 2018

Josh Duggar Returns to Social Media, Gets Torn Apart By Fans

Over the weekend, Josh Duggar’s son Marcus celebrated his fifth birthday.

Normally, Josh keeps a pretty low profile on social media, but he decided to make an appearance on Facebook in order to celebrate Marcus’ big day.

Needless to say, it didn’t go well.

The above photo appeared on the Duggars’ official Facebook page on Saturday, along with the following caption:

“Happy birthday to our sweet grandson, Marcus!” Josh’s parents wrote.

“We love your sweet, precious spirit, Marcus! You are growing up so fast and learning new things each and everyday! We love you and love watching you grow in the knowledge of the Lord.”

Josh made a tentative return to social media last week, but it seems his intention then was to quietly steal money from fans.

This is the first time in quite a long time that fans have seen a new photo of Josh.

It’s also the first confirmation in several months that — despite rumors of Anna leaving Josh — the family of seven is very much intact.

Some Duggar followers didn’t take the news so well:

“Josh should be castrated!” wrote one fan, adding:

“Those poor little girls are at risk for being prey to their own father! The plot to cover for this monster was a very Christian thing to do!”

“Ugh that josh tho,” commented another Facebook user.

Those sentiments were widely echoed, and the memory of Josh’s sexual misconduct clearly remains fresh for many.

And those folks remain thoroughly disgusted by his actions.

But as In Touch Weekly points out, a surprising number of fans are calling for forgiveness for Josh:

“A story of God’s love and restoration. Too bad others have such a difficult time forgiving. God bless this family,” one fan wrote.

“It’s so nice to see a photo of Anna, Josh and their beautiful family. Anna doesn’t post too often on Instagram,” remarked another.

Yes, it may be hard to believe, but there are folks out there who are fervently Team Josh.

We don’t know what’s more bizarre — that some people are so quick to forgive such shocking abuse, or that they’re eager to advertise their loyalty to Josh on Facebook.

In either case, it seems the eldest son of Jim Bob and Michelle won’t be going away anytime soon.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
