Showing posts with label Begging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Begging. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Hailey Baldwin: BEGGING Justin Bieber to Propose?!

One woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure … and, possibly, soon-to-be fiance.

Hailey Baldwin has been enjoying Selena’s sloppy seconds in the form of Justin Bieber, but it’s not the first time that Hailey’s dated the Biebs.

A report says that, this time, Hailey is playing for keeps — and wants Justin to put a ring on it.

So, Justin and Hailey are back together. But it looks like this is already no casual fling between old flames.

RadarOnline reports that Hailey Baldwin is eager for Justin Bieber to propose.

“Hailey has always been crazy about Justin,” the source explains.

Well, so were a lot of people. Even though some fans think Justin’s basically ugly now given that he’s covered his body in tattoos.

But Justin and Hailey have dated before, and the insider says that “they stayed friends after ending their romance.”

That’s not so unusual.

The source says that this friendship was great, “but it’s no secret that she was hoping it would turn into something more again.”

Former lovers can be hard to leg go.

Now that they’re back together, the source says, “she’s finally got what she wanted.”

Some of that infamous Bieber wang! Also the rest of him and, like, his affections.

“And now that they’re together,” the insider continues. “[She] wants to make things official.”

Not just by announcing their relationship — though fans have seen proof that they’re back together — but with an engagement.

And the source says that Hailey hopes that Justin will pop the question “as soon as possible.”

Wow … isn’t that rushing it a bit?

“They already know each other so well and have a great connection,” the source explains.

They already know that they’e compatible, the insider spells out, “so Hailey wants this to move fast.”

The source even characterizes Hailey as “begging” the Biebs for a ring, though that sounds a little like exaggeration, right?

“She would love to marry Justin,” the insider dishes. “And hopes that he’s ready to take that step with her.”

And she’s reportedly not afraid to give Justin a nudge in that direction.

The source says: “Hailey is dropping plenty of hints that she’s eager to settle down.”

Whenever anyone is dropping hints, we think of the infamous dropping hints meme that Kim Kardashian spawned.

Don’t worry. Hailey is eager, the insider says, “but she’s also being careful not to push him away.”

That sounds smart.

“The last thing she wants,” the source explains. “Is to lose him again.”

We cannot confirm any parts of this report, and want to make that clear.

Hailey Baldwin, we would hope, would have the sense to make sure that she and Justin are still romantically compatible before pushing for an engagement.

It’s true that sometimes people just know and get married right away and have long, healthy relationships. But she and Justin have done this dance before and then parted ways.

There is a tendency for the human mind to romanticize the past. Your old apartment, your old job, your former lover, your former grocery store — whatever it may be.

After a few days or a few weeks or a few months, however, you start to remember why you moved on.

It’s usually a good idea to not rush into things with an ex whom you’ve spent years romanticizing.

That said, Hailey is a grown-ass adult and she can get engaged to the Biebs if she wants to.

But … would he feel the same?

He may still believe that God wants him to marry Selena Gomez.

It’s kind of difficult to argue with someone who believes that their romantic destiny is divinely ordained.

Let’s just see how things go for these two.


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Kim Kardashian: Begging Khloe to FINALLY Dump Tristan Thompson?!

Hasn’t it been just so emotionally exhausting to watch everything go down between Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson for these past several weeks?

And if it’s been so hard on us, complete strangers to Khloe, can you imagine how tough it must be to be someone who actually knows her?

For instance, put yourself in Kim Kardashian’s shoes for a minute.

OK, now take off those shoes because they’re insanely uncomfortable and ill-fitting and they’re not cute anyway, and now think about how much it must suck to watch your little sister go through all this.

The whole world has seen irrefutable evidence that Tristan cheated on her on at least two separate occasions during her pregnancy.

And it’s hard to believe that those were the only times he did it — who knows how many other women he hooked up with in places without security cameras or nosy witnesses?

Even if it was only those two times that he cheated on her, he still cheated on her while she was pregnant with his child.

It’s awful, and many, many siblings would stop at nothing to get revenge if their sister’s boyfriend pulled that kind of nonsense.

For her part, Kim has been vocal about her feelings for Tristan, even going as far as to trash him in an interview on Ellen.

“I don’t even know how to describt it besisdes it’s just so f-cked up,” she said then.

“We were really rooting for Khloe, and we still are. You know, she’s so strong and she’s doing the best that she can. It’s a really sad situation all over.”

She didn’t go into too much detail because she wanted to “keep it cute, keep it classy, and not talk too bad” because “some day, True is going see this.”

But she definitely got her point across — she does not like Tristan, not one little bit.

On a later interview on Live with Kelly and Ryan, she was asked about the situation, and she said that “last time I went on TV and I answered some questions about her, I got blocked on social media … not from Khloe.”

Because yes, Tristan blocked Kim on Instagram, because that’s a good thing to do here.

Kim did add that she’s “always rooting” for Khloe, and “for love” and “for families,” so it’s not like she’s going on TV demanding that Khloe kick Tristan’s sorry ass to the curb or anything.

But in private, that could be exactly what she’s doing.

As a source tells Radar Online, “Kim hates Tristan, come on, how could she like him?”

Solid point already.

“Kim knows he will cheat again!” the insider says. “Kim has told Khloe that she should break up with Tristan.”

“Yes, she has a baby with him, but she doesn’t need a man like that in her life.”

Not only is Kim supposedly doing her best to convince Khloe to dump him, but she’s also “waging an all-out war on Tristan.”

“She loves Khloe and she doesn’t want her to be humiliated and treated badly. She thinks she should leave him as soon as she can.”

Lots of people agree that Khloe doesn’t need to be with Tristan, but unfortunately, it’s not so easy right now, is it?

Khloe just became a mother, something that she’s wanted for a long, long time, and she’s talked for months and months about how perfect Tristan is.

To leave him now, when their daughter is barely a month old, would be hard — maybe too hard for her at the moment.

If Kim really is declaring war on Tristan, and since he’s facing so, so much hate from strangers everywhere, there’s a possibility that he’ll leave her to get away from all the criticism.

But for now, it looks like he’s comfortable being the jerk who gets tons of ridicule but who still gets the perks of dating a Kardashian.

Fight harder, Kim!


Monday, November 13, 2017

Derick Dillard: Begging Fans For Cash After Being Fired By TLC?!

Over the weekend, fans of the Duggar family were shocked to learn that Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard had been fired by the TLC network.

The move came in response to Dillard’s continued harassment of Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen who is also the star of a TLC reality show.

Dillard voiced his objections to Jennings lifestyle in a series of transphobic rants that frequently crossed the line into bullying and harassment.

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God,” Dillard tweeted back in August.

Dillard persisted in his attacks on Jennings even after being criticized by numerous public figures and former fans of the Duggars.

Bizarrely, despite no apparent provocation, Dillard picked up where he left off last week, once again haranguing the 17-year-old despite pleas for civility from fans and critics alike:

“Jazz is being taken advantage of, as part of a larger agenda,” Derick argued in his unprompted tirade.

“I hate seeing him used this way,” Derick continued, intentionally misgendering the teen.

The fixation may seem entirely inexplicable to casual fans of the Duggars, but those who have watched the family closely these past few years are aware of an ugly truth:

Derick has ambitions of rising above his status as one of the many Duggar in-laws, and it seems he’s decided to make a name for himself as an arch-conservative firebrand by beating up on Jazz.

Of course, his plan backfired in spectacular fashion, and now Derick finds himself on the offensive.

He took to Instagram today to practice two skills that will likely serve him well in his future career as a highly opinionated nobody–he offered a lame-brained defense of his earlier foolishness, and he begged for money from his social media followers.

“Our culture has accepted two huge lies,” Derick wrote.

“The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise conviction to be compassionate.”

Yes, a grown man who was recently fired for bullying a teenage girl is now lecturing you on compassion.

Welcome to 2017.

From there, Derick did what he does best and groveled for cash.

Dillard has a history of begging for money online, but these days, he’s clearly more desperate than ever.

“BIG NEWS,” he latest hilariously began. “I am currently serving through a program at my home church, called the Cross Church School of Ministry!

“I am so excited about this incredible opportunity for further ministry development, and I would like to invite you to share in this excitement with me.”

He added

“I started a fundraiser on gofundme to raise the funding I need for various missions opportunities I will have throughout the year. I have a donations goal of $ 10,000.

“This will enable me to fulfill my specific calling to ministry this year, including trips for Gospel-advancement and humanitarian work in Northwest Arkansas, North America, and abroad.”

In the past, Derick has been kicked off all of the the fundraising sites that hosted his cash-grabs, and that’s probably the fate that awaits him here.

Whatever the case, his pleas appear to be falling on deaf ears.

His fundraising efforts appear to have stalled out at  $ 2,714.

If this keeps up Derick will have to face the one thing he hates more than beloved teenage television stars–full-time employment.

Watch Counting On online to relive D-Dill’s brief time in the spotlight.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Suri Cruise: Begging to See Tom Cruise After Four Years Apart?

Suri Cruise has reportedly not seen Tom Cruise for years. She’s photographed with (and by!) her mom, Katie Holmes, all of the time.

We’ve talked before about how this is probably part of a long-standing agreement between the parents, and likely for the best.

But does Suri know that? A report claims that she’s been insisting on seeing her father.

So, the new cover of Star claims that Suri Cruise has been demanding to see her father.

The story teases Suri’s “heartbreaking plea to Tom after 1487 days part” and even the irresistible rhyme of “4 years of tears.”

Gotta love a catchy rhyme that’s also evocative.

The story goes on to describe Suri’s alleged emotional plea: 

“Desperately missing her dad, the 11-year-old asks her father a poignant, heartbreaking question: When can I see you?”

It then describes how Suri is too smart to fall for the “he has a busy film schedule” line, since Tom Cruise hangs out with some of his other children who are older.

That is a powerful story that cuts right to your heart. It reads as the story of every child with an absent parent who wonders if they’re just not good enough, with the twist of the absent parent being omnipresent in film (even if he shouldn’t be in some of them).

The story has some problems though — beyond the fact that we have no idea who the “source” providing all of the details might be.

For starters, the story refers to Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx going public with their relationship. Which they have — in only the most literal sense, because they were looking very cozy together while outdoors.

That’s not the same as an announcement.

In fact, Jamie Foxx doesn’t even tell his friends details about his relationship with Katie Holmes. 

Whatever the reason behind these two playing coy, whether it’s part of some obscene divorce agreement from Tom Cruise that Katie would wait a certain period before publicly dating anyone else or … actually that’s the only explanation that comes to mind … it seems like they both take it pretty seriously.

So the Star article was already on thin ice, at this point.

Then the reports by this insider get even more outlandish, describing how Tom Cruise was having a sudden change of heart upon hearing Suri Cruise’s plea.

First of all, we wonder how he’d even hear it. He very likely does not pay attention to any news, ever. Not only is he busy with his career, but Scientologists are reportedly discouraged from looking up news about the Church of Scientology and also about themselves.

But, sure, maybe Suri made this plea and also sent it or Katie Holmes sent it or whatever.

The insider claims that Tom Cruise might be considering leaving the Church of Scientology, of which he is the golden poster boy, in order to spend more time with Suri.

The Church of Scientology does everything for Tom Cruise. He can stay at any place of theirs that he wants. David Miscavige bends over backwards for Tom Cruise, because they want him happy and he never wants to leave.

So that does not sound believable. Which calls everything else into question.

(And let’s be honest — the whole thing was already in question)

Gossip Cop reports that there’s nothing true about the story. That Suri Cruise did not make any such plea.

A representative for Katie Holmes said, point-blank: “Nothing in the story is true.”

They also said that they shared as much with Star.

The rep also added a very good point about Star‘s magazine cover: “It’s unfortunate [the publication] put a child, who is a private citizen, on the cover.”

(Many publishers have a policy of avoiding buying paparazzi photos of children so that celebrity kids, who never asked for this life, are less likely to be stalked by an over-eager photographer who wants to make a big score)

So … it sounds like the Suri plea probably didn’t happen.

There’s no telling what Katie Holmes has told Suri to explain her father’s absence.

But, as we’ve stated, it sounds like it’s for the best.

As many people noted when they saw Tom Cruise jump on Oprah’s couch in the world’s most alarming bit of televised furniture parkour, the guy is intense and does not think like other people and is, in many ways, out of touch with your average person.

In the years since that famous interview, from before he and Katie were even married, even more people have realized that maybe Tom Cruise is good at acting but might not be the perfect role model for a child or even the best caregiver.

Letting Suri grow up in the most normal possible environment for her, with Katie, is almost certainly the best thing for her. And we have a feeling that Suri probably realizes that.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Phaedra Parks: BEGGING to Come Back to The Real Housewives of Atlanta?

If you’re a star of any show of the Real Housewives franchise, you’ve kind of got it made.

Not just because you’re probably rich if you get to star on it, but because you get a nice paycheck for hanging with your frenemies and being extra and overturning the occasional table. Dream job, right?

Phaedra Parks was booted from The Real Housewives of Atlanta, but she’s now dogged with rumors that she’s begging to get back on the show. But is she, really?

Phaedra Parks’ time with The Real Housewives of Atlanta came to an end after the RHOA Reunion episode last May.

Cast members come and go. That’s how it is.

Phaedra Parks settled her divorce agreement in July, so you might say that it was just a summer of her severing her old ties and starting fresh.

At least, that would be a positive way to try to spin it.

If you’ll recall, her divorce was complicated by the fact that Apollo Nida wanted to set aside their prenup, as Phaedra had become the breadwinner while he had landed himself in prison.

But even with all of that behind her, Phaedra would hardly be the first person to no longer on a reality show who suddenly found that they really, really wanted to get back in.

When rumors cropped up that Phaedra was practically begging to return as a cast member of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, it didn’t sound far-fetched.

But, as it turns out, those rumors aren’t quite true.

Us Weekly reports that Phaedra Parks is not trying to worm her way back onto the show.

But, from what their sources say, you can kind of see why there might be whispers that she is.

“Phaedra has been talking to some of the women of RHOA again but has not filmed any scenes so far.”

Obviously, leaving the show doesn’t mean that she and her former costars can’t still talk.

(Though, after being exposed as a liar during the reunion, it’s not clear who among her former friends would still want to associate with her — which is why she’s no longer on the show in the first place)

“They are still filming so anything could happen and there is room for a cameo but she has not returned and obviously still isn’t part of the cast.”

That sounds very firm and certain.

Everything that we’ve seen about the upcoming season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta (Season 10), in terms of promotional materials, backs up the claim that Phaedra isn’t returning.

(At least, it doesn’t contradict it)

We haven’t seen hair nor hide of Phaedra in the trailer.

In fact, we saw Porsha Williams bonding with Kim Zolciak and suggesting that perhaps she might replace Phaedra with Kim in her life.

(At least … as long as cameras are rolling; even then, she was probably just cracking a joke)

Phaedra’s lie, that Kandi Burruss and Todd Tucker planned to drug Porsha Williams and take her home, was so outlandish and awful that you can understand why neither her former costars nor the show itself want to touch her with a ten-foot pole.

Even reality shows have lines that they won’t cross, folks.

Honestly, if Phaedra does make a cameo on the show, we imagine that it will either be a “coincidence” for drama’s sake.

(The reality show equivalent of running into an old rival in the grocery store)

OR it might be a situation where Phaedra comes back to apologize and make amends.

Reality television can be a great vehicle for a redemption arc.

But we wouldn’t expect anyone to push for that any time soon.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Derick Dillard: STILL Begging For Money From Fans!

If you’re a fan of the Duggar clan, then you’re probably aware that Jill Duggar and her husband Derick Dillard have spent much of the past two years performing missionary work in Central America.

While no one doubts that the couple accomplished some good and perhaps even changed a few lives for the better during their time in El Salvador, the Dillards’ motives and ability to safely and effectively perform the work required of them have both been called into question.

For one thing, the Jill and Derick are not licensed missionaries, which means they never demonstrated that they have the skills necessary for such important and dangerous work, and they did not receive sponsorship from any religious organization.

As a result of their lack of sponsorship, the Dillards solicited donations from fans online.

Obviously, this raised a number of problematic issues.

Many fans pointed out that Jill and Derick’s time would be better spent undergoing the training required by the International Mission Board and the Southern Baptist Conference.

Many others complained that  Jill comes from a fabulously wealthy family, and if she wants to make an unauthorized missionary trip, she should fund it herself.

The outcry eventually became too much for Jill and Derick, and they announced two weeks ago that they would no longer be asking fans for money.

Unfortunately, it seems the Dillards resolve on that issue lasted roughly until the time when the monthly bills became due.

Earlier this week, Derick took to Instagram to reveal that he’s enrolled in the Cross Church School of Ministry, a one-year program that trains its students to serve as campus ministers at schools, hospitals and workplaces.

Of course, Derick is unemployed these days, so naturally, he’d like his fans to foot the bill:

“BIG NEWS! For the next year, I will be serving through a program at my home church, called the Cross Church School of Ministry!” he wrote on Instagram.

“I am so excited about this incredible opportunity for further ministry development, and I would like to invite you to share in this excitement with me,” he added.

By “share in the excitement,” Derick meant, of course, that he wants you to throw him some cash.

He set up a fundraiser on the Pure Charity website where fans can assist him with paying for his tuition.

Thus far, however, Derick’s efforts appear to be falling flat.

“I started a fundraiser on Pure Charity to raise the funding I need for various missions opportunities I will have throughout the year. I have a donations goal of $ 6,500,” Derick wrote on Instagram.

As of this writing, he has received just two donations, for a total of $ 125 in proceeds.

Considering Derick has whopping 820,000 followers on Instagram alone, we imagine he thought he would be much closer to his goal several days into the fundraiser.

Of course, it’s not exactly an ideal time for Derick to be asking favors from the masses.

The 28-year-old father of two has been so scandal-plagued in recent months that some have called him “the next Josh Duggar.”

Obviously, Derick isn’t involved in anything nearly as vile as the actions that brought down his disgraced brother-in-law, but like Josh, he could single-handedly cost the Duggars their lucrative reality show.

Earlier this month, Derick attacked Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen and fellow TLC reality star, in a bizarre, transphobic rant on Twitter.

Thus far, there have been no serious ramifications from his actions, but fans might not be in a rush to fund the career of an aspiring minister who’s in the habit of bullying already at-risk teen girls on social media.

Go figure.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Suge Knight Super Talkative, Begging Judge, "Let Me See My Lawyers"

Suge Knight talked up a storm in court Thursday, begging a judge to let him talk to ALL his lawyers but the judge made it clear — his hands are tied. The former rap mogul went on a diatribe, the likes of which we haven’t seen since he was…


Friday, June 30, 2017

Javi Marroquin: Begging Kailyn Lowry to Take Him Back?!

It’s been 18 months since Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin finalized their divorce, and while they seem to have worked out an amicable co-parenting relationship these days, there were some serious rough patches along the way.

Both parties have stated that the main reason they broke up was the fact that Kailyn didn’t want to have any more kids and Javi did.

So we imagine it came as quite a surprise when Kailyn revealed she’s pregnant with her third child back in February.

Kailyn is no longer dating Chris Lopez, who was recently revealed to be the father of her third kid.

So it was only a matter of time before rumors about Lowry and Marroquin getting back together began to circulate on social media.

Most of these reports have turned out to be bogus, but you can’t blame fans for jumping to conclusions based one of Javi’s latest tweets.

“All the days that I reminisce.. about the way I used to kiss them pretty lips,” Marroquin tweeted on Wednesday.

It seems that Javi was quoting a lyric from Diddy’s “I Need a Girl”, but fans took it as an indication that he’s pining for Kailyn.

After all, the song is from 2009, so quoting without providing any context does seem to suggest that the lyrics have significant personal meaning.

But it seems there’s a different set of lipe in Javi’s life these days, as he clarified to Radar Online that he was not referring to Kailyn.

“No,” he said when asked if the tweet was about Lowry.

“I wasn’t referring to her.”

Javi has admitted that he was surprised by the news of Kailyn’s pregnancy, but has not offered any insight as to how that development might affect their co-parenting relationship.

As for his future on the show that made him famous, it looks as though Javi will remain a regular cast member in the new season that debuts in July.

Lopez, on the other hand, has made it clear that he has zero interest in being a reality star, and has taken steps to ensure his name and likeness will not appear on television at all, which is likely causing headaches for MTV execs.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online now to get caught up in time for what may be the most compelling season yet.


Sunday, May 28, 2017

Matt Baier: Begging Amber Portwood to Film Sex Tape?!

As we heard just a few days ago, Amber Portwood is considering the possibility of making a sex tape with her sketchy boyfriend, Matt Baier.

We know, we’re still not OK either.

Amber and Matt met with Vivid Entertainment, the same company that sold Farrah Abraham’s sex tape, earlier this month to go over their options.

They have decided what to do about the offer yet, but from the way they’ve been going on about it on social media and in interviews, there’s a good chance they’ll go through with it.

Amber has said that she’s not “strapped for cash,” and that she has “a nice house a nice life. I have everything I need.”

But, she’s quick to add, “I’m a business person.”

And in this new interview Matt did with Us Weekly, he’s pushing the “business” aspect of a sex tape, and he’s pushing it hard.

Matt says that they took the meeting in the first place “because we’re business people and people want to meet with us, and if they’re legitimate people, we’ll take the meeting.”

Like people are knocking down his door for meetings, right? Oh, Matt.

“What I can tell you about the Vivid meeting,” he says, “is that it was incredibly professional.”

“We were shocked at how business-like and professional and low pressure it was. Both of us were extraordinarily flattered to get such a generous offer from Vivid.”

“We never envisioned ourselves as being adult film stars, especially me in any way shape or form,” he continues.

But still, he says he and Amber are happy they took the meeting, because “It was a very good meeting that we really, really enjoyed.”

But was it a good meeting? Was it handled professionally? It wasn’t seedy or anything, was it? It was good?

“As business people,” Matt explains, “Amber and I need to consider every offer we get from every different angle.”

“No matter what offer — we have several offers made to us — we look at it with a pros-and-cons sort of business standpoint.”

Very Important Businessman Matt knows that “there are people in the world who are going to judge us that we even took the meeting.”

But “I can tell you just from having that meeting, Amber and I gained a whole new respect for that industry that we didn’t have before.”

And before you point out that all the Teen Mom OG cast members came down on Farrah for making a sex tape, and Amber and Matt would be ridiculously hypocritical to do the same thing, check yourself.

“Despite our differences with Farrah — and I can only speak for myself — our disagreements with Farrah have nothing to do with the decision she made to do an adult film,” Matt claims.

“I can tell you from getting that offer it’s not an easy decision to make either way.”

“There’s a semblance of respect there that she put herself out there like that,” he adds of Farrah. “That’s the one thing I can say that we agree with Farrah on.”

So it seems like he’s really, really trying to make this sex tape thing happen, doesn’t it?

Not only is he going on about how wonderful and amazing and professional Vivid Entertainment is, he’s also trying to make it seem like making a sex tape is a respectable thing to do.

Which is fine, of course, but let’s not forget how Amber made remarks about Farrah “selling her vagina,” and how she’s nothing like Farrah.

Somebody better warn Amber and Matt about the dangers of living in a glass house.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: Broke? Begging For Money From Fans?!

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard are once again back in El Salvador, where they’re performing missionary work and preparing for the arrival of their second child.

The Dillards have always planned to return to the States in order for Jill to give birth, but as her third trimester draws near, it seems that not all is going according to plan.

A recent blog post penned by Jill and posted on the Dillards’ official website on Tuesday has fans concerned that Jill and Derick are desperately short on cash and concerned about how they’ll be able to afford a flight home before Jill is no longer able to fly.

“The aroma of sweaty kids and stinky feet still lingers in the hospitality house (the place where we are living while we are here working on the mission field in Central America),” Jill begins the post, sounding very unlike the bubbly optimist that fans have come to know and love.

She goes on to urge her followers to “continue to pray: for the family’s “financial support as we still need to raise additional support for the rest of our time here on the field as well as the time we will be home surrounding the birth of our second little boy due in early July.”

She also asks fans to pray for her family’s health, prompting a new round of speculation about Derick Dillard’s rumored illness.

Jill downplayed the health concerns by explaining that she’s simply concerned about the effects that the region’s allergens have been having on her loved ones:

“We have been dealing with seasonal allergies as the shift from the ‘dry season’ to ‘rainy season’ is beginning,” she writes.

But while the health concerns thankfully appear to be minor, it looks as though the financial woes are anything but.

Jill made a point of those concluding her message from abroad by thanking those who had already contributed to her family’s cause, writing:

“Thank you to those of you who are supporting us already!”

In the past, the Duggars have asked for money from fans and withdrawn their requests after being publicly criticized for their apparent greed.

The family pulls in millions just from their reality show, and it’s not uncommon for individual members to receive five-figure paydays from one-time speaking gigs.

Sure, the money has to be divided many, many ways, but critics have offered a simple solution to Duggars who complain that the cash simply doesn’t go far enough:

The detractors suggest that when they’re not filming their reality show or performing missionary work, the Duggars supplement their incomes … by getting jobs.

Watch Counting On online to remind yourself of just how much time the young, able-bodied Duggars have on their hands.


Monday, February 22, 2016

Chris Brown: Begging Karrueche Tran to Take Him Back?

When you think of Chris Brown, “romantic” might not be the first word that pops into your head.

But before all the arrests, and the violence, and the many, many instances of repugnant behavior, Breezy made a name for himself crooning sentimental tunes about the ladies in his life. And now it seems he’s returning to his roots in order to fix his love life.

As you may remember, Chris and Karrueche Tran broke up for good back in March of last year, shortly after the world learned that Chris had a baby with another woman.

She had dumped the singer many times before (most memorably when he posted a photo of Karrueche in a thong online without her knowledge or permission), but this time it stuck.

Tran even sealed the deal by tweeting about her new relationship status for the benefit of her 700,000 followers.

Now, however, Chris is turning the tables and going even more public in his effort to win Karrueche back.

“Now where you been, it’s been a year,” Brown sings in the new remix of Zayn Malik’s single “Back to Sleep.”

“Baby I ain’t seen you, you know I miss you/ Baby let me love you back to sleep once more.”

And in case Karrrueche (or anyone else) wondered who Brown is talking about, he even makes a point of addressing her by name:

“You want me to say your name girl?/ Okay, Karrueche!” 

Of course, he also name-checks the many women he cheated on her with:

“I just wanna tell you I’m sorry/ For f–kin’ round with Keisha and MaKayla/ For all the Georgia peaches in Decatur/ For all these bitches in the elevator/ I just want you to love me/ Yeah baby don’t test me/ You know I’ll do it.” 

We’re gonna go ahead and take back what we said about Breezy being a romantic.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Anna Duggar: Trapped! Desperate! Begging For Divorce From Covenant Marriage!

Anna Duggar is feeling smothered and trapped by her covenant marriage and is reportedly begging for a divorce, a new report claims.

The mother-of-four allegedly regrets her covenant marriage – a really, really serious, borderline unbreakable marriage – to Josh Duggar.

She wants out ASAP … at least according to this report, which cites several family members encouraging Anna to break free at all costs.

Daniel Keller, Anna’s brother, harbors great deal of animosity towards Josh and spoke out about him to the new issue of Life & Style.

Keller reveals that he advised Anna to leave Josh and bring her four young children to Florida in the wake of his Ashley Madison scandal.

“I told [Anna] I would go get her and let [Anna] and [the] children stay with me. I won’t stop trying to get that pig out of our family,” he said.

It’s not just Anna’s family who has encouraged her to dissolve the covenant marriage, either. Cousin-in-law Amy Duggar is on board.

Amy does not mince words, nor does her husband, Dillon King, who adds: “If I was Anna, I’d be done. I wouldn’t think [twice] about it.”

Regardless of the family’s staunch religious beliefs – they are described as more conservative than the Duggars – there is precedent.

Rebekah Keller, Anna’s sister, recently went through a divorce, and some Keller family members hope Anna will follow Rebekah’s example.

Jim Bob Duggar and Michelle Duggar, of course, are not about to let that happen, pulling out all the stops to make sure she stays put.

Not only are they full-on bribing her with a new home, those who watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online saw what a huge part she played.

The whole TLC series is a family mea culpa – Josh is torn a new one, politely of course, while not appearing – and Anna is front and center.

She was allowed to air her grievances and now can welcome him back into the fold in the spirit of God. That ought to appease her, right?

What more would you expect from a family who basically said that Anna should be joyfully available for sex whenever her man desires.

Michelle didn’t call her out personally, but her “marriage advice” implies that men cheat because their wives don’t do enough. The end.

Regardless, is there any chance Anna actually leaves? When the whole point of the covenant marriage (or any marriage) is … not?

Adultery is one of the allowable excuses for a split in this stricter form of marital union, but it would be a long road ahead if she proceeded.

Anna would be forced to endure counseling and maintain a trial separation for two-and-a-half years (!) before a divorce would be granted.

She would also be cut off financially – that’s obvious, since Josh has no income for a judge to make him pay and it all runs through Jim Bob.

Yet her family would take her in without a second thought, from what it sounds like. What do you think? Should she finally leave Josh?

Friday, October 30, 2015

Lamar Odom: Begging For Drugs in Hospital?

Prior to the overdose that nearly cost him his life earlier this month, Lamar Odom had struggled with substance for years.

Now that he’s on the mend, Khloe Kardashian has agreed to give their marriage a second chance on the condition that Odom never use drugs again. Now, it looks like Lamar might already be doing his best to break that promise.

There’s been good news and bad news regarding Odom’s condition today, as it was confirmed this morning that Odom is off of dialysis, out of the ICU, and able to communicate with hospital staff.

The bad news is that according to Radar Online, Odom’s improved communication abilities have led to some troubling requests from doctors:

“Lamar was moved out of ICU earlier this week because of the progress that has been made. He is no longer on dialysis,” says one insider. 

“But there are concerns because Lamar has been asking for copious amounts of pain medication, including Oxycontin.

“It’s a dilemma for the doctors because the pain has to be treated. But with Lamar’s history of substance abuse, they are trying to give him other pain medications that aren’t as powerful. However, Lamar complains that it’s not strong enough.”

Opiates were among the drugs found in Lamar’s system after his overdose, so it’s not surprising that doctors are hesitant to prescribe Odom anything that could land him back at square one in terms of his addiction.

Adding to the medical staff’s concerns are the reports that Odom was visited by his drug dealer earlier this week.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Scott Disick: Calling Kourtney Kardashian From Rehab? Begging For Another Chance?

Last week, we reported that Scott Disick has checked into rehab to be treated for alcohol addiction for the sixth time.

Sources say Disick was motivated by Lamar Odom’s near-fatal overdose, as well as his desire to secure partial custody of his kids, and is actually taking his treatment seriously this time. It also seems that his time away from the bottle has caused “the Lord” to re-evaluate his priorities.

Cheating allegations and Scott’s years of hard partying led Kourtney Kardashian to dump him back in July, but the newly-sober Scott is reportedly desperate to win his baby mama back.

In fact, Radar Online is reporting that Disick has been calling Kourtney from rehab and begging her to give their relationship another chance. 

“Scott has been calling Kourtney from rehab,” says one insider. “The last time he phoned her, he was really upset and emotional.

“He has been going through withdrawal. It’s been really hard on him, and he just needs to know everything is going to be okay and needs assurances.”

Kourtney was reportedly hesitant to answer Scott’s phone calls, but did so because she thought it might help him in his treatment.

“Kourtney only did it to begin with because she knew Scott was going through the beginning period of rehab and wanted to know about what was going on with Lamar,” says the source.

“Scott’s been really worried about him and asking a lot of questions. He thought he was dead.”

The insider says that after learning the latest news about Odom, Disick began “begging Kourtney for another chance.” Unfortunately, the source says, “She’s not giving him any answers right now.”