Thursday, May 11, 2017

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: Broke? Begging For Money From Fans?!

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard are once again back in El Salvador, where they’re performing missionary work and preparing for the arrival of their second child.

The Dillards have always planned to return to the States in order for Jill to give birth, but as her third trimester draws near, it seems that not all is going according to plan.

A recent blog post penned by Jill and posted on the Dillards’ official website on Tuesday has fans concerned that Jill and Derick are desperately short on cash and concerned about how they’ll be able to afford a flight home before Jill is no longer able to fly.

“The aroma of sweaty kids and stinky feet still lingers in the hospitality house (the place where we are living while we are here working on the mission field in Central America),” Jill begins the post, sounding very unlike the bubbly optimist that fans have come to know and love.

She goes on to urge her followers to “continue to pray: for the family’s “financial support as we still need to raise additional support for the rest of our time here on the field as well as the time we will be home surrounding the birth of our second little boy due in early July.”

She also asks fans to pray for her family’s health, prompting a new round of speculation about Derick Dillard’s rumored illness.

Jill downplayed the health concerns by explaining that she’s simply concerned about the effects that the region’s allergens have been having on her loved ones:

“We have been dealing with seasonal allergies as the shift from the ‘dry season’ to ‘rainy season’ is beginning,” she writes.

But while the health concerns thankfully appear to be minor, it looks as though the financial woes are anything but.

Jill made a point of those concluding her message from abroad by thanking those who had already contributed to her family’s cause, writing:

“Thank you to those of you who are supporting us already!”

In the past, the Duggars have asked for money from fans and withdrawn their requests after being publicly criticized for their apparent greed.

The family pulls in millions just from their reality show, and it’s not uncommon for individual members to receive five-figure paydays from one-time speaking gigs.

Sure, the money has to be divided many, many ways, but critics have offered a simple solution to Duggars who complain that the cash simply doesn’t go far enough:

The detractors suggest that when they’re not filming their reality show or performing missionary work, the Duggars supplement their incomes … by getting jobs.

Watch Counting On online to remind yourself of just how much time the young, able-bodied Duggars have on their hands.
