Thursday, May 17, 2018

Kim Kardashian: Begging Khloe to FINALLY Dump Tristan Thompson?!

Hasn’t it been just so emotionally exhausting to watch everything go down between Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson for these past several weeks?

And if it’s been so hard on us, complete strangers to Khloe, can you imagine how tough it must be to be someone who actually knows her?

For instance, put yourself in Kim Kardashian’s shoes for a minute.

OK, now take off those shoes because they’re insanely uncomfortable and ill-fitting and they’re not cute anyway, and now think about how much it must suck to watch your little sister go through all this.

The whole world has seen irrefutable evidence that Tristan cheated on her on at least two separate occasions during her pregnancy.

And it’s hard to believe that those were the only times he did it — who knows how many other women he hooked up with in places without security cameras or nosy witnesses?

Even if it was only those two times that he cheated on her, he still cheated on her while she was pregnant with his child.

It’s awful, and many, many siblings would stop at nothing to get revenge if their sister’s boyfriend pulled that kind of nonsense.

For her part, Kim has been vocal about her feelings for Tristan, even going as far as to trash him in an interview on Ellen.

“I don’t even know how to describt it besisdes it’s just so f-cked up,” she said then.

“We were really rooting for Khloe, and we still are. You know, she’s so strong and she’s doing the best that she can. It’s a really sad situation all over.”

She didn’t go into too much detail because she wanted to “keep it cute, keep it classy, and not talk too bad” because “some day, True is going see this.”

But she definitely got her point across — she does not like Tristan, not one little bit.

On a later interview on Live with Kelly and Ryan, she was asked about the situation, and she said that “last time I went on TV and I answered some questions about her, I got blocked on social media … not from Khloe.”

Because yes, Tristan blocked Kim on Instagram, because that’s a good thing to do here.

Kim did add that she’s “always rooting” for Khloe, and “for love” and “for families,” so it’s not like she’s going on TV demanding that Khloe kick Tristan’s sorry ass to the curb or anything.

But in private, that could be exactly what she’s doing.

As a source tells Radar Online, “Kim hates Tristan, come on, how could she like him?”

Solid point already.

“Kim knows he will cheat again!” the insider says. “Kim has told Khloe that she should break up with Tristan.”

“Yes, she has a baby with him, but she doesn’t need a man like that in her life.”

Not only is Kim supposedly doing her best to convince Khloe to dump him, but she’s also “waging an all-out war on Tristan.”

“She loves Khloe and she doesn’t want her to be humiliated and treated badly. She thinks she should leave him as soon as she can.”

Lots of people agree that Khloe doesn’t need to be with Tristan, but unfortunately, it’s not so easy right now, is it?

Khloe just became a mother, something that she’s wanted for a long, long time, and she’s talked for months and months about how perfect Tristan is.

To leave him now, when their daughter is barely a month old, would be hard — maybe too hard for her at the moment.

If Kim really is declaring war on Tristan, and since he’s facing so, so much hate from strangers everywhere, there’s a possibility that he’ll leave her to get away from all the criticism.

But for now, it looks like he’s comfortable being the jerk who gets tons of ridicule but who still gets the perks of dating a Kardashian.

Fight harder, Kim!
