Showing posts with label Markle's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Markle's. Show all posts

Monday, October 15, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Mother is HYPED for a Royal Grandbaby!

It’s official, folks — Meghan Markle is really pregnant. She is due in the spring.

After months of impatience and speculation, Kensington Palace has confirmed it to be true.

And now Meghan’s mother has released a statement of her own about her daughter’s happy news.

In a statement to Entertainment Tonight, Kensington Palace revealed how Meghan’s mom Doria Ragland has responded to the pregnancy.

“Ms. Ragland is very happy about this lovely news,” Kensington Palace shared with ET.

Obviously, this almost certainly isn’t new information to Doria. We imagine that she was one of the first people told.

“And,” Kensington Palace continued. “She looks forward to welcoming her first grandchild.”

That, of course, is no surprise. It’s a grandbaby and a royal baby, all in one!

The Palace declined to comment on whether Thomas Markle has been notified about his impending grandchild.

Just last month, Doria joined her royal daughter for a very special event.

Meghan’s first real project as Duchess of Sussex was promoting a cookbook that celebrates a beautiful blending of cultures.

Everyone likes food, and food can be a powerful symbol of pluralism, so it was a great project.

While in the UK, Doria has reportedly been introducing herself as “Meghan’s mum,” which is adorable.

It has been said that it was Prince Harry’s idea to have her come over and stay for a while.

She’s been a source of comfort as Meghan has had to deal with her other relatives.

Meghan’s pregnancy has passed the 12-week mark, the Palace has confirmed.

Meghan and Harry are currently at the start of a 2-week royal tour of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Tonga.

Though Meghan’s pregnancy has been confirmed to be in good health, there have been warnings of Zika virus in Tonga and Fiji.

The Zika virus is transmitted through mosquitoes and can be devastating to a fetus.

Despite this, Harry and Meghan apparently intend to stick to their plans.

Speaking of annoying pests, it was reported that Samantha Grant showed up to Kensington Palace only to be refused entry.

“The palace doesn’t want to dignify any of it,” the Palace said when asked about Meghan’s evil half-sister.

The statement explained that they declined to comment “because it just adds fuel to the fire.”

“Samantha revels in the attention,” the palace admitted.

The Palace then affirmed: “Meghan is not corresponding with her sister or her father.”

Meghan has now known for weeks — perhaps even months — that she is pregnant.

This must have compounded the pain of her tragically unavoidable estrangement from her terrible father, Thomas Markle.

Before the wedding, Thomas was exposed making deals with paparazzi to pose for staged photographs in exchange for kickbacks.

After the controversy, he did not attend the wedding, and then began blabbing to every news outlet that would give him air time.

This is unacceptable behavior for anyone and scandalizing to the royal family — and deeply hurtful to Meghan.

She can now no longer trust her father with a phone call, for fear that he’ll repeat everything in an interview.

For this reason, she wouldn’t have been able to even share this happy news with him.

Though Harry and Meghan’s child will be a royal baby, they are not expecting a prince or princess.

Because Harry is not a direct heir to the throne, a son of his would be Earl of Dumbarton — an earldom bestowed upon him by the Queen on his wedding day.

However, Queen Elizabeth could intervene and declare that Harry and Meghan’s children are princes and princesses if she so chooses.

This would mean that they remain part of the royal family will all of its various perks, even if they would never realistically sit upon the throne.

Given Harry’s admission that being a royal is less than ideal, this may never happen.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Weed-Dealing Nephew Lands Reality Show

It’s not uncommon for Hollywood A-listers to be described as the American equivalent of royalty.

But we’re guessing that ever since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, the Royals have become acutely aware that the chasm of difference between Tinsel Town and Buckingham Palace is about as wide as a continent and an ocean combined.

Mind you, aside from the occasional breach in royal protocol, Meghan has been everything the Queen could have dreamed of and more.

Her family on the other hand …

At this point, we probably don’t need to tell you much about Meghan’s awful immediate family.

Suffice it to say, they suck, and they’ve repeatedly demonstrated their willingness to try and destroy her life for fun and profit.

Just as opportunistic but far less detestable, however, is Meghan’s nephew Tyler Dooley.

The son of Meghan’s idiot half-brother Thomas Markle Jr., Tyler also descended on London in order to take advantage of the media circus surrounding the royal wedding, but his intentions were more … high-minded.

Dude was just there to lend some support and promote his eponymous weed strain.

Fortunately for Tyler, he’ll have plenty of opportunities to sing the praises of “Markle Sparkle” cannabis thanks to his role on a new British reality show entitled The Royal World.

“English royals and aristocrats who will come together for one summer in the English countryside to live like the monarchs and super elite all while cameras are rolling,” reads a press release promoting the series.

Tyler introduces himself to Royal World viewers in the clip below.

“I didn’t watch the royal wedding,” Tyler admits.

“I went over there. I was in London to support my Aunt Meghan,” he continues.

“Honestly, with the controversy that’s happened with my family, all I wanted to do was just show my support.”

Tyler cautions the audience not to be sucked in by the stereotype of the lazy stoner, claiming that he works “seven days a week” on his budding business, which is called — we sh-t you not — Royally Grown.

Anyway, we might be more inclined to believe he’s a type-A go-getter if “Tyler Dooley” didn’t sound like the stoner sidekick in a ’90s high school comedy.

But who knows? Maybe Tyler will beat the odds and make us proud overseas.

He certainly can’t do any worse than the rest of Meghan’s family!


Friday, October 5, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Sister is Now Trashing Meghan Markle"s Mother

Gosh darn it, Samantha Markle!

Just when we were starting to like you.

Okay, fine, we weren’t starting to like you.

But we were starting to think we were maybe done with your senseless, misguided, cruel and self-serving bashing of Meghan Markle and we’d therefore never need to write about you ever again.

This was our hope after you actually apologized last week to half-sister Meghan Markle.

Alas, our excitement over being done with you forever was apparently short-lived.

Because now you’ve simply gone ahead and switched the target of your wrath from Meghan to her mother, Doria Ragland.

Responding to praise for Ragland and Thomas Markle (Meghan and Samantha’s biological father) from some random Twitter user, Samantha went off on the woman her dad once married.

“The world does not know that our dad raised her most of the time without the input of her mother especially from age 12 through high school and he gave her everything she had and is,” wrote this evil member of the Markle family.

She added of Meghan:

“She was never raised as an only child. Truth kids! He is amazing and successful and mags lie.”

Meghan and her dad, of course, have been engaged in their own feud ever since the latter did not attend his daughter’s wedding.

The Duchess has said very little on this topic, but Thomas has given many interviews in which he’s bashed his famous child as being ungrateful and selfish.

Samantha has taken many opportunities to defend him.

But she’s typically left Ragland out of her ridiculous rants.

Yes, she wrote something back in May about Ragland talking to Oprah at the Royal Wedding, impyling that she was merely using Meghan for her major connections.

However, this Twitter barrage was her most pointed attack against Doria by far.

“Everything that you think you know from tabloids is a lie. Dad pretty much raised her most of her life on his own and Doria was not around very much,” added Samantha, alleging that Doria “ghosted” Markle for “30 years.”

From there, however, Samantha made it clear that she still very much hates Meghan.

Referring to the health ailment that befell Thomas literal days before The Royal Wedding, Samantha Tweeted to a fellow Internet user:

“You have no idea what is going on behind the scenes. She ignored my father through a heart attack. There is no excuse for it.

“You would be mentally ill to think that is OK. Maybe you were the one who needs the counseling.”

While this ugly family rivalry that continues to play out in public, Samantha isn’t shy about sharing her theories into why things are estranged.

For the record, she claims, Meghan isn’t ignoring her because she has said all this horrible stuff.


“She did not ignore everyone because they spoke out. Everyone spoke out because she started ignoring them. I apologized for my wisecracks. But not for pointing out that she is in the wrong.”


“[Meghan] has ghosted both sides of the family. She needs to earn our trust. It is the other way around. You don’t crap on an entire family and then run around crying that you cannot trust everyone.”

That’s one way of looking at it, sure.

Another way of looking at it is that Meghan hasn’t been going around crying at all.

She’s been going around riding Prince Harry in an attempt to have a baby and living her absolute best life.


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Brother Says that Prince Harry Is Keeping Them Apart!

Meghan Markle is happily married to Prince Harry. Unfortunately, she continues to be burdened by her idiot dad’s cruel comments and by her two truly, madly, deeply evil half-siblings.

We’ve heard a lot from Samantha Grant, but Thomas Markle, Jr. is eager to voice his horrible opinions about Meghan.

He says that her mind was warped by fame, but appears to lay some of the blame at Harry’s royal feet.

In a raving interview with The Daily Mail, Thomas Markle, Jr. says that Meghan is being needlessly cruel to their father.

“No father-daughter relationship should be like this,” Thomas asserts.

Well, one would hope that most fathers would not carry out a media blitz in which they constantly discuss their daughter and new in-laws.

“I feel for him because of how strong their relationship was,” Thomas explains. “And what it’s become now.”

“That’s got to hurt anybody,” Thomas says.

“It’s not the Meghan I remember,” Thomas says, somehow blaming her for her reasonable response to their father’s bad behavior.

“The Meg I remember was very caring and she cared about everybody,” Thomas says. “That was important to her.”

His implication, of course, is that she is somehow no longer caring, rather than that she is taking the important self-care measure of cutting toxic people out of her life.

“Since Hollywood and being on that show,” Thomas says. “Being a celebrity has changed her.”

Yeah, we guess that the sky-high celebrity factor of starring on USA’s Suits really got to her head, huh?

“Maybe she feels she is above everybody,” Thomas guesses, adding: “Maybe even more now.”

She’s not the one slamming her own family members on social media and claiming that they’re bad people.

“But if she wasn’t with Prince Harry right now — even if she was still on Suits right now — she would have stopped what she was doing,” Thomas says of their father.

He claims that she would have dropped everything “to go and visit him and make sure he’s ok.”

Maybe so. But if she were still on Suits, he wouldn’t be acting out like a brat in the media.

Thomas Markle, Jr. says that Meghan could have taken a different approach with her family.

“I think it got ignored and swept under the carpet for so long, it’s a shame where it’s ended up,” Thomas says. “Especially between her and my father,”

“She’s capable of doing anything,” to appease her relatives, he says. “She’s just got to want to do it.”

Would exposing herself to people who are viciously attacking her in interview after interview really be the right thing to do?

“If she wants to make amends, by all means, she can do that,” Thomas claims. “But she’s got to want to do it.”

In other words, it sounds like she could get them to be quiet and go away.

Thomas Markle Jr. also lays some of the blame on Prince Harry and Kensington Palace.

“They’ve dealt with this kind of stuff for a long time and why they did it this way, that’s the big question?” Thomas says. “Why?”

Apparently the royal family, though no stranger to scandals, never imagined that someone’s own siblings would be so pointlessly petty.

They’re ready for assassins, not for character assassination.

“They could have looked after my dad and he would have been happy,” Thomas says. It sounds like he’s suggesting that they put Meghan’s family on a payroll to buy their silence.

Thomas says: “I don’t think he deserves that kind of treatment from her.”

“I think she owes him emotionally as his daughter to support him the way he supported her,” Thomas claims.


“To see all this go on in the media,” Thomas laments. “From their relationship being so close and so tight knit all her life to come to this,”

Thomas says that it is “like she doesn’t want to deal with him for what reasons I don’t know.”

We would humbly suggest that if he and his absolute harridan of a sister and their bumbling father would shut their mouths and stay quiet, Meghan’s feelings about them might change.

Instead, they whine in front of any camera that points in their direction — especially if there is money involved.

That is not the behavior of a loving family. That’s not even the behavior of a family.

It sounds like Meghan is better off without them.


Meghan Markle"s Brother Says that Prince Harry Is Keeping Them Apart!

Meghan Markle is happily married to Prince Harry. Unfortunately, she continues to be burdened by her idiot dad’s cruel comments and by her two truly, madly, deeply evil half-siblings.

We’ve heard a lot from Samantha Grant, but Thomas Markle, Jr. is eager to voice his horrible opinions about Meghan.

He says that her mind was warped by fame, but appears to lay some of the blame at Harry’s royal feet.

In a raving interview with The Daily Mail, Thomas Markle, Jr. says that Meghan is being needlessly cruel to their father.

“No father-daughter relationship should be like this,” Thomas asserts.

Well, one would hope that most fathers would not carry out a media blitz in which they constantly discuss their daughter and new in-laws.

“I feel for him because of how strong their relationship was,” Thomas explains. “And what it’s become now.”

“That’s got to hurt anybody,” Thomas says.

“It’s not the Meghan I remember,” Thomas says, somehow blaming her for her reasonable response to their father’s bad behavior.

“The Meg I remember was very caring and she cared about everybody,” Thomas says. “That was important to her.”

His implication, of course, is that she is somehow no longer caring, rather than that she is taking the important self-care measure of cutting toxic people out of her life.

“Since Hollywood and being on that show,” Thomas says. “Being a celebrity has changed her.”

Yeah, we guess that the sky-high celebrity factor of starring on USA’s Suits really got to her head, huh?

“Maybe she feels she is above everybody,” Thomas guesses, adding: “Maybe even more now.”

She’s not the one slamming her own family members on social media and claiming that they’re bad people.

“But if she wasn’t with Prince Harry right now — even if she was still on Suits right now — she would have stopped what she was doing,” Thomas says of their father.

He claims that she would have dropped everything “to go and visit him and make sure he’s ok.”

Maybe so. But if she were still on Suits, he wouldn’t be acting out like a brat in the media.

Thomas Markle, Jr. says that Meghan could have taken a different approach with her family.

“I think it got ignored and swept under the carpet for so long, it’s a shame where it’s ended up,” Thomas says. “Especially between her and my father,”

“She’s capable of doing anything,” to appease her relatives, he says. “She’s just got to want to do it.”

Would exposing herself to people who are viciously attacking her in interview after interview really be the right thing to do?

“If she wants to make amends, by all means, she can do that,” Thomas claims. “But she’s got to want to do it.”

In other words, it sounds like she could get them to be quiet and go away.

Thomas Markle Jr. also lays some of the blame on Prince Harry and Kensington Palace.

“They’ve dealt with this kind of stuff for a long time and why they did it this way, that’s the big question?” Thomas says. “Why?”

Apparently the royal family, though no stranger to scandals, never imagined that someone’s own siblings would be so pointlessly petty.

They’re ready for assassins, not for character assassination.

“They could have looked after my dad and he would have been happy,” Thomas says. It sounds like he’s suggesting that they put Meghan’s family on a payroll to buy their silence.

Thomas says: “I don’t think he deserves that kind of treatment from her.”

“I think she owes him emotionally as his daughter to support him the way he supported her,” Thomas claims.


“To see all this go on in the media,” Thomas laments. “From their relationship being so close and so tight knit all her life to come to this,”

Thomas says that it is “like she doesn’t want to deal with him for what reasons I don’t know.”

We would humbly suggest that if he and his absolute harridan of a sister and their bumbling father would shut their mouths and stay quiet, Meghan’s feelings about them might change.

Instead, they whine in front of any camera that points in their direction — especially if there is money involved.

That is not the behavior of a loving family. That’s not even the behavior of a family.

It sounds like Meghan is better off without them.


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Awful Family to Star In Bravo Reality Show

For as long as she’s been a household name internationally, Meghan Markle has been plagued by her awful family and the apparent joy they take in trying to destroy her.

And because 2018 offers daily proof that the intern in charge of the simulation we’re living in is completely hammered, these jerks are being rewarded for their awfulness with the money and attention they so desperately crave.

According to UK tabloid The Mirror, Samantha Markle has reached a deal with Bravo to star in her own reality show.

Sources say network execs are “desperate” to get Sam’s dad, Thomas Markle, on board so that they can set up an ensemble situation in which several sad, desperate d-bags sit around and trash Meghan.

“They want something that is similar to Keeping Up With The Kardashians,” says one insider.

Yeah, just like Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Except in this version, the whole family is seething with jealousy over Kim’s success, and with Khloe as their evil mastermind, they launch a Shakespearean plot to destroy her life.

It may sound like we’re being a bit melodramatic, but aside from the current White House occupants, it’s tough to think of a family more aggressively awful than the Markles.

These people are so horrendous that Thomas Markle faking a heart attack in order to skip his daughter’s wedding doesn’t crack the top ten list of deplorable things they’ve done in the past six months.

Hell, Samantha’s public declaration that Meghan will be responsible for her father’s death barely makes the cut.

Needless to say, the idea that these people will soon be handsomely compensated for their villainy is nauseating to a large number of people.

Just as an anxious nation hangs its hopes on Robert Mueller, so too are decent people everywhere praying that a man who’s never let us down in the past will come forward.

That man’s name is Andy Cohen.

Cohen make have made his bones in the often-tawdry world of reality television, but dude is a mensh through and through, and Samantha makes the very worst of the Housewives look like Mother Theresa.

Here’s hoping he squashes the Samantha deal to remind us all that evil isn’t rewarded 100 percent of the time.


Friday, August 10, 2018

19 REALLY Mean Things Meghan Markle"s Family Has Said About Her

Meghan Markle may have married Prince Harry, but it"s become apparent by now that this is actually NOT the star"s most impressive accomplishment.

No, her most impressive accomplishment has been managing to continually take the high road in the face of one personal attack after another — but members of her own family!

Markle"s dad, Thomas, has lashed out at the new Duchess as selfish and ungrateful.

Her half-sister, Samantha, has basically said Markle wants to murder puppies and should be held responsible for their father"s death, whenever it happens.

These are cruel and terrible people.

But don"t take our word for it. Take their own words for it!

Scroll down for a look at the harshest things Thomas Markle and Samantha Markle have said about our dear Meghan…

1. "It would be easier for Meghan if I died."

The royal bride

Thomas said this about his daughter toward the end of July, whining on this occasion to The Times of London.

2. "They have Meghan treating her father in a way that Harry’s mother, Princess Diana, would have loathed. That’s not what Diana stood for."

Royally married

Yup, he went there. Thomas once said that the Royal Family should be ashamed for turning Markle into the anti-Princess Diana, who is considered to basically be the best person in human history.

3. "How tragic is that, to deprive a child of its grandfather because I said a few things critical of the royal family

Duchess of sussex

Thomas peered into the future for this quote to The Daily Mail, saying that Meghan and Harry will have a child someday and his daughter will keep his GRANDdaughter from him and that is (will be?) a shameful act.

4. "She became the woman that she is today thanks to everything I did for her."

Royal newlyweds together

This was a classic one, also told to The Daily Mail, adding in this summer 2018 interview: “Did I get any recognition for it? Any thanks? She doesn’t even speak to me now. How cold is that?”

5. "I’ve seen her smile for years. I know her smile. I don’t like the one I’m seeing now. This is a pained smile."

As a duchess

Thomas has made it a mission to say as often as possible that Markle is basically being tortured by the Royal Family. He’s convinced she is unhappy and has basically joined a cult.

6. "She’s not qualified to suggest that I don’t under any law in this country."

Samantha grant

Samantha said this after she was told that Markle preferred for her to zip her stupid mouth. She added: “This is not Great Britain. I am a United States citizen. And, that’s all there is to it. She’s way out of her league to tell me that I can’t speak.”

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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Siblings: She"s Gonna Die Young AND She"s Gonna kill Our Father!

Generally, when someone is being a bit too dramatic, we say something along the lines of “they’ve been watching too many soap operas.”

But in the case of Meghan Markle’s bonkers siblings and their weird conception of royal life, we guess … they’ve been reading too much Shakespeare?

Yes, apparently, the Markle family is convinced that all royal marriages result in bloodshed and premature death.

Why do they feel that way?

Well, the short answer is that they’re certifiably batsh-t psychotic.

The long answer has to do with Princess Di, Nelson Mandela, and Meghan’s complicated relationship with her father, Thomas Markle.

Buckle in, because it looks like Samantha Grant and Thomas Markle Jr. may have achieved the impossible and found a way to outdo themselves in the insanity department.

The latest round of craziness began with a letter that Tom Jr. wrote to Queen Elizabeth II … as though she hasn’t had to deal with enough Americans blowhards this week.

Obviously, 92-year-old monarchs have nothing better to do than read letters from unemployed nobodies, but amazingly, it seems QE2 has no intention of responding to Thomas’ ridiculous ravings.

“Meghan’s dream was to be a princess someday like Diana,” reads the bizarre missive obtained by Radar Online.

“It would also be sad to see Meg’s dreams broken if she were to fail in her new position and disappear from the royal family.”

Yes, Thomas went full “veiled Mafioso threat” right out of the gate:

That’s a nice childhood dream you have. Would be a shame if it were to … result in your untimely death.

“Diana died because she refused to toe the royal line,” Thomas continued.

“Meghan is another loose cannon who keeps thumbing her nose at royal protocol … We fear this can only end in heartbreak and disaster — just like Diana!”

The exclamation point really drives the point home and makes Thomas seem like a very stable individual.

But hey, at least Thomas is (pretending to be) concerned for Meghan’s safety.

Sister Samantha Grant (who goes by Samantha Markle these days because she now has dollar signs for pupils), is just openly filled with seething rage toward Meghan.

In case you haven’t heard, today marks what would have been Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday.

Meghan participated in a ceremony paying tribute to the iconic South African leader, and now Samantha is pissed, because apparently Meghan should be more focused on paying tribute to her own father, who is totally still alive and recently skipped the royal wedding.

“How about you pay tribute to your own father?!” Markle wrote in one tweet.

“Enough is enough. Act like a humanitarian, act like a woman. If our father dies, it’s on you Meg!”

Obviously, Sam was just getting warmed up, and she went on to proclaim that she “was right” about Harry:

“Glad you have so much time to gallivant around paying tribute to others while ignoring your own father!” Grant tweeted.

“How cold can you be and look in the mirror? Harry? I guess I was right.” 

Serious question: Has the word “gallivant” ever been used by someone who’s not awful?

Samantha, as you may recall, has been trying to cash in on Meghan’s fame ever since the world learned that the former actress was dating Prince Harry.

Sam planned to pen a tell-all memoir about Meghan, but publishers lost interest when they realized she hasn’t had any contact with Meghan in over a decade, and is completely unhinged.

So apparently, Sam has decided to vent her feelings for free on Twitter.

There are times when we think everyone should just ignore her crazy ass until she goes away.

But then we’re honest with ourselves, and we admit that there’s no way we can look away from such an amusing trainwreck.


Meghan Markle"s Sister Says If Their Father Dies, It"s Meghan"s Fault

If Meghan Markle continues giving her father the cold shoulder, it might kill him … or so Meghan’s sister seemed to insinuate in an angry tirade. Samantha Markle went off Tuesday evening, ripping into Meghan for allegedly shutting…


Friday, July 6, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Dad Thinks the Royals Have Stolen His Daughter

They say that when you marry someone, you marry their family, too.

Unfortunately for Prince Harry, his new wife Meghan Markle has a cool-ass mom but the rest of her relatives are flat-out garbage people with garbage souls.

For a long time, it looked as though Meghan’s half-sister, Samantha Grant, would be the worst of the lot.

But in the weeks since his daughter became a duchess, Meg’s dad, Thomas Markle, has been giving Samantha a run for her money in the terribleness department.

First, Thomas Markle skipped the wedding for reasons that still aren’t completely clear.

Then he proceeded to give a series of bonkers interviews to less-than-reputable outlets like TMZ, in which he seethed about everything from the way he’s been treated in the press to the fact that Donald Trump gets to meet the queen.

Those closest to Thomas say he feels as though he’s been abandoned by both Meghan and the royals.

He reportedly believes he’s been hung out to dry without anyone helping him to navigate the rough waters of constant media scrutiny.

“Thomas adores his daughter and swears he never wanted attention from the interviews,” a source close to Thomas tells Us Weekly.

“All he’s ever cared about is protecting Meghan.”

The insider adds that Thomas expected an open line of communication with the royals, saying:

“He wants the royals to stand by his side, but of course so far they haven’t.”

But if Thomas is waiting for an apology, we hope he’s not holding his breath.

Because apparently, Meghan thinks he’s the one who should be saying he’s sorry.

“Meghan hasn’t spoken to Thomas since the day after her wedding,” says a palace insider.

The source adds that the royals are “frustrated” that Thomnas continues to talk to grant interviews.

“Thomas is walking a fine line,” says a different informant.

“This blabbing needs to stop if he wants to maintain any relationship with Harry and Meghan.”

Needless to say, that seems extremely unlikely.

If we’ve learned anything about the Markle family, it’s that blabbing is what they do best — and Meghan made the right call by moving an ocean away from them.


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Dad Is PISSED That Trump Gets to Meet the Queen!

When Meghan Markle married Prince Harry last month, her father was not in attendance.

It’s still not entirely clear why Thomas Markle chose to stay home rather than watch his daughter become freakin’ royalty, but not surprisingly, it seems he now regrets the decision.

It seems Thomas has been shut out by the royals, and he’s not happy about it.

Of course, that could have something to do with his decision to live-chat with TMZ during his daughter’s nuptials.

Apparently, he’s particularly pissed after learning that Queen Elizabeth II will be sitting down for bunless Big Macs with our wacky commander-in-chief, Donald Trump.

“If the Queen is willing to meet our arrogant, ignorant, and insensitive president, she has no excuse not to meet me.” Thomas recently told TMZ.

“I’m nowhere near as bad.” 

But, bruh … you totally had a chance to meet her, and you decided to stay home and Skype with Harvey Levin instead.

Plus, if your argument is that you’re “not as bad” as Donald John Trump, you’re already starting from a losing position.

And as repugnant as Donnie might be, you’ve got to admit that he’s a tad more accomplished than you are, Tom.

Your main point is along the lines of “I didn’t kill nearly as many people as Stalin, but he gets to be in the history books while I’m just frightening people on this public bus?! Absurd, I say!”

Anyway, Thomas says the reason he’s being shut out is that he gave a TV interview Good Morning Britain, best known on this side of the pond as the show that keeps Piers Morgan semi-relevant.

In the interview, Thomas maintained that it was his health that kept him at home.

“The doctors said,’ This is what doctors call the widow maker,"” he said about his heart condition.

“It would have killed me.”

There are those who doubt Thomas’ version of events and feel that he actually remained in the States as a result of his embarrassment over a bizarre mini-scandal involving the sale of paparazzi photos.

Whatever the case, it seems that if given the chance, Thomas would do things very differently.

“I’m a footnote in one of the greatest moments in history rather than the dad walking her down the aisle…So, that upsets me somewhat,” he noted.

“I regretted it because I really wanted to walk my daughter down the aisle…I wanted that moment. But I’m thankful for everything the way it went.”

The English are said to be particularly upset about the snub due to the fact that they named their muffins after him.

Folks, we’ll be here all week.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Queen & Meghan Markle"s First Solo Outing Together Is Something to Laugh About

Meghan Markle is the Duchess of Sussex, but she also took on the role of royal jester during her first official solo outing with Queen Elizabeth. Meghan accompanied Liz Thursday on several engagements near Liverpool. It’s kind of a big deal since…


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Ex-Husband, Trevor Engelson, is Engaged

Meghan Markle’s ex-husband is engaged — not to a member of the Royal Family or anything … but he still looks pretty damn happy about it. TV and film producer Trevor Engelson recently revealed on social media he’s getting remarried, as well ……


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Sister to The Royal Family: Stop Inbreeding!

The Royal Wedding has been over for days now.

However, the loudest critic of The Royal Wedding is yet to move on.

Indeed, we’re very sorry readers, but it’s time to once again talk about Samantha Markle.

The half-sister of Meghan Markle (aka The Duchess of Sussex!), Samantha is 17 years older than her more famous and FAR more classy sibling.

The two share a father, but did not grow up in the same household and barely know each other.

Over the course of the past several weeks, Samantha has been dragging Meghan left and right, slamming her as fake and phony and unappreciative and acting very bitter over her lack of a wedding invitation.

(Hmmm… we really can’t figure out why Meghan didn’t invite her, can you?)

After actually watching her sister get married, though, and after especially listening to Bishop Michael Curry’s impassioned sermon about love, Samantha appeared to have a change of heart.

Kind of.

“I watched the bishop talk about love and unity and forgiveness and I hoped it would strike a chord within Meghan,” she said earlier this week, still clearly blaming Meghan for their riff and adding:

“If that was real and if I were to define a principle to all of this, then it would be that we all just work for a peaceful resolution and reunion as a family.

“I feel a religious and moral obligation to be open to her and not be vindictive or isolating or hurt.”

You can guess how long this “open” attitude lasted probably, can’t you?

First, Samantha took Meghan’s mother to task, bashing Doria Ragland for “cashing in” on her appearance because she talked to Oprah Winfrey and, according to Samantha only, sold photos to the press.

But Samantha, who did warn us about never shutting up, was only getting started with this Tweet.

On Tuesday, Samantha wrote on her private Twitter account that her family is “just as embarrassed by [Meghan]” as ever before, adding that just because Markle is now royalty “she does not suddenly walk on water and she owes it to our father it is not charity it is gratitude.”

This is a reference to how Markle’s dad was not given his own coat of arms.

(Thomas Markle did not attend the wedding due to health problems and also embarrassment over a scandal in which he was caught paying paparazzi to take flattering photos of him.)

“To exclude him off a coat of arms is really stripping him of an honour and it’s a huge insult,” Samantha fumed to The Sun.

“After a heart attack that would be cruel and isolating.”

According to the Daily Mail, meanwhile, Thomas was not given a coat of arms because the process was deemed too “complicated.

It entails finding proof that the family had an ancestor who was a subject of the Crown.

Instead, Meghan will actually be given her own coat of arms… but her American family won’t be able to use it.

(We love Meghan and Harry and William and especially Kate Middleton, but man: This royalty stuff is very weird and sort of messed up, don’t you think?)

Samantha, however, is in no mood to try and actually comprehend her dad’s perceived snub.

She used Twitter to attack the Royal Family’s allegedly superior attitude, noting that they’d had “generations of scandal” themselves.

And then getting especially frisky and personal by writing:

“You’ve got inbreeding, you’ve got substance abuse, you’ve got alcohol abuse, you’ve got infidelity. On what grounds could the royals feel that the Markles are somehow not worthy?”

There’s a lot we could unpack here.

There’s no real arguing that the Royal Family lives by a haughty set of unusual rules that literally don’t really apply to anyone else in the world.

But they are coming around, that’s for sure.

They’ve accepted Meghan into their home, despite a previous divorce and despite the fact that she’s American; this would have been unheard of decades ago.

More importantly, though, is the context of this complaint and these allegations.

They come from someone who is working on a book about her toxic relationship with her estranged half-sister — and it will be titled “The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister.”

Samantha Markle really needs to go away.
