Showing posts with label Trashing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trashing. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Samantha Markle Confesses: I Want to Get Rich By Trashing Meghan!

It’s been almost five months since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, and  the marriage has been as devoid of drama as most royal unions (sadly, the Fergies of the world are the exception, not the rule).

Fortunately, Meghan’s awful family has provided plenty of unintentional entertainment as they attempt to cash in on their tenuous ties to the throne.

Half-sister Samantha Markle has been doing her best to humiliate Meghan since before her engagement was announced, and at first, some folks gave her the benefit of the doubt.

With the possible exception of obsessive 

It’s not like any of those traits are hugely uncommon amongst C-list actresses.

Meghan and Samantha Markle Split Pics

But as we learned more about both Meghan and Samantha, a clearer picture began to emerge.

Samantha was a failed actress (with a one-time appearance on freakin’ Matlock as her sole IMDb credit), who had been spent most of her life consumed with jealousy toward her more successful little sister.

Even Samantha’s mother sided with Meghan and admitted that Sam’s been a thorn in her sibling’s side for quite some time:

“Samantha has been dogging her for years,” she said of her daughter.

“Everything she has said about her is a lie.”

Despite Samantha having been thoroughly discredited (we now know she had zero contact with Meghan for more thn a decade before the royal wedding), the 53-year-old remains a fixture on the British media circuit.

And as E! News points out, Sam has finally admitted that her main goal in slandering her sister is to get rich by riding Meg’s coattails.

“Let’s face it—we all have to survive,” Samantha said in a recent interview.

“Money makes the world go round, so if you want to call that cashing in, that’s fine, but I think no one in media would refuse a paycheck for talking about the royals and, as a family, we’re not subject to royal protocol.”

Hmm … we think a LOT of people would refuse a paycheck that required them to publicly insult members of their immediate family, but that’s just us.

Samantha’s favorite justification for her repulsive behavior is that she’s “in the media.”

When pressed about her nasty put-downs, she dismisses them as the result of having “worked in broadcasting and radio for a while,” adding that she’s “always been a bit boisterous.”

So when Samantha shows up at Kensington Palace unannounced and has to be turned away by security, she’s not making  her sister’s life a living hell.

No, she’s just trying to earn a living.


Friday, October 5, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Sister is Now Trashing Meghan Markle"s Mother

Gosh darn it, Samantha Markle!

Just when we were starting to like you.

Okay, fine, we weren’t starting to like you.

But we were starting to think we were maybe done with your senseless, misguided, cruel and self-serving bashing of Meghan Markle and we’d therefore never need to write about you ever again.

This was our hope after you actually apologized last week to half-sister Meghan Markle.

Alas, our excitement over being done with you forever was apparently short-lived.

Because now you’ve simply gone ahead and switched the target of your wrath from Meghan to her mother, Doria Ragland.

Responding to praise for Ragland and Thomas Markle (Meghan and Samantha’s biological father) from some random Twitter user, Samantha went off on the woman her dad once married.

“The world does not know that our dad raised her most of the time without the input of her mother especially from age 12 through high school and he gave her everything she had and is,” wrote this evil member of the Markle family.

She added of Meghan:

“She was never raised as an only child. Truth kids! He is amazing and successful and mags lie.”

Meghan and her dad, of course, have been engaged in their own feud ever since the latter did not attend his daughter’s wedding.

The Duchess has said very little on this topic, but Thomas has given many interviews in which he’s bashed his famous child as being ungrateful and selfish.

Samantha has taken many opportunities to defend him.

But she’s typically left Ragland out of her ridiculous rants.

Yes, she wrote something back in May about Ragland talking to Oprah at the Royal Wedding, impyling that she was merely using Meghan for her major connections.

However, this Twitter barrage was her most pointed attack against Doria by far.

“Everything that you think you know from tabloids is a lie. Dad pretty much raised her most of her life on his own and Doria was not around very much,” added Samantha, alleging that Doria “ghosted” Markle for “30 years.”

From there, however, Samantha made it clear that she still very much hates Meghan.

Referring to the health ailment that befell Thomas literal days before The Royal Wedding, Samantha Tweeted to a fellow Internet user:

“You have no idea what is going on behind the scenes. She ignored my father through a heart attack. There is no excuse for it.

“You would be mentally ill to think that is OK. Maybe you were the one who needs the counseling.”

While this ugly family rivalry that continues to play out in public, Samantha isn’t shy about sharing her theories into why things are estranged.

For the record, she claims, Meghan isn’t ignoring her because she has said all this horrible stuff.


“She did not ignore everyone because they spoke out. Everyone spoke out because she started ignoring them. I apologized for my wisecracks. But not for pointing out that she is in the wrong.”


“[Meghan] has ghosted both sides of the family. She needs to earn our trust. It is the other way around. You don’t crap on an entire family and then run around crying that you cannot trust everyone.”

That’s one way of looking at it, sure.

Another way of looking at it is that Meghan hasn’t been going around crying at all.

She’s been going around riding Prince Harry in an attempt to have a baby and living her absolute best life.


Monday, May 14, 2018

Jay Ajayi Sued for Trashing L.A. Mansion, Allegedly Shoved Owner

NFL star Jay Ajayi shoved the owner of a fancy L.A. mansion who charged the Eagles running back $ 25k in damages for trashing the place … this according to a new lawsuit obtained by TMZ Sports.  The 24-year-old is being sued by the owner of a…


Monday, April 23, 2018

YouTube Star Jake Paul Sued for Trashing Rental Home

The Paul Bros. are at it again — this time it’s Jake being taken to court for treating his rental home like the capital of Pranksville, USA … which could cost him millions. Jake is being sued by Cobra Acquisitions, LLC — which owns the newly…


Monday, August 28, 2017

Webbie Calls Cops on Girlfriend for Allegedly Trashing His House, Stealing Stuff

Webbie says he’s had another incident with the woman he’s accused of beating up — but this time she’s the one facing a possible arrest … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us Webbie filed a police report this week, claiming she…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Cheryl Burke Keeps Trashing Abby Lee Miller (And We Love It!)

A few weeks ago, Cheryl Burke came right out and asked Abby Lee Miller:

How does my shade taste?

The former Dancing with the Stars professional – who will be hosting Dance Moms Season 8 in the wake Miller"s resignation in March – spoke to reporters after making an appearance on her former ABC show and said her new students were left "traumatized" by their time with Miller.

This was partly due to Miller"s personality, and then subsequently due to her prison sentence for bankruptcy fraud.

Now, with Miller set to spend one year behind bars, Burke has returned to ask once again:

Well, Abby?!? How does it taste?!?

Cheryl was a guest this week on The Steve Harvey Show and she reiterated her belief that Dance Moms kids have been traumatized by their experience with Miller.

What will she do differently than the previous host?

"I don’t scream or yell. I don’t believe in that," Burke tells Harvey in the following clip, earning herself applause from the crowd after drawing a clear distinction between herself and Miller.

"I am still strict and stern. I expect the best out of my students, but I do it in a way that’s loving and caring," Burke added of her teaching philosophy.

Miller responded last month to Burke"s claim of trauma by labeling it "ridiculous."

She didn"t take very kindly to the way Burke called her out, telling Us Weekly:

"I think that"s a really rough statement and I would never say that about Cheryl. I think she needs to watch her mouth."

But Burke clearly isn"t too concerned, possibly because there"s only so much Miller will be able to do to her from jail.

"I want their last memories of Dance Moms to be positive," Burke told Harvey. "I want to change their memories a bit."

In other words: I am about to make this show mine all mine and Abby Miller can totally suck it! These kids won"t even remember her name by the time I"m done with them!

What about all the terrible things Miller said about producers when she quit?

Whatever, Burke basically says, describing these executives as "amazing" and saying they"ve been "nothing but a pleasure to work with."

Watch her talk in depth about Miller and continue to hurl ALL the shade in her direction below:

Cheryl burke takes more shots at abby lee miller wants to change

Monday, May 1, 2017

Fyre Lawyers Says People Trashing Festival are Inciting Riots

The people who are bellyaching about the Fyre Festival may be inciting civil unrest and even riots, and if they don’t stop grousing they’re gonna be in big trouble … so threaten the festival’s lawyers. Attorneys for Fyre have fired off a cease and…


Friday, April 21, 2017

Starbucks Barista Who Went Viral for Trashing Unicorn Frappuccino Not Getting Fired (VIDEO)

The Starbucks barista who blasted his company’s glitter-coated sensation — the Unicorn Frapp — is NOT getting canned, and is actually getting a promotion of sorts. Our Starbucks sources say Braden Burson will not be disciplined by bosses at…


Starbucks Barista Who Went Viral for Trashing Unicorn Frappuccino Not Getting Fired (VIDEO)

The Starbucks barista who blasted his company’s glitter-coated sensation — the Unicorn Frapp — is NOT getting canned, and is actually getting a promotion of sorts. Our Starbucks sources say Braden Burson will not be disciplined by bosses at…


Monday, April 10, 2017

Matt Baier: Sued For Trashing Farrah Abraham in New Tell-All?

Matt Baier has written a book.

That’s an absurd sentence that might be made slightly less ridiculous with the help of some crucial quotation marks:

Matt Baier has “written” a “book.” (Read: He and a ghostwriter slapped some pages together in order to cash in on his fame before Amber Portwood comes to her senses and dumps his ass.)

Baier’s memoir is set to be released next month, but large portions of the text have already leaked online, and lots of people involved with Teen Mom: OG are not happy with what they’re reading.

Baier was reportedly under strict instructions to let MTV lawyers review his manuscript before the book went to press.

He complied, and the attorneys chopped a whopping 15,000 words out of the book.

But this is 2017, and secrets are a thing of the past, so naturally, portions of the offending text wound up online.

Not surprisingly, the parts that pissed people off have to with Baier’s feud with Farrah Abraham and production details that MTV would prefer to keep secret.

Indeed, Baier does throw some serious shade at Farrah, writing:

“Farrah is going to be a sad, wretched excuse for a former television celebrity … Her family is going to turn their backs on her.”

But why would MTV care if Matt drags Farrah?

Well, apparently lawyers for the network took issue with Baier’s claims that Farrah manipulates the her co-stars and producers with “by way of threats and intimidation.”

He also accuses the show of instigating drama and essentially stirring up his feud with Abraham.

At one point in the book, Matt claims that he and Amber were instructed to “do their research” and dig up dirt on Farrah’s boyfriend, Simon Saran.

“An MTV producer told Amber and I to [insult Saran],” Baier writes at one point, adding that the feud is now very real and requires no further prodding from producers.

Given that the feud culminated in a physical fight that left Farrah’s father permanently injured, it’s not hard to see why MTV would want to deny involvement.

Speaking of Michael Abraham, Baier also alleges that a Teen Mom: OG producer informed him that Farrah’s dad has a “history of physically assaulting people.”

All reality shows create artificial drama between cast members, but Baier seems to suggest that the Teen Mom team really went out of its way to ensure that Team Amber and Team Farrah hated one another.

Sources close to the situation tell page Six that Matt has been chewed out, but will not be fired from the show.

That’s not surprising, as you really can’t axe Matt without also getting rid of Amber.

So yeah – Matt can get away with a lot, and you can expect him to run his mouth more in the very near future.


Friday, March 10, 2017

Rich the Kid and Famous Dex Tossing Cash, Trashing Maybach (VIDEO)

For rappers Famous Dex and Rich the Kid money, jewelry and six-figure cars are just very expensive playthings. The duo put on a show — and not a concert — outside Mastro’s Steakhouse in Bev Hills when they littered the sidewalk with hundred…


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Amber Portwood: Sued For Trashing Her Own House?!

Amber Portwood isn’t known for her solid decision-making skills.

One needs only to look at her relationship with Matt Baier to see evidence of that.

But despite some serious setbacks along the way, Amber has managed to carve out a relatively stable life on content domesticity for herself (engagement to a deadbeat douchebag notwithstanding).

Which is why it’s surprising to learn that the 26-year-old mom recently fell behind on her rent and was living in such a squalid state that she’s being sued by the former landlord who had to clean up the mess.

According to documents obtained by Radar Online, Zuluscape, the company from which Portwood and Baier rented their previous home, is suing the couple for unpaid rent and thousands of dollars in repairs.

The landlord claims that Amber and Matt owed him more than $ 1,600 for bailing on their last month’s rent.

Not only that, Amber and Matt’s pets apparently did suck a number on the place that the landlord had to replace every carpet in the house.

And according to the docs, the repairs didn’t end there:

“Other damages include dry wall damage repair, vertical blind replacement, six new mini blinds, new door knob, hardwire new smoke detector, set of four drip plans, removal and dump of contents left behind, and weed, mulch, brush removal, gutter cleaning and fence repair.”

Yeah, that’s a lot of damage for two dogs, two cats, and two grown ass people who are somehow responsible for the lives of a ridiculous number of kids.

(It’s unclear exactly how many offspring Matt is supposed to be caring for, but some sources swear Baier has eight kids.)

The total for the repairs and the rent is upwards of six grand, ans Amber and Matt are scheduled to appear in court on February 23.

Amber has yet to comment on the situation, but insiders say she denies all responsibility.

Of course, $ 6,000 is chump change for Ms. Portwood, so she’ll probably just settle out of court.

Besides, she’s got enough legal headaches headed her way, what with Baier’s many paternity suits.

And Baier being sued for attacking Farrah Abraham’s dad.

Did we mention she should probably just dump Matt Baier?


Monday, November 21, 2016

David Akers -- Stop Trashing NFL Kickers ... They"re Better Than I Was! (VIDEO)

Why does it feel like NFL kickers are WORSE now than ever before???? Ex-NFL stud kicker David Akers has the answer — and says there’s a lot of misdirected anger!  Bottom line — have some RESPECT for your kicker! It’s tough out there!


Saturday, November 19, 2016

Dwayne Johnson: Trashing Vin Diesel Made Fast 8 More Popular!

Dwayne Johnson is not a fan of Vin Diesel.

That much was confirmed earlier this year in an explosive rant about his Fast 8 costar

Now, Dwayne has opened up about his rant to the Los Angeles Times and what it meant for the hit movie franchise. 

“I was very clear with what I said. I’ve been in the game a long time,” Johnson said. 

“Would Universal [Pictures] have preferred that didn’t happen? Sure, we talked about it. The irony is after that and as they do their tracking and all their analysis, the interest [in ‘Fast 8’] shot through the roof to a whole other level.”

Universal Pictures will no doubt be ecstatic if the feud resulted in more ticket sales for the movie. The series is already a huge hit worldwide, so it would be hard to imagine the feud ever putting the brakes on the franchise. 

Dwayne’s Instagram post certainly got everyone talking as they tried to figure out whether it was really about Vin and also whether Johnson’s account had been hacked. 

Have a look at the full post below:

Dwayne Johnson Rips Fast 8 Male Co-Stars

The most interesting part has got to be the part in which he ripped Vin to shreds. 

“Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t. The ones that don’t are too chicken sh*t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses. When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling — you’re right.”

Dwayne’s main issue with Vin was that Vin was a producer and apparently made decisions that didn’t make the former wrestling champ happy. 

Being a producer no doubt gave Vin more power on set, so it sure sounds like Vin wanted to get under the former wrestler’s skin. 

When you have two strong personalities on a set, there’s always going to be some conflicting opinions. 

However, we don’t really like Vin Diesel’s chances if there was ever a fight between him and Dwayne Johnson. 

Vin was probably bawling his eyes out when it was revealed that Johnson was the highest paid actor of 2016. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!
