Showing posts with label Tearing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tearing. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Prince Harry and Prince William: Our Wives Are Tearing Us Apart!

Even though even Prince Charles knows Meghan Markle is cooler than Kate Middleton, both Duchesses and their Princely husbands are as thick as thieves.

But that may be about to change after Meghan gives birth.

Apparently, Prince Harry and Prince William are drawing up plans to divide their joint “court” and have separate offices.

Prince William and Prince Harry are very close, even for siblings, but they’re looking to create some distance.

According to The Sunday Times, William and Harry are considering separating their joint “court” at Kensington Palace.

They would instead go on and create two separate offices.

These alleged plans would only be implemented this spring or later, after Meghan Markle’s due date.

That is, of course, if they follow through with it at all.

We know that it’s always tempting for people to suspect some sort of secret family rift as the culprit.

That’s always interesting a juicy, but only rarely true.

The Princes have an actual purpose for dividing into separate offices, and it’s because they have different royal destinies.

William will one day be Prince of Wales. He is his father’s heir.

And it seems likely that William will one day be king, barring a bizarre set of circumstances.

Harry and Meghan will very naturally want to forge their own path, according ot insiders.

Sally Bedell Smith, author of Royals, spoke to People on the subject of this potential separation.

“The arrival of Meghan has changed the dynamic of the relationship in a fairly significant way,” Smith reports.

That makes a lot of sense. Harry was the center of attention for something other than international thirst.

“It is inevitable and practical,” Smith says of the move for separate offices.

Smith says it will happen “because it gives Harry and Meghan some freedom to build up their own collection of interests and charities.”

Meghan is a passionate, caring person.

“Meghan has very strong views on what she is interested in,” Smith affirms.

“And,” Smith notes. “That may be what Harry shares.”

That wouldn’t be a surprise. They dated for a long time before they married.

It would only make sense for them to have a lot of shared passions.

“But,” Smith admits, Meghan and Harry’s charitable interests may be “not what William and Kate share.”

“They have brought many charities working in the same sector together to empower them and lend their positions,” Smith says of the Princes.

“But,” Smith continues. “They will increasingly follow their own respective interests.”

A report has claimed that Prince Harry’s friends don’t like Meghan’s Left-leaning views on topics such as animal welfare.

They allegedly consider such views “trendy,” which is exactly what you’d expect from terminally British aristocrats.

“I think it really is just a shift in priorities and interests,” Smith suggests.

“William is a husband and father of three and his focus is primarily on them,” Smith notes. “And Harry will soon be a father.”

In Sally Bedell Smith’s estimation, both Princes will more or less go on as they have.

“Each of them will continue [to be] the very strong representative of the Queen,” Smith says.

Smith says that they will do so “in carrying out tasks and assignments that she, and probably their father, wants them to do.”

Royal duties don’t go away, even when you’re a parent.

And separate offices won’t change that.

“They are going to be sharing in this diffusion of activities on behalf of the Queen,” Smith affirms.

That said, the palace had no official comment on this story. The princes may go in another direction.


Monday, November 20, 2017

Flakka: This Drug Has People Tearing Off Their Clothes and Barking

Florida is a weird place in so many ways. Remember a few years back, when the news was talking about people getting high on “bath salts” and eating each other’s faces? That was Florida.

But it’s no longer only in Florida. One designer drug from that family of stimulants, called Flakka, is making headlines again in other states.

And every story seems more bonkers than the last.

A couple of years ago, we told you about a Florida Man, high on Flakka, going streaking while believing that he’s being chased… but what is Flakka?

Because as entertained as we are by Riverdale‘s drug storyline about “jingle-jangle” this season, we don’t normally expect for serious drugs to have such whimsical names off of The CW’s teen dramas.

Flakka is a designer drug. It’s a stimulant, also known as alpha-pvp (which sounds like an energy drink marketed to gamer bros), that belongs to the “bath salts” family.

The small pink crystals can be snorted, injected, or smoked. But that doesn’t mean that it should.

The issue with this type of stimulant is that delirium, violence, and erratic behavior can be the result.

Particularly if someone even slightly overdoses.

Most of us think of bath salts and go “oh, that’s so 2015 — it’s almost 2018 and it’s all about opioids,” but they’re making a resurgence.

And despite the public association between Flakka and Florida, the designer drug is making headlines beyond America’s fetid peninsula, in places like Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas.

Flakka chemical structure

A former narcotics investigator named Jason Grellner, who is now the safety and security manager at Mercy Hospital, warns Fox News about increasing ER visits believed to have been caused by Flakka.

“What we see in the emergency department at Mercy is people brought in by private ambulance or law enforcement who are having a full-blown episode.”

And he says that these drugs don’t just send people to the ER — they also make patients more difficult to treat.

“The nursing and physician staffs are in danger from these patients.”

Again, we’re talking about people who might suddenly have violent impulses and serious delusions.

Also, it’s incredibly difficult to diagnose.

“There’s no blood test or urine test, no way for physicians to know what the user has actually ingested. They have to treat the patient symptomatically and monitor them constantly for their mental and physical states.”

And he even speaks to what patients might be experiencing:

“They’re seeing double, they’re seeing dragons. They believe wholeheartedly that it’s actually occurring.”

That might sound like a fun adventure, but hallucinations and delusions can lead people to harm themselves, to harm others, and generally get themselves into a whole heap of trouble.

Like the Florida Man we mentioned who believed so strongly that he was being chased that he fled and refused to stop … or put on any clothes.

Another man tried to break into a police station because, in his delusional state, he thought that he was being pursued.

So most people aren’t hallucinating anything as fun or whimsical as dragons, folks. It sounds like Flakka takes their worst anxieties and makes them real.

And we think that the four people who made headlines this month in Missouri probably didn’t have as good of a time as they’d hoped.

The four of them were disrobing in the streets, barking, and breaking into multiple businesses and also into people’s homes while just completely out of their dang minds.

Two of them needed to be rushed to the hospital.

Flakka is hitting hard in rural communities that lack the resources or experience to deal with — or even recognize — the problem.

One Tennessee precinct ran out of taser cartridges. Some residents in some areas call the police because they believe that conspirators are hiding in trees.

Arresting people who are in delusional states can also be dangerous for everyone involved, as the people on Flakka may believe that the police are there to hurt them.

You might think that the government response would be to make sure that dosages are carefully prescribed so that people don’t overdose. And perhaps for the government to provide (or businesses to provide) a safe environment for using them.

Instead, the government has taken steps to limit distribution and to make taking Flakka and similar drugs illegal. That has not, historically, worked out so well.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Is Simon Saran Tearing Her Family Apart?!

Farrah Abraham has a whole lot of problems. Like, just so, so many.

Enough to fill a boat. A real big one.

But some of the biggest issues she has are with her parents — her mother, specifically. One could even go as far as to say that her parents could be the root of all her other problems.

Debra Danielsen, Mommy Dearest herself, has been arrested for being violent with Farrah, and while she insists it was no big deal, Farrah says that Debra’s been very abusive towards her.

Beyond that, we’ve seen Debra be manipulative and just generally awful on Teen Mom OG and during their time on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars Family Edition.

Farrah has had many a meltdown over her mother’s treatment of her, but honestly, Deb doesn’t seem all that concerned with repairing her relationship with her daughter.

She seems to be more into playing the victim whenever possible, and in maintaining a close enough relationship with Farrah to get that sweet, sweet Teen Mom money.

To hear Debra tell it, she’s not to blame whatsoever in what’s happened between her and her daughter.

Farrah isn’t, either.

No, it’s all that dastardly Simon Saran’s fault!

“Simon broke up a family,” Debra reveals in a new interview with Radar Online.

“Farrah has blocked me. She doesn’t talk to me and it’s been a while now. I’ve only tried to help her.”

“They’re my world,” she insists, apparently referring to both Farrah and Sophia. “I’ve done everything for them.”

She also claims that Simon “makes stuff up” about her — like that time that he recently stated that she’d been talking to a lawyer in an attempt to get custody of Sophia.

Oh, and that other time that he recently stated that she’d brought dudes over to her house to bang while she was supposed to be watching Sophia.

She says that “It’s always about Simon wanting to earn more money and use my money and my family to appear on the show.”

“He could go away, nobody would miss him!”

OK, but here’s the thing.

Instead of Simon tearing Debra’s family apart, it seems like what’s actually been happening over in reality is that Simon’s been helping Farrah stand up to her mother.

You might have missed it in between Ryan Edwards nodding off while driving and Amber Portwood almost beating Matt Baier, but there was a lot of Farrah drama in the Teen Mom season finale.

She paid for Debra, Debra’s creepy fiance, David, and Simon to go on a vacation together, and David was rude to her the entire time.

They finally got into a huge fight over dinner one evening, and David told Farrah that the reason he was being cold to her was because she didn’t respect her mother.

Farrah actually managed to be reasonable for once, explaining that David had no place talking to her like that, and that she’d give respect when it was earned.

When things got too heated, Simon calmly and quietly pulled her aside, suggesting they go for a walk.

It was a surprisingly sweet move, but for the entire vacation, Farrah seemed to be comforted by his presence.

Debra, meanwhile, made a scene in a nail salon and screamed that she wanted to die, right in front of the employees and Sophia and everyone.

So one person threatens suicide if she doesn’t get her way, the other is supportive and sweet …

Which one do you think could be the one responsible for breaking the family?


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Is Her Breakup with Tyga Tearing Her Family Apart?!

If you can believe it, it’s been nearly a month now since Kylie Jenner and Tyga’s most recent breakup.

And this time, it’s serious.

Or, you know, as serious as a 19-year-old girl breaking up with her older, creepier boyfriend for the umpteenth time possibly can be.

We’ve heard several possible reasons for the split — some sources say that Kylie cut Tyga loose because she’d heard rumors he’d been cheating on her again, and she simply feels like she can no longer trust him.

Other sources claim that the issue is that Tyga won’t take the relationship to the next level.

“Kylie has been begging Tyga to propose to her for years now and she pulled the plug on this relationship because she was tired of waiting,” a source recently explained.

“She has been trying to force him into marrying her and seems to think that Tyga cannot live without her.”

Unfortunately though, “she’s wrong because he clearly can and does!”

Ha ha, gross.

But whatever the reason for the breakup, whether Tyga was cheating or Kylie gave him an ultimatum or things just fizzled out, people seem to agree that this split definitely feels more permanent than the others.

And her family simply cannot handle the heartache.

An insider explained the whole issue to Hollywood Life: see, it seems like her sisters and her mother are arguing about what Kylie’s next step should be.

“There’s serious drama between the sisters over Kylie and Tyga,” the source says. “While Kim and Kris are in Kylie’s ear telling her to dump him, Khloe and Kourtney are telling her to make it work!”

And while this could be a simple debate over the love life of a teenager, things are getting nasty.

“Kim and Kris don’t think Kylie should listen to her other sisters,” apparently, “and point out that Khloe’s relationships don’t last longer than six months and that Kourt and Scott are a hot mess of a couple.”

… Well, they’re not wrong.

Meanwhile, “Khloe and Kourtney feel a little salty about that shade but are telling Kylie that when it comes to love, logic doesn’t stand a chance.”

“No doubt Kourtney and Scott love one another and it’s obvious. They’ll always be together and their situation works for them!”

As for Khloe, she’s “having the time of her life with Tristan Thompson and they’re making it work.”

But at the end of the day, “Everyone wants Kylie to be happy and whether she wants to stay with T is ultimately her decision.”

Is there one single thing in this world that this family won’t twist into some sort of drama?

Kylie is 19. Tyga is terrible. It’s great that she’s over him right now, and her family shouldn’t be trying to get in her head with all these ideas about how precious and pure her love for Tyga is.

Sometimes, on very rare occasion, Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner will have worthwhile ideas. This is one of those times.

Leave the guy alone, Kylie.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Kardashian-Jenner Online Popularity Contest: Tearing the Family Apart?!

Earlier this week, the ladies of the Kardashian-Jenner clan expanded their empire by launching paid apps and websites targeted at their biggest fans.

Yes, those who believe that Kim and company don’t receive enough exposure online can now pay actual US dollars to see more of the Kard clan on their computers and mobile devices.

It sounds like a ridiculous business model, but somehow, it’s already paying off…at least for the youngest of the sisters.

Kylie Jenner launched her app on Monday, and the competition from her sisters is no competition at all.

Kim also launched a paid website, and as the most widely-recognized Kardashian, you might think she would have the most subscribers. 

Of the nearly 1 million (!) subscribers that paid for Kardashian-Jenner apps or website access in the first 24 hours, more than 74% of them were Kylie kustomers.

Far from being proud of their lil sis, the other ladies are reportedly pissed!

“The family thinks that this could potentially be the beginning of the end for the Kardashian empire because it is going to start getting even more competitive within the family,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“Greed and money are never good combinations.”

Some of the girls (specifically Kourtney and Kendall) were reportedly against the idea from the start, as they felt that it would not only lead to competition within the family, but might also alienate some of their fans.

“Some of the girls feel that Kris’s master plan to charge people to keep up with them is going to backfire,” says the insider.

As for the increased competitiveness – we may be seeing signs of that already.

Sources say Kylie and Kendall have been feuding at Fashion Week, and fighting over center stage at parties and public events.