Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Is Simon Saran Tearing Her Family Apart?!

Farrah Abraham has a whole lot of problems. Like, just so, so many.

Enough to fill a boat. A real big one.

But some of the biggest issues she has are with her parents — her mother, specifically. One could even go as far as to say that her parents could be the root of all her other problems.

Debra Danielsen, Mommy Dearest herself, has been arrested for being violent with Farrah, and while she insists it was no big deal, Farrah says that Debra’s been very abusive towards her.

Beyond that, we’ve seen Debra be manipulative and just generally awful on Teen Mom OG and during their time on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars Family Edition.

Farrah has had many a meltdown over her mother’s treatment of her, but honestly, Deb doesn’t seem all that concerned with repairing her relationship with her daughter.

She seems to be more into playing the victim whenever possible, and in maintaining a close enough relationship with Farrah to get that sweet, sweet Teen Mom money.

To hear Debra tell it, she’s not to blame whatsoever in what’s happened between her and her daughter.

Farrah isn’t, either.

No, it’s all that dastardly Simon Saran’s fault!

“Simon broke up a family,” Debra reveals in a new interview with Radar Online.

“Farrah has blocked me. She doesn’t talk to me and it’s been a while now. I’ve only tried to help her.”

“They’re my world,” she insists, apparently referring to both Farrah and Sophia. “I’ve done everything for them.”

She also claims that Simon “makes stuff up” about her — like that time that he recently stated that she’d been talking to a lawyer in an attempt to get custody of Sophia.

Oh, and that other time that he recently stated that she’d brought dudes over to her house to bang while she was supposed to be watching Sophia.

She says that “It’s always about Simon wanting to earn more money and use my money and my family to appear on the show.”

“He could go away, nobody would miss him!”

OK, but here’s the thing.

Instead of Simon tearing Debra’s family apart, it seems like what’s actually been happening over in reality is that Simon’s been helping Farrah stand up to her mother.

You might have missed it in between Ryan Edwards nodding off while driving and Amber Portwood almost beating Matt Baier, but there was a lot of Farrah drama in the Teen Mom season finale.

She paid for Debra, Debra’s creepy fiance, David, and Simon to go on a vacation together, and David was rude to her the entire time.

They finally got into a huge fight over dinner one evening, and David told Farrah that the reason he was being cold to her was because she didn’t respect her mother.

Farrah actually managed to be reasonable for once, explaining that David had no place talking to her like that, and that she’d give respect when it was earned.

When things got too heated, Simon calmly and quietly pulled her aside, suggesting they go for a walk.

It was a surprisingly sweet move, but for the entire vacation, Farrah seemed to be comforted by his presence.

Debra, meanwhile, made a scene in a nail salon and screamed that she wanted to die, right in front of the employees and Sophia and everyone.

So one person threatens suicide if she doesn’t get her way, the other is supportive and sweet …

Which one do you think could be the one responsible for breaking the family?
