Showing posts with label Rapists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rapists. Show all posts

Friday, October 13, 2017

Evan Rachel Wood: This is Why I"ve Never Named My Rapists!

With the very public accusations of Harvey Weinstein raping multiple women and the details of decades of sexual harassment against women working in the film industry, a lot of people are talking about how this happens.

Along with rightful condemnations, there are also people asking why these women — some of whom are quite famous — stayed quiet for so long.

Evan Rachel Wood, herself an actress and also a rape survivor, has made a lengthy video in which she shares her thoughts on why women — herself included — don"t come forward sooner.

In the lengthy but captivating video titled "I"m here to tell you that I"m afraid," Evan Rachel Wood first discusses the politicization of the Harvey Weinstein story and how both sides of the political aisle aren"t helping anyone by trying to make it a political issue.

She"s right — it doesn"t matter what side of the aisle a rapist is on. We should all stand united against that sort of evil.

Then she talks about what makes women so often take so long to report sexual assaults.

"In this case, and in many cases, when women come forward with a story about sexual assault or sexual harassment, people are very quick to try to discredit them or knock them down or look for any sign of foul play or any reason not to believe them."

That is a tragic reality. Everyone plays a volunteer defense attorney.

"I think that some of this comes from trying to protect innocent people from being accused falsely."

Keep in mind that false accusations, though extremely rare in proportion to the number of actual sexual assaults, do occasionally happen.

"But we"ve got to find a way to find a balance, because right now, people are wondering why more women didn"t come forward sooner. And why in a lot of these cases, one woman will come out multiple women will come out and then the floodgates are open."

She explains why that happens.

"People are wondering why women don"t come forward sooner or why they come out in numbers. It"s because it"s safer. They do not feel safe enough to do so. Period."

Safety in numbers, right?

"And I"m guilty of this as well, because I have not named my abusers."

That is totally her choice to make. None of us can decide for her.

"Not because I don"t plan on saying people"s names eventually, but because … to start that process is an emotionally draining, financially draining, really everything-draining thing to do."

That"s sadly true. It"s not uncommon for wealthy rapists to sue their victims into silence. Rape is very difficult to prove in our justice system, sadly, which also means that it"s difficult to prove if you"re sued for slander or defamation for calling someone out on being a sexual predator.

And lawsuits are horribly expensive. You can win a lawsuit and still go bankrupt.

But she says that she"ll do it when she"s ready.

"If you want to know who my perpetrators were, they were very powerful, very rich, very entitled, very narcissistic white men."

That is, unfortunately, not an uncommon profile for sexual predators.

"And I haven"t named my abusers for a number of reasons. One, I"m one person against some very powerful people. Two, money and time and re-traumatizing yourself. To go after the person who assaulted you takes quite a toll. It is a terrifying thing to have to go through."

With members of the public scrutinizing everything you"ve said and done out of what looks like some perverse drive to defend the accused, it sure sounds terrifying.

"Mainly because you"re at risk of not being believed, you career being hurt, you being drained of your finances. Because it costs a lot of money to file a lawsuit and to go to court with somebody. Especially if all that you have is your word against theirs."

Like we said, wealth can be a powerful suit of armor against all sorts of allegations.

"And especially if these are very powerful people. Once again, you"re at the mercy of your abusers. And you"ve kicked a hornet"s nest. And you have a target on your back."

Evan Rachel Wood speaks about how all of this can be discouraging to women who have been raped by less powerful men, too.

"Look at all of the people that have gone free. There is something in society that tells us not to trust women. And there"s something in society that makes us desensitized."

That is a sad, sad reality.

As for why Evan Rachel Wood doesn"t name the men who assaulted her, even though they might prey upon other women?

"I am not ready to go through that and to relive those things."

We absolutely do not blame her. No one can make that decision for a survivor of any kind of assault or abuse.

Evan rachel wood this is why ive never named my rapists

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Jenna Jameson: Muslims are Evil Rapists, But the KKK is Fine!

It’s official: Jenna Jameson has lost it.

To be fair, we’re not all that convinced that she ever had it, but regardless, she’s looking especially unhinged right now.

Because right now, and for the past few days, Jenna has been ranting and raving about Muslims over on Twitter.

It sounds bad, right? And that’s because it really, really is.

It started, we think, with Jenna discussing “Muslim rape gangs,” which is apparently a thing she believes exists.

She went on a tangent about how Sweden is now “the rape capitol of the world” because “it opened its arms to these sharia loving psychos.”

She called Mark Ruffalo “just another virtue signaling half wit who knows nothing of the Jewish plight.”

When asked about Christian terrorists and why she insisted on reserving all her hate for Muslims, she argued that “I don’t see bands of Christian rape gangs.”

“Don’t shift the goal posts,” she wrote. “I am discussing the Muslim rape epidemic. But before you make the retarded Christian terrorist argument, fact check.”

It’s getting crazy, right? Like, bad crazy.

But hold on tight, friends, because we’ve barely gotten started yet.

Someone asked Jenna why she hates Muslims, and she responded with “I don’t ‘hate’ them … I disagree with absolutely everything they represent, and I am utterly unafraid to express my opinion.”

So at this point, Jenna’s on a roll, she’s probably thinking she’s killing it in that delusional mind of hers. She’s probably feeling so good about herself and her reasoning skills.

What better time to throw the actual KKK into the discussion?

Jenna asked “Do the ku klux klan follow a religion that orders the death of apostates? When was the last time we saw a klan member blow up infidels?”

That sounds an awful lot like a defense, right? And yes, the KKK might not “blow up infidels,” but they’ve always been pretty down with racism and violence and why do we even have to explain this?

She must have realized her mistake, because she added “Thank god they’ve been all but eradicated into obscurity … no thanks to the democrats who created them.”

Oh, Jenna.

We’re not going to touch the Democrats claim, but it’s interesting that she thanks they’ve been “all but eradicated” when they publicly marched the day Trump was elected.

But anyway, back to the Muslim bashing.

“I disagree with following an ideology that abuses women, kills gays, mutilates female children and murders apostates,” she wrote.

“Even moderate muslims believe homosexuality is a criminal offense, polygamy is the norm, women are considered animals. Shall I go on?”

When someone pointed out that many other religions believe homosexuality is a criminal offense, she argued “But Christians don’t believe in putting their heads on pikes.”

Jenna, bless her heart, also wrote “You can accuse me of many things, but being dumb isn’t one of them.”

What a wild, awful ride, huh? Who knew Jenna Jameson was such a bigoted ol’ loon?
