Showing posts with label Wood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wood. Show all posts

Saturday, July 14, 2018

"The Wire" Star Wood Harris Accused of Beating GF, But D.A. Declines Charges

Wood Harris – who starred as Avon Barksdale on the hit HBO series “The Wire” — won’t face any criminal charges after allegedly pummeling his girlfriend, who is now threatening further legal action. The alleged incident went down back in…


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Robert Wagner Named Person of Interest in Natalie Wood Investigation

Back in 1981, actress Natalie Wood drowned off the coast of Catalina Island.

The beloved star of such film classics as West Side Story, Miracle on 34th Street and Rebel Without a Cause was just 43 years old.

In the decades since Woods’ death, the suspicion that she was murdered by husband Robert Wagner has persisted – and with good reason.

In 2014, Wagner was questioned by police in connection with his wife’s death.

In 2016, it was widely rumored that the actor would be taken into police custody, but the arrest was never made.

Speculation about Wagner’s possible motives has varied widely over the years, but the most popular theory these days seems to be that Wood walked in on her husband in bed with friend Christopher Walken while the three actors were on an overnight yachting expedition.

Wagner chased Wood on deck, the story goes, and she either slipped, hit her head, and fell in the water, or he struck her and dumped her unconscious body overboard, where she drowned.

It may sound outlandish, but it’s not just tabloids and social media gossip hounds who are still interested in the details of that fateful night.

In 2011, the investigation was re-opened, and Wood’s cause of death was officially changed from “accidental drowning” to “drowning and other undetermined factors.”

On Saturday night, a new 48 Hours special entitled “Natalie Wood: Death in Dark Water” will debut on CBS.

The episode features conversations with some of the authorities who have been investigating Woods’ passing for six years now – and they say they’re ready to interrogate Wagner:

“As we’ve investigated the case over the last six years, I think he’s (Wagner) more of a person of interest now,” says John Corina, of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

“I mean, we know now that he was the last person to be with Natalie before she disappeared.”

Public suspicion of Wagner and Walken began shortly after Wood’s death when it was revealed that they claimed she unexpectedly set out by herself in a dinghy in the middle of the night.

When family and friends revealed that Wood had a crippling fear of water and drowning, the actors changed their stories.

“I haven’t seen him (Wagner) tell the details that match all the other witnesses in this case,” Corina says.

“I think he’s constantly changed his story a little bit. And his version of events just don’t add up.” 

The special also features an interview with Detective Ralph Hernandez. who recently evaluated Wood’s autopsy report and confirmed that the actress had fresh bruises on her body at the time of her death.

“She looked like a victim of an assault,” Hernandez says.

Producers of 48 Hours say Wagner declined their request to comment on the story.


Saturday, January 13, 2018

"The Wire" Star Wood Harris Chooses Between Trump and Pence

“The Wire” star Wood Harris has strong but conflicted views on who he wants in the Oval Office. Harvey ran into Wood — who’s heading to Philly to shoot “Creed II” — Saturday on Melrose in L.A., and asked who’s better to occupy the White House at…


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Evan Rachel Wood: You"re No Monster for Not Wearing Black at Golden Globes

Evan Rachel Wood says it’s great that people want to wear black to the Golden Globes, and those who don’t want to … well that’s great, too. We got the “Westworld” star at LAX Friday and asked her about actors who will wear black in support…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Dodgers" Alex Wood & Hot Wife Ballin" Hard on Caribbean Honeymoon

Dodgers star Alex Wood and his red hot wife have ditched the L.A. “winter” for the sunny sands of Saint Lucia … makin’ it rain MLB money all over their Caribbean honeymoon!! The newlyweds are droppin’ around $ 3K PER NIGHT for their “Galaxy…


Friday, October 13, 2017

Evan Rachel Wood: This is Why I"ve Never Named My Rapists!

With the very public accusations of Harvey Weinstein raping multiple women and the details of decades of sexual harassment against women working in the film industry, a lot of people are talking about how this happens.

Along with rightful condemnations, there are also people asking why these women — some of whom are quite famous — stayed quiet for so long.

Evan Rachel Wood, herself an actress and also a rape survivor, has made a lengthy video in which she shares her thoughts on why women — herself included — don"t come forward sooner.

In the lengthy but captivating video titled "I"m here to tell you that I"m afraid," Evan Rachel Wood first discusses the politicization of the Harvey Weinstein story and how both sides of the political aisle aren"t helping anyone by trying to make it a political issue.

She"s right — it doesn"t matter what side of the aisle a rapist is on. We should all stand united against that sort of evil.

Then she talks about what makes women so often take so long to report sexual assaults.

"In this case, and in many cases, when women come forward with a story about sexual assault or sexual harassment, people are very quick to try to discredit them or knock them down or look for any sign of foul play or any reason not to believe them."

That is a tragic reality. Everyone plays a volunteer defense attorney.

"I think that some of this comes from trying to protect innocent people from being accused falsely."

Keep in mind that false accusations, though extremely rare in proportion to the number of actual sexual assaults, do occasionally happen.

"But we"ve got to find a way to find a balance, because right now, people are wondering why more women didn"t come forward sooner. And why in a lot of these cases, one woman will come out multiple women will come out and then the floodgates are open."

She explains why that happens.

"People are wondering why women don"t come forward sooner or why they come out in numbers. It"s because it"s safer. They do not feel safe enough to do so. Period."

Safety in numbers, right?

"And I"m guilty of this as well, because I have not named my abusers."

That is totally her choice to make. None of us can decide for her.

"Not because I don"t plan on saying people"s names eventually, but because … to start that process is an emotionally draining, financially draining, really everything-draining thing to do."

That"s sadly true. It"s not uncommon for wealthy rapists to sue their victims into silence. Rape is very difficult to prove in our justice system, sadly, which also means that it"s difficult to prove if you"re sued for slander or defamation for calling someone out on being a sexual predator.

And lawsuits are horribly expensive. You can win a lawsuit and still go bankrupt.

But she says that she"ll do it when she"s ready.

"If you want to know who my perpetrators were, they were very powerful, very rich, very entitled, very narcissistic white men."

That is, unfortunately, not an uncommon profile for sexual predators.

"And I haven"t named my abusers for a number of reasons. One, I"m one person against some very powerful people. Two, money and time and re-traumatizing yourself. To go after the person who assaulted you takes quite a toll. It is a terrifying thing to have to go through."

With members of the public scrutinizing everything you"ve said and done out of what looks like some perverse drive to defend the accused, it sure sounds terrifying.

"Mainly because you"re at risk of not being believed, you career being hurt, you being drained of your finances. Because it costs a lot of money to file a lawsuit and to go to court with somebody. Especially if all that you have is your word against theirs."

Like we said, wealth can be a powerful suit of armor against all sorts of allegations.

"And especially if these are very powerful people. Once again, you"re at the mercy of your abusers. And you"ve kicked a hornet"s nest. And you have a target on your back."

Evan Rachel Wood speaks about how all of this can be discouraging to women who have been raped by less powerful men, too.

"Look at all of the people that have gone free. There is something in society that tells us not to trust women. And there"s something in society that makes us desensitized."

That is a sad, sad reality.

As for why Evan Rachel Wood doesn"t name the men who assaulted her, even though they might prey upon other women?

"I am not ready to go through that and to relive those things."

We absolutely do not blame her. No one can make that decision for a survivor of any kind of assault or abuse.

Evan rachel wood this is why ive never named my rapists

Monday, October 2, 2017

Evan Rachel Wood Responds to Steve Bannon "Dumb as Ticks" Comments

Evan Rachel Wood had a message for Steve Bannon … and it was written all over her. The “Westworld” star was at LAX Sunday, and we asked if she had more to say after the ousted White House Chief Strategist called out Hollywood celebs, saying…


Saturday, August 12, 2017

Tree-Huggin" Hotties -- See the Stars With Wood

These sexy stars spruced up social media with these sultry tree selfies … Check out the gallery to see the blossomin’ babes pining for the perfect pose.  No shrubs. 


Tree-Huggin" Hotties -- See the Stars With Wood

These sexy stars spruced up social media with these sultry tree selfies … Check out the gallery to see the blossomin’ babes pining for the perfect pose.  No shrubs. 


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Ronnie Wood: Rolling Stones Guitarist Reveals Lung Cancer Diagnosis

Here’s a sad story for music fans …

Ronnie Wood, guitarist for the Rolling Stones for over 40 years now, has just revealed that earlier this year, he was diagnosed with lung cancer.

And he’s sharing intimate, heartbreaking details about his journey in a new interview with Daily Mail’s Event magazine.

“Did I think I’d ever make it to see this?” he began. “Hell no! Someone up there must like me. And luckily someone down here likes me too.”

Honestly, it is kind of shocking that he’s still around making music — with all the booze, drugs, and smoking, he hasn’t exactly been kind to his body in his 70 years.

But thankfully, he’s been sober for a while now, and he quit smoking last year when his wife gave birth to twins, two little girls they named Gracie and Alice.

Still, Ronnie said “I had this thought at the back of my mind after I gave up smoking a year ago: ‘How can I have got through 50 years of chain-smoking — and all the rest of my bad habits — without something going on in there?"”

As he found out a few months ago though, there was something going on in there.

“I’ve had a fight with a touch of lung cancer,” he revealed.

“There was a week when everything hung in the balance and it could have been curtains — time to say goodbye. You never know what’s going to happen.”

He said that he found out about the cancer back in May, when he got a check-up ahead of this fall’s Rolling Stones tour.

As he explained, all the band members are required to have physicals before any touring can happen, and when he got his, the doctor “asked me if I wanted him to go deeper and check my heart, lungs and blood.”

“I said, ‘Go for it."”

“And then,” he said, “he came back with the news that I had this supernova burning away on my left lung. And to be totally honest, I wasn’t surprised.”

He hadn’t had a chest x-ray since he went to rehab in 2002, and with how much he smoked, and considering he only quit last year, it makes sense.

The doctor asked Ronnie what he wanted him to do, “and my answer was simple: ‘Just get it out of me."”

After the discovery of the tumor, he underwent more tests to see if the cancer had spread, and “if that had happened, it would have been all over for me.”

“I was prepared for bad news but I also had faith it would be OK,” he said.

He and his wife didn’t tell anyone at all about what was going on, “because we didn’t want to put anyone else through the hell we were going through.”

“But,” he added, “I made up my mind that if it had spread I wasn’t going to through chemo, I wasn’t going to use that bayonet in my body.”

Not for any deep reasons though — he said that he planned on refusing chemo because “I wasn’t going to lose my hair. This hair wasn’t going anywhere.”

Luckily he didn’t have to make that decision for real, because the cancer hadn’t spread, and he and his doctors made a plan to remove the tumor as soon as possible.

“Just before I closed my eyes for the operation I looked at the doctor and said, ‘Let battle commence,” he recalled.

Now, three months later, Ronnie says that he’s “OK,” but he still has to have checkups every few months.

“I was bloody lucky,” he admitted, “but then I’ve always had a very strong guardian angel looking out for me. By rights I shouldn’t be here.”

And it’s a good thing, too — he’s got two little babies to care for, and three adult children, too.

Best wishes, Ronnie!


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Evan Rachel Wood SLAMS Ben Affleck for Old Homophobic Comment!

One of the things about being a celebrity is that the dumb stuff that you say lasts forever, and that’s been the case since before the internet was even a thing.

To no one’s real surprise, Ben Affleck said something dumb — 20 years ago. That statement was published, and Evan Rachel Wood blasted him into next week.

We’re getting some Sad Ben Affleck vibes again.

So, 20 years ago, Ben Affleck had a same-sex kiss in a film called Chasing Amy.

Paper Magazine decided to share that in a wildly clickbaity tweet that made it sound like he’d just said it:

“Ben Affleck says gay kissing is ‘the biggest acting challenge an actor could face."”

That line is followed by a link to the article and then an emoji used to indicate judgmental pondering.

Clearly, it was designed to evoke outrage directed at, quite frankly, an easy target.

And, of course, to get retweets and clicks. Everybody understands that.

Evan Rachel Wood saw the tweet.

We don’t know if she saw or read the article before making her first tweet.

But honestly, it doesn’t really matter.

Ben’s statement was a dumbass and homophobic thing to say in the ’90s, too.

Even if society didn’t think so.

“Try getting raped in a scene. Also, grow up Ben.”

She’s had some famously upsetting sexual assault scenes on Westworld.

(Though no one should ever make a robot with genuine feelings or the capacity for suffering but that’s a Westworld rant for another day)

Remember that sexual assault is not just an acting issue for Evan Rachel Wood, who has been raped.

It’s a far too common experience.

Obviously, he’s “grown up” since he made that statement, and someone pointed that out. 

Evan Rachel Wood responded:

“I’m sure he just thought it was funny, but even jokes like that are damaging.”

She’s absolutely right, of course.

Homophobic jokes contribute to the same homophobic culture that leads to gay people dying.

Evan Rachel Wood is bi, so this has to hit close to home for her, and not just as an actress.

She follows up with a delightful burn, though it’s not directed solely at Ben Affleck.

“Also, you think us ladies like kissing all the guys we kiss? Just ‘cause it’s a ‘straight kiss’ doesn’t mean we enjoy it. Ahem.”

She is such a gift.

We’d ask someone to print out and frame that tweet, but even though it was made just yesterday, Evan Rachel Wood has already deleted it.

Not because of regrets, but because people who don’t follow her apparently took notice and started spamming her mentions with vitriol.

She explained deleting the mini-thread in a new tweet:

“I have deleted the thread because of the sickening things people have written in response.”

But she made it clear that she’s not running — just avoiding giving a platform to evil.

“I dont want to give that kind of hatred a place.”

We can only guess the sorts of homophobic things that were showing up in her mentions.

Things about her, to be sure.

And likely unspeakable things about male kissing or perhaps even sexual assault.

People will say all sorts of things when they’re in a mob and when they believe that they’re anonymous.

Platforms like Twitter give awful people an experience that combines anonymity and mob mentality.

Though most of us on Twitter just want to talk about politics and video games and memes.

Even though his comments weren’t okay back in the ’90s or today, we don’t think that Ben Affleck would say something that dumb anymore.

Sure, he might play a Batman who has guns on his Batmobile, even though that makes zero sense for the character.

That’s not on the same level as transparent homophobia.

But, even if Ben Affleck’s girlfriend is pregnant, we don’t think that he’s going to reinforce those homophobic ideas on a future generation.

For the record, kissing someone, whether you’re attracted to them or their gender or not, isn’t a big deal.

Not when you’re past high school, anyway.

Actors kiss people they aren’t attracted to all of the time.

Goodness, how many women has Matt Bomer kissed on screen?

Or Thomas Dekker, who only just came out? Or Colton Haynes?

The only difference between their “acting challenge” of kissing ladies on screen and Ben’s of kissing a man is homophobia.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor Finally Face Off ... As Wood Statues (PHOTO GALLERY)

Floyd Mayweather hasn’t agreed to terms finalizing the super fight with Conor McGregor … but that hasn’t stopped the 2 superstars from facing off … as awesome wooden statues!! The same sculptor behind the incredible Muhammad…


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Evan Rachel Wood: I"ve Been Raped... Twice

Evan Rachel Wood has opened up about a pair of sexual assaults.

In an email exchange with a reporter from Rolling Stone, the veteran actress talked briefly about both incidents and also explained why she has chosen to make them public.

Scroll down to learn about what happened and why Wood is speaking about it now…

“I’ve been raped,” the 29-year old Westworld star wrote. “By a significant other while we were together. And on a separate occasion, by the owner of a bar.”

And this is the basis for Wood making these horrible incidents known to the world;

“I don’t believe we live in a time where people can stay silent any longer. Not given the state our world is in with its blatant bigotry and sexism.”

Without naming the President-Elect and without getting into the specifics of the 2016 Presidential campaign, Wood is clearly making a reference here to Donald Trump and his rhetoric.

Along with the rhetoric of many of his supporters.

Wood has described herself as gender-fluid in the past; she came out as bisexual in 2011.

However, the actress tells Rolling Stone that she realized she was attracted to women around a very young age, four or five.

“It was always talked about like a phase or something stupid, or something you were doing for attention,” she explains to the publication, adding:

“You know, bisexuality is worthy of eye rolls. And I didn’t realize how damaging that was until I tried to have healthy relationships as an adult and realized that there was still all this shame and conditioning and stigma around my sexuality that was really affecting the way I related to people.

“I think I was taken advantage of because someone knew there was something about me that they could exploit.”

But Wood gave birth to a son with ex-husband Jamie Bell in 2013 and she says it changed her outlook on life.

Becoming a mother helped her learn how to celebrate her sexuality.

“I had my son, and that changed everything,” she says of her only child, whose name she has never revealed. “It got me out of my own s–t. I just couldn’t be what I was not.”

That’s admirable, don’t you think?

Teaching one’s son or daughter to be true to who he or she is has to be one of the most important lessons any parent can pass along.

Then there’s Westworld, the crazy and confusing and dramatic series on HBO that is set to soon wrap up a popular first season.

How has her role on this series also altered her viewpoint?

“I mean, your demons never fully leave,” Wood says.

“But when you’re using them to create something else, it almost gives them a purpose and feels like none of it was in vain. I think that’s how I make peace with it.

“Westworld? Good God. I left so much in that first season and never looked back.”

We salute Wood for speaking out on such an important topic and we wish her the best of luck moving forward.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Robert Wagner to Be Arrested For Murder of Natalie Wood?

It’s been almost 35 years since Natalie Wood drowned during a boat trip with husband Robert Wagner and friend Christopher Walken.

Despite the fact that decades have passed since Wood lost her life under mysterious circumstances off the coast of Catalina Island, there’s been a renewed interest in the circumstances of her death in recent years.

The case began making headlines again back in 2012, when Wood’s death certificate was officially changed to include “mysterious circumstances” as one of the causes of her passing.

Shortly thereafter, rumors that Wood caught Wagner and Walken in bed together on the night of her death began to circulate online.

In December of 2014, Walken was questioned by police in connection with Wood’s death, but insiders say the interrogation produced no new information.

Several members of Wood’s family have remained persistent in their efforts to get to the bottom of what really happened on that fateful night in 1981, and the campaign to get all parties involved to participate in the ongoing investigation led to a videotaped confrontation between Wagner and Wood’s sister last year:

Now, a private detective firm called Cold Case Investigative Research claims to have assembled sufficient evidence to offer to convince police to arrest Wagner for Wood’s murder.

CCIR investigator Mark Rulli recently revealed to Radar Online that the firm has turned a file containing their findings over the Los Angeles Ounst Sheriff’s Department, which reopened its own investigation into Wood’s death in 2011.

“Natalie was married to a jealous man, who ended up robbing her of life,” Rulli tells the website.

While he’s unable to confirm the rumors about Walken and Wagner being involved in a sexual relationship, Rulli says he’s been able to prove conclusively that Wagner was carrying on two simultaneous affairs while Wood was still alive.

In order to avoid compromising the investigation, Rulli declined to offer forensic details, but an insider familiar with the case has assured Radar that “a bust is looming.”

A spokesperson for the LAPD confirmed that the department is “fully aware” of CCIR’s findings, but did not offer any further information.

It remains unclear if police have any intention of pressing charges against the 86-year-old Wagner.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Natalie Wood: Late Actress" Sister Confronts Robert Wagner Over Murder Investigation

It"s been almost 35 years since actress Natalie Wood drowned after falling from a boat off the coast of Santa Catalina Island in California.

In the decades since, the mysterious circumstances surrounding Wood"s passing at the age of 43 have remained a topic of interest for tabloids and conspiracy theorists alike.

In recent years, the demand for answers from Wood"s family and friends has led to the original case being re-opened, with her then-husband, actor Robert Wagner, at the center of the investigation.

In 2014, The National Enquirer reported that Wood caught Wagner and friend Christopher Walken in bed together on the night of her death.

Walken has since been questioned by police and cleared of any suspicion of wrongdoing, but Wagner has consistently refused to investigate with authorities. 

Now in a shocking video obtained by Radar Online, Natalie"s sister, Lana Wood, confronts Wagner and accuses him of 

"You have accused me of murdering her,” Wagner snaps. "It"s incredible. I can"t believe you would do something like that."

Woods sister goes on to accuse Wood of changing his story and refusing to provide straight answers to questions about what took place that fateful night in 1981.

Authorities have officially changed Wood"s cause of death from accidental drowning to "undetermined factors," but Wagner not officially considered a suspect, and at the age of 86, it seems unlikely that he"ll willingly offer up any new information.

Natalie wood late actress sister confronts robert wagner over mu

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

"The Wood" Star De"Aundre Bonds -- "I Fall a Little ... That"s Life!" (VIDEO)



Dope“ co-star De’Aundre Bonds says he wasn’t attacked in downtown L.A., and the gaping wound in his head was merely the result of taking a header … all on his own.

As we reported … Bonds was hospitalized last week when a friend found him unconscious. According to our sources, Bonds believed he’d been jumped by several attackers in DTLA, leaving him with a couple of nasty head injuries that required 10 stitches.

But when we got De’Aundre in Culver City on Monday … he denied any attack. Listen to his version of events — he’s blaming diabetes and low blood sugar for the fall, and hints this kinda thing happens all the time.

As Bonds, who famously starred in “The Wood,” puts it … “I fall a little.”


Friday, September 25, 2015

"The Wood" and "Dope" Star De"Aundre Bonds -- Violently Beaten, Left Unconscious



0925-de-andre-bonds-tmz-01De’Aundre Bonds, who starred in “The Wood,”  is recovering from a brutal attack delivered by multiple people … and he says he has no clue who did it.

We’re told Bonds says he was jumped in downtown L.A. Thursday around midnight … beaten into unconsciousness, and left in the middle of a street. One of his friends happened to be driving by after the attack, realized it was Bonds and drove him to a hospital.

His injuries are pretty brutal — requiring 8 stitches across his eyebrow, and 2 in the middle of his head. He was released early this morning.

Bonds is telling friends his attackers jumped out of nowhere, and he didn’t see any faces. He did not call police.

De’Aundre’s been on the comeback trail with a role in “Dope” this year and a few more on the way. He served nearly 10 years in prison for killing his mother’s boyfriend.

0925_de_aundre_bonds_injury_launchBonds — who also had famous roles in ‘Tales From the Hood’ and ‘Dope’ — was released from prison in 2011 after serving 11 years for manslaughter.
