Showing posts with label Lung. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lung. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

"Frasier" Star John Mahoney Cause of Death, Brain Disease, Lung Cancer

John Mahoney’s death was caused by multiple health complications which included brain disease and lung cancer. Our sources say the “Frasier” star’s official causes of death include brain disease, lung cancer and seizures. We’re told Mahoney also…


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Beyonce & Pharrell Raise Nearly $40k for The Lung Transplant Project

Beyonce and Pharrell are a bunch of overachievers … the items they donated for a charity auction fetched 19 TIMES MORE than anticipated. TMZ broke the story … Bey and P. Willy donated items auctioned off at Heritage Auctions to help…


Friday, November 3, 2017

Beyonce & Pharrell Donate Items to Help The Lung Transplant Project

Beyonce and Pharrell fans can geek out on some pretty cool items now up for auction … and in the process, can help a super worthy cause. Bey donated her iconic wide-brimmed black hat from the ‘Formation’ tour to help raise money for The Lung…


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Elvis Presley"s Company Sued by Hotel Guest Who Contracted Lung Disease from Pool

Elvis Presley Enterprises runs a disease-infested hotel where the water is full of bacteria infiltrating guests’ lungs … according to a new lawsuit. The company that runs all things Elvis has just been sued by Jennifer Walker, who says she…


Friday, September 22, 2017

"Clerks" Star Lisa Spoonauer Overdosed on Painkillers for Cancer, Lung Disease

“Clerks” star Lisa Spoonauer died from an accidental overdose of a powerful painkiller … TMZ has learned. According to the Ocean County Medical Examiner in NJ, Lisa died of acute and chronic intravenous use of hydromorphone … the generic brand…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Larry King Battles Lung Cancer, Wins

Larry King had part of a lung removed after doctors found a spot of lung cancer. Larry says the cancer was in very early stages, and it was discovered during the summer when he got a chest X-ray. He says the doctors told him it would have been very…


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Ronnie Wood: Rolling Stones Guitarist Reveals Lung Cancer Diagnosis

Here’s a sad story for music fans …

Ronnie Wood, guitarist for the Rolling Stones for over 40 years now, has just revealed that earlier this year, he was diagnosed with lung cancer.

And he’s sharing intimate, heartbreaking details about his journey in a new interview with Daily Mail’s Event magazine.

“Did I think I’d ever make it to see this?” he began. “Hell no! Someone up there must like me. And luckily someone down here likes me too.”

Honestly, it is kind of shocking that he’s still around making music — with all the booze, drugs, and smoking, he hasn’t exactly been kind to his body in his 70 years.

But thankfully, he’s been sober for a while now, and he quit smoking last year when his wife gave birth to twins, two little girls they named Gracie and Alice.

Still, Ronnie said “I had this thought at the back of my mind after I gave up smoking a year ago: ‘How can I have got through 50 years of chain-smoking — and all the rest of my bad habits — without something going on in there?"”

As he found out a few months ago though, there was something going on in there.

“I’ve had a fight with a touch of lung cancer,” he revealed.

“There was a week when everything hung in the balance and it could have been curtains — time to say goodbye. You never know what’s going to happen.”

He said that he found out about the cancer back in May, when he got a check-up ahead of this fall’s Rolling Stones tour.

As he explained, all the band members are required to have physicals before any touring can happen, and when he got his, the doctor “asked me if I wanted him to go deeper and check my heart, lungs and blood.”

“I said, ‘Go for it."”

“And then,” he said, “he came back with the news that I had this supernova burning away on my left lung. And to be totally honest, I wasn’t surprised.”

He hadn’t had a chest x-ray since he went to rehab in 2002, and with how much he smoked, and considering he only quit last year, it makes sense.

The doctor asked Ronnie what he wanted him to do, “and my answer was simple: ‘Just get it out of me."”

After the discovery of the tumor, he underwent more tests to see if the cancer had spread, and “if that had happened, it would have been all over for me.”

“I was prepared for bad news but I also had faith it would be OK,” he said.

He and his wife didn’t tell anyone at all about what was going on, “because we didn’t want to put anyone else through the hell we were going through.”

“But,” he added, “I made up my mind that if it had spread I wasn’t going to through chemo, I wasn’t going to use that bayonet in my body.”

Not for any deep reasons though — he said that he planned on refusing chemo because “I wasn’t going to lose my hair. This hair wasn’t going anywhere.”

Luckily he didn’t have to make that decision for real, because the cancer hadn’t spread, and he and his doctors made a plan to remove the tumor as soon as possible.

“Just before I closed my eyes for the operation I looked at the doctor and said, ‘Let battle commence,” he recalled.

Now, three months later, Ronnie says that he’s “OK,” but he still has to have checkups every few months.

“I was bloody lucky,” he admitted, “but then I’ve always had a very strong guardian angel looking out for me. By rights I shouldn’t be here.”

And it’s a good thing, too — he’s got two little babies to care for, and three adult children, too.

Best wishes, Ronnie!


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Angela Raiola Hospitalized with Stage 4 Lung and Brain Cancer

Very sad news this week out of the television world:

Mob Wives star Angela “Big Ang” Raiola has been hospitalized for stage 4 lung and brain cancer.

Raiola’s sister, Janine Detore, revealed this tragic diagnosis to fans on Wednesday, saying that treatments for the VH1 reality star have not been working.

As a result, she has created a GoFundMe page in the hopes of raising $ 25,000 for alternative cures.

“My sister was diagnosed with stage 4 brain and lung cancer,” Detore wrote on this GoFundMe page.

“Chemotherapy was started January 5th. On January 26th the doctor reviewed her CT scan and informed us that the treatment was not working, and in fact one tumor grew larger and the other tumors had no change.”

Last March, the 55-year old told People Magazine that she was diagnosed with a lemon-sized tumor in her throat.

A mother of two, Angela said she quit smoking (following 40 years of the habit) that day and underwent surgery in June.

“We were advised that she would start immunotherapy the following week,” Detore writes online, bringing fans up to date.

“Here we are at the emergency room waiting to see why her breathing is labored and the amount of pain she is having is by far more than she could handle.

“So I suggested cannabis oil as an alternative. This is why I am putting up this go fund me to try to help my sister to get this oil to help her at least be pain free. Angela cannot function to work anymore.”

Thus far, supporters have surpassed the family’s goal and raised over $ 30,000 for Big Ang.

We send her our very best wishes.