Friday, July 28, 2017

Woman Goes on INSANE Racist Rant Against Muslims, Promptly Gets Fired

Look, we all know the world can be an ugly, awful, miserable place, full of hate and anger and just so many bad things.

But when you see it spewing all over the place in a Walmart parking lot in North Dakota, it still kind of takes your breath away, you know?

There"s been a horrific little video making the rounds lately of a white woman named Amber Hensley going off on three Somali women, and it"s … well, it"s alarming, to say the least.

As we said, it takes place outside of a Walmart in Fargo, North Dakota, with the Somali women sitting in their car and the white woman standing outside.

The video begins in the middle of an argument — one of the women in the car tells good ol" Amber that she"s "a racist person," and Amber replies that she"s "an American."

"What are you gonna do?" one of the ladies then asks her, and she gets up close to the window and says, with a crazy look in her eyes, "We"re going to kill you. We"re going to kill all of you f-cking Muslims."

Then, when they tell her they"re going to show the video with the threats to the police, she asks them "Do you think the police care?"

"Why are you in our country anyway?" she adds.

It"s just a really disgusting way for this woman to behave, and no matter what happened to cause the argument in the first place, her words are inexcusable.

But still, Amber is offering plenty of excuses.

In a statement she made to a local news station, this monster of a human said "I would first like to apologize for the horrible things I said to the two ladies at Walmart."

"It was not a Christian-like thing to do at all and wish I could take it back. I am terribly sorry."

But, she adds, if the entire conversation had been recorded, we would see that the altercation began because the women were parked too close to her car.

"When I asked her to move she refused," she claimed. "I asked her again and she swore at me calling me a fat bitch, to that I informed her I was a Christian and asked her if she knew who Jesus was."

The woman allegedly replied with "F-ck Jesus," and Amber said that "I lost it!"

"But," she admitted, "there are absolutely no excuses. I am in tears with regret and will take any form of punishment deemed fit."

And so far, she"s been punished by losing her job as a secretary for an accounting firm.

It"s just a depressing situation, because no matter what was said to Amber, nothing justifies the way she spoke to those women.

Watch the insane exchange in the video below:

Woman goes on insane racist rant against muslims promptly gets f