Showing posts with label Heartbreak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heartbreak. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Kaley Cuoco Shares Her Heartbreak Over The Big Bang Theory Ending

On Wednesday, TV viewers everywhere cried out after it was announced that The Big Bang Theory is ending after 12 seasons.

Obviously, this has an even deeper impact on the cast and crew of the series. This is thier life and also their job.

Kaley Cuoco took to Instagram to tell fans that she is heartbroken over the news.

In an emotional post on Instagram, Kaley reacted to this news in a post for her fans and followers.

“This ride has been a dream come true,” Kaley acknowledges. “And as life changing as it gets.”

We should say so. Not only is she famous, but she’s worth tens of millions. To say nothing of the impact that her role on this series has had on her social life.

“No matter when it was going to end,” Kaley says. “My heart would have always been broken in two.”

“Drowning in tears,” Kaley continues. “We promise to bring you the best season yet.”

Kaley continues her emotional post with a shout-out.

“To the fans, our crew, families, Chuck Lorre, Warner Brothers, CBS, and everyone who has supported us for so many years,” Kaley writes. “Thank you.”

And she makes a promise to her fans.

Kaley announces: “We are goin’ out with a bang!”

Season 12, the final season, begins on September 24.

As recently as March, Kaley had spoken about the idea of the series getting a Season 13.

“I love being a part of the show and I think it’d be really stupid to say no,” she said at the time.

Of course. The show has an easy format and more viewers than anyone would believe.

Kaley affirmed: “There’s just nothing better.”

“Season 13 does sound kind of cool,” she said at the time. How sad.

The Big Bang Theory itself released a statement when cancelation news broke.

“We are forever grateful to our fans for their support of The Big Bang Theory during the past 12 seasons,” the statement reads.

The statement continues: “We, along with the cast, writers and crew, are extremely appreciative of the show’s success.”

So many shows don’t even get a season 2 or a season 4. Season 12 is rare.

“And,” the statement goes on. “Aim to deliver a final season, and series finale,”

The statement says that it will be a finale “that will bring The Big Bang Theory to an epic creative close.”

Kaley, at least, has just gotten married in July. She has a life outside of the show. And, again, a whole lot of money.

But when acting is your passion, even tens of millions of dollars might not be as fulfilling as continuing to hold a starring role.

Not everyone will be sorry to see the series go.

The Big Bang Theory drew criticism from different groups over the years.

The series received ire from nerds who resented being the targets of mockery and stereotypes to women who didn’t like the show’s sexist undertones to the autistic community who had a lot of issues with Sheldon’s character.

Others just didn’t think that it was funny.

But whether you loved the show or thought that 12 seasons was more than it deserved, let’s give a shout-out to the stars and to the fans. Final seasons can be so emotional.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Becca Kufrin Breaks Silence on The Ultimate Bachelor Heartbreak

Yes, that actually happened on The Bachelor finale last night.

All The Bachelor spoilers you had read about, yet had difficulty believing, actually became a reality:

Arie Luyendyk Jr really did propose to Becca Kurfin in Peru, selecting her as the winner of his season and his heart…

… only to turn around a short while later and dump her for runner-up Lauren!

For real, people!

“Sometimes when I’m on these little getaways with Becca I think about, What would this be like with Lauren?” Arie told the camera during the third hour of this stunning finale, adding:

“It just kills me, because I have a great woman next to me. I go to bed and I think about Lauren. I wake up and I think about Lauren. And I know Becca sees when I struggle.

“She sees the fact that my mind is somewhere else. She knows that I think about Lauren.”

Explaining his “guilt” and how he made a big “mistake”to viewers, Arie later welcomed Becca to Los Angeles, sat her down on the couch – and dumped her!

“The reality of it is that being with you, although it’s been everything that I wanted, I still think about [Lauren],” Arie told Becca, earning points for honest… we guess.

“Are you f-cing kidding me?” Becca replies after Arie admits he wants to see if there’s a “possibility” for him and Lauren.

This scene, of course, was filmed several weeks ago.

How does Becca feel about the shocking and emotional development now?

“He’s a good person, I don’t think he’s a monster and purposely did this to hurt me and make me feel this way,” Kurfin tells People Magazine, expounding as follows:

“But it’s just the result of his actions.

“At the end of the day, I don’t think he thought through everything of how ending things with Lauren would be, how being engaged to me would be and what breaking up with me and going back to her would be.

“I don’t think he thought it through, but I don’t think he did it maliciously to break my heart.”

That’s a mature way to look at things. And likely an accurate one.

Arie is getting roasted over every Internet coal right now, but would it have been better if he denied his feelings for Lauren, stayed with Becca and broke up with her prior to the wedding anyway?

Only one of 22 Bachelors has ever actually married the woman he chose on the finale.

This type of matchmaking simply does not work and perhaps Arie should actually get some kudos for being honest with himself and realizing what he needed to do before it was too late.

Not that anyone can blame Kurfin for her bitter feelings.

“I never thought for a million years that once the going started to get tough that he would throw in the towel and jump ship and say, ‘Oh sorry, I changed my mind,"” she now says to People.

“I didn’t think we were at that point whatsoever.”

Becca also blames Arie for doing the heartbreaking deed in front of ABC cameras, which is a very good point.

She says getting dumped in this manner was “embarrassing” and adds:

“There was a better and more tactful way to do it.

“A breakup is hard enough, and to have it all filmed and have to re-watch it and know that people all across the country are watching you get your heart broken, it is embarrassing. It’s not fun.

“I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. It was like a slap in the face.”

The two-hour After the Rose special airs tonight on ABC.

We’ll discover the status of Arie and Lauren’s relationship during this unique episode of the show.

Becca is quick to say she doesn’t blame Lauren for her role in this debacle of a romance, just Arie for how he handled the whole thing.

But she’ll be just fine in the end.

“At the end of the day I wouldn’t’ change the experience because I met so many amazing people and I fell in love and I had this great experience and memories,” she concludes to People.

“I’m still going to feel a sense of compassion for him because I did love him but at this point, I want him to be happy, I want to be done and not have to worry about them anymore.

“They’re going to be together and do their thing. I wanted to move on and have my person that I can focus on and live my life with. At the end of the day, I do forgive him.”

And, hey, perhaps she’ll end up as The Bachelorette!


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Maci Bookout Reveals Miscarriage Heartbreak

When it comes to shows like Teen Mom OG, there’s good drama, and there’s bad drama

Good drama is stuff like the feud between Farrah Abraham and Amber Portwood–entertaining fluff of no real consequence.

Sadly, it seems that on this week’s episode, viewers will see Maci Bookout endure drama that goes beyond “bad” and into the realm of tragic.

A preview clip from the episode shows Maci and husband Taylor McKinney at dinner, discussing the possibility of expanding their family.

It seems they had previously talked about the possibility of adopting, and both agreed that they wrould prefer to adopt a child in the “4 to 6 age range” rather than an infant.

After the adoption discussion, Maci reluctantly revealed that she would be open to the idea of getting pregnant again,

“If you seriously want to have another baby, then I’ll do it, but I still want to adopt, too,” she told Taylor.

“But if we want to do it naturally, I want to do it, like, now.”

“If we want it to happen, it’s gonna happen like that,” Taylor replied, with a snap of his fingers.

At that point, the tone of the conversation changed abruptly, and a downcast Maci remarked, “You’re forgetting something.”

Taylor sat silent for a moment before meekly excusing himself from the table.

When one of the show’s producers came over to see if Maci was okay, she made a tragic revelation:

“I had a miscarriage,” Bookout said. “Her name is Dande. Dandelion.”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” McKinney interjected.

“I think it’s important for people that are watching that we talk about it,” Maci said.

“I would like to talk to our parents about it first,” Taylor replied.

There’s obviously no rule book for dealing with something like a miscarriage, and both parties make valid points about discussing the matter publicly.

Other women who have suffered miscarriages may find solace in learning that Maci shares their heartbreak, but at the same time, even reality stars are entitled to a modicum of privacy.

It’s terrible that Maci had to endure such a loss, but she’s no doubt serving a needed source of support for those who have suffered in the same way.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on Maci and Taylor.


Friday, December 29, 2017

Tiffany Thornton Shares Heartbreak of Recent Miscarriage

Tiffany Thornton has taken to Instagram and opened up about something both very personal and also very painful:

The actress recently suffered a miscarriage.

The 31-year old, best known for roles on Sonny with a Chance and So Random!, shared this sad news on her social media account earlier this week.

She wrote in detail about what happened on Christmas, using the holiday to connect with fans and help other women in her situation know they aren’t alone.

She even did so mere hours after suffering the tragedy.

And she opened her post by referencing God and her faith, simply writing “Transparency = Testimony” before adding:

“When King Agrippa asked Paul what he had to say for himself to convince the King to spare his life, he responded with all he had: his testimony.

“He had no riches to offer, no land, no persuasion even. Simply his testimony. In this same way I feel led to share MY testimony with those who will listen so I can give others hope through tough times in their lives.

“Some people would say I shouldn’t share so many intimate details about my life but if I don’t use the platform God has given me to tell about His unfailing love and grace in my life then what is the whole point of the platform in the first place?”

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Thornton wrote this caption (above and below) alongside the picture/quote posted here:

Tiffany Thornton prayer

Continued the actress:

So today I am going to be incredibly transparent as I ask for prayers. In the early hours of this morning I miscarried a 5 week pregnancy.

I was always the person that thought this wouldn’t happen to me. Until it did. I’m still in a bit of shock about it but there is one thing I know: God has His hand of protection over me and my husband and children AT ALL TIMES.

And I know it was a form of His protection to only my body to carry this tiny blessing for 5 weeks.

Thornton lost her husband in a car crash two years ago and got remarried in October.

She has two sons, Kenneth and Bentley.

This is how she concluded her emotional story on Instagram:

I am grateful that I wasn’t further along in the pregnancy. I am grateful that I didn’t end up having a child who would suffer once born.

I can’t imagine a child in pain and no way for me to help them. I am grateful that my body does what it is supposed to do even in the most difficult situation.

And my heart breaks for any mom who has gone through a miscarriage. I have always wanted to be a mom, no matter what challenges that would bring. And I know, just like this picture, that there is always something beautiful and bright after a dark spot in life.

So I will persevere and continue on in hope that the Lord will eventually fulfill our desire for another baby. I’ll go ahead and thank you all now for the prayers as I know they will be coming in like a flood.

As you read this I don’t want you to feel sorry for me but rather feel emboldened to share your mistakes, hurts and truths to others so that they can see God through u.

My fans + followers: you are more than that to me. You are family. The body of Christ and my equals. And I love each of you. Thank you for loving me too.

As you can see below, Thornton isn’t alone, either.

Plenty of female stars have also suffered a miscarriage.

Our hearts go out to each of them and to Thornton, as well.

We salute and applaud her for opening up in this manner and we wish her and her family well.


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Chris Brown Pays $1,000 For Heartbreak On Cake

Chris Brown’s cake was made of dough … and a lot of it. Brown threw a record release party for his new album, “Heartbreak On A Full Moon,” on Halloween at Universal Studios and the centerpiece was an incredible recreation of the cover art made by…


Chris Brown Pays $1,000 For Heartbreak On Cake

Chris Brown’s cake was made of dough … and a lot of it. Brown threw a record release party for his new album, “Heartbreak On A Full Moon,” on Halloween at Universal Studios and the centerpiece was an incredible recreation of the cover art made by…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Delilah Reveals Son"s Suicide Note, Opens Up About Heartbreak

Delilah Rene Luke is better known by just her first name, and best known for being the self-proclaimed Queen of Sappy Love Songs.

She’s a nationally-syndicated radio host who takes calls from listeners every night and who then dedicates a romantic ballad in their honor.

Tragically, however, she’s also known these days as a mother who lost of her son to suicide.

Earlier this month, Delilah broke the horrible news to Facebook followers that her child, Zack, had taken his own life, detailing how the young man had been battling Depression for years.

“My heart is broken beyond repair and I can not fathom how to go on… but I have to believe he is at peace with the Lord and that God will get us through,” wrote Delilah at the time.

Now, Delilah is opening up to People Magazine about her late son.

“He was my wild child; 13 broken bones, umpteen trips to the hospital with appendicitis, tonsillitis, a fractured skull. He was wild but so so so sweet,” the radio star says.

(Of amazing note: Zack one of Delilah’s three biological children, the other 10 – yes,10! – were welcomed through adoption).

Describing Zack as a “faithful friend to the outcast and the troubled,” Delilah says a December 2016 car crash, followed by a break-up and an illness, prompted a downward spiral.

“When he found out he wouldn’t graduate he spiraled into depression, and was honest about it,” says Delilah, who quickly “found him doctors, a fabulous counselor and support group.”

Did the suicide come as a shock?

It sounds that way.

“He was doing so well,” Delilah says.

“He was looking forward to making up his missed credits, graduating and starting film school. He was fascinated with science fiction and time travel and began to talk about the book A Wrinkle in Time and quantum physics.”

We don’t know how Zack killed himself, but his mom confirms her son left a note.

“His goodbye note did not mention sadness, anger, angst or depression, just a pressing madness about feeling like this world was not his home,” she says.

Delilah has been divorced three times and lost an adopted son to complications from sickle cell anemia in 2012.

She’s taking a leave of absence from her radio show and social media.

“The lady who is there for everyone else every single night now needs our love and our prayers sent right back to her,” says Delilah’s friend and rep Aaron Crisler.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Bachelorette Recap: Hometown Heartbreak For ...

As The Bachelorette spoilers predicted, Bryan Abasolo, Dean Unglert, Eric Bigger and Peter Kraus earned hometown dates this season.

What happens from here on out is a bit more uncertain.

On The Bachelorette Season 13 Episode 8, the four remaining men took Rachel Lindsay home to meet their families, per show tradition.

There was love, romance and a whole lot of awkwardness. There were hard questions and even harder choices. There were gut checks.

You don’t need Bachelorette spoilers to tell you that.

Rachel’s first hometown date was in Baltimore, where she learned exactly why Eric never brought a girl home before, as he revealed.

It may be in part because he was never shown love as a child, as he says, but … he was also a nerd who studied a lot. Who knew?!

Eric’s family grilled her pretty hard, but ultimately, she got the seal of approval as the first girl Eric took home turned out to be a winner.

In Florida, Rachel met Bryan Abasolo’s parents and quickly found out that while his dad is a quiet type, his mother is a force of nature.

That may be why he’s still single, as it turns out.

Bryan and his mom are particularly close, and while that’s a good thing more often than not, she clearly had a hand in his prior breakup.

That might be something of a red flag for Rachel.

He still looks like a frontrunner at this point, though, as does Peter Kraus, who reiterates that being an interracial couple will be alright.

Rachel was obviously worried about how a white family would perceive that aspect, and Peter has been more open than anyone about it.

His mom did drop a different bombshell, though.

Peter admitted that he’s nervous about proposing and that if the final rose ceremony comes along and he’s not ready, then so be it.

Obviously, this is quite understandable, but not what The Bachelorette is hoping to hear – especially from the guy’s mother no less.

When Kraus’ mom revealed to Rachel that she didn’t think her son is ready for marriage right now, she suggested they take it slow.

Will this be the deal-breaker for Kraus?

Not this week, anyway. Her final hometown date was to Aspen, Colorado to visit Dean’s family, specifically his “eccentric” father.

He’s not referring to his dad’s religion with that description, but there’s no doubt that his father being a Sikh does weigh on him.

Dean’s dad converted and became Sikh after the death of Dean’s mother and it’s been an adjustment for the young man, to put it mildly.

While Dean Unglert pleaded with fans in advance of the episode to respect his dad’s faith, he has plenty of other issues with him too.

Most importantly, Dean revealed to his dad that he’s still angry that his father wasn’t there for him emotionally when he needed him.

At that point, Lindsay tried to mediate, but Dean’s father walked off the set; Unglert later said he was falling in love with Lindsay.

Rachel feels his emotions may be displaced, however, and decided to send him home. Not because of his dad, just … because.

With stronger contenders still in the running, and this not being the right time in Dean’s life, it was just time. And then there were three …


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Bachelor Recap: Hometown Dates & Heartbreak?

When Nick took to the hometowns of his final four women, we were wondering if The Bachelor spoilers‘ predicted outcome would be accurate.

Or, as the promos have teased, would there a major twist?

There was in fact a surprise twist involved in The Bachelor Season 21 Episode 8, which we’ll get to in the recap below. As for the results?

Let’s just say not everyone’s family warmed to the suitor after a string of negative press that has dogged Nick Viall since … well, 2014.

There have been so many different seasons with which to watch The Bachelor online at this point that his reputation is well established.

Whether that’s a good thing or not is subject to debate.

First up was Nick’s date with Raven Gates in Hoxie, Arkansas, where of course her brother is a cop, and of course they went four-wheeling.

After some nearly NC-17 mud wrestling in a local wetland, Nick and Raven met her parents and celebrated that her dad is cancer-free.

Even following that far more important news, Nick still went through the motions and asked her dad for permission to propose to Raven.

He said yes … to an engagement. Not a marriage yet.

An interesting caveat, but then again, maybe Raven wasn’t ready either, as she choked hard when attempting to say the L-word to Nick.

In Dallas, we basically got a long intro for Rachel Lindsay as The Bachelorette this summer, as her hometown date couldn’t have gone better.

For a promotional video, that is. And maybe for Nick.

On their hometown date, we learned that Rachel is a committed churchgoer, and who is comfortable in her own skin on many levels.

As for being an interracial couple with Nick, Rachel said it’s not lost on her, but, “you have to be confident to be, you know, not the norm.”

Nick, as the first white guy she’s brought home, was a bit nervous about that fact, especially as her mom openly looked for “red flags.”

She didn’t find any – at least not yet – and Rachel, while she didn’t profess love to Nick, did call the date “perfect,” so we’d call it a win.

In Miami, Corinne Olympios took Nick shopping and made off with $ 3,423 in new clothes (for herself) and a lot of anxiety (for Nick).

At her house, Corinne told Nick she loved him, obviously not holding back like Rachel and Raven had. She’s a real go-getter, Corinne.

As for her family? Corinne’s dad told Nick that she wouldn’t be happy as the breadwinner of the family, which … tells you a lot.

They loved him, though – including Corinne’s nanny – and despite how awkward a lot of that date was, it went really well.

Those fans hoping against hope that Corinne will not be The Bachelor winner may be encouraged by Vanessa’s and Raven’s dates.

Still, Ms. Olympios is who she is, Nick is clearly attracted to that on a very fundamental level, and she acquitted herself well on Monday.

Speaking of Vanessa, in Montreal, she took him to meet her special-needs students in a touching and humbling hometown date experience.

Vanessa’s students approved of Nick, though her parents – her mom’s side first, then her dad’s – would prove to be a harder deal to close.

Her sister and mom feared that Vanessa was going to be too accommodating to Nick and not put herself, her future and her career first.

It’s like they watch The Bachelor or something, right?

At her dad’s, Vanessa realized she had more questions than answers, and he grilled Nick on comparing his daughter to the other three.

Finally, Nick did earn his blessing to propose, should things get to that point, but he had to work for it, and dreaded his upcoming decision.

So who got the boot at the NYC rose ceremony?!

With Nick unsure what to do, and three women (Corinne excluded) second guessing what what they should’ve said, a knock on the door.

Who could it be approaching Nick’s hotel room but Andi Dorfman, the woman whose season started a quixotic TV love quest for Nick.

To be continued, because obviously …


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Bachelor Season 20 Episode 8 Recap: Hometown Dates and Heartbreak

On The Bachelor Season 20 Episode 8, Ben Higgins’ hometown dates resulted in some magical moments, but also devastation.

So it goes on The Bachelor when you reach this stage.

As always, if you wanna know who makes it to the finale and wins Ben’s final final rose, just read The Bachelor spoilers right here.

If you prefer to remain spoiler-free, well, suit yourself!

Picking up where last week left off, The Bachelor Season 20 Episode 8 saw Ben get down to business with his four hometown hotties.

If you watch The Bachelor online, you know this is what separates contenders from the pretenders. Or something along those lines. 

The first hometown date was in Laguna Beach, Calif., with Amanda, and her two precious young daughters, Kingsley and Charlie.

They took a little while to warm up, but eventually they did, and Ben showed off what a good dad he will undoubtedly be some day.

Of course, being kids, they had a meltdown in the car before – and during – Ben’s much-anticipated meeting with the rest of her family.

Ben looked like “a deer caught in the headlights,” according to Amanda’s dad, and it’s clear that he was a tad overwhelmed by it all.

Amanda, for her part, felt like it was going great and had no qualms about saying she was in love with Ben and excited about things.

Up next was Lauren Bushnell in Portland, Oregon, with its roses, food trucks, donuts, whiskey library and public displays of affection.

At Lauren’s house, Ben won over her parents, sister and two brothers with relatively little effort and these two are still totes obsessed.

Then it was off to Caila Quinn’s in Hudson, Ohio, where the two spent their date at a toy company (her dad is CEO of said company).

Naturally, the couple designed a house, painted the roof, then physically built the house at the factory, then made out inside the thing.

Pretty much the whole date was a setup so they could make out. And for Caila to get not-at-all ahead of herself with quotes like this:

“I know Ben is the one and I know that I’m going to marry him and I know that we’re going to have a happily ever after.”

Here’s hoping. Based on his interactions at her folks’ house, she may want to temper those expectations just a little bit.

Her dad asked Ben what it’s like “dealing with microwave fame” (fleeting fame for kind of no reason), and as for Caila’s mom?

She asked if he’d ever met any Filipinos before. A fair question, we suppose. At least she seemed to like the guy for the most part.

The most insane date was yet to come, though …

In Dallas, Texas, JoJo Fletcher got f–ked by producers like no other. How? Well, poor JoJo was gifted with a love letter and flowers.

That the staff let her believe came from Ben.

In reality, they were from her ex-boyfriend Chad, which she realized only after she read his romantic letter aloud, on camera.

“No! No! I don’t want to read this,” JoJo said furiously, storming across the room and crying … and then deciding to call Chad.

“I literally have gone through so much since you’ve been gone,” Chad said over the phone. “It’s taken me this time apart to like grow.”

Chad said he knows now “what I want for the future. And it’s you. … Listen. I now know what love is and you showed me what love was.”

JoJo was not having it, however:

“There were so many times that you walked away and didn’t look back, when I begged you to stay and now you’re doing this. Like, now?”

Just then, Ben pulled up in a car outside, forcing her to explain why she was a total wreck. The rest of the date? Not much better!

Higgins did alright with her parents, but her brothers Matt and Ben grilled him and weren’t impressed by what he had to say. At all.

In the end, there could be only three roses, and despite the awkwardness that was Dallas … Ben sent Amanda home in tears.

Who do you think will be the two women Ben is in love with next week when things get even more serious?! Hit the comments!

Still In: Lauren Bushnell, Caila Quinn and JoJo Fletcher.

Out: Amanda Stanton.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin: Inside The Holiday Heartbreak

Like her co-star Leah Messer, Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin are experiencing heartbreak this holiday season, but of a different sort.

They, too, will be alone … though it’s not what it sounds like.

“Kailyn is spending Christmas in Delaware before Javi deploys,” a source close to the couple revealed in an interview with Radar.

Those who watch Teen Mom 2 online know that Marroquin is an active member of the U.S. armed forces, and this is unlikely to change.

As for where he’s off to, or for how long, that’s unclear.

“Nobody really knows that he is deploying besides their closest friends and family,” the friend explained. “Kailyn can’t give out the specifics.

“The military doesn’t allow it.”

Having already been through so much in recent years, “It’s not easy, but they are handling it the best that they can,” the source said.

And for their son Lincoln, 2, and Lowry’s son Isaac, 5, from her previous relationship, Jo Rivera, Marroquin’s deployment is quite tough.

“The boys don’t really understand,” the source continued. “Isaac knows Javi is going away for a while, but he doesn’t really get it.”

Fans know Lowry and Marroquin have struggled in their marriage, but they have worked on their issues and are not headed for divorce.

Two years after tying the knot, “Javi and I don’t fight like we used to,” she said. “And I think we kind of understand each other a lot better.”

“We don’t have a whole lot of drama right now,” Kailyn told Radar, “and we are just trying to make things work and figure things out.”

Here’s hoping.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Kristen Stewart Talks Overcoming Heartbreak From Robert Pattinson Split & Thoughts On LGBT Rights — See What She Said HERE!

At one point we thought Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson‘s love would last forever!

So it shouldn’t be shocking that it took the Twilight actress quite a while to get over her breakup to the British cutie.

Earlier this week, the starlet opened up about her past relationship and how she used the heartache as inspiration for her new film Equals with Nicholas Hoult. The film is about a futuristic world where emotions are outlawed. Whoa!

In case you forgot, the brunette beauty was caught cheating on her on-screen (and former off-screen) love with Rupert Sanders back in 2012. Whomp, whomp.

[ Related: Kristen Stewart Is Going To Play THIS Legendary Fashion Designer ]

In regards to the scandal, she shared:

“It was incredibly painful. Ugh, f**king kill me.”

Tell us how you really feel. WE KID.

However, KStew wasn’t the only star to channel heartbreak for this movie. In fact, Nicholas had split from Jennifer Lawrence back in August 2014 and started filming the movie at the same time. We can only imagine how emotional that set must’ve been.

She continued:

“Not all of my friends have been through what I’ve been through. Everything that we did was explorative, and a meditation on what we already knew. We all felt akin by how much we’ve been through, and to utilize that is so scary. And to acknowledge it, reassess, and jump back into it? Usually you want to move on. But at least we could use some of that for some good.”

Wow! What a beautifully honest answer.

Nonetheless, it seems Miz Stewart wants her fans to view her new film and remember that it is possible to love again.

She noted:

“If you’ve been hurt—you know when you’ve broken up with someone and you look at someone walking down the street holding hands and think, ‘Ugh, give it a f**kin’ year. Let me know how you feel in a year, ugh, I don’t’ believe in that.’

Well if we did our jobs right, then it would be to remind you that you can definitely get back to that, and how hard, amazing, and life-fulfilling those feelings were in the very beginning."”

Tissues, anyone?!

The Still Alice star went onto explain that she never used anti-depressants to aid in the rough two years following her split from RPatz.

She explained:

“As far as we know, you have one shot at this and it can be so f**king beautiful, so why lessen the feeling of anything? Why numb yourself? I’m not on antidepressants. I think it’s bizarre.”

Talk about a truth bomb!

Regardless, Kristen has certainly moved on from her former flame and seems over the moon with her rumored girlfriend Alicia Cargile.

The alleged couple still haven’t confirmed their current #RelationshipStatus, but Kristen is not hiding her opinions about same-sex relationships. She even commented on the recent controversy surrounding Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who STILL refuses to give marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

She stated:

“Honestly, it makes me so deeply uncomfortable. I feel really bad for her. Anyone who’s so closed off to things that are so apparent? Imagine what else she’s missing out on in life. I’m not making any grand statements about her personally, but if something so glaringly obvious… That fear of the unknown cripples people, breeds hate, and it’s just very sad.”

Here’s hoping that statements like these hint that Alicia and Kristen will make a red carpet debut sooner than later! Fingers crossed.

[Image via Dominic Chan/WENN.]