Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Soko: Kristen Stewart"s Girlfriend Dated Robert Pattinson?!

Earlier this month, we reported that Kristen Stewart is dating Soko, a female French singer whom Stewart apparently met shortly after her recent breakup with Alicia Cargile.

Of course, Kristen’s most famous breakup remains her very public split with Robert Pattinson, and now it looks as though because of that painful chapter in her past, she and Soko may have more in common than just their shared love of cigarettes and looking sullen.

Yes, it seems that during an interview with a random music blog last year, the singer revealed that she too once engaged in a romantic dalliance with the man they call R-Pattz:

“Three nights in, I went out and met a girl who was like ‘Hey, I like your music, I work for a label and we would love to sign you,” Soko said of her first week living in LA.

“Where are you staying, do you need a place to stay?’ and I was like ‘Yeah I do.’ That same night I had a blind date with Robert Pattinson!"”

Wow. Most people would probably lead with that last part.

Anyway, it may seem oddly coincidental that two women from different continents banged the same sparkly vampire before hooking up with one another, but Soko is French, and she takes an expectedly French view of sex, fate, and fashionable sulking:

“Sex for so long was such a taboo thing. You couldn’t be free with your sexuality and say that you like it. But it’s one of the biggest joys of life. If you find one partner who you love having sex with, it’s the best!” SoKo recenly told W magazine.

“This new generation is a lot more liquid with sexuality and it’s really refreshing.”

Sounds like these two have more in common than just their shared love for lower-lip biting.

We’re talking about Kristen’s signature mannerism! Get your mind out of the gutter!