Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Robert Pattinson: Relying on Katy Perry After FKA Twigs Split!

Robert Pattinson is reportedly having a rough time in his relationship. A relationship that’s effectively over. 

And he’s said to have been looking for comfort in the form of a boob … sorry, shoulder … to cry on. Metaphorically.

Well, folks, he’s apparently found that “shoulder.” And it belongs to Katy Perry.

If a married couple separates, they’re still technically married … but only kind of.

If an engaged couple separates, are they still engaged? That’s the question circling around Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs at the moment.

The fact that Robert Pattinson told Howard Stern that he and FKA Twigs are “kind of” engaged is very telling.

And then there’s the story that the beautiful young couple split after three years together.

Reports don’t suggest anything explosive, but that even though they’d bought a house together, things weren’t working out because of their conflicting travel schedules.

(Because they both have busy careers)

So Robert Pattinson is said to have initiated the breakup, and FKA Twigs moved out.

And yet … the split is not yet official in any public capacity.

But while Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs’ relationship remains in a state of quantum uncertainty, it’s been looking more and more like Robert Pattinson and Katy Perry are dating.

And now we can put their budding relationship in new context.

E! reports that their insider is spilling details on Rob and Katy’s new bond.

They start by describing Rob’s state of mind:

“Rob already feels single. He and FKA have had major distance and tension between them for months now. They really tried to make it work, and it’s not long until the split will be public. They have just been trying to figure out how to sort everything.”

Their source explains why Rob and Katy have seemed to affectionate in recent months.

“No one really understood what he saw in FKA, but they always supported him. As far as Katy goes, they have been good friends for a while. They have many mutual friends and have always kept in touch. They aren’t serious as of now, but Rob has always had an interest in Katy.”

That bit about no one understanding is weird — the two famously bonded over a mutual love of music. And FKA Twigs is really hot. This is not rocket science.

However, the source goes on to claim that Robert Pattinson and Katy Perry aren’t officially an item yet.

“Robert is not dating anyone now.”

Of course, you don’t have to date to be hooking up. Just saying.

“He is just chilling. He is good friends with Katy Perry and talks to her about everything.”

That’s how relationships bloom, isn’t it? But what is their dynamic like at the moment?

E! reports on what their current friendship is like.

“Rob has been leaning a lot on Katy since his split with FKA Twigs.”

All jokes about him resting his weary head on someone’s famously pillowy bosom aside, it’s good to be able to talk to friends after getting out of a long-term relationship.

“They talk on the phone regularly and make sure to see each other when they both aren’t away working. Katy has always been a good friend to Rob over the years and has been there for him emotionally.”

That actually sounds incredibly healthy.

“They have many common interests and also both know how to have fun and party. Although they have been flirtatiously romantic, they have still remained good friends. Rob loves that Katy is a free spirit and she has given him good advice when it comes to relationships.”

That sounds like something that could develop into a more-than-friendship over time. Maybe once the FKA Twigs split is fully resolved.

“Since Katy has been busy on tour, her and Rob will FaceTime and text when possible.”


“She wants to make sure he is doing OK. Rob knows how good of a friend she is and he was also there for her when she was going through her divorce. They lean on each other.”

So it’s mutual!

With Katy being busy — and now working as a judge on the new American Idol — we wonder if they’ll ever date, officially.

If travel schedules really were what put the strain on Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs’ relationship, wouldn’t it also doom anything that Rob and Katy might one day have?

Or will they have a different sort of relationship, built up while they can’t always see each other, where FaceTime and emotional intimacy keep their connection strong no matter the distance that separates them?

We have to wonder.
