Showing posts with label Sound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sound. Show all posts

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Mechanic Steals Airplane, Crashes to Death In Puget Sound

A bizarre and tragic story unfolded on Friday night in and around Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

According to various outlets, as well as footage captured by stunned pedestrians, an airport mechanic hijacked a plane around 8 p.m., flew it around for about an hour…

… and then crashed into the Puget Sound in Washington, killing himself in the process.

an airport

The man, who was referred to as Rich by air traffic control personnel in various exchanges that have been made public, worked for Alaska Air Horizon and allegedly stole a Horizon Air Q400, shutting down the airport for a brief period of time.

In a statement released on Twitter last night, Sea-Tac Airport officials confirmed the reports of an “unauthorized takeoff,” saying in full:

“An airline employee conducted an unauthorized takeoff without permission at Sea-Tac; aircraft has crashed in south Puget Sound. Normal operations at Sea-Tac Airport have resumed.”

The incident is not considered to have been a terrorist act of any kind.

Instead, based on the aforementioned traffic control exchanges, it appears to have been a suicidal act by a troubled individual.

“Male is confirmed a suicidal male. Acted alone he is 29-year-old Pierce county residence [sic],” the Pierce County Sheriff Department Tweeted late Friday.

plane in sky

The drama actually played out live over air traffic control monitoring sites.

In audio recordings of the incident posted on Broadcastify, Rich can be heard talking to air traffic controllers as they try to guide him to land the plane.

“I’ve got a lot of people that care about me, and it’s going to disappoint them to hear that I did this,” the man says.

“I would like to apologize to each and every one of them. Just a broken guy, got a few screws loose, I guess. Never really knew it until now.”

It’s terrifying and upsetting to listen to.

air traffic exchange

Earlier in the flight, the man says: “This is probably like jail time for life, huh? I mean, I would hope it is, for a guy like me.”

“Well,” a controller replies, “we’re not going to worry or think about that. But could you start a left-hand turn, please?”

Throughout the back-and-forths, controllers are calmly trying to steer the man away from any place where he could cause damage by landing or crashing the plane.

They are trying to save his life and also the lives of everyone underneath his flight path.

“Let’s get you on the ground so you don’t hurt anyone,” someone identified as Captain Bill tells Rich.

As Rich flew over the water, a pair of F-15 fighter jets were dispatched to intercept the plane; neither were involved in the eventual crash landing.

The plane was seen by a number of witnesses doing stunts before crashing, as witnesses shared videos of the low-flying aircraft on social media.

“Some dude stole a plane from #Seatac (Allegedly),” Tweeted one witness, adding:

“did a loop-the-loop, ALMOST crashed into #ChambersBay, then crossed in front of our party, chased by fighter jets and subsequently crashed. Weird times.”

air tweet

Weird times, but mostly sad and tragic times in this case.

The plane was taken from a maintenance position and was not scheduled for a passenger flight, said Gary Beck, Horizon Air’s president and chief executive officer.

An investigation is underway to determine more, but it is not believed that anyone outside of the pilot/mechanic was harmed.

“Our hearts are with the families of the individual aboard as well as all of our Alaska Air and Horizon Air employees,” said Constance von Muehlen, the airline’s chief operating officer.


Monday, June 11, 2018

Eminem Panics Crowd with Gunshot Sound Effects, Isn"t Sorry

Last year, viewers slammed Eminem"s performance. They called him a hack and a has been. Hey, everone"s a critic, right?

Now, however, he"s being criticized for something much more serious — for setting off gunshot noises at his concert.

The crowd visibly ducked in fear. And he"s getting dragged for making thousands of people think that they were about to die in a hail of bullets.

The Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, most often known as Bonnaroo, isa  four-day music festival that takes place each summer in Manchester, Tennessee.

If you live in Tennessee or any of the surrounding states, this is the festival that your friends who are willing to brave musicals attend each year.

Unfortunately, some concert-goers received a serious fright.

During his song, "Kill You," pyrotechnics produced a chillingly realistic gunshot noise.

So much so that, as you can see in the video that we included, the crowd was ducking in fear.

The video quickly circulated on Twitter, inciting outrage.

"Less than a year after Vegas and @Eminem thinks it’s a good idea to blast gun shot sfx onstage at a music festival? Bad call on this headliner @bonnaroo. What happened to Radiate Positivity?"

The Las Vegas shooting that claimed dozens of lives and wounded hundreds took place at the beginning of last October.

Many of the victims had attended a Jason Aldean concert.

For concert-goers to hear very realistic gunshot noises … it seems very natural for so many of them to instinctively fear for their lives.

That doesn"t sound like a good time.

Eminem is no stranger to controversy.

His team responded that these were not actual "gunshot" noises, but pyrotechnic concussion effects featuring a sonic boom. That seems like splitting hairs, but whatever.

As always, his diehard fans were eager to jump to his defense.

One person took to Twitter to refer to a previous performance of "Kill You."

"You can hear the same sound at the end you idiots. Watch some Eminem performance before going to one."

That"s a little harsh.

"So you grew up listening to Eminem but you didn’t expect gun shot sounds on his set."

Well, some would argue that it"s a different experience when mass shootings are so common.

"The gunshot actually makes the performance 10 times better."

We"ll take that person"s word for it.

Some have argued that legislation should curtail this sort of element within a performance.

There would be legal precedent. A famous First Amendment exception to free speech is using that speech to do harm, such as shouting "fire" in a crowded theater.

Many would say that Eminem setting off such realistic sounding gunshots is the equivalent, and could provoke the crowd to trample each other in fear.

After all, actual mass shootings occur multiple times per week, thanks to the widespread and virtually unchecked availability of tools designed for killing.

Gunshots in music online or in other media (such as films) is different, as it comes with a visual context and is not usually consumed in massive, dense crowds of people who are standing shoulder-to-shoulder.

Are gunshot effects in concerts a threat to concert-goers?

Were Eminem"s diehard defenders right to criticize fans for freaking out at the sounds of gunshots, since they were expected by many as part of the show?

Or were concert-goers right to react instinctively — better safe than sorry — and were critics right to condemn the use of the sounds?

Maybe the problem has nothing to do with the audience, the critics, or even Eminem.

Maybe living every single day with the knowledge that we could die in a hail of bullets while going to a theater or using mass transit or attending school or a house of worship is the culprit.

Perhaps fixing our nation"s gun culture and gun epidemic will help to repair some of the other fractures and conflicts in our society.

And people won"t have any reason to fear attending a concert.

Eminem panics crowd with gunshot noise effects at bonnaroo

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

T.I. Says Security Guard Was Sound Asleep, Tiny Even Called to Give Thumbs-Up

The security guard who called cops on T.I. was hardly woke … according to the rapper, who says the guy was sleeping like a baby when he pulled up to the guard shack.  T.I.’s attorney, Steve Sadow, says, “It took Tip some time to wake up…


Friday, May 4, 2018

Miesha Tate Blasts Ronda Rousey, You Sound "Asinine, Selfish"

Miesha Tate did NOT like Ronda Rousey’s comments about how it’s a “privilege” to hear her speak … saying that whole concept is “asinine” and “selfish.” Rousey made the comments during a “Mile 22” media event last month — saying she’s scaled back…


Miesha Tate Blasts Ronda Rousey, You Sound "Asinine, Selfish"

Miesha Tate did NOT like Ronda Rousey’s comments about how it’s a “privilege” to hear her speak … saying that whole concept is “asinine” and “selfish.” Rousey made the comments during a “Mile 22” media event last month — saying she’s scaled back…


Friday, December 29, 2017

Mariah Carey"s New Year"s Eve Performance, Sound Check Mandatory

Mariah Carey is in Aspen with BF Brian Tanaka, but she’ll be leaving for The Big Apple the next day ready to prep for round 2 of Dick Clark’s Rocin’ New Year’s Eve … and this time there’s a plan to avert disaster. TMZ broke the story … Maria and…


Monday, December 25, 2017

"Sound of Music" Star Heather Menzies-Urich Dead at 68

Heather Menzies-Urich who played Louisa von Trapp in the iconic film, “The Sound of Music,” is dead. Heather was 15-years-old when she was cast as Louisa von Trapp in the film which has become an all-time movie classic, which won 5 Oscars, including…


Monday, September 11, 2017

Kim Kardashian Responds to Sharon Osbourne: You Sound Ridiculous!

Sharon Osbourne called Kim Kardashian “just a ho,” blasting Kim for the various topless photos that she’s taken over the years and generally calling her a fake feminist.

Even people who like Sharon Osbourne and have their issues with Kim for one thing or another (and who doesn’t?) got their feathers ruffled over that.

As you can imagine, Kim Kardashian didn’t take that criticism lying down. And now she’s responded. …

As you’ll recall, Sharon Osbourne really went off on the reality star and mobile video game creator.

“Kim says she’s doing everything in the name of feminism, but that’s not feminism!”

Incidentally, both of those statements are false.

“Those girls live off their bodies, half of L.A. has been through them and everything they do from the sex tape to the plastic see-through dresses and the gym wear is about sex, not female progress. And listen: God bless them.”

It’s weird for a woman who just slut-shamed the Kardashians (the “half of L.A. has been through them” line) to then try to talk about “female progress.”

And Sharon doubles down on her controversial stance … and stoops to name-calling.

“If Kim wants to show off her body, fine. But that’s not feminism; that’s being a ho.”

She (correctly) adds that it’s not an insult … but it doesn’t quite sound like she means it.

“And there’s nothing wrong with being a ho, but always remember what you are.”


Taking a break from the Harper’s BAZAAR event, “ICONS by Carine Roitfeld,” Kim Kardashian responded to Sharon Osbourne’s words, telling E! exactly what she thought.

It sounds like Kim is basically embarrassed for Sharon.

“First of all, I think she said I said a quote about, ‘I post nude photos in the name of feminism.’ Never said that. So I think when people misquote you and then comment, it just sounds ridiculous.”

Showing as much or little of your body as you like — controlling how you, as a woman, are viewed — is absolutely feminist.

But yeah, Kim Kardashian might get applauded by fellow celebrities for being empowering in the name of feminism, but that doesn’t mean that Kim herself is waving a feminist flag every time that she climbs a tree with her nip nops out.

“I post nude photos because I like how I look and I feel proud when I’ve lost all this baby weight and I post it because I feel like posting it and I feel powerful.”

And you know what? Good for her.

“But I’ve never been like the ‘free the nipple’ kind of girl.”

That would be, like, Kendall. You see her nips all of the time through the thinnest fabrics.

(Nipples are extra hard to miss when they’re pierced)

“So … if I post a photo, I post it because I like how I look. So she kind of misquoted me on that and I thought it just looked really, like stupid.”

That pretty much sums it up.

We can’t help but wonder if part of what was weighing on Sharon Osbourne’s mind wasn’t the overwhelming burden of Kim Kardashian’s nudity.

We also think that it was more than just Sharon Osbourne happening to be old and perhaps struggling to understand modern feminism.

When Sharon was younger, feminism wasn’t nearly as far along. Remember that there was a time when women couldn’t hold certain jobs or could simply be banned from restaurants during certain hours or forbidden from opening their own bank accounts.

There are many battles that feminism wages for gender equality. It’s important to remember that feminism does have some triumphs in its pocket.

But we wonder if Sharon Osbourne was thinking about what almost made her divorce Ozzy Osbourne before the two reconciled.

Ozzy Osbourne cheated on Sharon — not just with one woman, but with at least six.

It could be that Sharon Osbourne wasn’t feeling very sex positive because, so recently, sex was a threat to her marriage.

We hate to sound like armchair psychologists or whatever, psychoanalyzing Sharon, but this sounds like it could be a strong factor behind her thinking.

Baring skin doesn’t make you a “ho,” it just makes you a person whose meat prison is covered with skin that you decided to show.

Being a “ho,” whether you’re merely promiscuous or genuinely a sex worker, is also not a bad thing. It’s your body and you can do what you like with it.

There are many valid criticisms of Kim Kardashian.

From cultural appropriation to siding with people who are in the wrong to using underhanded tactics while feuding, Kim Kardashian has been accused of plenty. And that’s okay to talk about.

We can even question whether Kim is a good feminist or a bad feminist.

But, while not everyone who bares all has feminist intentions, there’s nothing inherently non-feminist about a woman showing off her body.

We do love Sharon Osbourne. We hope that she’ll come to understand this complicated issue.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Prince"s Sound Engineer Makes 8-Figure Offer For Massive Music Vault

Prince’s former sound engineer is claiming victory over the estate in their battle over song rights, at the same time the engineer made an 8-figure offer to own Prince’s enormously valuable music vault. George Boxill claims the late singer gave him…


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Video of Explosion Sound From Inside Ariana Grande Concert Surfaces

A video containing the sound of the blast from inside Manchester Arena just moments after Ariana Grande left the stage has surfaced … and it shows immediate panic in the crowd. In the short clip, fans can be seen filing out of Manchester…


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Brooke Hogan Finds Lost Dog Safe and Sound!

Great news … Brooke Hogan’s missing dog, Molly, has been FOUND — and she’s alive and well and totally not eaten by coyotes!!!!  As we previously reported, Molly — an 11-year-old Pomeranian — went MIA on Monday night while Brook’s…


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Radiohead Sound Cuts Off at Coachella Causing Band to Walk Off Stage Twice (VIDEO)

Radiohead had disastrous tech problems headlining the first night of Coachella … walking off stage not once, but twice. The sound glitches started early in the set … and only got worse. The first walk off went down after the sound cut out…


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Kailyn Lowry to Javi Marroquin: Don"t Make Me Sound Like Some Ho!

Increasingly combative former spouses Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin got into another massive argument on last night"s Teen Mom 2.

Big surprise there … but what was this one about?

In the clip below, Kailyn Lowry admits cheating on Javi Marroquin while he was deployed with the Air Force, or so it appears at the end.

But it may not be that simple.

Lowry’s ex came over to apologize, but within 30 seconds, he blasts her for banging other dudes and defends breaking into her house.

Marroquin admits he entered Lowry’s home through the basement, and says he"s sorry for his behavior, but doesn"t act like it whatsoever.

“You have to understand how crazy you’ve made me for six months,” Javi told Kailyn after she said not to apologize if there"s a "but."

“You expect me to come home and everything is supposed to be cherries and flowers,” Javi said of their split and his return from deployment.

Lowry said how she doesn’t care if he’s still listed as an owner of the house, he can"t just do what he did after they"re getting a divorce.

His response? I sure as s–t can and I will!

“If I want to come here tomorrow morning and randomly break a window to get in here I can!” Marroquin says, sounding almost unhinged.

It"s no surprise that Kailyn sought a protective order, citing alleged harassment and erratic behavior (he did not physically abuse her).

Javi proceeded to say that he didn"t realize at the time that Kailyn was going to be “sleeping with all these dudes” while he was overseas.

Lowry was PISSED at that comment.

She fired back, “I’m not "sleeping with all these dudes." Don’t sit here and try to make me sound like some ho while you were gone!"

"I’m sorry that we weren’t going to work it out. Yeah I slept with someone else! Whoop dee f–king do,” Kailyn says in disgust. 

There are a few ways to interpret this:

1. An admission of cheating on Javi;

2. An admission that she did sleep with someone else, but only after the couple decided to end their troubled marriage;

3. She"s not confirming or denying that she slept with any guy(s), but making the point that it wouldn"t change anything.

Of course, we now know that Kail is expecting a baby her third baby daddy – not public knowledge while this was filmed. 

Tyler Hill, JC Cueva and Chris Lopez are all rumored to be baby daddy possibilities, though Lowry hasn"t confirmed the dad"s identity.

Lowry sought a protection from abuse order against Marroquin only months after this was filmed and weeks after her pregnancy reveal.

“She said it’s because I harassed her via text about all this divorce and guy stuff,” Marroquin said after the news of that bombshell broke.

“I signed a consent PFA, which means there’s no evidence of abuse. I just can’t contact her unless it’s in regards to Lincoln for a year.”

Yeah. This is going to get worse before it gets better.

Watch the Javi-Kailyn confrontation in question below and follow the link to watch Teen Mom 2 online to see Monday"s installment in full.

Kailyn lowry javi marroquin argue on teen mom 2

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Iman Shumpert"s Valentine"s Day Plans Sound Pretty Awesome (PHOTO)

Teyana Taylor for the win. Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Mariah Carey Says BS to Dick Clark Prod Sound Check Claim (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

Mariah Carey’s people are incredulous Dick Clark Productions is blaming her New Year’s Eve trainwreck performance on her because she was too lazy to do a sound check … Mariah did one, and the signs of trouble were already there. The pics and video…


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Kanye West Talks Politics, Might Sound More Presidential Than Donald Trump

At last year’s VMAs, Kanye West announced that he plans to run for president, and we all had a good laugh.

Then we found out who our actual candidates would be, and the whole thing seemed considerably less funny.

Suddenly, the idea of a President Yeezy doesn’t seem quite so ridiculous.

Alright, fine – it still seems like the lunatic ambition of a cartoon supervillain.

But remarkably, the rapper actually made some level-headed, well-reasoned comments about the current political climate when asked about his designs on the White House in a recent interview.

Kanye says he’s given up on his political dreams (our loss, America. Our loss.), but he still has “a view on humanity, on people, on the truth.”

“If there is anything that I can do with my time and my day, to somehow make a difference while I’m alive, I’m going to try to do it,” sayeth Yeezus.

Nothing earth-shattering, but hey, at least it’s not plagiarized, right?!

Seriously, though it’s like we’re seeing a different side of Kanye these days.

Last time the rapper talked politics, he wound up just going on one of his signature rants about how “sweatshirts are the future.” Seriously.

Maybe he’s been chastened by accusations that he posted Taylor Swift revenge porn on the Internet for millions to see.

Or maybe the 39-year-old father of two is just finally starting to grow up.

Either way, we could get used to the idea of a mellower, less erratic Kanye.

Sadly, we don’t imagine it’ll last.