Showing posts with label Vault. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vault. Show all posts

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Prince"s Sound Engineer Makes 8-Figure Offer For Massive Music Vault

Prince’s former sound engineer is claiming victory over the estate in their battle over song rights, at the same time the engineer made an 8-figure offer to own Prince’s enormously valuable music vault. George Boxill claims the late singer gave him…


Friday, April 21, 2017

Prince Wanted Vault of Music Released After Death, According to Protege Shelby J (VIDEO)

Prince absolutely wanted his mountain of unreleased music to be heard after his death … this according to his friend and longtime protege, Shelby J. Shelby told us — on the first anniversary of Prince’s death — she distinctly…


Sunday, August 7, 2016

French Gymnast Breaks Leg During Vault [GRAPHIC VIDEO]

WARNING: The following video may be upsetting for some viewers.

The Rio Olympics for French gymnast Samir Ait Said ended in brutal fashion as he suffered a broken leg during a vault landing Saturday.

His injury during qualifications was so bad, it caused fans and teammates alike to wince, look away and bury their heads in their hands.

French gymnastics officials tweeted later that the athlete had fractured his tibia and fibula and would have surgery as soon as possible.

Said landed awkwardly after doing two backward flips off the vault.

According to USA Today, it was obvious what went wrong, as the leg made a sharp crack that could be heard throughout the venue.

As Said grabbed around his knee and looked up at his left leg, he saw it flop unnaturally to the side, as he covered his face with his hands.

He was silent, perhaps in too much shock to react otherwise.

The athlete was taken off on a stretcher, giving a wave to the stunned crowd as he was carried away to receive medial treatment.

Said thanked fans for their support following the event and vowed that he would be back to win gold at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.

French team leader Corrine Moustard-Callon told reporters:

"It is very difficult for the team. He was one of the friendliest on the team which is very difficult … he came to win a medal and gave everything 200 percent."

Incredibly, this is not Said"s first major injury after a vault.

He missed the 2012 Olympics because he fractured his right leg in three places at the European Championships, according to reports.

We wish him nothing but the best in his recovery.

Here"s the footage of his injury:

French gymnast breaks leg during horrific vault landing video

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 22 Recap: Double Vault

Remember back in the day on Seinfeld?

When Elaine would refer to “The Vault” as the place in which she stored all the important secrets anyone told her?

The term was often used as a punchline on that iconic sitcom. But the same can’t exactly be said for how it came into significant play on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 22.

Not unless the joke is something along the lines of the following:

Knock! Knock!

Who’s there?

Enzo and Damon?

Enzo and Damon who?

Enzo and Damon, we’re now cold-blooded, ruthless killers who slit the throats of our victims and hang them upside down by their feet in some random warehouse… that’s who!

Not very funny, is it? Yet that is how The Vampire Diaries Season 7 came to an end.

We went into the finale with Bonnie as a vampire slayer, still under the control of Rayna’s final mortal life and still out to take down all her friends.

But Enzo lured her away to the cabin for long enough to allow Damon and Stefan to enter the Armory and burn the body that would free Bonnie from this curse.

Check that: make it only Damon who went into the Armory, as he amended for many of his past sins by telling Stefan to step outside and reconcile with Caroline… just in case some serious sh-t was about to take place.

Stefan obeyed.

He and Caroline made out (after Alaric nobly let her go, acknowledging that they and the twins would always be a family, but, come on, she clearly still loved Stefan) and then they waited.

Viewers watched as Damon successfully freed Bonnie from Rayna’s curse, actually doing the right, selfless thing for once.

So everything ended on a happy note, right? Not exactly.

That darn Darkness thing lured Damon into the vault by making him think Elena was calling for him.

After his friends failed to hear from him, Enzo went in to make the save… only to come across an especially wicked Damon and only to be grabbed/infected by the same unknown evil presence that had apparently stuck its claws into Damon.

Eventually, Caroline, Stefan and Bonnie broke into the vault, but it was too late. Damon and Enzo had somehow escaped.

And Bonnie was unable to track them because she never regained her powers.

Three months went by, with Stefan and company trying to discover the whereabouts of their friends and writing to Elena about what happened in their journals.

We then learned of various people around the country who went missing and we were then taken to the most disturbing scene of all:

Damon dragging a body over to Enzo. Enzo stringing the body up by its feet. And Damon slitting its throat.

“It never gets old, does it?” Enzo asked his partner in heinous crime.

“It sure as Hell hasn’t yet,” Damon replied, as the camera faded away to reveal an endless number of corpses, all strung up in the same scary manner.

What did you think of The Vampire Diaries season finale? A suspenseful cliffhanger? Or have we seen far too much already of characters acting out of character due to some kind of outside force?

Heck, isn’t that what we just got done seeing in Bonnie?

Sounds off in the Comments section below…