Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Kanye West Talks Politics, Might Sound More Presidential Than Donald Trump

At last year’s VMAs, Kanye West announced that he plans to run for president, and we all had a good laugh.

Then we found out who our actual candidates would be, and the whole thing seemed considerably less funny.

Suddenly, the idea of a President Yeezy doesn’t seem quite so ridiculous.

Alright, fine – it still seems like the lunatic ambition of a cartoon supervillain.

But remarkably, the rapper actually made some level-headed, well-reasoned comments about the current political climate when asked about his designs on the White House in a recent interview.

Kanye says he’s given up on his political dreams (our loss, America. Our loss.), but he still has “a view on humanity, on people, on the truth.”

“If there is anything that I can do with my time and my day, to somehow make a difference while I’m alive, I’m going to try to do it,” sayeth Yeezus.

Nothing earth-shattering, but hey, at least it’s not plagiarized, right?!

Seriously, though it’s like we’re seeing a different side of Kanye these days.

Last time the rapper talked politics, he wound up just going on one of his signature rants about how “sweatshirts are the future.” Seriously.

Maybe he’s been chastened by accusations that he posted Taylor Swift revenge porn on the Internet for millions to see.

Or maybe the 39-year-old father of two is just finally starting to grow up.

Either way, we could get used to the idea of a mellower, less erratic Kanye.

Sadly, we don’t imagine it’ll last.