Showing posts with label Mechanic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mechanic. Show all posts

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Mechanic Steals Airplane, Crashes to Death In Puget Sound

A bizarre and tragic story unfolded on Friday night in and around Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

According to various outlets, as well as footage captured by stunned pedestrians, an airport mechanic hijacked a plane around 8 p.m., flew it around for about an hour…

… and then crashed into the Puget Sound in Washington, killing himself in the process.

an airport

The man, who was referred to as Rich by air traffic control personnel in various exchanges that have been made public, worked for Alaska Air Horizon and allegedly stole a Horizon Air Q400, shutting down the airport for a brief period of time.

In a statement released on Twitter last night, Sea-Tac Airport officials confirmed the reports of an “unauthorized takeoff,” saying in full:

“An airline employee conducted an unauthorized takeoff without permission at Sea-Tac; aircraft has crashed in south Puget Sound. Normal operations at Sea-Tac Airport have resumed.”

The incident is not considered to have been a terrorist act of any kind.

Instead, based on the aforementioned traffic control exchanges, it appears to have been a suicidal act by a troubled individual.

“Male is confirmed a suicidal male. Acted alone he is 29-year-old Pierce county residence [sic],” the Pierce County Sheriff Department Tweeted late Friday.

plane in sky

The drama actually played out live over air traffic control monitoring sites.

In audio recordings of the incident posted on Broadcastify, Rich can be heard talking to air traffic controllers as they try to guide him to land the plane.

“I’ve got a lot of people that care about me, and it’s going to disappoint them to hear that I did this,” the man says.

“I would like to apologize to each and every one of them. Just a broken guy, got a few screws loose, I guess. Never really knew it until now.”

It’s terrifying and upsetting to listen to.

air traffic exchange

Earlier in the flight, the man says: “This is probably like jail time for life, huh? I mean, I would hope it is, for a guy like me.”

“Well,” a controller replies, “we’re not going to worry or think about that. But could you start a left-hand turn, please?”

Throughout the back-and-forths, controllers are calmly trying to steer the man away from any place where he could cause damage by landing or crashing the plane.

They are trying to save his life and also the lives of everyone underneath his flight path.

“Let’s get you on the ground so you don’t hurt anyone,” someone identified as Captain Bill tells Rich.

As Rich flew over the water, a pair of F-15 fighter jets were dispatched to intercept the plane; neither were involved in the eventual crash landing.

The plane was seen by a number of witnesses doing stunts before crashing, as witnesses shared videos of the low-flying aircraft on social media.

“Some dude stole a plane from #Seatac (Allegedly),” Tweeted one witness, adding:

“did a loop-the-loop, ALMOST crashed into #ChambersBay, then crossed in front of our party, chased by fighter jets and subsequently crashed. Weird times.”

air tweet

Weird times, but mostly sad and tragic times in this case.

The plane was taken from a maintenance position and was not scheduled for a passenger flight, said Gary Beck, Horizon Air’s president and chief executive officer.

An investigation is underway to determine more, but it is not believed that anyone outside of the pilot/mechanic was harmed.

“Our hearts are with the families of the individual aboard as well as all of our Alaska Air and Horizon Air employees,” said Constance von Muehlen, the airline’s chief operating officer.


Monday, February 13, 2017

Tiffany Trump & Ross Mechanic: Dating!

We think it’s safe to say Tiffany Trump isn’t her daughters favorite.

In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised if he occasionally forgets that she exists.

Especially when Ivanka wears that dress he likes. #WentThere

Nevertheless, Tiffany continues to draw breath, regardless of whether the president is aware of it or not.

And unlike 11-year-old Barron Trump, who’s been hidden away in the penthouse of his father’s eponymous Manhattan monolith, hopefully penning the most damning memoir of all time, Tiff is out in the world, living her life and, we assume, avoiding daily question about WTF is wrong with her father.

We’re guessing Donnie’s disdain for his youngest daughter has little to do with Tiffany, and much to do with the fact that she’s the sole issue of his shortest and most dysfunctional marriage.

But whether Lord Baby-Hands likes it or not, Tiff still hangs out with her mother, Marla Maples.

The two of them were spotted at a fashion show over the weekend, accompanied by the new man in Tiff’s life.

Sources say the aspiring Trump son-in-law goes by the hilariously made-up-sounding name of Ross Mechanic, which sounds like something from an SNL sketch about the typical Trump voter from rural Kentucky.

Little is known about Mr. Mechanic other than the fact that he’ll probably start getting intelligence briefings sometime next week.

The couple was spotted at a fashion show for Taoray Wang, reportedly Tiffany’s favorite designer.

When Tiffany spoke at the RNC back in August, she wore a dress designed by Wang.

Maybe she’s hoping if she rocks more of the designer’s stuff, she’ll be permitted to speak in public more often?

Whatever the case, Tiff sang Wang’s praises bigly:

“I think Tao’s aesthetic is just unparalleled,” Tiffany told The Hollywood Reporter at the show.

“She puts so much effort into the slightest detail.”

Nice use of “unparalleled.”

Maybe Donnie should take some adjective cues from his youngest daughter.

He’s gotten a lot of mileage out of “phenomenal” and “terrific,” but ya gotta know when to give the people something new, ya know?

Anyway, here’s hoping we see more of Tiff in the future.

Not because she’s given us any reason to believe she’s any more sane than the rest of her family, but because the fact that there’s a Trump who hasn’t yet signed her soul over to Vladimir Putin in his true form (half horse, half shirtless man) gives us hope for the future.

Barron, next time they let you outside, look at the cameras and blink three times in rapid succession if you need to be rescued.

We’re rooting for you, buddy.
