Showing posts with label Squad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Squad. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2016

Taylor Swift: Skipping VMAs Because of Kanye, Squad Problems?

At last year’s MTV Video Music Awards, Taylor Swift secured her place as arguably the most dominant and beloved performer in the music world.

Taylor took home 4 Moon Men; she introduced the video for “Wildest Dreams” during the pre-show, and the red carpet was one of the most visible demonstrations of the size and power of Taylor’s squad to date.

Of course, a year later, what most viewers remember is that it was also the night that Taylor buried the hatchet with Kanye West, years after the rapper famously interrupted her acceptance speech.

It was a triumphant night for Taylor and her carefully-curated chick clique – but oh, what a difference 12 months makes.

These days Taylor’s squad problems are well-documented.

She’s had highly-publicized beefs with other A-listers like Katy Perry and Calvin Harris, and more often than not, it’s Taylor who’s come off looking like the mean girl in the situation.

Her most embarrassing defeats, however, have come at the hands of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, the couple she publicly praised in front of an audience of millions in 2015.

After Taylor claimed to be shocked by the lyrics to Kanye West’s “Famous”, Kim called Swift out as a liar and posted video that appeared to show the singer on the phone with West, approving the offending line.

The official reason that Taylor won’t be attending this year’s ceremony is that she wasn’t nominated for any VMAs (in something of a shocking snub).

But many believe that there’s more to the singer’s decision to stay home (especially since the awards take place in Manhattan, where she spends most of her time anyway).

The VMAs have always been Kanye’s playground, and this year, the rapper will probably be more outrageous than ever.

The network recently announced that Kanye will basically have free-reign over the stage on VMA night, which is like holding a birthday party for toddlers and telling one of them that he can decide who’s allowed in the bounce house.

Couple that with the fact that Taylor can no longer rely on the support of her loyal squad, and it’s not hard to see why Swift decided to sit this one out.

We’re sure she’s already plotting her triumphant 2017 return.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Jared Leto: Slammed by Suicide Squad Actress!

Jared Leto might be a hit with the world, but he just didn’t get on well with a cast member on Suicide Squad. 

If you’ve been keeping up to date with the news for Suicide Squad, you’ll know the movie has been panned by critics

But in a strange turn of events, it’s hitting the high notes at the box office. 

A lot of fans have been pretty vocal about the reviews not giving a true representation of the movie. 

Jared Leto plays The Joker, but moviegoers were shocked when they realized his appearance in the movie was pretty scarce. 

According to Leto, a lot of his scenes were cut at the last minute, but there was no reason given for it. 

They will no doubt make their way on to special edition version of the movie for home entertainment. 

One of the scenes that were cut, involved Ariane Bellamar, who played the Joker’s muse in a strip club. 

The actress alleges that Leto got a little too creepy during production. 

He went as far as rubbing his crotch between takes and it made her feel uneasy. 

“He wasn’t hiding it or anything,” she tells Radar.

“He did it every time he walked past me.”

That’s totally not okay and it must have been such a horrible experience for Bellamar. 

This is not the type of behavior you’d expect from an Oscar winning actor. 

“I’m not a prude, I’m easy-going,” she insists. “But it was creepy. It took me completely off guard.”

There’s even word that he was gloating about how famous he is.

“He would go around and yell that they were lucky to be in his presence,” Bellamar claims.

“He ran the set.”

A representative for Jared refuted Bellamar’s claims.

Taylor Swift: Does Her Squad Hate Tom Hiddleston?!

Obviously, Taylor Swift is best known as a multi-platinum recording artist, lover of cats, and living testament to the power of hair straightening.

But when it comes to the gossip about her personal life, there are two types of Taylor conversations:

The first and most obvious has to do with Taylor’s romantic relationships with famous men.

The other has to do with Taylor’s squad, or “#Squad” as it’s sometimes known.

Now, it looks like those two conversations may become one, as Swift’s highly-publicized relationship with Tom Hiddleston has attracted the ire of some key squad members

In case you’re somehow unaware, the squad is an A-list chick clique comprised of Taylor’s scores of famous friends.

As the “Bad Blood” music video demonstrated, they will straight up murder your ass if you mess with Queen Tay.

We’re speaking figuratively, of course, but we wouldn’t put it past them to actually straight up whack someone like the guy who told Joe Pesci to got get his shinebox in Goodfellas.

All of this is to say that it’s not a good time to be Tom Hiddleston.

According to Star magazine Karlie Kloss, Blake Lively, Gigi Hadid and Ruby Rose have all unfollowed Tom on Twitter, which is the 2016 equivalent of leaving a severed horse head in someone’s bed.

(Okay, we promise that’s the end of the mob movie analogies.)

Surprisingly, the anti-Hiddles uprising was reportedly initiated by Taylor’s brother, Austin, who has shown himself to be intensely protective of the singer in the past.

Sources tell Star that the reason Taylor’s inner circle is so anti-Tom is that they believe his romantic intentions aren’t pure and that he’s using her in the most callous way.

But apparently, they don’t suspect him of using her to boost his career as so many others have suggested.

Instead, they think Tom is dating Taylor as an elaborate act of revenge.

Hiddleston dated Ashley Olsen for a brief period last year, and the squad reportedly believes he’s pretending to be head-over-heels with Taylor in order to make her jealous.

Swift is said to be totally unaware of the con:

“Tom’s charming and he knows exactly how to work Taylor,” a source tells the tabloid.

“They could very well be on to something.”

Or maybe they just really hated Loki in all those Marvel movies. 

The world may never know!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Suicide Squad Reviews: Are These Supervillains to Die For?

Even before the first trailer hit the web last year, anticipation for Suicide Squad was sky-high, and it’s not hard to see why.

After all, this was a movie that seemed to offer an interesting twist on the superhero flicks that have inundated multiplexes for the past several years.

While those films still make major bucks at the box office, moviegoers seem to be growing wary of effects spectaculars with near-three-hour runtimes in which flying men in tights brood over the existential quandaries that accompany superheroism.

Squad promised something more fun and frivolous, but at the same time more sinister.

It also offers Jared Leto as the Joker, one of the most buzzed-about performances in recent memory.

Oh, and Margot Robbie in hot pants doesn’t hurt, either.

Sadly, it seems this is a classic case of all sizzle and no steak, as just days before the film’s release, this Squad is getting more side-eyes than Taylor Swift’s problematic chick clique.

Check out some of some of the many (many) unfavorable reviews below:

Everyone started making a movie before they really knew what they were doing. You need adults in charge, and there are no adults in charge here. The result is, yet again, a total sh-tshow.” – Will Leitch, The New Republic

“If you know someone you really can’t stand – not someone you dislike, not someone who rubs you the wrong way, but someone you really loathe and detest – send that person a ticket for Suicide Squad.” –  Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle

Suicide Squad is a so-so, off-peak superhero movie. It chases after the nihilistic swagger of Deadpool and the anarchic whimsy of Guardians of the Galaxy but trips over its own feet. – A.O. Scott, New York Times

The year’s most muddled piece of storytelling.” – David Edelstein, New York Magazine

There you have it. 

Sadly, it sounds like Squad is the cinematic equivalent of a leap from a tall building.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Taylor Swift Squad Problems: Friends Compare Her to WHAT Disney Villain?!

It’s beginning to look like Taylor Swift’s hell week has been extended.

At this point, it seems as though we may one day look back on the summer of 2016 as the season in which the world’s most successful female recording artist just couldn’t catch a break. 

First, there was the speculation that Swift’s relationship with Tom Hiddleston is fake.

Then the singer got slammed by Calvin Harris in a scathing Twitter rant that made it clear their recent breakup wasn’t as amicable as it initially seemed. 

Shortly thereafter, Kim Kardashian Snapchatted what she claimed was proof that Taylor lied about being blindsided by derogatory Kanye West lyrics, and with that, the “Taylor Swift Is Over Party” was in full swing:

Of course, Swift still has her loyal “#Squad” to support her through all of this, right?

Well, maybe not so much…

Reports of problems within Taylor’s squad have been circulating for days now, and In Touch just offered up a hilarious (whether it’s true or not) batch of new rumors.

“Taylor’s image as America’s Sweetheart Pop Princess has taken a great fall,” says one insider.

“She’s been exposed as manipulative. I don’t think it can get any worse for Taylor.”

The source adds that Kendall Jenner was recently kicked out of the squad due to her Kimye ties and that Selena Gomez is not the Squad loyalist she’s been made out to be.

“[Selena] recently found out some pretty horrible stuff Taylor has said about her, including about her weight and choice of boyfriends. Now some of the girls have started revealing what they’ve been hiding about Taylor,” says the source.

“Some of the girls call her Ursula, after The Little Mermaid’s manipulative sea witch, because she’s so controlling,” claims another insider.

She adds that Taylor is the type of girl “who will see a fiend have three drinks and tattle to her boyfriend that she’s an alcoholic.”

The source claims the events of the last week constitute Taylor’s worst nightmare, but the singer is unsure of how to handle it, as no one has ever challenged her like this before:

“Taylor’s public persona is everything to her … She’s overwhelmed with the amount of bad press and feels the pressure, but she still hasn’t apologized to anything – she thinks she’s perfect. But it’s all coming back to bite her.”

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Taylor Swift: Squad Members Preparing to Expose Secrets?!

You might think that things can’t get much worse for Taylor Swift’s reputation.

In the past week, several of the singer’s highly-publicized feuds have come to a head in surprising fashion.

First, Calvin Harris slammed Taylor in a Twitter rant that exposed the ugly side of the former couple’s breakup.

The same day, longtime rival Katy Perry seized the opportunity to throw shade at Swift on social media, as her Katy Cat’s reveled in what they perceived to be the singer’s downfall:

And even then it wasn’t over.

Taylor’s hell week continued when Kim Kardashian posted what appeared to be proof that Taylor was lying when she claimed to be blindsided by the lyrics to Kanye West’s “Famous.”

Just when it looked as though the singer was at the lowest point of her history-making career, Swift reportedly found herself facing something her detractors had joked about for years:

A full-blown squad insurrection.

Okay, that may be a bit dramatic, but for whatever reason, Taylor’s squad hasn’t come to her defense the way many expected them to.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that the cause of their silence may be that her famous group of friends is fed up with Swift’s diva antics:

“Some in her squad are talking about how relieved they are that the real Taylor is being exposed,” says one insider.

The source adds that many within Swift’s inner-circle view the singer as “a vindictive, manipulative person who runs over anyone who dares to challenge her.”

Apparently, the lack of loyalty from Taylor’s iconic clique has brought the singer to the lowest point of her public life:

“I don’t think it can get any worse for Taylor,” the source concludes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Taylor Swift: Experiencing Squad Problems Amidst Kimye Feud?!

Now that the Taylor Swift vs. Kim and Kanye feud is in full swing, other celebs are choosing sides and true loyalties are being revealed.

Thanks to her highly-publicized #Squad, you might think that Taylor would have the upper hand in the famous allies department, but thus far, support for the singer hasn’t been as immediate and unquestioning as many expected.

Thus far, Taylor’s best friend, Abigail Anderson, has come to her defense (and received death threats in response), but the rest of her chick clique has been noticeably silent on the matter.

Those who have spoken out, like Selena Gomez, have come down on the side that both parties should grow up and move along to focusing on more important matters.

Not exactly what Taylor wants to hear from her loyal foot soldiers when she’s in the midst of the most potentially damaging PR crisis of her career.

So what gives?

Why are the same young women who have flanked Supreme Leader Swift at red carpet events and Fourth of July parties so reluctant to show their support in her full-blown war with the Kardashians?

Well, for starters, rumors of Taylor’s “squad problems” have been circulating for months.

The B- and C-list celebs who make up Taylor’s circle of friends have reportedly tired of Queen Tay’s “diva antics,” so it should come as no surprise that they’re not willing to risk their necks by involving themselves in her latest squabble.

And by “risk their necks,” of course, we mean “get themselves blacklisted from all the cool parties.”

Yes, unlike Swift’s past feuds, this one could carry serious social consequences for those who publicly align themselves with Team Taylor.

It’s hard to think of a celeb who’s more popular worldwide than Katy Perry, but the original Swift rival isn’t a giant on the Hollywood scene like Kim and her sisters.

And like so many things in showbiz, the “winner” of this feud may ultimately be decided by who carries more clout.

Sure, it’s cool being all over Taylor’s Instagram page – but not nearly as cool as being on the list the next Kanye hosts a surprise concert for 200 people.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Taylor Swift Squad Gathers for July 4, Judges Tom Hiddleston

The United States of America celebrated its 240th birthday on Monday.

But, really, The United States of America celebrated another opportunity for Taylor Swift to gather all her famous friends in one place.

The singer has made it a tradition for her Squad to hang out for a massive throwdown on July Fourth every year, with the latest rendition taking place at Swift’s Rhode Island mansion.

According to People Magazine, the party featured a game of lawn football… lots of music… and an inflatable, red-white-and-blue slide with the words “Taymerica” on the side.

Because of course, right?

As depicted in the Instagram photo Swift shared from the shindig (above), those in attendance included Gigi Hadid, Blake Lively, Cara Delevingne, Ruby Rose and Uzo Aduba.

“Happy 4th from us” the 26-year-old artist captioned the snapshot, which was actually the only photo she shared on social media of the star-studded weekend-long celebration.

As you can see below, Taylor has been more open in the past with pictures from her annual July Fourth party:

Meanwhile… Tom Hiddleston was also in attendance.

The English actor and suddenly serious boyfriend of Swift’s was decked out in red, white and blue jumpsuit; he was seen doing flips on the inflatable slide alongside Swift’s brother, Austin.

With insiders claiming Swift is already in love with Hiddleston, the question remains:

How do her friends feel about him?

“They all really like Tom and like how he treats Taylor,” a source tells E! News, adding:

“Things are moving fast between them but none of her friends are worried because they never have seen her this happy.”

We feel like we’ve heard that about Swift and a boyfriend before. But, hey, whatever. Who are we to judge?

This same insider adds that Swift and Hiddleston “both feel that their connection is rare.”

Just a few months ago, Swift was all about Calvin Harris. The singer and the DJ were allegedly discussing marriage.

But Taylor then dumped Harris (over the phone, some say) and immediately moved on with Hiddleston.

Did Swift actually cheat on Harris with Hiddleston? We may never know.

We do know, however, that the 35-year-old Thor star wore an “I [heart] T. Swift” tanktop as he swam in the ocean during the party yesterday.

He also had a temporary heart tattoo with his girlfriend’s initials etched onto his bicep.

We’d have to therefore imagine a proposal is on the way.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Taylor Swift Facing Squad Problems as Friends Tire of Diva Antics: Report

At this point Taylor Swift’s loyal “squad” of famous gal pals is as much a part of her public image as her turbulent love life used to be.

It may seem that few things could be less controversial than a group of successful young women who like to party together and support one another, but the media has taken a special interest in Swift’s clique.

There have been rumors that Taylor’s squad must abide by a strict set of rules.

Like lapsed Scientologists, former squad affiliates have gone to the press, claiming that Taylor only accepts the rich and beautiful into her elite group of friends.

Now, there are reports that a full-blown Tay mutiny is going down, as the ladies of the squad have grown sick of Taylor’s diva antics. 

It seems the latest round of problems began when Taylor gave an interview to Vogue during a friend’s wedding – a wedding at which she happened to be the maid of honor.

For obvious reasons, her decision didn’t sit well with several squad members.

“Even her best friends’ have started making fun of [Taylor] behind her back because they’re sick of her controlling ways,” a source close to the situation tells OK! magazine.

One insider says Swift has embraced her inner Regina George and has started putting the other girls down as part of her “self-obsessed queen bee” routine.

This is far from the first time that Taylor has faced squad trouble, but the insider says her famous friends have finally had enough.

We’re curious to see what Taylor would do socially if her squad unravels.

She could just, ya know – try not making a big deal out of her personal life for once, but that seems unlikely.

We’re guessing the news of a Calvin Harris proposal will be dropping any day now.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Ariana Grande Really Wants to Join Taylor Swift"s Squad

Ariana Grande may hate donuts and hate America.

But she clearly has a soft spot for Taylor Swift.

In a radio interview this week with United Kingdom station Capital FM, the singer made it clear she’d be “so down” to join Swift’s world famous squad.

If she were to be asked, that is.

“Oh wow! That would be so crazy,” the 22-year old said, later quipping: “Do you have to do anything weird to get in?”

She was joking, but there has been talk of strict rules for becoming friends with Swift.

This is quite the different reaction than Chloe Mortez recently had when asked about Swift’s group of friends.

Mortez actually said she was asked to become a part of the club, but dismissed it as an exclusive clique.

Swift’s ever-growing roster of celebrity gal pals includes:

  • Selena Gomez

  • Karlie Kloss

  • Cara Delevingne

  • Martha Hunt

  • Lily Aldridge

  • Gigi Hadid

  • Ellie Goulding

  • Serayah

  • Hailee Steinfel

  • Lena Dunham

  • Lorde

  • Jaime King

They have attended red carpet events as a group in the past and often party together on occasions such as July 4.

Grande and Swift, meanwhile, appeared on stage together at the 2014 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, after which Swift shared the above photo on Instagram and gushed that Ariana “couldn’t be cuter.”

In 2015, Grande also Tweeted her desire to live in a world where people are “valued” not by who they are dating, but by who they are “as an individual.”

Swift responded to this feminist stance by saying she was “so proud” of Grande.

It sounds to us like Ariana had an open invitation to join Swift’s squad. She just has to walk in.

Ariana Grande Really Wants to Join Taylor Swift"s Squad

Ariana Grande may hate donuts and hate America.

But she clearly has a soft spot for Taylor Swift.

In a radio interview this week with United Kingdom station Capital FM, the singer made it clear she’d be “so down” to join Swift’s world famous squad.

If she were to be asked, that is.

“Oh wow! That would be so crazy,” the 22-year old said, later quipping: “Do you have to do anything weird to get in?”

She was joking, but there has been talk of strict rules for becoming friends with Swift.

This is quite the different reaction than Chloe Mortez recently had when asked about Swift’s group of friends.

Mortez actually said she was asked to become a part of the club, but dismissed it as an exclusive clique.

Swift’s ever-growing roster of celebrity gal pals includes:

  • Selena Gomez

  • Karlie Kloss

  • Cara Delevingne

  • Martha Hunt

  • Lily Aldridge

  • Gigi Hadid

  • Ellie Goulding

  • Serayah

  • Hailee Steinfel

  • Lena Dunham

  • Lorde

  • Jaime King

They have attended red carpet events as a group in the past and often party together on occasions such as July 4.

Grande and Swift, meanwhile, appeared on stage together at the 2014 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, after which Swift shared the above photo on Instagram and gushed that Ariana “couldn’t be cuter.”

In 2015, Grande also Tweeted her desire to live in a world where people are “valued” not by who they are dating, but by who they are “as an individual.”

Swift responded to this feminist stance by saying she was “so proud” of Grande.

It sounds to us like Ariana had an open invitation to join Swift’s squad. She just has to walk in.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Chloe Moretz Throws Shade at Taylor Swift: I Don"t Want to Be in Her Squad!

Chloe Moretz isn’t a full-blown A-lister yet, but the 19-year-old actress has starred in some high-profile films, and with Neighbors 2 and Disney’s highly-anticipated live-action Little Mermaid on the horizon, you’re sure to hear a lot more from in the coming year.

But while Chloe has taken on a wide-array of roles recently, there’s one part that she has no interest in taking on – that of a supporting player in ever-expanding Taylor Swift Girl Squad.

When Chloe was asked about her views on Taylor’s squad during a recent interview with Complex, she stopped just short of saying she thinks the whole thing is damn creepy:

“They appropriate exclusivity. They’re cliques!” Chloe said (“with her exasperation,” the interviewer notes) when asked about squads.

Asked if she was invited to join Taylor’s squad, Chloe replies, “Yes,” and attempts to leave it at that.

The interviewer presses her, and that’s when Chloe speaks volumes while attempting to move on:

“She seems to want to say a lot of things—perhaps about the “Bad Blood” singer—but already knows the repercussions of those things becoming public,” the article says.

“I can practically feel her urge to unleash bubbling and rising to the top of her throat. Just then a smile spreads across her moon-shaped face, the padlock that keeps whatever’s in her mind just right there, and she says, measuredly, ‘She’s a very talented person."”

“’You can talk to me about these things, you know,’ I say back. ‘You know I can’t!’ she laughs.”

Chloe is basically teaching a master class in the art of throwing shade here.

She never directly disses Taylor, but she makes her feelings on the friend-collecting singer perfectly clear.

We doubt this will ever develop into a Taylor-Katy Perry feud situation, but we’re guessing Ms. Swift is less than pleased about this interview.

Chloe Moretz Throws Shade at Taylor Swift: I Don"t Want to Be in Her Squad!

Chloe Moretz isn’t a full-blown A-lister yet, but the 19-year-old actress has starred in some high-profile films, and with Neighbors 2 and Disney’s highly-anticipated live-action Little Mermaid on the horizon, you’re sure to hear a lot more from in the coming year.

But while Chloe has taken on a wide-array of roles recently, there’s one part that she has no interest in taking on – that of a supporting player in ever-expanding Taylor Swift Girl Squad.

When Chloe was asked about her views on Taylor’s squad during a recent interview with Complex, she stopped just short of saying she thinks the whole thing is damn creepy:

“They appropriate exclusivity. They’re cliques!” Chloe said (“with her exasperation,” the interviewer notes) when asked about squads.

Asked if she was invited to join Taylor’s squad, Chloe replies, “Yes,” and attempts to leave it at that.

The interviewer presses her, and that’s when Chloe speaks volumes while attempting to move on:

“She seems to want to say a lot of things—perhaps about the “Bad Blood” singer—but already knows the repercussions of those things becoming public,” the article says.

“I can practically feel her urge to unleash bubbling and rising to the top of her throat. Just then a smile spreads across her moon-shaped face, the padlock that keeps whatever’s in her mind just right there, and she says, measuredly, ‘She’s a very talented person."”

“’You can talk to me about these things, you know,’ I say back. ‘You know I can’t!’ she laughs.”

Chloe is basically teaching a master class in the art of throwing shade here.

She never directly disses Taylor, but she makes her feelings on the friend-collecting singer perfectly clear.

We doubt this will ever develop into a Taylor-Katy Perry feud situation, but we’re guessing Ms. Swift is less than pleased about this interview.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Scott Disick, Tyga & Chris Brown: New Douche Squad Alert!

Ladies and gentlemen, we are (not) proud to present a new douche squad on the horizon.

Seminal members include Tyga, Scott Disick and, of course, Chris Brown.

The three were seen partying together at Tyga’s house last night around 9:30 p.m. with who else but a bunch of model-type women, a source tells E! News.

The Lord Disick was reportedly “full on trying to hook up” with one of the women, evidently not giving a hoot about discretion.

“Scott was with one girl the whole time, holding her hand and leading her around the house,” claimed the source. “They were laughing, smiling, and it was obvious Scott was into her. They’d disappear for a while and come back.”

Jeebus, this dude REALLY knows how to blow it, doesn’t he? 

Scott has made it very clear that he wants to win his ex Kourtney Kardashian back, and it almost seemed like he was making strides in that arena over the past week.

Last week, Kourt shared a throwback pic of the two of them as a couple before their kids were born, and just yesterday they were photographed together arm in arm while shopping in Calabasas.

And now this. Guess you can’t teach an old d-bag new tricks. Like, how not to act like a d-bag.

As for Tyga, well, he wasn’t seen drinking, but he did smoke with Chris Brown.

T-Raww’s girlfriend Kylie Jenner was nowhere to be found, but she did say the other day that she plans to marry the rapper, because, well, we have no stinking idea.

After the pre-game party, the squad headed to 1OAK nightclub in West Hollywood, but weren’t there for long. The source noted that some of the girls went back to Tyga’s place after they left the club.

I mean, COME ON.

Each of these guys’ reputations reads like a chapter from the How to Be a Gigantic Piece of Sh*t handbook: the alcoholic philanderer, the dude who hits on underage chicks and, of course, the convicted girlfriend beater.

What a grand posse they make together.

We’ve heard Justin Bieber’s application for membership is still pending.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Taylor Swift Faces Squad Trouble as Friends Jump Ship: Report

These days, it’s rare to read anything about Taylor Swift that doesn’t feature some mention of her ever-expanding group of famous female friends.

Taylor’s “squad” is as much a part of her public persona as her love life used to be, and many have suggested that it’s one component of a conscious effort by her team to portray Swift as a drama-free supporter of other women.

Unfortunately, no matter what she does, Taylor seems to be a magnet for scrutiny and criticism, and making her popularity with her female peers a matter of public spectacle has prompted a good deal of speculation about the dynamic of the squad.

Taylor has invited famous friends on stage, walked the red carpet with a gaggle of models and actresses, and gushed about her girl posse in countless interviews.

At first she was praised as a feminist role model, but the tide quickly turned and questions started to emerge:

Is she simply friend collecting? Are her peers being to made to feel like sidekicks? Are all the girls equal, or is Taylor’s squad all about Taylor?

Swift kind of addressed these criticisms when she stated during a recent that the criteria for squad membership is really quite simple:

“Number one, you have to like me. And number two, you have to want to spend time with me,” she told thousands of young women, many of whom have no doubt imagined themselves in the squad.

While many have side-eyed the squad and have full of celebs have openly thrown shade at Taylor and her ever-present chick clique, most seem to agree that Taylor’s decision to focus on female friendship is a good thing, both for her and her millions of impressionable fans.

Unfortunately, since it’s taken the place of her romantic relationships as the part of her private life that she chooses to share with the public, Taylor’s squad has become a source of tabloid fodder.

Recent reports have Taylor kicking members out for violating her strict set of rules.

Sources say she booted Kendall Jenner  after the model began dating Taylor’s ex-boyfriend Harry Styles.

Lena Dunham once described Taylor as her “best friend,” but they reportedly haven’t spoken in months.

Now, several insiders are claiming that Taylor and her longtime BFF Karlie Kloss are on the outs, a rumor that Kloss seems to have corroborated with a recent vague comment about “the ups and downs” of friendship.

We may never know if these reports are true, and it’s generally easier to repair a friendship than a romantic relationship, so Taylor’s exiled squad members may wind up back in her good graces.

Obviously, it would be impossible for Taylor to keep every part of her personal life on the down-low, but she grants fans far more access than most celebs, and it now looks as though the decision is blowing up in her face, just as it did when she was in the habit of sharing intimate details about her love life.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Kourtney Kardashian"s New Girl Squad: Check Out the Members!

Now that Kourtney Kardashian had shed her douchey ex Scott Disick, the girl seems to be having the time of her life.

She was recently rumored to be hooking up with Justin Bieber, and now we’ve got pics of her whooping it up on a girl’s night with some very famous friends.

Kourtney’s hot new girl squad appears to include Chrissy Teigen, Jenna Dewan-Tatum, Kelly Rowland (see pic below), Minka Kelly and hairstylist Jen Atkin.

It seems we can say goodbye to the old Kourtney:

The gal pals were hanging out at a birthday party for DJ and producer Balthazar Getty at The Nice Guy restaurant in Los Angeles.

Kourt posted a series of pics with the ladies to Instagram, captioning one of them “GNO” (that’s girl’s night out, for those not in the know), in which they appear to be enjoying libations and food.

“Girl’s night out and crashing parties,” wrote Jenna on a photo of the ladies posted to her account.

“This feels like an ad for a new sitcom called ‘Just Kourt’ where @kourtneykardash moves to a new city and meets a zany cast of characters!” wrote Jen (Atkin) alongside the same photo.

We’d SO watch that. Get on it, E! 

Chrissy, Kelly and Minka also joined in on the Insta-party, all posting pics of their turnt up night together.

We’re taking this to mean a great time was had by all.

We also couldn’t be happier for Kourtney. Being stuck in a sucky relationship and bringing up three small children likely left little time for friends in the past.

She deserves to blow off some steam with her girlfriends, and these ladies together most certainly make for one ultra cool bunch.

Friday, January 22, 2016

James Harden: Cheating on Khloe Kardashian With "Squad" of Sidepieces?!

Earlier this week, Khloe Kardashian posted a cryptic message on social media that had some of her followers wondering if the reality star was angry at James Harden.

We still don’t know for sure if Khloe had anyone specific in mind when she shared her thoughts about guarding one’s emotions, but it seems Harden has given her plenty of reason to feel betrayed.

Earlier this week, there were rumors of Harden going to a strip club with Tyga.

As if finding out your dude is throwin’ hundreds with your little sister’s sleazy boyfriend isn’t bad enough, Khloe is now contending with reports that Harden is bringing sidepieces galore off the bench whenever Khloe is out of town.

According to Radar Online, the Houston Rockets guard has a “squad of women” that he entertains every time his team is playing in Los Angeles and Khloe is unable to attend.

Harden’s crew (the Beard Boosters, as we like to call them) reportedly features some familiar names, including Karrueche Tran and Harden’s most recent ex, Ashley Jade.

“James gave Karreuche and Ashley Jade courtside seats,” says one insider of Harden’s most recent stint in LA.

“He arranged the tickets for them on his own, and they went both nights.”

Sounds innocent enough on its own, but we’re guessing James has friends in LA who aren’t models and/or ex-girlfriends.

We’re also guessing that Khloe would like to know why he didn’t invite one of them.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Did She Hire a "Spy Squad" to Follow Tyga?

Last week, Tyga was allegedly busted cheating on Kylie Jenner with a Brazilian model named Annalu Cardoso.

The news came on the heels of accusations that Tyga has stalked and harassed a 14-year-old girl via social media. Needless to say, Kylie has a lot to be suspicious about these days.

Perhaps that’s why her family has suggested she stop with the amateur snooping and hire some real-life professional spies to track Tyga’s every move.

This isn’t the first time that the Kard clan has hired detectives to follow Tyga, but now they’re reportedly stepping their game up and employing the services of the same team that once tracked Scott Disick.

“Kourtney knows what Kylie is going through because she spent almost a decade with a cheating liar, Scott Disick,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online

“[Kourtney] has now employed her spy squad to help Kylie get the truth about what Tyga’s up to…The goal is to catch him in the act. If they’re able to, Kylie will have no other choice than to leave him.”

Having a “spy squad” on speed dial might be the number one sign that your family has truly terrible taste in men.

Also, it’s worth noting that Kourtney’s team never successfully caught Scott cheating.

We suggest that Kylie save her money and let the best spies in LA (the paparazzi) do the snooping for her.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Taylor Swift Only Accepts "Beautiful, Successful People" Into Squad, Source Says

If you know Taylor Swift, then you know about Taylor Swift’s squad.

Taylor’s ever-expanding chick clique is such a major part of her public image at this point that its been the subject of multiple SNL sketches, and now we may have our first insight as to how she chooses her new recruits.

Yes, today in “No doy!” news, Celebrity Dirty Laundry is reporting that Taylor only accepts “gorgeous, successful” people into her squad.

According to a squad source, who should probably go into hiding ASAP, Taylor has become “so huge she really believes she’s above average-looking people.”

In the sense that at six foot in heels, she’s literally above average people, we suppose that’s true. We’ll show ourselves out.

Anyway, the source goes on to say that Taylor collects supermodels and other pretty people so that they can serve as a sort of “beautiful wallpaper” when she walks the red carpet.

Now, there’s a status symbol. 

Every rapper with a hit single to his name has a Bentley, but who has living, leggy accessories to accompany them to events just so they can pose for better photos than anyone else.

Just Taylor, that’s who. We bet Katy Perry is totally friends with, like, ugly people and stuff.