Showing posts with label Ship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ship. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Counting On Advertisers: Still Jumping Ship Over Josh Duggar!

Josh Duggar is persona non grata these days, but the scandal-plagued first-born of Jim Bob and Michelle continues to wreak havoc on his family.

If you watch Counting On online (formerly Jill & Jessa: Counting On), you’ll soon be doing so without some familiar corporate sponsors.

In the two weeks since TLC brought back the latest iteration of the Duggar family hour, at least four major companies have jumped ship.

Apparently having remembered that Josh exists, even though he hasn’t appeared on camera once, corporate execs are freaking out!

Last year, 12 companies yanked their advertising in the wake of Josh Duggar’s scandals, of both the molestation and infidelity variety.

That ultimately led TLC to shelve 19 Kids and Counting in July 2015, only to bring the family back and have them Counting On this winter.

One would think, with Josh jettisoned to rehab and a shift in focus toward Jill, Jessa, Jinger Duggar and others, that the storm had passed.

Any advertisers who didn’t bail initially wouldn’t have any objections to the renewed, Josh-free version of the popular reality show, right?


Gerber Life, Trivago, Thumbtack (dot) com and Hotwire have joined the others who have previously ended their relationship with TLC.

When a Gerber Life ad aired during the premiere of Counting On, a spokesman for the company issued a statement, released this week:

“The Gerber Life ad was inadvertently shown during the premiere of Counting On,” the prompt damage control mode statement said.

“We have been assured that Gerber Life ads will no longer be shown during this program,” the company added, reassuring its customers.

Trivago also released a statement, saying it “[did not have] control over when the advertisement ran, as it was a direct response buy.”

Come again?

“We did not purposely intend to advertise during any specific TLC program,” Trivago Guy said, with his beseeching gaze and new haircut.

Just kidding, the guy from the ads is not who issues PR statements on behalf of the corporations, although how awesome would that be.

Hotwire also pleaded ignorance, saying they’re unable to choose which shows air the company’s ads, and can only choose the network.

“Hotwire ads appear on many cable networks including AMC, Bravo, HGTV, TNT, TBS, USA as well as TLC Network,” the site said.

“While we are able to select which cable networks air our ads, we do not select the specific shows,” the statement explained.

“After further consideration,” i.e. realizing who the Duggar family is, “we have decided to remove this network from our plan.”

Thumbtack (dot) com’s statement reads: “At this time, we are not buying TV ad space for particular programming or programs.”

They, too, purchased ad space not for specific shows like Counting On, but “for networks or groups of networks in aggregate.”

In addition to the fact that he molested his sisters, Duggar was also caught using Ashley Madison, a website for people who want affairs.

Given his background as a conservative family values activist, and his parents’ role in covering up the molestation, it was a tough stretch.

Still, the worst appeared to have passed.

Josh is married to Anna Duggar, who has somehow stayed by his side throughout this ordeal, now stretching for nearly a year and a half.

Even as many hoped she would bolt faster than Trivago after seeing its ads air during Counting On, they are still married and living together.

Josh only has a flip phone now at least.

Will the show survive given this new slew of sponsor departures – and will Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar break up for real at this rate?

Hit the comments below to discuss.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Watch The Last Ship Online: Check Out Season 3 Episode 1

Eric Dane and company are back!

What went down on The Last Ship Season 3 Episode 1? Let’s find out…

The season premiere of this fun TNT drama centered on Chandler being sent to Asia in order to probe a possible mutation of the Red Flu.

Also, Captain Slattery and his crew delivered a cure to Southeast Asia, although they were in danger of heading toward an unforeseen threat.

Click on the video above to watch The Last Ship online and find out what else went down during this intense hour of television.

It’s fast, easy and efficient to do so.

Watch The Last Ship Online: Check Out Season 3 Episode 1

Eric Dane and company are back!

What went down on The Last Ship Season 3 Episode 1? Let’s find out…

The season premiere of this fun TNT drama centered on Chandler being sent to Asia in order to probe a possible mutation of the Red Flu.

Also, Captain Slattery and his crew delivered a cure to Southeast Asia, although they were in danger of heading toward an unforeseen threat.

Click on the video above to watch The Last Ship online and find out what else went down during this intense hour of television.

It’s fast, easy and efficient to do so.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Taylor Swift Faces Squad Trouble as Friends Jump Ship: Report

These days, it’s rare to read anything about Taylor Swift that doesn’t feature some mention of her ever-expanding group of famous female friends.

Taylor’s “squad” is as much a part of her public persona as her love life used to be, and many have suggested that it’s one component of a conscious effort by her team to portray Swift as a drama-free supporter of other women.

Unfortunately, no matter what she does, Taylor seems to be a magnet for scrutiny and criticism, and making her popularity with her female peers a matter of public spectacle has prompted a good deal of speculation about the dynamic of the squad.

Taylor has invited famous friends on stage, walked the red carpet with a gaggle of models and actresses, and gushed about her girl posse in countless interviews.

At first she was praised as a feminist role model, but the tide quickly turned and questions started to emerge:

Is she simply friend collecting? Are her peers being to made to feel like sidekicks? Are all the girls equal, or is Taylor’s squad all about Taylor?

Swift kind of addressed these criticisms when she stated during a recent that the criteria for squad membership is really quite simple:

“Number one, you have to like me. And number two, you have to want to spend time with me,” she told thousands of young women, many of whom have no doubt imagined themselves in the squad.

While many have side-eyed the squad and have full of celebs have openly thrown shade at Taylor and her ever-present chick clique, most seem to agree that Taylor’s decision to focus on female friendship is a good thing, both for her and her millions of impressionable fans.

Unfortunately, since it’s taken the place of her romantic relationships as the part of her private life that she chooses to share with the public, Taylor’s squad has become a source of tabloid fodder.

Recent reports have Taylor kicking members out for violating her strict set of rules.

Sources say she booted Kendall Jenner  after the model began dating Taylor’s ex-boyfriend Harry Styles.

Lena Dunham once described Taylor as her “best friend,” but they reportedly haven’t spoken in months.

Now, several insiders are claiming that Taylor and her longtime BFF Karlie Kloss are on the outs, a rumor that Kloss seems to have corroborated with a recent vague comment about “the ups and downs” of friendship.

We may never know if these reports are true, and it’s generally easier to repair a friendship than a romantic relationship, so Taylor’s exiled squad members may wind up back in her good graces.

Obviously, it would be impossible for Taylor to keep every part of her personal life on the down-low, but she grants fans far more access than most celebs, and it now looks as though the decision is blowing up in her face, just as it did when she was in the habit of sharing intimate details about her love life.