Friday, August 12, 2016

Jared Leto: Slammed by Suicide Squad Actress!

Jared Leto might be a hit with the world, but he just didn’t get on well with a cast member on Suicide Squad. 

If you’ve been keeping up to date with the news for Suicide Squad, you’ll know the movie has been panned by critics

But in a strange turn of events, it’s hitting the high notes at the box office. 

A lot of fans have been pretty vocal about the reviews not giving a true representation of the movie. 

Jared Leto plays The Joker, but moviegoers were shocked when they realized his appearance in the movie was pretty scarce. 

According to Leto, a lot of his scenes were cut at the last minute, but there was no reason given for it. 

They will no doubt make their way on to special edition version of the movie for home entertainment. 

One of the scenes that were cut, involved Ariane Bellamar, who played the Joker’s muse in a strip club. 

The actress alleges that Leto got a little too creepy during production. 

He went as far as rubbing his crotch between takes and it made her feel uneasy. 

“He wasn’t hiding it or anything,” she tells Radar.

“He did it every time he walked past me.”

That’s totally not okay and it must have been such a horrible experience for Bellamar. 

This is not the type of behavior you’d expect from an Oscar winning actor. 

“I’m not a prude, I’m easy-going,” she insists. “But it was creepy. It took me completely off guard.”

There’s even word that he was gloating about how famous he is.

“He would go around and yell that they were lucky to be in his presence,” Bellamar claims.

“He ran the set.”

A representative for Jared refuted Bellamar’s claims.