Showing posts with label Leto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leto. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Jared Leto Life o" the Party ... A St. Barts Yacht Bikini Party!!!

Jared Leto‘s surrounded by a throng of bikini-clad women on a Caribbean island … and it’s pretty clear he’s the straw stirring the drink.
The “30 Seconds to Mars” frontman was cruising on a yacht Wednesday in St. Barts with a bunch of very eye-catching...
Jared Leto Life o" the Party ... A St. Barts Yacht Bikini Party!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Jared Leto Draws a Massive Crowd Heading to the Louvre in Paris

Jared Leto is now officially a living, breathing snowball effect — and don’t try questioning it … just watch how fast he can drum up an army of fans by simply walking. The Oscar winner and frontman for Thirty Seconds to Mars was minding his own…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Jared Leto Hitches Ride with NASCAR Driver at 165 MPH

Jared Leto’s new album promotion got a serious fuel injection when he hooked up with NASCAR … and Momma, he’s going fast!!! The Thirty Seconds to Mars frontman made a pit stop in Fort Worth, TX on Wednesday during his cross-country hitchhike to…


Friday, September 22, 2017

Jared Leto Gets Ripped To Play Rock Star

Jared Leto lost 35 lbs. for “Dallas Buyers Club” and morphed into the gangly Joker for “Suicide Squad,” but when he’s just playing Jared the rocker in his band, 30 Seconds To Mars … he’s ripped!!! Jared shared this pic of his hot bod on Instagram…


Monday, August 28, 2017

Jared Leto Pays Tribute to Chester Bennington, Makes Us Cry

The MTV Video Music Awards turned solemn for a few minutes on Sunday night.

At one point during the event, Jared Leto took to the stage; not to accept any trophies or present any performances, but to honor late Linkin Park lead singer Chester Bennington.

In mid-July, Bennington killed himself via hanging at the age of 41.

Leto, who is an Academy Award-winning actor but also a member of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars, knew Bennington well as a result of his music career.

“Chester was my friend as he was to so many and witnessing his life taught me important things – especially about working relentlessly, pursuing dreams and being kind and caring while doing it,” Leto said on stage, continuing:

"When I think about him, Chester, I see his face which was always smiling.

"I think about his heart which he wore on his sleeve. I think how kindly he treated me, my brother, our band."

It was virtually impossible to watch Leto pay tribute to Bennington without getting choked up.

“I think about his wife and his six, six incredible children," Leto said toward the end of his speech.

"I think about his family, I think about his band who were really his brothers and I remember his voice – at once ferocious and delicate. That voice will live forever.”

To wrap up his tribute, Leto kept his eye on the larger picture.

"If there is anyone else out there who is watching this tonight who feels like there is not hope, hear me now: you are not alone," he said.

"The absolute biggest breakthroughs in life lie just beyond the darkest days."

Amen, Jared.

Very well said all around.

Watch the moving tribute now:

Jared leto pays tribute to chester bennington makes us cry

Monday, July 24, 2017

Jared Leto Shares Moving Tribute to Chester Bennington

You know, there’s more to Jared Leto than having a reportedly huge penis or irritating the everloving f–k out of his Suicide Squad castmates. He’s also a person who can be truly thoughtful and sensitive. He is also a musician.

While countless fans were shocked and saddened by Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington’s death by suicide, we have to remember that there were people who knew Chester as a person as well as an artist.

Jared Leto is one of those people, and he penned a beautiful tribute to Chester’s life and memory.

Sometimes it takes days, or longer, to process news of a death even enough to write down your thoughts and feelings in a way that might make sense to anyone.

(Some people never do)

We’re glad that Jared Leto collected his thoughts and expressed himself, because this is beautiful:

“When I think of Chester I remember his smile, his laughter, his intelligence, kindness, and talent.”

That’s precisely how he should be remembered.

“That absolutely unforgettable voice that was at once — delicate, ferocious and always full of emotion.”

Passion fuels art, after all.

“Witnessing his life taught me a lot. Especially about commitment, about kindness, about hard work, and the pursuit and achievement of dreams and mostly, about love.”

That’s a lot to learn from one person.

“I know that both his family and his band were a massive source of inspiration and pride for him.”

Of course they were — which made his loss that much harder for countless people.

But Jared’s focusing on the positive.

“It was clear to me that he was deeply grateful for both the people that surrounded him and the life that he had.”

It’s good that he’s giving credit to Chester’s loved ones, instead of blaming them — as some awful people do after suicides.

“My heart goes out to his family, friends, band and fans. A tragic loss of an absolute legend. We will miss you.”

We all will.

This is the photo that Jared shared of the Chester that he remembers.

It isn’t uncommon for those lost to suicide to be people associated with happiness and passion.

Depressive suicide doesn’t come with an ominous dark cloud to signify its presence to everyone.

And, in case it needs to be said, people who are suicidal don’t choose to take their own lives.

Just as they didn’t choose to be suicidal in the first place.

Just as cancer patients didn’t choose to have cancer.

It’s a terrible disease that impacts so many people.

Contrary to what some vile member of Korn said about Chester being a coward, Chester was a victim of a battle with a disease that ultimately claimed his life.

Most responses weren’t anything like that, of course.

We saw countless celebrities react to Chester Bennington’s death, but we think that Jared’s was one of the most moving.

Jared Leto’s faced some criticism recently for his antics on set.

An actress with a smaller role in Suicide Squad was creeped out by Leto’s behavior.

He also reportedly played “pranks” on more famous costars while staying in character as part of his ridiculous self-aggrandizing method acting shenanigans.

At one point, he sent Margot Robbie a box with a live rat.

(That rat has been adopted and is now in a loving home, so don’t worry)

He reportedly did not try any of that nonsense with Viola Davis

The end results were a few minutes of awkward screen time as a genuinely bad and almost universally panned version of The Joker that bore a stronger resemblance to some sort of bizarroverse Justin Bieber where he’s a criminal with his own gang who wants to impress a bunch of impressionable Myspace tweens.

(The best version of The Joker is Mark Hamill, no question — after that there’s some debate)

That’s a real shame, because Jared Leto is a good actor. If only his Joker hadn’t been such a cringeworthy Hot Topic guy, you know?

And also one of Suicide Squad‘s real strengths — aside from being better than Dawn of Justice, which can be said of most films — was that almost all of the characters were true to their comic selves.

But that wasn’t the case for The Joker.

(Or for Rick Flag but that’s another story)

It’s good to see posts like this, where Leto pours out his thoughts and expresses himself outside of the context of acting.

This, this heartfelt note, is who Jared Leto is.

Of course, Jared Leto isn’t the only one who knew him who’s spoken up.

Linkin Park shared their own tribute to Chester

There will be more over time.

Suicide is tragic and claims too many lives.

We hope that some good can come of Chester Bennington’s tragic death.

Maybe some people waging the same battle will reach out for help, or have loved ones reach out to them, to prevent a few more tragedies.

Every life saved is important.


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Jared Leto Relists Hollywood Hills Home After Facelift (PHOTO GALLERY)

Jared Leto is doing a retake on selling his home … he’s listed it a second time, but this time it’s a tad cooler. Jared originally put the Hollywood Hills home on the market in November for $ 1,999,000, but there were no takers so he took the…


Monday, February 20, 2017

Angelina Jolie & Jared Leto: Dating?!

Over the weekend, Angelina Jolie spoke publicly about her divorce from Brad Pitt for the first time.

It’s been months since the couple parted ways following a still-mysterious confrontation between Pitt and the couple’s eldest son aboard a private jet, but until this week, both actors have refrained from speaking about the split publicly.

That’s not terribly surprising, considering how closely Pitt and Jolie guarded the details of their personal lives were throughout their marriage.

Of course, true privacy isn’t possible at that level of fame, which means that in the absence of on-the-record updates from the tabloid media will meet the demand for Brad and Angie news with unsubstantiated rumors.

We’ve already heard (almost certainly bogus) reports that Brad is dating Kate Hudson.

Now it’s Angie’s turn for a made-up rebound relationship.

And gossip columnists have decided to set her up with an even more high profile and unlikely new boo: 

Yes, according to Star magazine, Angelina is dating Jared Leto.

To be clear, we wouldn’t put it past her, and when Jolie does move on, it will probably be with someone famous and weird as hell, not unlike Leto.

We just don’t think it’s happening yet.

A source tells the magazine that Angie and Jared aren’t just hooking up, they’re rushing headlong into a serious relationship:

“The word is they spoke several times on the phone before meeting up in L.A. for dinner, and they’ve been seeing each other whenever they can since then,” says one source.

“Angie’s been telling friends Jared has a special way of making her feel good about herself.”

Another insider adds:

“He’s been good for her, helping put a smile back on Angie’s face.”

Yes, he’s putting a smile on that face of hers.

We can’t help but thing the person who made this source up got Jared confused with Heath Ledger.

Anyway, as we said, this almost certainly BS, but we wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s impossible.

This is a woman who went from Billy Bob Thornton to Brad Pitt.

In a way, Jared Leto is the next logical step.

Which would make this the only time there was anything logical about Jared Leto.


Friday, August 12, 2016

Jared Leto: Slammed by Suicide Squad Actress!

Jared Leto might be a hit with the world, but he just didn’t get on well with a cast member on Suicide Squad. 

If you’ve been keeping up to date with the news for Suicide Squad, you’ll know the movie has been panned by critics

But in a strange turn of events, it’s hitting the high notes at the box office. 

A lot of fans have been pretty vocal about the reviews not giving a true representation of the movie. 

Jared Leto plays The Joker, but moviegoers were shocked when they realized his appearance in the movie was pretty scarce. 

According to Leto, a lot of his scenes were cut at the last minute, but there was no reason given for it. 

They will no doubt make their way on to special edition version of the movie for home entertainment. 

One of the scenes that were cut, involved Ariane Bellamar, who played the Joker’s muse in a strip club. 

The actress alleges that Leto got a little too creepy during production. 

He went as far as rubbing his crotch between takes and it made her feel uneasy. 

“He wasn’t hiding it or anything,” she tells Radar.

“He did it every time he walked past me.”

That’s totally not okay and it must have been such a horrible experience for Bellamar. 

This is not the type of behavior you’d expect from an Oscar winning actor. 

“I’m not a prude, I’m easy-going,” she insists. “But it was creepy. It took me completely off guard.”

There’s even word that he was gloating about how famous he is.

“He would go around and yell that they were lucky to be in his presence,” Bellamar claims.

“He ran the set.”

A representative for Jared refuted Bellamar’s claims.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Jared Leto: I Don"t Hate Taylor Swift & I"ll SUE to Prove It!

Earlier this week, we showed you video of Jared Leto bashing Taylor Swift while listening to her music with his bandmates from 30 Seconds to Mars.

In fairness, Leto’s derogatory comments seem to be directed at Taylor’s songs, and not at Taylor herself.

Even so, he was subjected to the wrath of millions of angry Taylor fans on social media, and now Leto has filed a lawsuit the parties responsible for the video going public. 

Sources say Leto is suing both the videographer who shot the footage and TMZ for posting it online.

The court documents contain a strongly-worded statement from Leto, in which the Oscar-winner makes a passionate plea for privacy:

Last Sunday, I was alerted that TMZ had acquired personal and private video footage of me in my home and that they were planning to leak it on their site. My team notified TMZ immediately that I fully owned the footage and that their source had absolutely no rights to sell it.

“They chose to post it anyway. Let’s be clear. This was stolen footage. This was an invasion of privacy. And it was both legally and morally wrong.

Regardless of who we are, we should all be able to talk freely in the privacy of our own homes without the fear that our unfiltered thoughts or actions will get broadcast to the world.”

Leto has already apologized to Taylor, and while she hasn’t publicly absolved him, we’re sure she understands the embarrassment of having a private moment go viral.

Of course, if there’s any truth to the rumors about Jared dating Miley Cyrus, he might have to get used to the media being all up in his business.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Jared Leto Says "F--k Taylor Swift," Faces Wrath of Squad

Yesterday, TMZ posted a video in which Jared Leto returns from Mars and becomes the last person on the planet to hear the singles off of Taylor Swift’s 1989 album:

Unfortunately, Leto is less than impressed, accusing Taylor of ripping off Charli XCX, and eventually declaring, “F–k her. I don’t give a f–k about her. It’s whatever works best for us.”

Taylor has enough bad blood in her life, so she chose not to respond to this one personally.

Instead, like a midriff-baring Don Corleone, she let her loyal army show Leto who’s boss.

After 24 hours of being bombarded with negative tweets, Leto took to social media to apologize for offending the queen and her minions:

“The truth is I think @taylorswift13 is amazing + an incredible example of what’s possible” Leto wrote last night. “If I hurt her or her fans my sincerest apologies.”

Hopefully, the apology will prove sufficient and the Swifties will let Jared live to see his Joker movie hit theaters.

After all, the jab was meant for Taylor’s music, not Taylor personally.

And it’s not surprising that “Blank Space” didn’t float Jared’s boat. The guy’s supposedly dating Miley Cyrus, after all. Clearly, he likes his pop a bit less mainstream.

Now that we’ve defended Jared, we have to point out that he’s like 6 months late with that “Starbucks lovers” joke. Don’t act like you haven’t seen that one on Twitter, bruh.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Miley Cyrus and Jared Leto: Dating?!

It’s been over a year since we first heard rumors about Miley Cyrus and Jared Leto hooking up, but it seems that the eccentric stars are still going at it.

Or, rather, they’re back to going at it after Miley took some time off from the singles scene for her ill-fated relationship with Patrick Schwarzenegger.

The point is, she and Leto are knockin’ boots once again – and it sounds like they may have a genuine relationship brewing.

“Miley thinks the world of Jared, and she really looks up to him,” an insider tells Hollywood Life. “They have more than just a physical connection. They’re on the same page in so many ways.

“They love talking about politics, art, spirituality, and sexuality – nothing is off limits. A lot of the time when they get together, they stay up talking until the sun comes up.”

Oh, man. Try to imagine an all-night Miley Cyrus-Jared Leto conversation about spirituality. Unless your college dormmate was a perma-stoned philosophy major, you can’t do it.

Anyway, the insider says that Miley and Jared try to pretend they’re just friends with benefits, but their friends can see that there’s more going on.

“It’s super casual, but he’s more than just a hookup buddy, as they genuinely care about each other,” says the source. 

Wow. Sounds like these two are one intense acid trip away from being married by a shaman in Joshua Tree.