Showing posts with label Wrath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wrath. Show all posts

Friday, October 26, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: The Wrath of Jen Harley

Jersey Shore: Family Vacation did not kick off on Thursday night by playing the theme music from Jaws.

But it might as well have.

When we last left off these drinking buddies, they were preparing for the arrival of Jen Harley, who Ronnie invited to hang out despite the fact that she had (allegedly) just dragged him down the road from a car.

stunned ronnie

(NOTE: This episode was filmed months ago, prior to the latest assault accusations against Harley.)

Moreover, the last time Harley was part of the group, she (allegedly) got physical with Ronnie and got thrown out of Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas.

So, as you might expect, tension was running a bit high for her arrival in Jersey.

The stars were out to dinner when she got to Atlantic City.

After she delivered a few casual side hugs to everyone at the table, there was a whole lot of awkward silence untill JWOWW broke it hilariously by uttering:

“Your mug shot — you look hot!”

We’re not sure if we agree (see below), but the ice-breaking line worked and dinner commenced without incident.

Following the meal, the team got all ready to watch DJ Pauly D do his thing.

They were all staying at Harrah’s, but a Caesars Group hotel rep showed up and asked to speak to both Ronnie and Jen.

As it turns out, the latter was banned from all Caesars Group properties due to her actions in Sin City, but she was permitted to remain on the premises after she and Ronnie convinced the rep everything would remain calm.

“We’ve been going through anger management and therapy on our own,” Jen said.

with j h

Ronnie told his pals that the issue had to do with Jen forgetting her ID, although no one believes him.

But whatever. It was off to the club to have some fun!

And for the real drama to begin.

While enjoying Pauly D’s performance, the group was dancing and laughing and drinking and having such a great time that they almost forgot how dysfunctional Ronnie and Jen could be.

Correction: How dysfunctional they always are.

Jen got wasted, Ronnie told her to stop drinking and then the following exchange occurred:

no shot for you

And, with that, Jen was gone.


Elsewhere on the episode, Angelina Pivarnick opened up to JWoww, Deena Cortese and The Situations’s fiancee, Lauren, at brunch.

The topic? Her abusive upbringing.

“My dad and me — we’re like — we’re decent,” Angelina said, adding in detail:

“My childhood was not easy. Our parents didn’t have a good relationship. My father was a cheater. He was an abusive father. He was never a father to me growing up as a kid.

“He met my mother in court because my father was always in and out of jail.

“When I was born, my father was in jail. He only had me because it was gonna give him a lesser jail sentence, so he was like, ‘Oh, lemme have a daughter with a woman that I don’t even love."”

at brunch

Wow, huh?

Heavy, heavy stuff.

Lauren attempted to suggest that perhaps this was simply Angelina’s “perspective” on the situation, but Angelina maintained that’s “exactly” what her father told her.

“Hearing from Angelina her daddy issues is heartbreaking ‘cause it makes sense as to why she’s very codependent,” JWOWW told cameras. “I feel really bad for how I treated Angelina and for how I judged her.”

So while one relationship took another turn for the crazy and dangerous, at least another one was maybe salvaged this week.

We’ll leave you on that positive note.


Monday, April 16, 2018

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 16 Recap: Wrath

Did the end of the war live up to the tremendous hype?

On The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 16, the fight against the Saviors reached a dramatic conclusion. 

When the episode got underway, Rick and the members of the AHK alliance were getting ready for the big battle at the Hilltop. 

Morgan struggled to get to grips with the fact that he was embroiled in another war, and worried that taking innocent people out was going to change him in a way he did not like. 

When Rick warned Morgan that it was best to stay behind and out of the fight, Morgan noted that each of them were horrible now and that was a result of the decisions they made. 

At the Sanctuary, Negan and his minions were preparing for the war, knowing they were going to have the upper hand because Dwight gave the Hilltoppers some fake news. 

Eugene was on hand with the bullets he custom built for the saviors. Negan and his team set off and even took Father Gabriel along for the ride. 

Negan admitted to Gabriel on the road that he was messing with Rick by putting some of his men in a place that Rick and the AHK alliance would find them. 

This would give Negan more time to laugh because it meant Rick would think the information Dwight gave them was the real deal. 

In true Rick fashion, he figured that it was all a ruse, and told his people it was time to change things up. 

Gabriel made a run for it, but Eugene appeared in the woods and held him captive until Negan showed up. While Negan wondered whether to kill Gabriel, he decided to keep him as a bargaining chip. 

Just when Negan thought he had the upper hand and his men were ready to fight the AHK alliance, their bullets blew up in their guns. 

Oh yes, Eugene was still working with his original alliance, and it was a plan months in the making. Negan tried to make a break for freedom. 

At the Hilltop, another round of Saviors tried to take over, but the Oceanside women were talked around to helping the AHK alliance. 

They chucked bombs at the Saviors and allowed Hilltop to remain under the spell of the good guys. 

Rick and Negan fought it out, and Rick eventually cut Negan’s throat. But that did not mean he was going to die, and Rick ordered Siddiq to save the villain’s life. 

Rick said that he was ready to put the past behind him and that everyone will stop the fighting. Maggie and Daryl were less than enthused by this, and seem poised to go after Rick. 

Finally, Negan woke up and Rick and Michonne admitted they were keeping him alive so that everyone knew they were building a civilization. 

It looks like Carl’s letter had a lasting effect on Rick, and that’s why the father wrote a letter of his own back to his son. 

Yes, it seems like The Walking Dead Season 9 is going to be very different. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below. 


Monday, January 15, 2018

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 9 Recap: The Peaches of Wrath

Once upon a time, Nene Leakes and Kim Zolciak were friends. 

Now, it’s difficult to imagine them ever being in the same vicinity as each other. 

Thankfully, The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 9 brought them together once again, but that’s not to say they were friends. 

When the episode got underway, Sheree Whitfield arranged a lunch date and invited Kim and Nene along. Nene decided to cancel at the last minute. 

“I think there’s a lot of damn elephants in the damn room. Don’t you?” Nene said over the phone to Sheree. 

This is going to get interesting. 

Elsewhere, Cynthia Bailey proved she was one of the nicest housewives by organizing a drive to raise school supplies for children who did not have the best start in life. 

Will attended the event and he got to meet up her family and friends. He told the ladies he was going to Brazil. 

For some strange reason, Kenya Moore blurted out that prostitution was legal in Brazil. It was awkward, but it showed that Kenya was not opposed to playing up the crazy for the cameras. 

When that was over, Nene decided it was time for the women to meet up and air out their thoughts about one another. In true Nene fashion, she brought in an energy reader to help. 

The reader took aim at Cynthia and said that the man she was dating was using her. 

“Your friends are right this time,” she said. Kim was there to comfort her. The reader was not impressed by Kim saying she was terrible at reading energy. 

“When you came in, you went into how marvelously spiritual you are, and you’ve been s—ting since you’ve been here.”

Kim did not seem to care because she was from a “higher power.” This woman has an answer for everything. 

Kenya got mad because Kim continued to trash the reader, and said the following to her enemy:

“I am really tired of this back and forth, so either we’re going to sit, and we’re going to listen, or you can leave, because I am tired of this stupid s—t- going on. Who the hell are you?”  

As if that was not bad enough, Sheree wanted to know what Nene was doing talking smack about Tyrone. 

“Let’s be clear. You’ve got mugshots too,” Sheree said to Nene. “I’ve got a mugshot, and he’s in prison,” Nene clapped back. “Why would you say that? That’s crazy, Sheree!” she shouted.

Then, Kenya chimed in that she never had an issue with Kim until she had one with her. 

“This bitch is the rudest person I have ever seen in my life,” Kenya said to the camera about Kim. Kim scoffed and turned her attention to Nene. 

“I don’t feel like you’re yourself,” Kim said of her former friend. “I really wondered if you were on drugs at your f—king house,” Kim said.

This prompted Nene to ask which drugs, and it resulted in some more back and forth. 

“It is what it is,” Nene shrugged.

Will they be able to be friends again?

Hit the comments. 

The Real Housewives of Atlanta continues Sunday on Bravo!


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

POTUS Interrupts Bachelor in Paradise, Incurs Viewer Wrath

It"s been a rough few decades weeks for Donald Trump.

First, the country wondered whether he was racist because he didn"t denounce the violent, hate-filled words and actions of White Supremacists in Virginia.

Then, he made an embarrassing spelling error – twice! – on Twitter.

On Monday night, though, the President hit rock bottom.

Because he a vague escalation of the war in Afghanistan, with no defined objection or clear path to victory? Maybe, to some.

But ABC interrupted the latest episode of Bachelor in Paradise to air this primetime address…and viewers were PISSED!

1. Not My President

Not my president

THIS is my President.

2. Excuse Me, But…

Excuse me but




And you called yourself a man of the people? For shame.

4. We Have One Question, ABC

We have one question abc


5. R U Kidding?

R u kidding

One face. One thousand words.

6. I Didn’t Think I Could Hate Him Any More

I didnt think i could hate him any more

I was wrong.

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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Mika Brzezinski: Why Did She Earn Donald Trump"s Wrath?

It takes very little to become the object of Donald Trump’s ire.

Like, VERY little.

Like, the size of Donald Trump’s hands little.

An endless array of politicians, celebrities and random people on Twitter have discovered just how petty the President is over the last several months – but today he turned his negative attention toward Mika Brzezinski.

The co-host of Morning Joe on MSNBC was bullied and appearance-shamed by Trump, who jumped on social media very early Thursday and wrote the following:

“I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore)…

“Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came… Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me.

“She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!”

Yes, Trump chose once again to go after a woman for how much she was allegedly bleeding.

You can really only have two reactions to these Tweets:

1. LOL at Trump claiming he doesn’t “watch” Morning Joe” anymore, when we all know he hit pause on his TiVo just to send these messages.

2. WTH? How is this person our President?

Making matters even more forehead-slapping incredible, Republicans have come out in support of Trump.

Through a spokesperson, the President’s wife – who has claimed (with a straight face!) that cyberbullying is the main issue she wishes to eliminate on as First Lady – even gave Trump’s outburst her blessing.

“As the First Lady has stated publicly in the past, when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back 10 times harder,” this spokesperson said on behalf of Melania.

This raises the question:

How did Mika Brzezinski attack Trump? What could she possibly have said to elicit this sort of reaction from the most powerful man on the planet?

We’re guessing it stems from a Morning Joe segment today in which Brzezinski said Trump was “destroying the country.”

She also referenced the fake Time Magazine cover that Trump has plastered across many of his properties and said:

“Nothing makes a man feel better than making a fake cover of a magazine about himself lying every day and destroying the country.”

This really is true, by the way: Donald Trump has decorated various buildings he owns with a phony Time Magazine cover that hypes The Apprentice as a “smash.”

Brzezinski later joked that Trump was covering his hands on the fake Time cover “because they’re teensy.”

What’s amazing is that we’re positive it was this exact quip that really set Trump off.

Nothing bothers the Commander-in-Chief more than any mention of his hands being anything less than meaty and enormous. We’re not even making a joke here.

The above comments and segment aired at 8:11 a.m. EST.

Eight minutes later, Dan Scavino, Trump’s social media director, tweeted:

“#DumbAsARockMika and lover #JealousJoe are lost, confused & saddened since @POTUS @realDonaldTrump stopped returning their calls! Unhinged.”

Trump then unleashed his Tweets a half hour after this mature statement was issued.

Brzezinski responded to the flap on Thursday by Tweeting a photo of a box of Cheerios with the words “Made For Little Hands” on it.

We have no idea what to even say at this point.

This is really where we are as a nation.

An MSNBC representative told Business Insider that “it’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying, and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job.”

And Senator Lindsey Graham, who still plans on voting for Trump’s proposed disaster of a health care bill, added the following:

“Mr. President, your tweet was beneath the office and represents what is wrong with American politics, not the greatness of America.”


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Recap: The Wrath of Tommie Lee

Last night on VH1’s hit Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta Season 6 Episode 7, Tommie’s friends questioned the LTV of her business decisions.

(Long-term value, that is.)

Meanwhile, Joseline and Stevie faced off in court after it became clear that one of them was lying … now there’s a jaw-dropping shocker.

If you watch Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta online, or read any celebrity gossip sites for that matter, you know Stevie J and Joseline’s history.

Yes, it can be hard to keep track of and it can shift quickly, but these days, with the arrival of their baby, they are in a pretty good place.

For now. As we said, things are always tenuous.

While Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta Season 6 Episode 7 was being filmed, though, Stevie and Joseline were going at it in public – and in court.

He wanted Joseline take a drug test, while she wanted a paternity test to establish that Stevie J is the father … even if that’s disappointing.

Having learned that he’s the dad, Stevie seemed pretty much okay with it, despite the fact that he’s already $ 1.3 million behind on support.

Joseline seemed a little disappointed, from what we could tell. Almost makes you wonder if she was hoping it belonged to Young Dro.

Regardless, bit players Jessica Dime and Tommie Lee got plenty of screen time this week, with the latter launching a new wine line.

The wine is called Le’Don. It’s an ironic business pursuit given her obvious substance abuse issues, but hey, whatever gets her on camera.

Karen “KK” King, the mother of Tommie’s incarcerated ex Scrapp de Leon, suggests that perhaps this is not the best business idea.

Tommie insists it is, vowing to drink it in … but only figuratively. She’s looking forward to consuming positive energy, etc., not the product.

At her launch party, Yung Joc, Scrappy, Lovely Mimi, Mimi Faust, Rasheeda Frost, Karen, Tammy Rivera and Jessica Dime all appear.

She is overcome by the emotion and the magic of this transformative moment in life, but will the positive vibes stay positive for long?

What do you think? Do you even have to ask?!

Tommie, who was arrested earlier this season following her attack on Joseline, is not happy to see Dime cozying up to her rival.

Not only is she jealous and petty, but a little bit paranoid (or a lot bit paranoid), calling Dime an “informant” who will narc on her.

Obviously, this leads to a tense confrontation in which drinks are thrown, words are exchanged and security earns their salaries.

Tommie and Dime are some of the most violence-prone stars among a cast full of such characters, so this scene felt somewhat inevitable.

Staged and contrived? Very possible. But as we said, it’s like putting oil and water in a room together and lighting it on fire, or something.

Anyway, Tommie’s estranged mom also shows up after Dime gets thrown out, which Lee is also not happy about, so stay tuned there.

On the undercard, another fight occurred between Moriah and her former boss Sierra, who is pissed about Moriah’s dalliance with Shooter.

Moriah tries to say Shooter was drunk and fondling her, which makes Sierra even angrier, which makes Moriah even more defensive.

It’s a vicious circle.

Once again, the security guys earn their paychecks this week, while elsewhere, Waka Flocka is trying to reconcile with Tammy Rivera.

He’s moved back in, though they aren’t sleeping in the same room. His mom Deb tells him that if he really wants his marriage to work, well …

Dude has to stop cheating on Tammy. The truth hurts.

Tammy’s daughter, meanwhile, really wants her to get back together with Waka Flocka. Rivera is unmoved, though, or at least hesitant.

“How do I know he’s sorry?” Tammy says, to which her daughter replies, with apparent seriousness, “I trust him which means you trust him.”

Whatever Waka Flocka did to earn that sort of support from such a valuable ally, we’re not sure … but do you think they’ll work it out?


Monday, April 17, 2017

Christina El Moussa Poses Daughter in Bikini, Faces Wrath of Internet

Christina El Moussa took off this weekend for a Hawaiian vacation with her kids, Taylor and Braydon.

But all it’s taken is one new photo on her Instagram account for online critics to go off on Christina once again.

Late last month, if you’ll recall, El Moussa shared a number of revealing bikini photos on her social media page.

But while many men out there were busy staring at Christina’s impressive boobs, buttocks and overall body, a handful of women were focused on the person along El Moussa’s side.

That would be her six-year old daughter, who also donned a two-piece for the pictorial.

Check out one of these controversial images here:

A few days later, El Moussa posted another photo to Instagram, this time simply giving fans a look at her kids playing in her family’s above-ground pool.

Christina’s very young son was simply standing outside the pool, in full view of his mother, and yet THIS was still enough for critics to take El Moussa to task for irresponsible parenting.

“thanks for your ‘concern’ aka judgment,” Christina wrote to these trolls at the time, explaining the photo and the circumstances by adding:

“I am right there and could be to him in 3 seconds SMH at this.”

El Moussa may now need to shake her head once again.

Because the Flip or Flop co-host just shared the following cute picture of herself and Taylor on vacation, captioning the photograph as follows:

“Maui days are the best days.”

Basic enough, right?

Worthy of a smile and a nod and an “awww, what a nice mother-daughter bonding moment” remark and not a second though, right?

WRONG! Welcome to the Internet!

Numerous haters have screamed at Christina once more for daring to pose her infant child in a two-piece bathing suit.

They don’t see a happy and proud mother in this picture. They see a terrible one.

But the HGTV star has taken the high road so far, ignoring the criticism in order to focus on what’s important: the happiness of her kids and the special occasion that is Easter.

Consider another photo she shared online over the weekend:

As for the state of Christina’s relationship with Tarek El Moussa?

The couple continues to attend school events together for Taylor.

There’s been plenty of chatter that Christina is angling for her own series without her estranged husband, but that’s a professional issue.

On the personal front, the El Moussas certainly appeared committed to co-parenting, despite insiders trying to stir up trouble by telling Radar Online that Christina and the kids celebrated Easter in Hawaii while Tarek was 5,000 miles away in Panama.

Contrary to the headline attached to this story, this was not an example of “secret getaway” that involved the “[ditching]” of Tarek…

… this is just what happens when two people with kids get a divorce.

Sometimes one parents goes on vacation with the kids and the other parent goes on vacation alone.

Trust us, we’d love to write about all the drama surrounding Christina and Tarek and their split. That would be a lot of fun.

But, just like the motherhood Nazis who actually called El Moussa out for this bikini photo, that would be a desperate and lame move on our part.

Everything seems very amicable between Christina and Tarek. That’s just the way it is.


Monday, February 13, 2017

Piers Morgan Disses Beyonce, Awaits Wrath of Bey Hive

Piers Morgan is one of the great jackasses in the history of civilization, and the world has collectively regretted granting him a modicum of fame for at least the past five years.

But even by the standards of an angry potato whose best known for lip-locking with Donald Trump’s anus like it’s Ryan Gosling in that rain scene from the notebook, Piers had a truly horrendous weekend in terms of PR.

First, the UK’s answer to Alex Jones got roasted to a crisp when he foolishly attempted to sit at the big kids’ table on Bill Maher, and comedian Jim Jefferies told him to “f-ck off” to the delight of every single person on Earth.

Then, Piers made the mistake that he’ll likely play over and over in his mind later tonight as he’s being waterboarded ata CIA black site that’s been commandeered by the most radical fringe group the western world has ever known.

We’re talking of course … about the Beyhive.

As you may have heard, Beyonce performed at the Grammys last night, and the cries of “slay, queen!” could be heard across the land.

The Hive tends to go too far in their praise for the Queen Bey, and last night’s sparkly fertility ceremony was no exception.

“Didn’t really ‘feel’ that Beyonce performance. Seemed heavier on the narcissism than the music,” Morgan tweeted.

Because he requires hate from Internet strangers to live the same way humans need oxygen, he went on:

“Awful acceptance speech too. Looked bored as hell reading it. Come on Beyonce, you’re better than this.”

He added:

Twitter lemmings now exploding with fury that I expressed an opinion about Beyonce’s performance they all secretly agree with.”

The thing is, Piers isn’t completely wrong here, which is unusual for Piers.

The Beyhive is aptly named, as Mrs. Carter’s super-fans have a way of blindly swarming anyone who dares to suggest that Bey is anything less than an actual goddess walking among mere mortals.

The singer’s performance last night was experimental and avant garde, and it’s perfectly acceptable to say it didn’t float your particular boat.

(Or at least it should be …)

But Morgan’s career stopped being about expressing opinions long ago.

Ever since he donned the red cap of the deplorable, Piers has been all about grabbing headlines through blatant trolling, and somehow, social media hasn’t caught on yet.

It’s not easy, because the man will come to your house and scream in your face if it comes to that, but it’s important to remember that Piers doesn’t have the nuke codes.

We can safely ignore him, and there’s a limit to how much damage he can do.

His tiny-fisted sugar daddy, on the other hand …


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 9 Recap: Kahn"s Wrath

Bombshell. DROPPED!

About Mary Drake? About her secret baby?

Not exactly. Viewers were taken aback by a different piece of information on Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 9.

We speak of Jaria and of the revelation that, at some point during those five years the series skipped over, Aria and Jason were once again hot and heavy.

They danced the Horizontal Mambo together.

They got all up in and around each other’s private parts.

They had sex, is what we’re trying to say.

While on a fact-finding mission with her ex, Aria’s mind drifted back to these memories on Tuesday night, although we somehow doubt she shared any of them with Ezra.

As for Ezra, the clerk mistook Jason for Aria’s fiancée on “The Wrath of Kahn.” However, instead of coming out and denying their engagement, Jason agreed that Aria is “really special.”

And he would know!

Unfortunately for Jason — who got pretty dar close to talking his way back into Aria’s life — Ezra texted her that Nicole was NOT one of the hostages.

So he’s coming back to Rosewood.

At least, from Jason’s point of view, he and Aria did discover that Noel’s dad was the judge who signed for Mary’s secret adoption, prompting the gals to conclude that Noel is the kid in question.

Does this mean it’s actually true?

Probably not. We are talking about Pretty Little Liars here.

Elsewhere during a pretty fun Freeform hour:

Aware that she couldn’t possibly tell Sabrina what’s truly going on with A.D., Emily turned to Paige.

Why was she already sitting at the café watching Sabrina when Emily called her? We don’t know. But we’re guessing for some kind of shady reason.

Hanna spent a bulk of the episode following Noel, unaware that Spener had already found a video that proved he assisted Charlotte in torturing the girls inside that scary dollhouse.

“Be careful, Hanna, or you’ll end up just like Sara,” Noel told her, although perhaps he should the one who needed a warning.


Because the concluding moments of this Pretty Little Liars Season 7 episode found Hanna knocking him out from behind and then sort of going all The OC on him.

“It’s over bitch,” she proclaimed.

Really, though, is it? As we said above: This is Pretty Little Liars after all.

What did you think of the Jaria flashback? Are you buying that Noel is really Mary’s son? And how psyched are you for next week’s finale??!?

Chime in below as you head over to TV Fanatic in order to watch Pretty Little Liars online.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

11 Candy Asses Who Have Felt the Wrath of The Rock

Dwayne Johnson is never afraid to lay the smackdown on anyone"s candy ass.

That much was made clear when he called out Vin Diesel (although not by name) for the actor"s inappropriate and pompous behavior on the set of Fast 8.

Some fans were taken aback by Johnson"s harsh words, but they really shouldn"t have been.

Previously known as The Rock during his WWE days, Johnson has been at the center of many feuds over the years.

Here"s a rundown of the most memorable back-and-forths:

1. Vin Diesel

Vin diesel

This marks Johnson’s first real feud since he became an actor. Those on the set of Fast 8 confirm that Johnson was nothing but professional during filming while Diesel walked around with an arrogant attitude, often showing up late to set. Johnson called him out on it.

2. Ken Shamrock

Ken shamrock

The Rock and Ken Shamrock debuted in the WWE during the Attitude Era, feuding early on over the Intercontinental belt. Shamrock finally defeated Rock in the 1998 King of the Ring finals.

3. Degeneration X

Degeneration x

As a member of the Nation of Domination (as Rocky Maivia), The Rock ousted Faarooq as the leader and began a feud with DX. Triple H and Rock then participated in one of the most brutal ladder matches of all time.

4. The Big Show

The big show

The Rock started his feud with Big Show at Royal Rumble 2000 when they were the final two competitors. There was controversy over the ending, which led to these two doing battle against at No Way Out. Eventually, the pay-off was a four way for the title at Wrestlemania.

5. The Undertaker

The undertaker

These two feuded numerous times. It all started when Johnson was exiled from the Corporation and it culminated in 2002 when The Rock beat Undertake and Kurt Angle in a three way at WWE Vengeance.

6. Booker T

Booker t

Booker T was the WCW Champion when he started using the Book End (Rock Bottom, basically) as his Finishing Move. At Summerslam, The Rock beat Booker after a Rock Bottom to win the WCW Championship. Booker would receive a rematch in a form of a handicap match (teaming with Shane McMahon) at Unforgiven 2001.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Bachelorette Recap: The Wrath of Chad Johnson

You don’t need The Bachelorette spoilers to tell you that as JoJo Fletcher’s journey continues, tensions will rise and drama will escalate.

Especially when you factor in the ticking time bomb that is Chad Johnson and the proverbial fuse that has been lit and is ready to explode.

When The Bachelorette Season 12 Episode 3 got underway, we knew Chad wanted to pretty much wreck everyone, but not like this.

Not this intensely. Not this soon. Don’t take steroids, kids.

This week, JoJo Fletcher went on two one-on-one dates and one group date, and most of the action was pretty uncomfortable at best.

Chase and JoJo went on a yoga date, for example, that forced the couple to get much closer than they otherwise would have (yet).

It was also just weird. “Everything about this date is so awkward. I feel like I want to die right now I’m so embarrassed,” JoJo lamented.

At least he rolled with it like a good sport, and Fletcher gave Chase a rose, and Lady Antebellum’s Charles Kelley performed, obviously.

On the other one-on-one date, James and JoJo kicked it old school with swing dancing, and he managed to stay out of the friend zone.

At least for the time being. And now for the Chad …

Johnson’s name was on a list for a group date with Jordan, Grant, Wells, James F., Christian, Ali, Daniel, Vinny, Nick B., Evan, and Alex.

He was pissed. Then Jordan Rodgers said Chad would be better at a physical challenge than a mental one, and he was more pissed.

“You’re a 27-year-old failed football player,” Johnson told Aaron Rodgers’ brother in a simple but potent zinger that hits close to home.

Chad also asked Alex and Jordan if they wanted to step outside, which would be noteworthy enough, but things only got more absurd.

The group did a live theater show and shared their craziest and most cringe-worthy sex stories, which obviously made Chad … angry. 

“Sex is something that you keep to yourself,” he said.

“(JoJo Fletcher) hasn’t earned that yet.”

Really bruh?

Then Evan decided to poke fun at Chad during his stand-up comedy performance and discuss the dangers of steroid abuse. Oh s–t.

Moments later, Chad pulled Evan’s shirt, punched a door, pushed Evan, and threatened him as Daniel urged Chad to dial it down a bit.

When Evan tried to talk to Chad, Johnson wasn’t having it, telling him to step off. Evan then decided, obviously, to tell JoJo about it.

He said didn’t feel good staying if Chad was there; JoJo gave Evan a rose, which he accepted despite her not promising to boot Chad.

Later, Evan told Chris Harrison about Johnson as well, resulting in the show’s venerable host-pimp pulling the season’s villain aside.

Chris wasn’t kicking him off the program, he insisted, but giving him the chance to go settle this and move on with his head held high.

Chad’s response?

Threatening all the guys’ lives basically to the cameras and setting us up for an epic part two of this epic reality TV event this evening.

That’s all she wrote until then, folks. As always, you can watch The Bachelorette online to get up to speed and see it all in its entirety.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Jared Leto Says "F--k Taylor Swift," Faces Wrath of Squad

Yesterday, TMZ posted a video in which Jared Leto returns from Mars and becomes the last person on the planet to hear the singles off of Taylor Swift’s 1989 album:

Unfortunately, Leto is less than impressed, accusing Taylor of ripping off Charli XCX, and eventually declaring, “F–k her. I don’t give a f–k about her. It’s whatever works best for us.”

Taylor has enough bad blood in her life, so she chose not to respond to this one personally.

Instead, like a midriff-baring Don Corleone, she let her loyal army show Leto who’s boss.

After 24 hours of being bombarded with negative tweets, Leto took to social media to apologize for offending the queen and her minions:

“The truth is I think @taylorswift13 is amazing + an incredible example of what’s possible” Leto wrote last night. “If I hurt her or her fans my sincerest apologies.”

Hopefully, the apology will prove sufficient and the Swifties will let Jared live to see his Joker movie hit theaters.

After all, the jab was meant for Taylor’s music, not Taylor personally.

And it’s not surprising that “Blank Space” didn’t float Jared’s boat. The guy’s supposedly dating Miley Cyrus, after all. Clearly, he likes his pop a bit less mainstream.

Now that we’ve defended Jared, we have to point out that he’s like 6 months late with that “Starbucks lovers” joke. Don’t act like you haven’t seen that one on Twitter, bruh.