Showing posts with label Earn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earn. Show all posts

Friday, September 15, 2017

Fixer Upper Hosts Align with Target, Earn Ire of Christians

By their own account, Chip Gaines and Joanna Gaines are not breaking up.

The beloved husband and wife, who are about to embark on their fifth season as co-hosts of HGTV’s Fixer Upper, shot down divorce rumors this week.

However, simply because all is well between Chip and Joanna, this doesn’t mean all is well between Chip, Joanna… and a handful of their fans.

Earlier this week, the reality stars announced that they’ve developed a home decor collection called “Hearth and Hand with Magonia” that will go on sale in Target stores across the country, beginning on November 5.

Wrote Chip as a caption to the above photo:

“Jo has poured her heart and soul into this new line, Hearth & Hand with Magnolia available at Target November 5th.

“We’re here with Bullseye at Target HQ today announcing it to all of their team members!”

Pretty exciting, right? A pretty cool next step for the home renovator and designer, right?

WRONG, according to many critics.

Because Chip and Joanna are known as evangelical Christians, and because Target allows transgender employees and customers to use restrooms and fitting rooms that best align with their gender identity, some Internet users think the couple ought to rethink this partnerships.

They’re total hypocrites, if not, argue these viewers.

“Why are u using Target?I thought youll were Christians.My friends & thousands of others r boycotting them because of their bathroom policies,” wrote one Twitter person, while others have added takes such as the following:

gaines hate

And here is what a couple Facebook followers wrote on the couple’s official page:

– As much as I love Chip and Joanna, not even their product will get me to shop at Target again. Sorry, I’ll look for another place to buy your product.

– Why would you sell at Target when so many wonderful shops would love to have your merchandise?

Sorry I won’t be able to buy it, haven’t set foot in there since they announced either gender can use dressing rooms and bathrooms.

The topic of Chip and Joanna’s religion has come up in the past.

They got into hot water last year after it was revealed that their pastor did not believe in gay marriage.

Neither Chip nor Joanna ever spoke on this subject themselves, not directly, but Chip did Tweet the following in response to the uproar:

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. DO EVERYTHING IN LOVE.

“U know.. even as all hell ‘appears’ to be breaking loose. All I have to do is look at my 4 precious babies sleeping, or kiss Jo good morning and at least at that moment, at my house, all is right with the world.”

In this case, the stars have once again avoided the topic of religion or faith when discussing their Target deal.

“Despite our initial insecurities about partnering with a large retailer, Target has exceeded our expectations every step of the way,” Chip said on Tuesday, concluding:

“With our friends, our family and with the people we do business with, we are serious about continually finding common ground. We are thankful to get to work side by side with the people at Target.

“We believe we are going to build something really beautiful together and that our positive impact will be far greater now than it would ever be apart.”


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Mika Brzezinski: Why Did She Earn Donald Trump"s Wrath?

It takes very little to become the object of Donald Trump’s ire.

Like, VERY little.

Like, the size of Donald Trump’s hands little.

An endless array of politicians, celebrities and random people on Twitter have discovered just how petty the President is over the last several months – but today he turned his negative attention toward Mika Brzezinski.

The co-host of Morning Joe on MSNBC was bullied and appearance-shamed by Trump, who jumped on social media very early Thursday and wrote the following:

“I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore)…

“Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came… Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me.

“She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!”

Yes, Trump chose once again to go after a woman for how much she was allegedly bleeding.

You can really only have two reactions to these Tweets:

1. LOL at Trump claiming he doesn’t “watch” Morning Joe” anymore, when we all know he hit pause on his TiVo just to send these messages.

2. WTH? How is this person our President?

Making matters even more forehead-slapping incredible, Republicans have come out in support of Trump.

Through a spokesperson, the President’s wife – who has claimed (with a straight face!) that cyberbullying is the main issue she wishes to eliminate on as First Lady – even gave Trump’s outburst her blessing.

“As the First Lady has stated publicly in the past, when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back 10 times harder,” this spokesperson said on behalf of Melania.

This raises the question:

How did Mika Brzezinski attack Trump? What could she possibly have said to elicit this sort of reaction from the most powerful man on the planet?

We’re guessing it stems from a Morning Joe segment today in which Brzezinski said Trump was “destroying the country.”

She also referenced the fake Time Magazine cover that Trump has plastered across many of his properties and said:

“Nothing makes a man feel better than making a fake cover of a magazine about himself lying every day and destroying the country.”

This really is true, by the way: Donald Trump has decorated various buildings he owns with a phony Time Magazine cover that hypes The Apprentice as a “smash.”

Brzezinski later joked that Trump was covering his hands on the fake Time cover “because they’re teensy.”

What’s amazing is that we’re positive it was this exact quip that really set Trump off.

Nothing bothers the Commander-in-Chief more than any mention of his hands being anything less than meaty and enormous. We’re not even making a joke here.

The above comments and segment aired at 8:11 a.m. EST.

Eight minutes later, Dan Scavino, Trump’s social media director, tweeted:

“#DumbAsARockMika and lover #JealousJoe are lost, confused & saddened since @POTUS @realDonaldTrump stopped returning their calls! Unhinged.”

Trump then unleashed his Tweets a half hour after this mature statement was issued.

Brzezinski responded to the flap on Thursday by Tweeting a photo of a box of Cheerios with the words “Made For Little Hands” on it.

We have no idea what to even say at this point.

This is really where we are as a nation.

An MSNBC representative told Business Insider that “it’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying, and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job.”

And Senator Lindsey Graham, who still plans on voting for Trump’s proposed disaster of a health care bill, added the following:

“Mr. President, your tweet was beneath the office and represents what is wrong with American politics, not the greatness of America.”


Monday, November 21, 2016

Kylie Jenner Topless Pics Fuel Porn Rumors, Earn Special Shout-Out

Kylie Jenner’s run of racy photos in recent weeks have gotten the attention of more than just her 50 million dearest friends on social media.

Peeps in the adult entertainment world have also noticed.

If you missed it, Tyga turned 27 over the weekend, and celebrated with his teenage girlfriend’s voluptuous breasts shoved in his face.

If you’re a mediocre rap artist, you could be worse off.

Naturally, a pair of racy Kylie Jenner topless photos made their way onto Instagram to show us just how tight the couple is these days.

When they’re putting this out there publicly, we can’t even imagine the kind of things they do when the phones are actually put away.

It’s also a small wonder how he hasn’t gotten Kylie Jenner pregnant at this point. Guess they call it birth control because it works, right?

Anyway, apparently the folks at PornHub saw these images and got to thinking about the Kylie Jenner sex tape, just like the rest of us.

The company made headlines last August by offering the star $ 10 million the minute she turned 18 years old to star in an X-rated romp.

To our knowledge, it does not exist. Yet. Probably.

A fake Kylie Jenner and Tyga sex tape is a very popular PornHub result, and appears when you Google “Kylie Jenner and Tyga sex tape.”

Trust us on that one … you don’t need to do it.

With the release of the photos above, however, the site is licking its chops again, reaching out to her on social media in hilarious fashion:

Kylie Tweet Reaction From the Hub

One step closer, indeed. Pretty amazing tweet by the Hub, who is clearly fantasizing about what everyone else is (plus big dollar signs).

This goes behind some sexy Kyga pics, too.

The 19-year-old has also been posting photo updates for her own clothing store, The Kylie Shop, and getting as close to nude as possible.

It’s been an incredible few weeks, as we said.

Don’t get us wrong, we know she’s been a provocateur for years, sharing risque images with the masses before she was even of legal age.

Something about this month is special, though.

We recently saw Kylie Jenner nude except for blue paint, a sculpted goddess in whom we could all find comfort in troubled times.

She’s also been all over Instagram sharing pictures from photo shoots she’s been doing to promote her latest, greatest business venture.

No, it’s not a collaboration with PornHub.

Give it time at this rate, but she’s opening her very first Kylie Cosmetics store and The Kylie Shop (dot) com … both of which are huge.

Maybe. At least they could be, right?

Given how salaciously she’s promoting it, and how popular her lip kits and other swag have already proven in the last couple of years?

The store, which opens is doors December 9, will only be open as long as supplies last, which may or may not be more than 15 seconds.

Only time will tell on the retail front.

In the meantime … boobs. Boobs.

We can’t even imagine what 2017 has in store for her.

The way Kylie is flaunting her assets, and occasionally physical affection to Tyga while contorting her body just perfectly for Instagram?

She’s putting in WORK lately, and we imagine by the time she hits the big 2-0 next summer, PornHub will be upping its offer BIGLY.

Will she be the first-ever $ 100 million sex tape star?

It’s too early to make a prediction like that, but unless you’re Tyga (or maybe especially if you’re Tyga, co-starring in it), one can only dream …
