Showing posts with label Hive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hive. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2017

Piers Morgan Disses Beyonce, Awaits Wrath of Bey Hive

Piers Morgan is one of the great jackasses in the history of civilization, and the world has collectively regretted granting him a modicum of fame for at least the past five years.

But even by the standards of an angry potato whose best known for lip-locking with Donald Trump’s anus like it’s Ryan Gosling in that rain scene from the notebook, Piers had a truly horrendous weekend in terms of PR.

First, the UK’s answer to Alex Jones got roasted to a crisp when he foolishly attempted to sit at the big kids’ table on Bill Maher, and comedian Jim Jefferies told him to “f-ck off” to the delight of every single person on Earth.

Then, Piers made the mistake that he’ll likely play over and over in his mind later tonight as he’s being waterboarded ata CIA black site that’s been commandeered by the most radical fringe group the western world has ever known.

We’re talking of course … about the Beyhive.

As you may have heard, Beyonce performed at the Grammys last night, and the cries of “slay, queen!” could be heard across the land.

The Hive tends to go too far in their praise for the Queen Bey, and last night’s sparkly fertility ceremony was no exception.

“Didn’t really ‘feel’ that Beyonce performance. Seemed heavier on the narcissism than the music,” Morgan tweeted.

Because he requires hate from Internet strangers to live the same way humans need oxygen, he went on:

“Awful acceptance speech too. Looked bored as hell reading it. Come on Beyonce, you’re better than this.”

He added:

Twitter lemmings now exploding with fury that I expressed an opinion about Beyonce’s performance they all secretly agree with.”

The thing is, Piers isn’t completely wrong here, which is unusual for Piers.

The Beyhive is aptly named, as Mrs. Carter’s super-fans have a way of blindly swarming anyone who dares to suggest that Bey is anything less than an actual goddess walking among mere mortals.

The singer’s performance last night was experimental and avant garde, and it’s perfectly acceptable to say it didn’t float your particular boat.

(Or at least it should be …)

But Morgan’s career stopped being about expressing opinions long ago.

Ever since he donned the red cap of the deplorable, Piers has been all about grabbing headlines through blatant trolling, and somehow, social media hasn’t caught on yet.

It’s not easy, because the man will come to your house and scream in your face if it comes to that, but it’s important to remember that Piers doesn’t have the nuke codes.

We can safely ignore him, and there’s a limit to how much damage he can do.

His tiny-fisted sugar daddy, on the other hand …


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Rachel Roy: I Am NOT Becky! Back Off, Bey Hive!

If you don’t know the name Rachel Roy, you’re either not a Beyonce fan, or you’re such a big Beyonce fan that you’ve blocked the accused side chick from your memory.

Either way, allow us to bring you up to speed:

Shortly after the release of Queen Bey’s “visual album,” Lemonade, Roy seemed to out herself as Jay Z’s cheating partner with an Instagram post alluding to some accusatory lyrics.  

Roy tried to clarify her comments shortly thereafter, but the damage had already been done, and she’s been under attack from Mrs. Carter’s devoted “Bey Hive” ever since.

Now, the 42-year-old designer has clearly had enough of the online harassment, and this morning she issued a statement to People magazine accusing the obsessive Hive-minders of cyber bullying:

“I want to put the speculation and rumors to rest. My Instagram post was meant to be fun and lighthearted, it was misunderstood as something other than that,” Ray said.

“There is no validity to the idea that the song references me personally. There is no truth to the rumors.

“Consequently, online haters have targeted me and my daughters in a hurtful and scary manner, including physical threats. As a mother – and I know many mothers would agree – I feel that bullying in any form is harmful and unacceptable. 

“I would hope that the media sees the real issue here – the issue of cyber bullying – and how it should not be tolerated by anyone.”

By appealing to the compassion of all mothers, Roy may be subtly imploring Beyonce to call off her dogs.

Obviously, Bey never instructed her fans to behave in this fashion, but there’s a good chance she could stop the madness by encouraging them to cool it on the attack campaigns.

In addition to the insults they’ve hurled at Roy, the Bey Hive has also gone on the offensive against Rita Ora, another former associate of Jay’s who’s been on the receiving end of mistress accusations.

There’s no iron-clad evidence against either woman, but that hasn’t stopped the Hive from playing judge, jury and executioner on Instagram.

The irony of the fact that Beyonce is a prominent feminist figure who advocates women lifting one another up rather than tearing them down seems to be lost on her fans.