Friday, December 11, 2015

Jared Leto: I Don"t Hate Taylor Swift & I"ll SUE to Prove It!

Earlier this week, we showed you video of Jared Leto bashing Taylor Swift while listening to her music with his bandmates from 30 Seconds to Mars.

In fairness, Leto’s derogatory comments seem to be directed at Taylor’s songs, and not at Taylor herself.

Even so, he was subjected to the wrath of millions of angry Taylor fans on social media, and now Leto has filed a lawsuit the parties responsible for the video going public. 

Sources say Leto is suing both the videographer who shot the footage and TMZ for posting it online.

The court documents contain a strongly-worded statement from Leto, in which the Oscar-winner makes a passionate plea for privacy:

Last Sunday, I was alerted that TMZ had acquired personal and private video footage of me in my home and that they were planning to leak it on their site. My team notified TMZ immediately that I fully owned the footage and that their source had absolutely no rights to sell it.

“They chose to post it anyway. Let’s be clear. This was stolen footage. This was an invasion of privacy. And it was both legally and morally wrong.

Regardless of who we are, we should all be able to talk freely in the privacy of our own homes without the fear that our unfiltered thoughts or actions will get broadcast to the world.”

Leto has already apologized to Taylor, and while she hasn’t publicly absolved him, we’re sure she understands the embarrassment of having a private moment go viral.

Of course, if there’s any truth to the rumors about Jared dating Miley Cyrus, he might have to get used to the media being all up in his business.