Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Taylor Swift: Experiencing Squad Problems Amidst Kimye Feud?!

Now that the Taylor Swift vs. Kim and Kanye feud is in full swing, other celebs are choosing sides and true loyalties are being revealed.

Thanks to her highly-publicized #Squad, you might think that Taylor would have the upper hand in the famous allies department, but thus far, support for the singer hasn’t been as immediate and unquestioning as many expected.

Thus far, Taylor’s best friend, Abigail Anderson, has come to her defense (and received death threats in response), but the rest of her chick clique has been noticeably silent on the matter.

Those who have spoken out, like Selena Gomez, have come down on the side that both parties should grow up and move along to focusing on more important matters.

Not exactly what Taylor wants to hear from her loyal foot soldiers when she’s in the midst of the most potentially damaging PR crisis of her career.

So what gives?

Why are the same young women who have flanked Supreme Leader Swift at red carpet events and Fourth of July parties so reluctant to show their support in her full-blown war with the Kardashians?

Well, for starters, rumors of Taylor’s “squad problems” have been circulating for months.

The B- and C-list celebs who make up Taylor’s circle of friends have reportedly tired of Queen Tay’s “diva antics,” so it should come as no surprise that they’re not willing to risk their necks by involving themselves in her latest squabble.

And by “risk their necks,” of course, we mean “get themselves blacklisted from all the cool parties.”

Yes, unlike Swift’s past feuds, this one could carry serious social consequences for those who publicly align themselves with Team Taylor.

It’s hard to think of a celeb who’s more popular worldwide than Katy Perry, but the original Swift rival isn’t a giant on the Hollywood scene like Kim and her sisters.

And like so many things in showbiz, the “winner” of this feud may ultimately be decided by who carries more clout.

Sure, it’s cool being all over Taylor’s Instagram page – but not nearly as cool as being on the list the next Kanye hosts a surprise concert for 200 people.