Showing posts with label Problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Problems. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Chris Brown Cops Had Big Problems ... With Rape Accuser"s Version of Events

Chris Brown is walking around Paris without fear of getting cuffed and hauled back to the police station, because cops found his rape accuser’s story almost impossible to believe … TMZ has learned.
One source directly connected to the case tells us, “The weakest part...
Chris Brown Cops Had Big Problems ... With Rape Accuser"s Version of Events

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Justin & Hailey Plumbing Problems are the Pits ... Hunting for New L.A. Pad

Justin Bieber and his wife, Hailey, have learned a valuable lesson — before you drop a ton of cash on a new home … double-check the pipes.
Sources close to the Biebers tell TMZ … they were forced to leave their $ 100k/month crib in the San Fernando Valley last month ...
Justin & Hailey Plumbing Problems are the Pits ... Hunting for New L.A. Pad

Friday, August 26, 2016

Taylor Swift: Skipping VMAs Because of Kanye, Squad Problems?

At last year’s MTV Video Music Awards, Taylor Swift secured her place as arguably the most dominant and beloved performer in the music world.

Taylor took home 4 Moon Men; she introduced the video for “Wildest Dreams” during the pre-show, and the red carpet was one of the most visible demonstrations of the size and power of Taylor’s squad to date.

Of course, a year later, what most viewers remember is that it was also the night that Taylor buried the hatchet with Kanye West, years after the rapper famously interrupted her acceptance speech.

It was a triumphant night for Taylor and her carefully-curated chick clique – but oh, what a difference 12 months makes.

These days Taylor’s squad problems are well-documented.

She’s had highly-publicized beefs with other A-listers like Katy Perry and Calvin Harris, and more often than not, it’s Taylor who’s come off looking like the mean girl in the situation.

Her most embarrassing defeats, however, have come at the hands of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, the couple she publicly praised in front of an audience of millions in 2015.

After Taylor claimed to be shocked by the lyrics to Kanye West’s “Famous”, Kim called Swift out as a liar and posted video that appeared to show the singer on the phone with West, approving the offending line.

The official reason that Taylor won’t be attending this year’s ceremony is that she wasn’t nominated for any VMAs (in something of a shocking snub).

But many believe that there’s more to the singer’s decision to stay home (especially since the awards take place in Manhattan, where she spends most of her time anyway).

The VMAs have always been Kanye’s playground, and this year, the rapper will probably be more outrageous than ever.

The network recently announced that Kanye will basically have free-reign over the stage on VMA night, which is like holding a birthday party for toddlers and telling one of them that he can decide who’s allowed in the bounce house.

Couple that with the fact that Taylor can no longer rely on the support of her loyal squad, and it’s not hard to see why Swift decided to sit this one out.

We’re sure she’s already plotting her triumphant 2017 return.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton: Is She Hiding Her Health Problems?!

Coming off what’s been called the worst week of his campaign, Donald Trump finds himself polling well below Hillary Clinton both nationwide and in key swing states.

Of course, the Donald’s never been one to accept defeat lying down, so today he adopted a bold new strategy in his ongoing effort to close the electoral gap and claim the highest office in the land.

Though it’s Trump who would be the oldest president in the U.S. history if he were to be elected, the real estate mogul has adopted the risky tactic of suggesting that Clinton is physically and intellectually unfit for office.

The strategy seems to be prompted by a remark that Clinton made about her brain “short-circuiting” when she gave a factually inaccurate response to a question about her private email server.

Trump seized on the comment during a recent campaign trail event.

“She took a short-circuit in the brain,” the candidate said on Saturday night.

“She’s got problems. Honestly, I don’t think she’s all there.”

A number of conservative bloggers and media outlets ran with the idea, and the #HillarysHealth hashtag was soon trending in the most right-leaning corners of the Twitterverse.

No real evidence emerged that Clinton is suffering from any sort of secret health problem the photo below, which was taken back in February, quickly went viral:

“The questionable health condition of Hillary Clinton should be a major issue of the 2016 campaign,” wrote American Mirror editor, Kyle Olson.

“The latest evidence comes in the form of Clinton being helped up a set of stairs by multiple individuals outside what appears to be a home.

“The photos, published by Reuters and Getty, show the 68-year-old candidate with aides holding her arms as she ascends the stairs.”

The Trump campaign has yet to offer up any of its own evidence that Clinton is suffering from any sort of ailment, but the gambit may have been successful nonetheless.

Following a week in which he was criticized for kicking a baby out of a rally and accepting a Purple Heart medal offered to him by a wounded veteran, Trump needed to change the conversation in whatever way he could.

However temporarily, the #HillarysHealth hashtag accomplished that. 

Friday, August 5, 2016

Amber Portwood: Still Having Financial Problems?

Amber Portwood has had a tough year. 

Just a few months ago, it was revealed that the Teen Mom OG star owes more than $ 130,000 in taxes

That’s a huge sum of money for someone who gets a six figure salary for her work on Teen Mom OG. Right?!

You’d think that the star would be in a better financial state.

Might it be all those baby mamas coming out of the woodwork to expose Matt Baier that’s taken a hit on her bank balance?

Either way you look at it, Portwood is in a very tough spot. 

She still owes over $ 130,000 in taxes, so with the figure still standing, it’s clear there’s something seriously going on with her finances. 

If she had the money to at least start paying the debt, the outstanding balance would be getting slimmer, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. 

Considering how often Portwood is in the public eye, this isn’t the type of news she would want floating around about herself.

There’s a good chance if she did have money, she would be paying off the balance. 

It sure sounds like she doesn’t have it and her problems probably won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. 

There’s also word on the street that Amber had a miscarriage due to substance abuse. 

We have no idea whatsoever if that’s true yet, but it’s not like Amber to keep quiet about her personal life. 

Perhaps MTV have offered her a cash bonus to keep it quiet until it’s shown on the series?

That wouldn’t be all that surprising. 

Just look at Teen Mom 2 stars Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin. They were apart for months, but managed to keep it quiet. 

Amber will next be seen on Teen Mom OG season 6, which debuts August 22 on MTV. 

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Taylor Swift Squad Problems: Friends Compare Her to WHAT Disney Villain?!

It’s beginning to look like Taylor Swift’s hell week has been extended.

At this point, it seems as though we may one day look back on the summer of 2016 as the season in which the world’s most successful female recording artist just couldn’t catch a break. 

First, there was the speculation that Swift’s relationship with Tom Hiddleston is fake.

Then the singer got slammed by Calvin Harris in a scathing Twitter rant that made it clear their recent breakup wasn’t as amicable as it initially seemed. 

Shortly thereafter, Kim Kardashian Snapchatted what she claimed was proof that Taylor lied about being blindsided by derogatory Kanye West lyrics, and with that, the “Taylor Swift Is Over Party” was in full swing:

Of course, Swift still has her loyal “#Squad” to support her through all of this, right?

Well, maybe not so much…

Reports of problems within Taylor’s squad have been circulating for days now, and In Touch just offered up a hilarious (whether it’s true or not) batch of new rumors.

“Taylor’s image as America’s Sweetheart Pop Princess has taken a great fall,” says one insider.

“She’s been exposed as manipulative. I don’t think it can get any worse for Taylor.”

The source adds that Kendall Jenner was recently kicked out of the squad due to her Kimye ties and that Selena Gomez is not the Squad loyalist she’s been made out to be.

“[Selena] recently found out some pretty horrible stuff Taylor has said about her, including about her weight and choice of boyfriends. Now some of the girls have started revealing what they’ve been hiding about Taylor,” says the source.

“Some of the girls call her Ursula, after The Little Mermaid’s manipulative sea witch, because she’s so controlling,” claims another insider.

She adds that Taylor is the type of girl “who will see a fiend have three drinks and tattle to her boyfriend that she’s an alcoholic.”

The source claims the events of the last week constitute Taylor’s worst nightmare, but the singer is unsure of how to handle it, as no one has ever challenged her like this before:

“Taylor’s public persona is everything to her … She’s overwhelmed with the amount of bad press and feels the pressure, but she still hasn’t apologized to anything – she thinks she’s perfect. But it’s all coming back to bite her.”

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Taylor Swift: Experiencing Squad Problems Amidst Kimye Feud?!

Now that the Taylor Swift vs. Kim and Kanye feud is in full swing, other celebs are choosing sides and true loyalties are being revealed.

Thanks to her highly-publicized #Squad, you might think that Taylor would have the upper hand in the famous allies department, but thus far, support for the singer hasn’t been as immediate and unquestioning as many expected.

Thus far, Taylor’s best friend, Abigail Anderson, has come to her defense (and received death threats in response), but the rest of her chick clique has been noticeably silent on the matter.

Those who have spoken out, like Selena Gomez, have come down on the side that both parties should grow up and move along to focusing on more important matters.

Not exactly what Taylor wants to hear from her loyal foot soldiers when she’s in the midst of the most potentially damaging PR crisis of her career.

So what gives?

Why are the same young women who have flanked Supreme Leader Swift at red carpet events and Fourth of July parties so reluctant to show their support in her full-blown war with the Kardashians?

Well, for starters, rumors of Taylor’s “squad problems” have been circulating for months.

The B- and C-list celebs who make up Taylor’s circle of friends have reportedly tired of Queen Tay’s “diva antics,” so it should come as no surprise that they’re not willing to risk their necks by involving themselves in her latest squabble.

And by “risk their necks,” of course, we mean “get themselves blacklisted from all the cool parties.”

Yes, unlike Swift’s past feuds, this one could carry serious social consequences for those who publicly align themselves with Team Taylor.

It’s hard to think of a celeb who’s more popular worldwide than Katy Perry, but the original Swift rival isn’t a giant on the Hollywood scene like Kim and her sisters.

And like so many things in showbiz, the “winner” of this feud may ultimately be decided by who carries more clout.

Sure, it’s cool being all over Taylor’s Instagram page – but not nearly as cool as being on the list the next Kanye hosts a surprise concert for 200 people.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Opens Up to Ex Jo Rivera About Marital Problems

This week, Kailyn Lowry finally confirmed what fans have suspected for months.

Kailyn and Javi Marroquin are getting divorced.

“We’re trying to do the best we can for our kids because they are what really matters,” Lowry told the Daily Mail when asked.

Now, in a clip from Teen Mom 2, we see Kail open up to her ex Jo Rivera about her marital troubles.

This was filmed months before she announced the divorce, so we know trouble has been a-brewing for some time.

In the clip, Jo and Kail discuss how they want to continue to co-parent amicably, which they have been doing well of late.

But Jo senses something is going on with his ex.

"I know a lot of things are affecting us on our personal ends," he tells her, as if to fish for details.

He then brings up Javi, suggesting that he may have contributed to the strife between the exes ability to consistently get along over the years.

“I don’t want to say he’s the problem,” Jo told Kailyn.

“But for a long time I wanted to bring him in on this so we’re all good as a group.”

Kailyn then confesses that Javi"s deployment with the U.S. Air Force in January has taken a toll on their marriage.

“Javi and I have been dealing with some stuff while he’s been deployed and it’s been way harder than I ever anticipated,” she admitted.

“It makes me nervous for a lot of things, not just our situation. Javi is going to have to deal with us all being on good terms, but just everything in general.”

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to see how the divorce unfolds.

Kailyn lowry opens up to ex jo rivera about marital problems

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Taylor Swift Facing Squad Problems as Friends Tire of Diva Antics: Report

At this point Taylor Swift’s loyal “squad” of famous gal pals is as much a part of her public image as her turbulent love life used to be.

It may seem that few things could be less controversial than a group of successful young women who like to party together and support one another, but the media has taken a special interest in Swift’s clique.

There have been rumors that Taylor’s squad must abide by a strict set of rules.

Like lapsed Scientologists, former squad affiliates have gone to the press, claiming that Taylor only accepts the rich and beautiful into her elite group of friends.

Now, there are reports that a full-blown Tay mutiny is going down, as the ladies of the squad have grown sick of Taylor’s diva antics. 

It seems the latest round of problems began when Taylor gave an interview to Vogue during a friend’s wedding – a wedding at which she happened to be the maid of honor.

For obvious reasons, her decision didn’t sit well with several squad members.

“Even her best friends’ have started making fun of [Taylor] behind her back because they’re sick of her controlling ways,” a source close to the situation tells OK! magazine.

One insider says Swift has embraced her inner Regina George and has started putting the other girls down as part of her “self-obsessed queen bee” routine.

This is far from the first time that Taylor has faced squad trouble, but the insider says her famous friends have finally had enough.

We’re curious to see what Taylor would do socially if her squad unravels.

She could just, ya know – try not making a big deal out of her personal life for once, but that seems unlikely.

We’re guessing the news of a Calvin Harris proposal will be dropping any day now.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Bethenny Frankel: LYING About Health Problems?!

As we reported last week, Bethenny Frankel is suffering from a mysterious illness, and while she’s addressed her medical problems publicly, she’s thus far refused to go into any sort of detail.

Her condition was briefly addressed in the first trailer for The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8, but Bethenny was cagey when answering questions about it in a recent People interview.

“I’m facing a women’s health issue that many women can relate to,” she told the magazine, refusing to elaborate any further.

Now, Bethenny’s estranged mother, Bernadette Birk, is throwing shade over the whole situation, telling Radar Online that she believes the 45-year-old reality star is just drumming up publicity in order to secure bigger ratings.

“I have no idea,” Birk said when asked about Bethenny’s illness. “I haven’t spoken to her in 12 years. Maybe more. I really don’t know anything about her life and I don’t want to.”

Subtly dissing her daughter’s fondness for plastic surgery, Birk added, “An overnight stay in the hospital is no big deal. It could be something cosmetic.”

Indeed, it does not look as though Frankel has received any long-term, in-patient medical care, but that doesn’t mean that her condition is, as Birk claims, “no big deal.”

Of course, it’s not like Bethenny’s never been known to blow things out of proportion.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Tyga Raps About Sex With Kylie Jenner, Relationship Problems on "Gone Too Far"

In the past, whenever Tyga would rap about sex with Kylie Jenner, folks would express their (very understandable) discomfort over the idea of a grown man spitting rhymes about statutory rape.

These days, Kylie is 18, and her relationship with the Q-list rapper is finally legal, but Tyga"s graphic verses about Kylie"s vagina are somehow no less creepy.

Yes, Tyga"s latest single finds the 26-year-old dad still musing about his favorite topic: his teenage girlfriend"s lady parts.

"She gonna do it for a promise ring/ P–sy every night, remember what you promised me?" T-Raww raps, in what appears to be a reference to the massive diamond ring he bought Kylie for Christmas.

Like we said, it"s a little weird and gross, particularly since the girl he"s talking about was in high school a few short months ago.

But don"t worry – Tyga shows his romantic side later on the track:

"You my Grammy, all them other hoes nominees/ I was never honest to them other hoes, honestly/ Sex in the shower, see you wet and my diamonds clean."

Take notes, gentlemen: Comparing the woman in your life to a trophy and assuring her that she"s your favorite hoe is as romantical as it gets.

So perhaps that"s why some listeners are so confused by the song"s "chorus" (read: a phrase that Tyga repeatedly mumbles, almost in time to the beat) that appears to be about a troubled relationship.

Is Kylie the girl who"s "gone too far"? We"ll leave question that up to future generations of Tyga scholars.

All we know for sure is that T-Raww apparently plans to continue writing songs about barely legal sex acts. Hopefully someone will send Jared Fogle a copy of his latest mixtape.


Tyga raps about sex with kylie jenner relationship problems on g

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Kim Kardashian: FAKING Pregnancy Problems?!

Yesterday, Kim Kardashian asked fans to pray for her, as she revealed that her baby is breech, which may complicate her delivery and force her to undergo an emergency C-section.

It’s a frightening revelation, and Kim says that’s not the only complication she’s facing as she heads into the final weeks of her second pregnancy.

Once again Kim’s placenta has grown into her uterine wall; she’s suffering from pre-eclampsia; and the amount of stress she’s under is reportedly causing sleep and dietary issues.

Naturally, millions have expressed their concerns on social media, but now, sources close to Kim are telling Radar Online that they believe she’s faking her health issues in order to drum up publicity.

“Kim was just talking with a group of friends about her pregnancy and she said everything is going really well,” one source tells the website.

“She didn’t say anything about a crisis pregnancy. Some people think she could be exaggerating the situation to the public for drama.”

One insider even went so far as to joke, “If she does get an early C-section it is because she doesn’t want to gain any more weight this time.”

Hollywood OB/GYN Dr. Jim Betoni also spoke with Radar, and he says that while the risks seem real based on Kim’s descriptions, he’s confident that she’s receiving the best medical care – and both mother and son will be just fine.

“She has risk factors but there are things that are now watched closer,” he says. “So at least you come in prepared.”

Bottom line: Kim’s delivery may not be the smoothest on record, but you should spend this holiday weekend focused on the turkey in your oven, not the bun in hers.