Showing posts with label Marital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marital. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

Jessa Duggar Shares Her ONE Critical Piece of Marital Advice

Jessa Duggar married Ben Seewald on November 1, 2014.

Since then, the couple has welcomed two kids into their blissful world, a two-year old named Spurgeon and a 17-month old named Henry.

Has the relationship between spouses been perfect? No, of course not.

But Jessa believes it has remained strong and powerful due to one main piece of advice that she tries to follow on a daily basis.

Scroll down to find out what we"re talking about…

1. The Wedding

Ben seewald and jessa duggar

Jessa and Ben exchanged vows at First Baptist Church in Bentonville, Arkansas, which is where Jessa’s sister Jill Duggar also married Derick Dillard.

2. There Were Over 1,000 Guests in Attendance

Ben seewald and jessa duggar picture

But no one got to witness the couple’s very first kiss. “They wanted their very first kiss ever to be in private,” Pastor Mike Schadt told People. “It was important to the both of them.”

3. Meet the Family

Seewald family

Fast forward about three-and-a-half years and here is a photo of the very happy family, as Ben and Jessa have been gushing about parenthood ever since they welcomed little Spurgeon into their famous universe.

4. How Does Jessa Make the Marriage Work?

Jessa and ben seewald date night

Two young kids. TLC cameras all around. Where do Ben and Jessa find time for each other and how does the relaitonship remain strong? It goes beyond mere date nights, Jessa tells Us Weekly.

5. In a Word? Be GRACIOUS.

Jessa duggar on tlc

“Never stop showing gratitude to your spouse for all the things they do to help out,” Duggar tells the tabloid. “It doesn’t matter how big or small. Sometimes couples come to expect things of each other and they stop noticing and appreciating things the other one does to help out with the kids or keep the household running smoothly.”

6. It May Sound Simple, But…

Seewald jessa and ben

The Counting On star explains that it’s important to remember at all times, explaining “If your spouse volunteered to change nastiest, stinky diaper or you saw them jump up quickly to clean up a spill, make it a habit to express gratefulness and say, ‘Thank you for doing that."”

View Slideshow

Monday, March 12, 2018

Tori Spelling Tries to Remain "Brave" in Face of Marital Crisis

90210? More like 9021… oh no, Tori Spelling.

That’s the sort of joke we’d typically make about the actress if she got into some kind of trouble or scandal that we deemed worthy of an article.

But we’re just not in the mood at the moment.

Not when Spelling appears to be spiraling so far down that a dig about how Donna Martin deserves to graduate simply feels trite and inappropriate.

To open the month, in case you forgot, police responded to a call from Spelling and husband Dean McDermott’s home.

Upon arrival, they discovered the mother of five reportedly acting erratically and irresponsibly, with sources claiming Spelling suffered a nervous breakdown of some sort.

She was taken to the hospital at the time for evaluation.

Was this episode caused by a fight with McDermott?

By the marriage being on the rocks and even nearing divorce?

We can’t say for certain…

… but we can say that McDermott called authorities for a second time on March 8, as he feared for his wife “well-being,” sources confirm, due to her strange behavior.

Deputies spoke to Spelling after this incident and determined that no action needed to be taken.

But fans are suddenly extremely worried about Spelling’s mental state.

Should they be?

Is the veteran actress, who has become more known these days for giving birth to lots of kids and struggling with both her relationship and her finances, on the verge of legitimate breakdown?

Perhaps, although Tori sought to quell these concerns on Instagram over the weekend.

 “I’m strong. I’m amazing. I’m beautiful. I’m wonderful. I’m worthy. I’m loved. I’m brave. I’m sweet. I’m happy. I’m me,” wrote the 44-year old as a clear message to fans and critics.

She even circled the words “I’m me” in red to make them stand out.

Spelling later shared a quick clip of her one-year-old son, Beau, trying sushi for the first time.

(Spelling and McDermott also share four other kids: Liam, 10, Stella, 9, Hattie, 6, and Finn, 5. It’s a busy household, for sure.)

And while Spelling may have been trying to assure fans that everything is okay via this posting, an insider tells Entertainment Tonight that everything is NOT okay.

Not with her marriage, at least.

Simply put?

“Tori and Dean’s marriage is in shambles despite having a sit down last week to try to make it work,” this outlet reports, adding:

“They made an attempt to use the tools given to them by their therapist to create a healthy environment for the kids but it isn’t working.

What’s the problem?

“One of Tori’s main issues with Dean is he isn’t helping with the kids as much as she feels he should,” ET writes.

“He used to do everything but has stepped away and started taking more time for himself.”

There’s been chatter for years that this romance is on the brink of disaster, but recent event make this rumors appear closer to reality than ever before.

“Dean is trying to be calm and handle things,” the source concludes. “He doesn’t want to raise his voice or say anything that she could misconstrue to the police.

“She panics every time he is out.

“If she doesn’t know exactly where he is, her anxiety goes through the roof. She seems to live in fear he will cheat again.”

We hope these stars work out their issues, considering they are the parents to five young kids.

And, if they do not, we hope Spelling finds some mental peace amid the turmoil.

McDermott seems to sort of suck anyway.

She can do better.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Malcolm X"s Letter About Marital Troubles for Sale

A letter Malcolm X penned to his mentor and Nation of Islam leader, Elijah Muhammad — seeking marital advice — is up for sale with a hefty price tag. Malcolm wrote the letter in 1959, turning to his spiritual leader for some marriage…


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Lisa Marie Presley"s Estranged Husband Opens Up About Marital Gender Pay Disparity

Lisa Marie Presley’s estranged husband just conceded she runs circles around him when it comes to income, and that’s why he’s asking the judge to forcibly open her purse. Michael Lockwood just filed legal docs asking the judge in the couple’s…


Lisa Marie Presley"s Estranged Husband Opens Up About Marital Gender Pay Disparity

Lisa Marie Presley’s estranged husband just conceded she runs circles around him when it comes to income, and that’s why he’s asking the judge to forcibly open her purse. Michael Lockwood just filed legal docs asking the judge in the couple’s…


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Audrey Roloff Keeps Trying to Profit Off Marital Advice

Audrey Roloff has a seemingly happy and healthy marriage.

This appears to be the case even though the Little People, Big World star helps anchor a reality television show…

… and we all know what fate typically befalls couples that appear on these sort of programs.

What we’re trying to say is this:

Audrey Roloff may very well be someone from whom you should take marital advice.

She and Jeremy definitely make their relationship work.

But the TLC personality has come under fire of late for not just offering up words of wisdom for her fellow wives around the Internet – but for clearly trying to profit off these words.

Take a recent Instagram post, for example.

On Wednesday, Roloff shared the photo above and included with it a lengthy caption.

It begins as follows:

To find and still seek, now that is love. This is the lifeblood behind our mission @beating50 .

We hope to inspire couples to keep seeking, keep pursuing, and keep learning how to love their husbands and wives beyond their wedding day. T

he pursuit shouldn’t end with, “I do.” What fun is that? Your marriage (or future marriage) should be a lifelong love story.

The point here is not a new one.

Nor is it a misguided one.

Audrey is basically saying couples need to work on their marriage and not take their partners for granted.

We very much agree with that theme.

But then Roloff continues:

Marriage is not about saying “I do” in a moment, it’s about living out “I do” in the mundane everyday moments #stayingido.

Your actions and attitude should reflect the promise you made to love – for better or for worse. To “still seek” implies a relentless pursuit. 


This is not the first time Audrey has waxed very poetically about her definition of love.

She did so HERE, too.

Both times, meanwhile, Roloff concluded her message with an offer and a link that got her in trouble.

“Want one of these rad sweatshirts “Love is a verb” sweatshirts (also comes in black)? Grab one for 10% off with code LOVE2018 – link in bio,” concluded the mother of one this time around.

And it’s just….YEESH. Come on, Auds.

A handful of followers find it very distasteful that Roloff included constant links to her business website when talking about things as personal as love and religion.

It’s hard to take Roloff’s theme very seriously when it’s clear she’s just saying it to sell some sweatshirts.

Last summer, fans had this same issue when it came to how frequently Audrey brought up the topic of God.

Is she serious about her faith?

Does she truly love her husband?

Of course and of course.

Moreover, we aren’t suggesting that she isn’t free to make money off her clothing line. She absolutely has this right and absolutely should be an entrepreneur if she so desires.

But perhaps she should stop mixing personal advice with her business endeavor.

It just leaves a bad taste in our mouths.

Do you feel the same way?


Monday, November 6, 2017

Audrey Roloff Shares Precious Baby Pics, Vital Marital Advice

Little People, Big World?

More like Entirely New, Exciting and Adorable World for Audrey Roloff these days.

The relatively new mother admittedly struggled with parenthood for a few weeks after giving birth in September 10 to a daughter named Ember Jean.

Due to a health concern, Audrey was in significant pain every time she tried to breastfeed, which made the entire process both challenging and upsetting.

Roloff herself admitted to a bit of postpartum depression.

But that was back then.

Now? Around the time Audrey turned a month old?

It appears as though things have gotten a lot better for Audrey and husband Jeremy, both of whom frequently take to social media in order to share new images of Ember and updates on their lives.

The latest image, meanwhile, may very well be the cutest.

What is there to even say about the following snapshot aside from AWWWWWWWWWWW?!?

As a caption to this positively adorable picture, Audrey let followers inside her marriage a bit.

She explained that she and Jeremy have a unique way of checking in on their relationship in order to make sure both sides are content.

“Every Sunday Jeremy and I do our marriage journal. It’s a journal with weekly questions that help us connect, communicate, and grow in love,” Audrey wrote.

What an interesting idea, huh?

The Little People, Big World star continued:

“It has been by far the greatest communication tool in our marriage. Every week, the first question in our journal is: “What brought you joy this week?”

And, for the last four weeks, Audrey says, her answer has been the same:

“Ember’s smile. I mean come on, how could it not be?! It has become one of my life’s greatest joys to smile back at my daughter and laugh when she laughs.”

Audrey also posted this picture of Ember.

And while the two-month old isn’t all smiles in it, the face she’s making may be even more precious. HA!

Last week, Audrey and Jeremy were able to get out for their first date since becoming parents.

That’s always a special milestone for any mother and father, as it seems at times early on as if you’ll never have even just a few hours to yourselves.

Audrey let fans know about the much-anticipated date, but also confessed there was a bittersweet aspect to the night.

“I held back tears as we drove off in the Jer’s orange 1971 bmw with no car seat in the back,” wrote Roloff, adding:

“But at the same time it was refreshing to spend some much needed quality time just the two of us.”

We’d have to imagine so.

And then you get to come home to a (hopefully) sleeping angel as cute as Ember?

Pretty special indeed.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Chip and Joanna Gaines FINALLY Address Rumors of Marital Troubles!

Fixer Upper is extremely popular, and so are its stars — Chip and Joanna Gaines. Which is why it"s so surprising that Fixer Upper is ending while it"s still going so strong.

Are we, as a society, so accustomed to shows jumping the shark that we can"t conceive of a show deliberately ending on a high note? Or is there something going on behind the scenes? Like, say, relationship trouble between Chip and Joanna?

Well, in the video below, the Fixer Upper couple is finally giving in to demands for answers.

As you"ll see in the video, Joanna and Chip Gaines finally cave and spoke to E! about the questions and rumors about their relationship and how it may have influenced their decision to end their show while it"s going strong.

And they"re denying everything, basically.

Chip expressed surprise, as he"d imagined that the news that the two of them were done with Fixer Upper would inspire fans to wonder what they were doing next.

That is … adorably naive.

Humans like puzzles and we like believable narratives and reasons that we can understand. "We quit our successful show because it was time" doesn"t strike most people as plausible.

Chip continues:

"It"s just the rumor mill — I think — surprised us a little bit."

You know … he might be telling the truth. Maybe they never expected the public to, right or wrong, guess that they were having issues.

But he says that he understands that they"re famous and that all of this goes with the territory.

"When you put yourself out in the public light like this, people are going to speculate like this and we have had our fair share of that, but Jo and I are just as happy as we have ever been."

There has to be something going on, right?

Joanna speaks up and acknowledges that fans have good reason to ask the questions that they"ve been asking, however:

"I think it seems weird to kind of leave on a high note. I think for people, there has got to be a negative reason to that. I think that is not always how life has to be."

Maybe, but that"s how life usually is.

Shows either stay good over long stretches, get better over time, get worse over time, or were terrible to start with. Otherwise, there"s something else going on.

"I think for us we felt that season five was just the perfect end to this beautiful chapter, but really the why is time, you know?"

So, basically, they just felt like not doing it anymore. That"s what she"s claiming.

"Unfortunately, I don"t think if they came back and offered a billion dollars that we would step back at this point."

Obviously, she"s relying upon the absurdity of that hypothetical scenario. Plenty of people would commit murder for a billion dollars.

"We are pretty headstrong and when we feel like it is the right decision for our relationship, for our family, for our business, it would take an act of congress to knock us off that position."

That"s a weird way of phrasing that, but whatever.

You know, depending upon rights ownership issues to which we aren"t privy, the network could always try to make it work under the same name.

A show called Fixer Uppers could be about, we dunno, interventions for people who take a lot of stimulants.

Or, with a tweak, Fixer Puppers could be about a veterinarian. 

But it"s clear that the Gaines-es want us to be focusing on what they"re going to do next, professionally speaking.

That"s what we gather from Chip"s words, anyway. So … what exactly will they do next? We have no idea.

Chip and joanna gaines finally address rumors of marital trouble

Friday, June 23, 2017

Katie Maloney & Tom Schwartz: The True Extent of Marital Woes Revealed

There has been much speculation about whether Katie Maloney and Tom Schwartz have parted ways, and we’re beginning to question what the hell is really going on with them behind closed doors. 

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you will know the couple has always had their issues, but they always manage to work them out.

Oddly, they don’t ever actually talk through their problems on the show. Instead, they opt to apologize and brush over the severity of their issues. Unfortunately, that can only work for so long. 

Viewers have long questioned whether the duo would be able to sustain a marriage considering the extent of their arguments and even their friends have chimed in on the show with their take on the relationship. 

It was not pretty. Jax Taylor appeared to confirm the couple was over a few weeks back and that Tom had actually left WeHo. 

“Yeah he dipped out of the country he said f this and left. Apparently going on a poker tour was more important,” said Jax who responded to a fan’s question about the state of the relationship. 

Jax has always been someone who likes to stir the pot, so it would not surprise us in the slightest if he was just trying to create a storyline for the show’s upcoming sixth season. 

An insider has allegedly revealed to Radar that the couple is not in the best place right now. 

“Yes, they are together, but their relationship has definitely been riddled with issues,” an insider the insider begins.

“Katie doesn’t really trust Tom. Tom is a super flirt, and he flirts with other women right in front of her.”

While viewers seemed to think Katie was the one causing the issues due to her drunken rants, it was recently revealed that Tom had made out with a girl while he was in Las Vegas. 

He did deny it at first, but as is always the case with the cheating rumors on Vanderpump Rules, he later confessed that he did make out with the girl and that it meant nothing. 

We have no idea whether the couple will want to pull the plug on their marriage because it would probably taint the other couples on Vanderpump Rules. 

The couples don’t have the best track record on the reality series, and part of that is likely down to the persistent cheating rumors. 

Time will tell whether Tom and Katie will call off their marriage, but we won’t believe anything until we hear it from them. 

What do you think about all of this?


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Mackenzie McKee Opens Way Up About Suicide Attempts, Extreme Marital Strife

Mackenzie McKee recently warned young women not to sign up for MTV’s upcoming version of 16 & Pregnant.

The young reality star, who rose to fame on the fourth season of that controversial series and then appeared on Teen Mom 3, explained that these shows glorify pregnancy to a dangerous degree.

“I do not think MTV should continue to find new teen moms,” McKee said, explaining that she gets literal chills upon thinking some “16-year-old could possibly purposely get pregnant for a shot of fame.”

This is not the first time someone has criticized MTV for the airing of Teen Mom and/or 16 & Pregnant.

Instead of focusing on the struggles of the women at the center of these programs, some impressionable viewers focus on the fame and wealth that has come their way.

But now McKee has opened up to Radar Online about some of the extreme battles she’s faced since stepping into the spotlight, perhaps as a way of discouraging other women from thinking celebrities comes without any big problems.

Just how personal does McKee get in the following interview passages?

The mother of three admits that she formerly thought about killing herself. Often.

“My postpartum was bad,” the 22-year old says. “I would fill up the bathtub and go under water. I would take anxiety meds and hope not to wake up.”

Wow. That’s awful.

How did husband Josh react to McKee’s state of mind? Not well.

Mackenzie says Josh wasn’t remotely supportive, even taking away kids Gannon, Jaxie and Broncs for a brief period of time, leaving his wife all alone to battle her inner demons.

“I was in the bathtub and Josh took the kids,” McKee’s tells Radar, adding:

“I definitely needed him, but I was pushing him away. He would come home from work and I would be crying and I would threaten suicide. He couldn’t handle it.”

Mackenzie and Josh have been through a whole lot over the years.

In January, the latter went off on an INSANE Facebook rant, accusing his wife of infidelity in a very public forum.

“My so called wife always feels like it necessary to go on her social media and post sh!t that makes her look like a god d@mn princess,” Josh screamed online.

“That’s bullsh!t. I have been going to work and I kept getting a lot of red flags that something is going on while I’m gone.

“Come to find out I have always been right!”

josh rant

Josh proceeded to accuse McKee of orchestrating phony drama just to keep herself in the news.

He even referenced a certain “porn video” and said it was all McKee’s idea.

Mackenzie has sworn all along that she never slept with another man, and she and Josh somehow managed to move past this seemingly huge hiccup just a few days after the Facebook feud went viral.

They remain together, posing frequently on Instagram by each other’s side, large smiles spread across both their faces.

Mackenzie McKee tweets

During the worst of it, however?

When Josh refused to believe that Mackenzie only sent some other dude a few texts and nothing more?

“I was suicidal,” she says to Radar. “He said, ‘Go kill yourself, but don’t do it in front of me and the kids.’”

Thankfully, McKee says she’s feeling much better these days.

She has Type 1 Diabetes, however, which means her health is always a question. She can be up one week and down the next.

And while insiders have claimed McKee is pissed that Briana DeJesus was chosen for Teen Mom 2 instead of her, McKee is says she’s happy.

She’s concentrating on her Body By Mac videos and also hopes to pursue a career in motivational speaking.

As for her and Josh?

They are the proud mother and father of three precious kids. No divorce filing is on tap.

And, most importantly of all, McKee only uses a bathtub to clean herself and relax.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Josh Duggar: Birthday Message With Old Photo Sparks Rumors of Marital Discord

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar recently celebrated the 29th birthday of their first-born son Josh, which seemed nice enough on the surface.

Of course, this is the Duggar family we’re talking about, and the manner in which they recognized this day has the rumor mill churning.

In their blog post commemorating Josh Duggar’s birthday, they wished him a “wonderful year” along with his “amazing wife” Anna Duggar.

“Happy birthday, Josh. We love you, your amazing wife and sweet children. We pray that you diligently follow and serve the Lord,” they said.

Then came the part that Duggar Nation is puzzled by.

“We know you all have been eager to see a new photo of Josh and Anna Duggar and their four children,” Jim Bob and Michelle told fans.

“For posterity, we have also included a couple of old photos of Josh,” the family wrote on its blog, implying the above pic was the latest.

Not surprisingly, Duggar fans everywhere quickly speculated that something was amiss – and noticed that the family portrait is not new.

Note the identical outfits worn in this photo from last fall.

In late September, the Duggars released this image to mark the eighth wedding anniversary of Anna and Josh, her disgraced husband.

It’s also fairly clear that the couple’s youngest child, Meredith, appears younger than her current age – 20 months old – in the picture.

Are fans reading too much into the fact that Jim Bob and Michelle recycled a photo from the fall of 2016 to celebrate a March birthday?

Probably, but given all they’ve been through, and the frequent divorce rumors, it’s fueled talk that all is not well between Anna and Josh.

Many believe that since Josh was busted using OK Cupid and Ashley Madison, he has yet to fully repair his broken marriage to Anna.

“I don’t believe Josh can be ‘cured’ but I do not wish Anna or the kids harm,” writes one fan on the Duggar-obsessive site Free Jinger.

“I still wish them well … I would like an update with a new family picture for sure,” another follower of the famous family wrote on the site.

“That birthday wish from his parents makes me think that his “treatment/therapy” isn’t working,” says yet another Josh Duggar skeptic.

“As long as he’s been the home you’d expect to hear, ‘we are so proud of the strides that you have taken to better yourself."”

“‘To undo great injustices that you have done,’ or something to that effect. Instead, they said that they love his amazing wife.”

Probably, this fan speculates, this is “for the simple fact that she stayed, and his sweet children… It makes you wonder.”

It certainly does. There’s been little to no information about the couple and their four children since Josh got out of faith-based rehab.

Meanwhile, the Duggar sisters’ courtships, engagements, weddings and pregnancies have fueled TLC’s rebooted 19 Kids & Counting.

Anna did appear on Counting On to lament how much Josh hurt her, but has stood by him and stayed largely out of the public eye.

In May 2016, they said they were “working with a professional marriage and family counselor to take important steps toward healing.”

“Some days are very difficult. It is a long road to rebuild trust and a truly healthy relationship,” the couple added in their rare statement.

On TV, TLC has gone to extreme lengths to keep Josh away from viewers, including these tricks to censor him out of Jinger’s wedding:

On social media, the long-suffering wife been almost totally MIA, having not updated her Instagram account in over a year at this point.

She did recently “like” a quote, which was noticed by fans sparked speculation – as usual – that things are not well between the couple.

Her friend @masiespace shared a quote on IG that reads: “Comparison is the thief of joy,” which Anna liked. Read into it what you will.

The quote could simply mean that comparison keeps people from being happy with their lives, because of the nature of social media.

Or, in Anna’s case, it could mean comparing her life, or her marriage, with those who aren’t trapped with somehow who cheats and lies.

We may never know what’s going on behind closed doors with the pair, but that should only increase the speculation surrounding them.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Audrey Roloff: Reciting Marital Vows During Sex Is HOT!

Little People Big World‘s Audrey Roloff was a little bashful about sharing a new piece of intimacy advice on her blog, Beating 50 Percent.

Audrey, who is married to reality star Jeremy Roloff, admitted that what she was about to explain was weird, but readers can do with it what they want.

One person’s intimate moment is another’s horror story, according to Audrey.

“On our honeymoon, I had this crazy idea… It has been one of my best-kept marriage secrets (something I have only shared with my closest friends) – until now. It’s too good to keep to myself;),” Audrey wrote.

“So let me tell you about this immensely intimate idea, and why I think every single couple on the planet should try it at least once, if not every year on their anniversary.

“Some of you may think it’s a little weird, but I’m choosing vulnerability in the hopes that it might inspire you! This is something Jer and I have both committed to do on Beating50Percent – be honest and transparent.

“So before you roll your eyes and call me crazy, just here me out here….”

Audrey went on to explain how important her wedding vows were and still are, and how she waited until the night before the ceremony to write them so that they reflected how “mentally, emotionally, and spiritually present” she was.

“We both brought our crumpled paper vows with us on our honeymoon, and had planned to re-read them to each other again at some point,” Audrey explained.

“Then I had this crazy idea…. ‘What if we read our vows to each other while having sex…?

“This thought was immediately followed by an insecurity, ‘Jeremy will probably think that’s SOOO weird… and I mean… how will that even work…?’

Well, kids, it involves some multi-tasking and cardio training…

“One afternoon,” Audrey continued, “we laid in bed waiting out a Jamaican thunderstorm and reminiscing on our wedding day, when I mustered up the confidence to blurt out my unconventional idea, ‘Babe, you know how we wanted to reread our vows to each other just the two of us? Well… what if we did that… while having sex…’

“I remember the look of astonishment that fell over Jeremy’s face, and I wasn’t sure if it was the good kind or bad kind… But then he said something to the effect of, ‘Whoa (probably ‘Holy Smokes’)… Let’s do it.’

“I’ll spare you the details, but it was the most intimate thing we have ever done in our marriage, and probably the most intimate thing I have ever done in my life.

And one that left you a bit winded, I’m sure.

“The act of becoming physically and verbally one (at the same time), ensues an ocean of intimacy that I cannot attempt to describe. It’s the best version of ‘sex talk.’ Y’all… don’t think about how it works, just try it.”

So…there you have it.  Sex advice from a 24-year-old.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Opens Up to Ex Jo Rivera About Marital Problems

This week, Kailyn Lowry finally confirmed what fans have suspected for months.

Kailyn and Javi Marroquin are getting divorced.

“We’re trying to do the best we can for our kids because they are what really matters,” Lowry told the Daily Mail when asked.

Now, in a clip from Teen Mom 2, we see Kail open up to her ex Jo Rivera about her marital troubles.

This was filmed months before she announced the divorce, so we know trouble has been a-brewing for some time.

In the clip, Jo and Kail discuss how they want to continue to co-parent amicably, which they have been doing well of late.

But Jo senses something is going on with his ex.

"I know a lot of things are affecting us on our personal ends," he tells her, as if to fish for details.

He then brings up Javi, suggesting that he may have contributed to the strife between the exes ability to consistently get along over the years.

“I don’t want to say he’s the problem,” Jo told Kailyn.

“But for a long time I wanted to bring him in on this so we’re all good as a group.”

Kailyn then confesses that Javi"s deployment with the U.S. Air Force in January has taken a toll on their marriage.

“Javi and I have been dealing with some stuff while he’s been deployed and it’s been way harder than I ever anticipated,” she admitted.

“It makes me nervous for a lot of things, not just our situation. Javi is going to have to deal with us all being on good terms, but just everything in general.”

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to see how the divorce unfolds.

Kailyn lowry opens up to ex jo rivera about marital problems