Showing posts with label Schwartz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Schwartz. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Tom Schwartz to Scheana Marie: Sorry I Got Drunk & Called You a Kardashian!

Tom Schwartz is inarguably the least confrontational member of the Vanderpump Rules cast.

He really only fights with his wife, Katie Maloney, and only then when he’s full of liquor, or she’s telling the entire world that his penis doesn’t function properly.

So viewers were stunned when Tom went on the offensive against Scheana during a boozy gathering of SUR staffers.

It all started when Scheana went off on Katie for continuing to claim that spread rumors about Robert Valletta cheating on her.

When Scheana called Katie fake, Schwartz jumped in with what was actually a pretty solid burn, especially coming from such a mild-mannered dude:

“Scheana, look at your nails! You’re the fakest person in this whole building!” he slurred.

“You’re fake from head to toe. You have no personality. You’re nothing! You’re a bootleg Kardashian. All you care about is a f-cking selfie.”

“Bootleg Kardashian” cuts pretty deep, as the ladies of Vanderpump have been accused of thinking they’re on the Kardashians level.

They’re not, of course – even though their show is far more entertaining – so it probably stung to be reminded of that during filming.

Tom was applauded for sticking up for his wife, but many thought he was too hard on Scheana.

Not surprisingly, Schwartz returned to his soft-spoken, retiring self when he sobered up the next morning.

Appearing on Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live this week, Tom was asked if he regretted going off on Scheana, and he admitted that there was some serious morning-after remorse.

“In the moment, I didn’t, but the day after, I felt terrible. Like I said before, I’m so sorry, Scheana,” he told the caller.

“Can I just say, I’ve never exercised that muscle,” Tom elaborated.

“It felt good in the moment, but I felt so bad the next morning,” Tom told Andy Cohen alongside wife Katie Maloney, who he was sticking up for during a recent SURver scuffle.”

Clearly trying to make amends, Schwartz concluded:

“Scheana, I love you. I hope you have an empire just like them, and I’m sorry I said that shit.”

Not quite as scandalous as Jax cheating on Brittany, but seeing Tom’s aggressive made for one of the season’s most surprising moments.

Which is saying something, as this season has been loaded with stunners.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up on the wealth of drama.


Saturday, January 27, 2018

"Mighty Ducks" Actor Aaron Schwartz Wants in On TV Reboot

Aaron Schwartz — whose first acting role was playing Dave Karp in “The Mighty Ducks” way back in 1992 — is stoked the Quack Attack is coming back, and says he wants a piece of the action. Aaron tells TMZ he’s been in contact with some people…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Tom Schwartz: CAUGHT Cheating on Katie Maloney?!

If you’ve been watching Vanderpump Rules recently, you know that in its sixth season, the show shows no signs of slowing down in terms of delivering an endless stream of drama that’s by turns appalling and wildly entertaining.

Things got off to a wild start thanks to the not-all-that-surprising revelation that Jax Taylor’s been cheating on Brittany Cartwright.

But it’s a testament to just how bonkers the entire cast is that the show’s not building its entire season around that storyline.

Aside from the inevitable boring-ass Lisa-centric storylines (If we have to listen to one more conversation about Tom-Tom investor relations…) the show has maintained a pretty livlely pace with plenty of infidelity to keep fans engaged.

Monday’s episode saw yet another cheating scandal, neither of which were terribly shocking, but both of which made for compelling entertainment.

All summer, rumors that Katie Maloney and Tom Schwartz were headed for divorce circulated non-stop on social media.

And the couple didn’t do much to dispel that notion, what with taking separate vacations and seldom appearing on one another’s social media.

So it didn’t come as much of a surprise when Lala Kent accused Tom of cheating on Katie on this week’s installment of Vanderpump.

But Tom’s puzzling response to the allegation has fans confused about what exactly transpired.

“Katie and Stassi and Kristen all went to New York,” Lala explained to Scheana Marie and Ariana Madix.

“I get a phone call from my friend Allie, and she’s like, ‘La, oh my God, Tom Schwartz is here. And she goes, ‘Dude, he can’t keep his hands off of me. They made out. He was like touchy-feely.”

Naturally, it didn’t take long for word to get back to Katie, and to the surprise of absoulutely no one, she flipped the eff out.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like this mystery will be resolved in the same satisfactory fashion as the Jax-Brittany-Faith debacle.

Tom reacted to the allegation the same way he reacts to everything–by playing with his hair, acting charmingly befuddled, and claiming his boozy brain formed no memories of the incident in question.

As with the last time he was accused of making out with some rando while blackout hammered, the truth will likely remain a mystery, and Katie will eventually move on.

(And by “move on,” we mean angrily bring it up every time she’s in close proximity to a bottle of tequila for the rest of her natural life.)

What’s really weird about all of this is Lala’s motivation for spilling the tea:

“I was down for her. I was never gonna say anything. She is not safe anymore,” Lala fumed after learning that Katie had pointed out that Kent is banging a maried guy in exchange for private jet flights.

“You f-ck with my relationship, I am coming for you full force. Dude, what a dumb ass bitch. Well, her marriage is gonna end, so that’s her karma.”

So wait, you weren’t gonna tell her that her husband is cheating, and you considered that to be some sort of favor?!

Yeesh. We were actually pretty down with Lala until this season, but she’s proving herself to be the malicious, shady-ass female equivalent of James Kennedy more and more with each episode.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up on what’s thus far been an insanely drama-packed season.


Monday, December 25, 2017

Schwartz in "A Christmas Story" "Memba Him?!

R.D. Robb is best known for playing the triple-dog daring Schwartz — opposite Scott Schwartz as Flick — in the 1983 holiday movie staple ‘A Christmas Story.’ Guess what he looks like now!


Friday, June 30, 2017

Tom Schwartz & Katie Maloney FINALLY Address Divorce Rumors

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that much of the show’s fifth season focused on the tumultuous relationship of Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney.

There were times when it seemed the season finale would feature Maloney being loaded into the back of a police car after murdering  Schwartz with a jagged tequila bottle, but to the surprise of many, it actually concluded with Tom and Katie’s wedding.

They wrote their own vows and cried at the altar and acted just like two people who aren’t frequently filled with murderous rage for one another.

It was enough to make us think we’d badly misjudged TomKat 2.0 as a couple.

And then, last month, rumors about Schwartz and Maloney getting divorced began to circulate on social media.

Pretty much every married reality TV couple is subjected to this sort of thing at one point or another, but the Tom and Katie Splitsville reports were given extra credence by the fact that the originated with a tweet from friend and co-star Jax Taylor.

For weeks, Schwartz and Maloney were mum on the issue, and the fact that their social media pages offered no indication they’re still together further stoked the flames of speculation.

Last night, however, the Vanderpump couple sat down with E! News during a charity event at SUR and universally dismissed every rumor that their marriage is in trouble:

“We don’t heavily document our lives too much,” Katie said as Tom added:

“I just like putting weird and random stuff on my social media. I didn’t even notice that. It wasn’t an indication of some sort of subconscious reflection of the status of our relationship.”

“We are madly in love,” Maloney went on.

“I feel like marriage really suits us. We’ve been through so much, especially since last summer.”

She added:

“Everyone says the first year of marriage is the hardest, but it’s been like 89 percent blissful.”

(Ed note: Who the hell says the first year of marriage is the hardest?)

With his characteristic self-deprecating wit, Schwartz admitted that the relationship hasn’t been all smiles and sunshine:

“We like to think that we exorcised all the bad stuff. We got about 15 years worth of fighting out in about three years, so we’re good now. It’s been smooth sailing.”

He added:

“We’re not pretending that we’re perfect. We have our ups and downs, but for the most part—at least relatively speaking in comparison to our earlier relationship—it’s been blissful.”

Hmm … we’re always a little suspicious of people who throw around words like “blissful” a lot.

Brings to mind that one Facebook friend we all have who’s always posting inspirational memes about the importance of kindness, but is one parking ticket away from hurling a cinder block at a meter maid.

Katie wrapped things up by saying that despite the many, many indications to the contrary, all is extremely well in Bubba Land:

“I think having us put our stuff out there on the show, we can’t leave any questions unanswered or any rock unturned,” she told E!.

“We really have to explore it and dive in, and its scary to do that. But I think because we’ve had to do that that, we’ve been able to do a lot of work on ourselves and in our relationship.”

Sounds like someone’s been taking notes during couples counseling!


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Tom Schwartz & Katie Maloney: Headed For Divorce, Friends Confirm

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that an obnoxious amount of the show’s fifth season was devoted to the run-up to the wedding of Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney.

We say an obnoxious amount of time, because the show asked us to really care about these two, despite the fact that it’s difficult to think of a more unlikable couple in the history of reality television.

Don’t get us wrong – we’re sure they’re both decent enough folks on their own.

(Katie could stand to bid tequila a permanent adios, but that’s a conversation for another time,)

But as a couple, these two make Jax and Brittany look like a match made in heaven.

They’re just not good together.

They fight constantly; they don’t appear to enjoy one another’s company when they’re not fighting; and the insults they hurl at one another veer into verbal abuse territory with disturbing regularity.

We know that reality shows are edited in order to maximize drama, and there’s nothing compelling about a happy couple enjoying a quiet dinner at home.

But it’s important to remember that Vanderpump only shoots for a little over three months each year.

You can film a stable, healthy couple for several years and not compile that much troubling footage.

All of this is to say that literally no one was shocked when talk of Schwartz and Maloney getting divorced began to circulate online.

The rumors bagan as a result of a cryptic tweet from co-star Jax Taylor, but they quickly took on a life of their own.

Maloney’s mother has denied the rumors, but multiple sources have come forward to reveal that the situation is rellay as bad as it seems.

One needs only to look at the dearth of couple photos on Tom and Katie’s social media profiles to conclude that all is not well in Bubba Land.

“Katie and Tom are on the rocks,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online.

Naturally, there are multiple theories with regard to who’s really to blame.

Katie’s anonymous friends say Tom is a chronic flirt who refuses to change his ways.

Team Schwartz insiders say the problem is that Katie spends all her time with Stassi Schroeder and the rest of her trash-talking chick clique:

“Katie is with Stassi [Schroeder] and the ‘Witches of WeHo’ 24/7 and isn’t focusing on her marriage,” one source explains.

“Tom can’t stand Katie with the mean girls all the time.”

Whatever the case, it’s a good time to get out your Tom and Katie Divorce Pool and see if you had late June of 2017.

It’s longer than most thought they would last, but your faith in the Bubbas’ stubborness appears to have paid off.

Oh, and be sure to have a good laugh at the expense of your friends who thought they would last a year.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Katie Maloney & Tom Schwartz: The True Extent of Marital Woes Revealed

There has been much speculation about whether Katie Maloney and Tom Schwartz have parted ways, and we’re beginning to question what the hell is really going on with them behind closed doors. 

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you will know the couple has always had their issues, but they always manage to work them out.

Oddly, they don’t ever actually talk through their problems on the show. Instead, they opt to apologize and brush over the severity of their issues. Unfortunately, that can only work for so long. 

Viewers have long questioned whether the duo would be able to sustain a marriage considering the extent of their arguments and even their friends have chimed in on the show with their take on the relationship. 

It was not pretty. Jax Taylor appeared to confirm the couple was over a few weeks back and that Tom had actually left WeHo. 

“Yeah he dipped out of the country he said f this and left. Apparently going on a poker tour was more important,” said Jax who responded to a fan’s question about the state of the relationship. 

Jax has always been someone who likes to stir the pot, so it would not surprise us in the slightest if he was just trying to create a storyline for the show’s upcoming sixth season. 

An insider has allegedly revealed to Radar that the couple is not in the best place right now. 

“Yes, they are together, but their relationship has definitely been riddled with issues,” an insider the insider begins.

“Katie doesn’t really trust Tom. Tom is a super flirt, and he flirts with other women right in front of her.”

While viewers seemed to think Katie was the one causing the issues due to her drunken rants, it was recently revealed that Tom had made out with a girl while he was in Las Vegas. 

He did deny it at first, but as is always the case with the cheating rumors on Vanderpump Rules, he later confessed that he did make out with the girl and that it meant nothing. 

We have no idea whether the couple will want to pull the plug on their marriage because it would probably taint the other couples on Vanderpump Rules. 

The couples don’t have the best track record on the reality series, and part of that is likely down to the persistent cheating rumors. 

Time will tell whether Tom and Katie will call off their marriage, but we won’t believe anything until we hear it from them. 

What do you think about all of this?


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Tom Schwartz & Katie Maloney: Are They Really Divorced Already?!

Last week, we reported on rumors that Vanderpump Rules stars TomSchwartz and Katie Maloney had gotten divorced after less than a year of marriage.

The news came to us courtesy of a cryptic tweet from series star Jax Taylor.

Now, if you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you’re probably well aware that Jax doesn’t have the greatest history when it comes to giving factually accurate accounts of the drama within his friends’ relationships, but if the tweet was a lie, it was bold even by Jax standards:

“Yeah he dipped out of the country,” Taylor replied, in response to a question about whether or not Schwartz had finally had enough of Tequila katie.

“He said f this and left. Apparently going on a poker tour was more important.”

Seems pretty cut-and-dried, and the news didn’t come as much of a shock to fans.

After all, much of Vandepump Season 5 was devoted to Tom and Katie’s volatile relationships, with many of the couple’s friends pleading with them to not go through with getting married.

But go through with it they did, and the Schwartz-Maloney wedding was a surprisingly tearjerking affair.

Of course, a lovely wedding is hardly a guarantee of a harmonious marriage, and the rumors of trouble in TomKat Land started almost immediately.

(Hey, at least they make more sense as a couple then the original Tom and Katie.)

Tom and Katie have been surprisingly quiet in the wake of rumors that they’ve called it quits, and one has to dig awfully deep n their social media profiles to find any mention of one another.

The deafening silence and the fact that Katie seems to be spending the bulk of her time with her female friends (she recently took a European vacation with the so-called Witches of West Hollywood) have combined to provide a whole lot of grist for the rumor mill.

But now, Katie’s mother, Terri Maloney, is quashing the rumors, telling Radar Online that tom and Katie are still together, and as much in love as ever before:

“No [they’re not divorcing],” says Terri. “Everything is wonderful.”

But does that mean everything is actually wonderful, or everything is wonderful by the very low standards that Tom and Katie set early on in their relationship.

We guess we’ll find out when Vanderpump Season 6 debuts on Bravo this fall.

You may want to get your cringe-face ready now.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Tom Schwartz & Katie Maloney: Is It Over?!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, then you’re probably aware that the bulk of the show’s most recent season was devoted to planning and preparing for the wedding of Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney.

It was an interesting choice from a narrative perspective, as viewers have never been that crazy about the Dueling Bubbas as a couple, but it paid off in the form of gender-bending bachelor parties and numerous cameos from Tequila Katie.

And to top it all off, Shwartz and Maloney’s wedding was a genuine tearjerker, complete with earnest vows and a weird scene in which Stassi Schroeder opened up to her mom about crying after orgasms.

None of that was enough to make us forget that Tom and Katie have the most dysfunctional relationship since the other Tom and Katie, but it was a surprisingly heartfelt finale from a cast that’s usually more concerned with feeling other organs.

All in all, we wouldn’t say we’re stunned by reports that there’s Bubba trouble going on, but we are surprised that the Schwartzes weren’t able to keep up appearances a bit longer.

Reports of Tom and Katie’s struggles come from their mutual “friend” Jax Taylor, who’s not the most reliable source on … well, anything, really, but he’s still creating quite a stir with one of his latest tweets.

“What up with your boy Schwartz? Marriage over?” a fan asked Taylor.

“Yeah he dipped out of the country,” Jax Taylor explained.

“He said f this and left. Apparently going on a poker tour was more important.”

Now, it’s entirely possible that Jax is joking.

But if that’s the case, he picked a rather strange topic to kid around about.

Tom and Katie getting a quickie divorce is way too plausible a scenario to be funny.

It’s like joking around about Trump bringing about a nuclear apocalypse.

Stuff that seems incredibly likely to actually happen just doesn’t elicit the LOLs, ya know?

It’s worth noting that Schwartz, usually a frequent tweeter, hasn’t posted anything to Twitter in over a week.

Katie has tweeted, but she hasn’t mentioned Tom, and you’d have to go back to March to find a photo of the couple on her Instagram.

So maybe Tom and Katie haven’t called it quits yet – but it sounds like they’re not exactly jumping on Oprah’s couch about how much they love married life.


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Katie Maloney and Tom Schwartz: Somehow Shocked Over Scheana Marie Divorce

Note to Katie Maloney and Tom Schwartz:

You may want to watch your own television show.

We can help. You can use this link to watch Vanderpump Rules online in order to catch up with past episodes of this Bravo hit.

Perhaps then you’ll be able to remove your jaws from the floor when it comes to Scheana Marie Shay and Mike Shay recently filing for divorce.

These Vanderpump Rules stars appeared last night on Watch What Happens Live and were asked by host Andy Cohen about Scheana Marie splitting from her husband of two years.

Considering that Scheana staged an intervention for Mike last season…

… and considering that a Season 4 episode also centered on Mike moving out of the couple’s apartment after just months of marriage…

… and considering that Mike actually went missing for a few days in November, while Scheana wondered about his whereabouts and folks wondered if he had fallen off the wagon…

… well, this divorce was not difficult to see coming.

Unless you are Katie Maloney and Tom Schwartz, apparently.

“It was honestly – it came out of nowhere,” Tom told Cohen on Tuesday evening’s broadcast. “We were blindsided.”

“We all thought they’d be together forever,” added Katie, who evidently has never actually spoken to Scheana or Mike.

Katie and Tom, who got married themselves in August, continued to sound more ignorant than the average Vanderpump Rules viewer, with Tom somehow stating on air:

“You never know what’s going on behind closed doors. They seemed happy from outward appearances.”

Ummm… no, they did not.

Countless episodes of your very own reality show – with camera rolling in front of open doors and everything – depicted Scheana and Mike experiencing serious marital problems.

But Maloney reiterated this same stance in a Facebook Live chat Monday.

“I never saw it coming. We never anticipated it. I thought they would be together forever,” she said at the time.

“My heart goes out to them and I can’t even imagine, but I think it’s the best decision for them both and I know that they will still be able to maintain a friendship.”

It doesn’t sound like you know anything about them at all, actually, Katie.

Wrote Scheana and Mike in a joint statement upon announcing their break-up:

While we have made the difficult decision to move forward separately, our story will continue on through the love and mutual respect that we have cultivated throughout our 15-year friendship.

Much of the recent speculation and reporting on our relationship has been misguided, and we have come to an amicable decision on all matters.

We might have failed at our marriage, but we are committed to succeeding as friends and will continue to support each other’s personal happiness and professional success.

Scheana later jumped on Twitter and thanked her fans for their support.

“Thank you all for the love today! It’s never easy to split with someone you still love, but we will always remain friends,” she wrote.

As for what brought the marriage down? And where the relationship will go from here?

A reliable source says more information will leak out as more episodes of Vanderpump Rules air this season.

Tom and Katie may want to tune in.


Friday, September 2, 2016

Katie Maloney and Tom Schwartz Honeymoon in Bora Bora: See the Pics!

Vanderpump Rules?

More like going on a honeymoon to a tropical location rules for Katie Maloney and Tom Schwartz right about now!

The reality stars got married earlier this month in Northern California, about eight months after they got engaged.

And after exchanging vows in front of family members and friends, Maloney and Schwartz exchanged a few bodily fluids in their honeymoon.

In Bora Bora!

The newlyweds took off for the Indonesian island last weekend and have been happily sharing gorgeous images from their vacation on Instagram ever since. 

There’s the one featured above, of course, which features both stars and water than is bluer than we even knew was possible.

Then there’s one of Tom standing by himself:

Maloney wrote as a caption to this one:

“My husband is looking ffhhhiiiiiiiiinnee!! Honeymooning with my bubba love is dreamy.”

In another social media post, Maloney joked about “a little fishy” – also known as Schwartz wearing flippers – swimming under their bungalow.

Yes, they are staying in a bungalow on the water.

Life ain’t shabby at the moment for Katie and Tom.


Impressively enough, Tom and Katie even managed to get a plug in while on their honeymoon.

“Bora Bora looks especially gorgeous through the lenses of these sunnies,” Katie wrote as a caption at one point, adding:

” @diffeyewear is partners with Eyes on Africa so with every pair of sunglasses sold they donate a pair of reading glasses to someone in need.

“You can look as cute and cheesy as of but using our code TOMANDKATIE and get 25% off! Woohooo.”

Those who watch Vanderpump Rules online have likely seen the two shill for products on the show as well.

Schwartz was at it again after dinner, posting the following picture on Instagram and writing a caption along with it that we’re guessing resulted in a free meal for the couple.

“I’m no foody but without a doubt, just had the best meal of my life,” he penned.

“Thank you #lavillamahana for a world class experience and thank you for @revel9 for setting it up and taking care of us #borabora.”

Hey, we’re not judging!

If we could be comped dinner just by sharing a photo and writing some nice words online, we’d totally do it.

Not sure if we’d invite Stassi Schroede along on our honeymoon, though.

Yup, she apparently crashed the beautiful party, as evidenced by the following photo:

“She was sad so she came to Bora Bora,” joked Maloney as a caption.

We’re guessing her mascara is actually running because Stassi just went swimming.

Maybe Tom and Katie can invite the THG staff along on their next trip. Pretty please!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Dave Schwartz Dies; Weather Channel Meteorologist Was 63

Dave Schwartz has lost his battle with cancer.

The Weather Channel meteorologist, who has defeated that horrible disease two times in the past, was 63 years old.

“It is with a heavy heart and great sadness to let you know that Dave Schwartz has passed away,” the Weather Channel said in a statement on Facebook.

“He was a fan and staff favorite because he so obviously loved what he did and had a unique ability to draw viewers into the fascinating world of weather.”

Concluded the emotional message:

“His passion for weather was contagious and inspired many to enter the field of meteorology. His passion and love of weather will never be forgotten, he will be greatly missed.”

About a decade ago, Schwartz was given just a year to live after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

According to the station, he then suffered through an unsuccessful procedure to remove a tumor.

However, after radiation and chemotherapy treatments and another procedure, he was deemed cancer free.

Months later, though, his pancreatic cancer had returned… yet he found a treatment and became cancer free once more. 

Last year, the beloved weatherman was diagnosed for a third time.

After taking some time off and after receiving comments and messages of support from viewers, he addressed his battle with the illness on air.

“I want to let you know the reason why I have lost 35 pounds in the last five months is that I am being treated for cancer,” he said on World Cancer Day in February.

“Stomach cancer, of all things for a foodie.”

Schwartz went on to discuss his experience in detail, aiming to give fellow cancer fighters hope.

His co-workers at the Weather Channel remember him as “the most creative personality to ever appear on The Weather Channel.”

Here is what Jim Cantore had to say upon his passing:

“Everything was genuine about this wonderful man. He was everybody’s friend and that’s what he really wanted to be.

“He made so many of us laugh, smile, and wish we were like him. He was so genuine and trustworthy – things that come from the soul and cannot be taught …

“I’m so thankful he was on our team doing what he loved till the end of his time.”

Dave Schwartz Dies; Weather Channel Meteorologist Was 63

Dave Schwartz has lost his battle with cancer.

The Weather Channel meteorologist, who has defeated that horrible disease two times in the past, was 63 years old.

“It is with a heavy heart and great sadness to let you know that Dave Schwartz has passed away,” the Weather Channel said in a statement on Facebook.

“He was a fan and staff favorite because he so obviously loved what he did and had a unique ability to draw viewers into the fascinating world of weather.”

Concluded the emotional message:

“His passion for weather was contagious and inspired many to enter the field of meteorology. His passion and love of weather will never be forgotten, he will be greatly missed.”

About a decade ago, Schwartz was given just a year to live after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

According to the station, he then suffered through an unsuccessful procedure to remove a tumor.

However, after radiation and chemotherapy treatments and another procedure, he was deemed cancer free.

Months later, though, his pancreatic cancer had returned… yet he found a treatment and became cancer free once more. 

Last year, the beloved weatherman was diagnosed for a third time.

After taking some time off and after receiving comments and messages of support from viewers, he addressed his battle with the illness on air.

“I want to let you know the reason why I have lost 35 pounds in the last five months is that I am being treated for cancer,” he said on World Cancer Day in February.

“Stomach cancer, of all things for a foodie.”

Schwartz went on to discuss his experience in detail, aiming to give fellow cancer fighters hope.

His co-workers at the Weather Channel remember him as “the most creative personality to ever appear on The Weather Channel.”

Here is what Jim Cantore had to say upon his passing:

“Everything was genuine about this wonderful man. He was everybody’s friend and that’s what he really wanted to be.

“He made so many of us laugh, smile, and wish we were like him. He was so genuine and trustworthy – things that come from the soul and cannot be taught …

“I’m so thankful he was on our team doing what he loved till the end of his time.”