Showing posts with label Brave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brave. Show all posts

Monday, June 11, 2018

Anthony Bourdain"s Daughter "Strong and Brave" Performing Concert

Anthony Bourdain’s 11-year-old daughter got onstage and sang — 2 days after his suicide — in a performance her mother called “strong and brave.” Ariane Bourdain was singing with her band Sunday at an NYC venue called DROM. Anthony’s ex, Ottavia,…


Monday, March 12, 2018

Tori Spelling Tries to Remain "Brave" in Face of Marital Crisis

90210? More like 9021… oh no, Tori Spelling.

That’s the sort of joke we’d typically make about the actress if she got into some kind of trouble or scandal that we deemed worthy of an article.

But we’re just not in the mood at the moment.

Not when Spelling appears to be spiraling so far down that a dig about how Donna Martin deserves to graduate simply feels trite and inappropriate.

To open the month, in case you forgot, police responded to a call from Spelling and husband Dean McDermott’s home.

Upon arrival, they discovered the mother of five reportedly acting erratically and irresponsibly, with sources claiming Spelling suffered a nervous breakdown of some sort.

She was taken to the hospital at the time for evaluation.

Was this episode caused by a fight with McDermott?

By the marriage being on the rocks and even nearing divorce?

We can’t say for certain…

… but we can say that McDermott called authorities for a second time on March 8, as he feared for his wife “well-being,” sources confirm, due to her strange behavior.

Deputies spoke to Spelling after this incident and determined that no action needed to be taken.

But fans are suddenly extremely worried about Spelling’s mental state.

Should they be?

Is the veteran actress, who has become more known these days for giving birth to lots of kids and struggling with both her relationship and her finances, on the verge of legitimate breakdown?

Perhaps, although Tori sought to quell these concerns on Instagram over the weekend.

 “I’m strong. I’m amazing. I’m beautiful. I’m wonderful. I’m worthy. I’m loved. I’m brave. I’m sweet. I’m happy. I’m me,” wrote the 44-year old as a clear message to fans and critics.

She even circled the words “I’m me” in red to make them stand out.

Spelling later shared a quick clip of her one-year-old son, Beau, trying sushi for the first time.

(Spelling and McDermott also share four other kids: Liam, 10, Stella, 9, Hattie, 6, and Finn, 5. It’s a busy household, for sure.)

And while Spelling may have been trying to assure fans that everything is okay via this posting, an insider tells Entertainment Tonight that everything is NOT okay.

Not with her marriage, at least.

Simply put?

“Tori and Dean’s marriage is in shambles despite having a sit down last week to try to make it work,” this outlet reports, adding:

“They made an attempt to use the tools given to them by their therapist to create a healthy environment for the kids but it isn’t working.

What’s the problem?

“One of Tori’s main issues with Dean is he isn’t helping with the kids as much as she feels he should,” ET writes.

“He used to do everything but has stepped away and started taking more time for himself.”

There’s been chatter for years that this romance is on the brink of disaster, but recent event make this rumors appear closer to reality than ever before.

“Dean is trying to be calm and handle things,” the source concludes. “He doesn’t want to raise his voice or say anything that she could misconstrue to the police.

“She panics every time he is out.

“If she doesn’t know exactly where he is, her anxiety goes through the roof. She seems to live in fear he will cheat again.”

We hope these stars work out their issues, considering they are the parents to five young kids.

And, if they do not, we hope Spelling finds some mental peace amid the turmoil.

McDermott seems to sort of suck anyway.

She can do better.


Friday, October 20, 2017

Selena Gomez: Demi Lovato is so Brave! I Love Her!

Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato were both Barney actresses before becoming Disney stars as teens. Since then, though, their lives have taken down different paths — each with their own claims to fame, their own successes, and their own struggles.

Demi recently shared a lot about herself in a documentary, showing how far she’s come but revealing that she still has a ways to go.

And who spoke up to praise her for her honesty and bravery but Selena Gomez.

Selena Gomez revealed her Lupus diagnosis back in 2015.

The illness, which was constantly mentioned on House back in that medical drama’s heyday, involves Selena’s own autoimmune system attacking her healthy organs, perceiving them as intruders.

Despite modern medicine, Lupus can still be deadly.

Even with drastic treatments, including chemotherapy, Lupus has taken its toll on Selena Gomez, forcing her to undergo a kidney transplant in secret earlier this year. 

It was actually her friend, Francia Raisa, who donated her kidney to Selena in a life-saving display of friendship and generosity. 

Selena’s ongoing battle with Lupus has forced her to take multiple extended breaks from her career as an actress and from being one of the greatest singers on the face of the Earth.

Honestly, as wonderful as it is that she was able to receive a kidney transplant, that’s not a cure. It’s a short-term solution for one particular problem.

Some people are genuinely afraid that Lupus will claim Selena’s life.

Demi Lovato has had more than her share of struggles too, however.

In fact, Demi recently shared before and after eating disorder photos, highlighting her dramatic transition into being and feeling so much healthier.

She’s also spoken at length about mental health — about bipolar disorder and especially about the debilitating effects of depression.

Contrary to what some people might suggest, just because Demi’s illnesses are psychological doesn’t make them her fault.

And it doesn’t make them somehow more deserved than Selena’s Lupus or anyone’s anything.

Demi shared bits of her life and struggles in her documentary, Simply Complicated. But Demi also talks about how much personal progress she’s made.

Demi promoted her documentary, which is on YouTube, via Instagram.

Selena Gomez left an Instagram comment for all to see.

“This was beautiful. I’m so happy for you.”

Recently, Demi’s life has been full of many good things for her to celebrate.

Selena’s praise continues:

“You always continue to [be] bold and real. I wish more people were like you. Love you.”

That is so wholesome.

The world really would be a better place if more people were like Demi Lovato. Or like Selena.

In the documentary, Demi speaks directly about her continuing battle with her eating disorder.

“When I feel lonely, my heart feels hungry and then I end up binging and I don’t know how to figure out how to be alone.”

A lot of people eat emotionally, even when they aren’t hungry. Demi’s situation is a bit more severe, which is why this is called a disorder.

(Which means that solutions that work for most of us, like “oh I’ll knit instead of eating” or “just play video games that keep your hands busy” aren’t as helpful for people who might compulsively overeat)

“One thing that I haven’t fully conquered is my eating disorder.”

Eating disorders usually work a little like alcoholism — you might recover, but you never have a “normal” relationship with food.

“Food is still the biggest challenge in my life. It’s something that I’m constantly thinking about.”

That part is almost universally relatable, right? I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to eat today since last night.

What makes it a disorder is that Demi has, in the past, struggled to stop herself from overeating — and then she dealt with self-loathing issues by throwing up.

That’s bulimia, folks.

Understanding that those battling mental illness aren’t just grappling with neurotypical impulses is important.

It’s good that Selena Gomez has so much empathy for her friend.

And it’s good that both of these talented stars are sharing their stories.


Monday, August 21, 2017

"Wonder Woman" Star Eugene Brave Rock says Total Solar Eclipse is No Bad Juju!!!

“Wonder Woman” star Eugene Brave Rock says don’t fear the natural … a total solar eclipse is a time for celebration! Eugene — who hails from the Blackfoot Indian Tribe and starred as The Chief in the epic DC Comics flick — says the first…


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Buffy Honors "Brave Friend" Brenda Walsh, "90s Fans Everywhere Weep

Sarah Michelle Gellar made a declaration of love for her friend, Shannen Doherty who is currently battling breast cancer.

“My #mondaymuse (and really every day #muse) is my brave friend @theshando,” Gellear wrote on Instagram.

“I’ve always said she is one of the most loyal friends I’ve ever known, and now while she is facing the toughest journey of her life, she is sharing it with friends she has never met in the hopes of helping other people who are going through the same struggle. That’s a true friend #FuckCancer.”

The two women certainly made their mark on ’90s pop culture; Gellar played the title role on Buffy The Vampire Slayer, while Doherty will always be remembered as the headstrong, lovesick-over-Dylan Brenda Walsh on Beverly Hills, 90210.

Over the weekend, Doherty shared an update with fans on chemotherapy, which anyone who has gone through knows can kick the absolute crap out of a patient.

“Each persons cancer journey is different,” she shared via Instagram.

“For me, chemo has been terrible and believe me, we have tried almost everything. So days like this have become a bit of the norm. I’m learning that it’s ok to fall into bed and give in to the exhaustion or nausea or aches.”

Last week, Doherty told Entertainment Tonight’s Jennifer Peros that the breast cancer has spread since her March 2015 diagnosis.  

Doherty is suing her former management company for failing to pay her health insurance premiums, which prevented the star from getting an earlier diagnosis.

“The unknown is always the scariest part,” Doherty told Peros “Is the chemo going to work? Is the radiation going to work? You know, am I going to have to go through this again, or am I going to get secondary cancer?” she wondered.

Doherty said she could handle the pain and living without a breast, but what she’s finding hard to handle is not knowing what the future will bring, and how her future “is going to affect” her loved ones.

Right now, Doherty is doing all she can to raise awareness.  She’s drawing strength from reading stories of others going through the same thing, 

“It’s easier to live with having cancer if I know I helped at least one person.”

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Stasia Huber on Adam Lind: So Brave! Totally Not a Douche!

As we reported last month, Adam Lind and Stasia Huber are engaged.

Like the people in Stasia’s life, we hoped it was a sick joke at first, but sadly, that’s not the case.

The Lind-Huber engagement has been confirmed, and astonishingly, Stasia seems to be excited about it.

We’re assuming that she doesn’t have cable or Internet, and is thus unable to watch Teen Mom 2 online.

Not only has Stasia taken to social media to sing Adam’s praises, she’s also become the latest to claim that the only reason he comes off as a the Douche God to Rule Them All on TV is because the MTV’s editors are totes jerks, you guys.

Here, in its entirety, is the love letter that Stasia posted on Adam’s Instagram page earlier this week:

It takes a lot of courage and sacrifices a lot of pride to admit your faults. It takes a lot of time and work to better yourself to make up for past mistakes.

“When I first looked at the man I plan on calling my husband, I didn’t see a man who struggled or hurt, I saw a father of two beautiful girls he just wants to be with and a good friend who would give you the shirt off his back even if it was the last thing he had.

“It took time for me to notice through subtleties what went on under the surface, what he tried to cover up and hide from everyone else.

“It’s hard to explain the things that have happened to him that no one deserves vs the things he’s done wrong in his life.

“To have your life manipulated and broadcasted nationally in a negative light no matter what you do takes a toll on anyone. It even affects those who care about him.

“The fact that I get to wake up to him and see him smile another day is a blessing in itself. We aren’t here to act like our lives are perfect.

“No one has a perfect life and those who try to act like they do aren’t fooling anyone but themselves. Besides how boring that would be, I’d take the passion any day. We’ve had our really good days.

“Done things for each other we’ve never done for anyone else.”

Uh … “we’ve had our really good days” sounds like something someone would say in marriage counseling, but we suppose Stasia sounds mostly optimistic about her relationship.

Maybe there’s some truth to those rumors that Adam and Stasia are already married, after all.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Brave Woman Posts First-Ever Bikini Photo, Goes Viral

Lesley Miller deserves your applause. 

A rising senior at Rice University, Miller has shared an open and honest Facebook page that details the shame she’s felt about her body for as long as she can remember.

The message is included as a caption to Miller posing in a bikini… for the first time in her life.

“I’ve spent the past 18 years of my life waiting,” begins the lengthy, emotional caption.

It continues:

“I kept my body covered up and hidden away. I told myself that one day I would finally let myself be seen; I would finally do all of the things I dreamed of when I was enough.

“Thin enough, happy enough, confident enough. When my body looked the way that it was “supposed” to.”

But that day never came. Not for a very, very long time.

Miller wrote that when she was 7, she lied in order to sit in on Weight Watchers meetings.

When she was 15, she began “cutting into [her] own skin.”

When she was in fifth grade, she weighted 250 pounds and had lap band surgery.

You know what? We can’t do this justice.

We’ll just let Miller explain her journey and we’ll just offer her our very best wishes and our strongest praise for having reached a place where she’s confident to share the photo above.

I fought my body every step of the way, continually ashamed and silent.

When I was three my classmates asked why I was so much bigger than them. Why I didn’t wear the same smock they did.

When I was seven, I lied to the lady at Weight Watchers, desperate to sit in on meetings full of middle aged women trying to shed a few pounds.

When I was nine I went to weight loss camp and stood in line the first week to take my “before” photo.

When I was eleven the surgeon cut into my stomach, and he told me how happy I would finally be. I was the youngest person to have weight loss surgery.

When I was fifteen, I started cutting into my own skin. I thought I deserved it.

When I was twenty, I lost half my body weight in nine months, my worth for the day solely determined by the number on the scale being lower than the day before.

And then I got tired of waiting.

So now I’m twenty one and I bought my first bikini. EVER.

You can see it all. Weird bulges and rolls of fat. Hanging excess skin. Stretch marks, cellulite, surgical and self harm scars. Awkward protrusion on my abdomen from my lap band.

I want to learn to love all of myself, not just the parts I’ve been told are “acceptable.” Because the secret is, I was always enough.

And you are too:)

Monday, December 21, 2015

Brave Boys Make Like Mean Girls for High School Talent Show

Forgive the obvious introduction, but:

The following video is totally FETCH!

It comes to us from My Fanatic and it features a quartet of male students from Lavaca High School in Arkansas.

They are rocking the same (revealing!) outfits as Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams, Lacey Chabert and Amanda Seyfried from the classic 2004 comedy Mean Girls and they are also recreating the same moves.

Trust us: you’ve never seen a performance of “Jingle Bell Rock” like the one you see here.

You really need to take your hat off to these four young men, considering how many layers of clothing they took off for their routine.

It’s been over a decade, of course, since Mean Girls hit the big screen, but its impact continues to be felt to this day.

Partly because it was the final meaningful performance of Lohan’s career.

But also because it was written by Tina Fey, prior to her striking it huge with 30 Rock; and also because a Mean Girls reunion continues to be a rumor that just won’t go away.

Check out the entertaining video above and then catch back up with the young women from Mean Girls below. 

How we miss them! Come back into our lives, Lacey Chabert!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Lady Gaga: Charlie Sheen"s HIV Admission is "Brave"

A few stars have publicly praised Charlie Sheen for his bravery in admitting he’s HIV-Positive, most notably Lady Gaga.

Gaga works closely with HIV and AIDS awareness organizations;  In 2012 she launched Born This Way, a foundation “committed to supporting the wellness of young people, and empowering them to create a kinder and braver world.”

Mother Monster (or “The Countess” as she currently goes by on social media) took to Instagram this morning after watching Sheen’s Today show interview with Matt Lauer.

“#BraveCharlie @btwfoundation, an opportunity for people all over the world to learn about modern HIV prevention, treatments, and emotional intelligence as it relates to the stigma of the virus,” Gaga wrote, according to Gossip Cop.

GLAAD echoed Gaga’s sentiment this morning with a statement of support for Sheen.

“To eradicate HIV once and for all, we must first eradicate the stigma attached to it,” GLAAD CEO & President Sarah Kate Ellis said.

“Stigma prevents people from getting tested, it prevents people from getting treated, and it can contribute to increased rates of infection.

“In this new era of prevention and treatment, including methods like PrEP, the media must take this opportunity to end the stigma and shine light on the stories of more than 1.2 million Americans living full lives with HIV today.”

Sheen was diagnosed as HIV-Positive four years ago, and has been under a doctor’s care to remain as healthy as possible.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Brave French Bulldog Runs Hulking Bears Off Property

It"s not the size of the dog in the fight, it"s the size of the fight in the…

… you know the rest.

But this video serves as hilarious, impressive proof of that maxim, as it features a 20-pound French Bulldog showing no fear whatsoever when two 100-plus pound bears dare to intrude on its family"s property.

Check out this amazing piece of surveillance footage to see the confrontation and to marvel over how there"s scarcely even a fight to be had.

Once it"s clear this Bulldog means business, these two massive animals scramble to get the heck out of there. Can you blame them?!?

Brave french bulldog runs hulking bears off property