Showing posts with label Wonder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wonder. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ashley Jacobs Whines, Wonder: Who Will Date Me Now?!?

Ashley Jacobs is here to set the record straight.

She knows what Thomas Ravenel has been saying about her and she knows what the Internet has been writing about her.

Did she really cheat on the shady ex-Southern Charm lead?

Is she really dating other men already, mere days after tearfully breaking up with Ravenel?

The answer is no to the first question, Jacobs has already said, dismissing Ravenel’s accusations of infidelity as Thomas just being jealous that she was hanging out with friends and then going on a “toxic Tweet storm.”

But what about that dude spotted whose butt she was spotted grabbing?

Is Jacobs back on the market already, samping various handsome dishes and re-igniting her love life now that she’s single?

Not exactly, she explains to Us Weekly.

“I need to be strong enough to be alone right now and I guess I thought by talking to someone else, it was sort of a distraction to get over him,” Jacobs tells the tabloid, detailing why she has been seen with at least one other guy of late.

“Not necessarily to be with this other guy, but … I think every woman or person for their ego wants to know that they’re still desired, like I haven’t lost my groove.

“And just because I dated Thomas Ravenel, [my fear] was that no one in this town would still date me.”

That may be true.

But it wouldn’t be any reflection on Jacobs.

It would simply be because Ravenel has been accused of rape. We really can’t emphasize that enough.

Elaborating on why it looks like she’s moved on so quickly, Jacobs says:

“That was my fear because people will be like, ‘What were you doing?’

“So I think it felt good, like I was flattered, but I think I should have stayed clear and then I think no one would have been hurt in the process of it.”

Without naming his ex-girlfriend by name, Ravenel said on Twitter over the weekend that he now has “more than enough information” to prove Jacobs was disloyal.

But Ashley – who dated Ravenel for well over a year and who clashed with his multiple-time baby mama, Kathryn Dennis, for most of Southern Charm Season 5 – says Thomas was simply upset when he saw footage of her talking to other men.

She says the two were not “exclusive” during this period and that Ravenel also got angry after looking at her phone and seeing how frequently she texted with one of these men.

“I should have been more upfront that this guy texts me more than I led him on to believe, but it was all harmless and I told this other guy,” she says now to Us.

“I said, ‘Thomas and I, we’re in a very complicated relationship.’”

Has Jacobs learned anything from this experience?

Would she do anything differently?

How does she feel now that the romance is dead and over, for good finally?

“I wish I could do things over, but I can’t. Sometimes you show a tough exterior, but deep down you can’t help but be hard on yourself and tough on yourself and be disappointed in yourself,” Jacobs says, concluding:

“Or just say, ‘How did I get myself to this place? I’m better than this.’

“And I made so many mistakes, on camera, rookie mistakes, but I definitely learned a lot, but I appreciate people who lift my spirits because I don’t get a whole lot of that and I think that’s what keeps me tied to Tom – he’s the only one who really knows what I’m going through in terms of being on the show.”

He also may be a rapist, Ashley.

Ravenel has already said he will not return for Southern Charm Season 6.

It’s unclear right now whether Jacobs will be invited back when the show airs new episodes in 2019.

Would you want to see her as a cast member again?


Friday, August 17, 2018

Stevie Wonder Gets Emotional Remembering Last Words to Aretha Franklin

Stevie Wonder choked back tears during an interview in which he revealed his last words to Aretha Franklin before she died. Stevie joined “CBS This Morning” Friday and almost immediately got emotional when asked about his…


Stevie Wonder Gets Emotional Remembering Last Words to Aretha Franklin

Stevie Wonder choked back tears during an interview in which he revealed his last words to Aretha Franklin before she died. Stevie joined “CBS This Morning” Friday and almost immediately got emotional when asked about his…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Gal Gadot and Chris Pine"s Fanny Pack Shooting "Wonder Woman" Sequel

Chris Pine is back from the dead, or part of a ridiculous dream sequence, in the next ‘Wonder Woman’ flick … based on pics from the set. Ummm … spoiler alert? Chris was spotted Wednesday in Virginia with costar Gal Gadot. We knew Chris was…


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Stevie Wonder Says Kanye"s Slavery Comment is Foolishness

Stevie Wonder doesn’t have time to waste thinking over Kanye West’s ridiculous views on slavery — ditto for President Trump’s proposed race summit, actually. We got Stevie Saturday at LAX and asked what he thought of ‘Ye’s controversial comment –…


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Stevie Wonder Says Austin Package Bomber Is No Different from Terrorists

Stevie Wonder thinks America needs to be more like Australia if it’s serious about curbing mass shootings, and other acts of domestic terrorism like the package bomber in Austin. We got Stevie leaving Mr. Chow Monday night in Bev Hills — just a…


Saturday, March 17, 2018

Stevie Wonder Calls BS on Bruno Mars "Uptown Funk" Critics

Stevie Wonder is squarely on Bruno Mars’ side in the legal fight over “Uptown Funk,” saying Bruno didn’t culturally misappropriate anything … Stevie says it’s all about making music for the world. We got the musical legend Friday night in Bev…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Wonder: What Should We Name Our Kids?

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez appear to be all in.

The singers – who got together years ago… and then broke up… and then got together again… and then broke up again… but who are apparently back together now – aren’t just casually dating, sources say.

They’ve apparently decided that this is it.

If they’re gonna try again, they are REALLY gonna try again.

After being spotted kissing on Wednesday night in Los Angeles (during a break from Bieber’s weekly hockey game), Bieber and Gomez allegedly went back home and did a lot more than kiss.

An insider tells Life & Style that Selena “could be pregnant,” which implies that the two are having a lot of sex these days.

(Granted, it need not be a lot, per se. A woman can get pregnant after just one instance of intercourse, which is important for everyone to remember.)

It seems that Bieber and Gomez realize there’s just too much history between them.

It would be silly to pretend as if they could start over and go slow; therefore, they might as well go as quickly as possible.

The artists are allegedly discussing marriage and kids and even getting into what to name their potential offspring.

That’s how serious this rekindled romance has become already.

If the couple ends up having a boy, for example, an insider claims Selena “loves the name Jacob.”

Because she was a big fan of Taylor Lautner in The Twilight Saga?

No, because of alliteration.

“She knows she wants a ‘J’ name that will fit perfectly with Justin,” Life & Style writes, adding:

“She has always wanted children with Justin.”

This does seem to be the case.

Even though Gomez is coming off a fairly long-term relationship with The Weeknd, and even though Justin has seemingly slept with half the female population under 27, the stars have always seem drawn to each other.

They’ve never really bad-mouthed each other to the press.

If anything, they’ve gone out of their way to refer to the other in glowing terms, implying he or she will always hold a special place in his or her heart.

Still, it was unclear whether they’ve ever hop back into bed with each other.

Even the most ardent Jelena supporter probably doubted the stars would book a return trip to Pound Town.

But then Selena underwent a kidney transplant and suffered a severe health scare and Bieber was awoken to what he came very close to losing.

Gomez, meanwhile, realized that she shouldn’t be wasting her time on anyone who isn’t Justin Bieber.

“Selena’s health scare has given her more reason to live than ever,” the Life & Style mole says of the 25-year-old.

“She doesn’t want to waste another precious second.”


Monday, November 13, 2017

Meagan Good Talks Gal Gadot"s "Wonder Woman" Ultimatum

Meagan Good doesn’t see anything wrong with someone’s conscience making them walk away from a great opportunity or potential millions in Hollywood.  We got Meagan leaving Mastro’s Steakhouse in Bev Hills Sunday night and asked her about Gal…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Stevie Wonder: Hey Dodgers Call Me, I"ll Do Anthem On Harmonica

The Dodgers keep winning — first the NL pennant, and now Stevie Wonder tells TMZ Sports he’s willing to pick up his harmonica and perform the national anthem at the World Series!!!  Of course, there’s some backstory here … Wonder famously…


Thursday, October 5, 2017

"Wonder Woman" Director to Cam Newton: Get with the Times, Bro

“Wonder Woman” director Patty Jenkins says Cam Newton has two choices — he can either get used to a world where women know football, or get left behind with the rest of the cavemen. We got Patty out at Craig’s and asked her what she thought of…


Saturday, September 30, 2017

Stevie Wonder: NFL Protests Don"t Disrespect the Flag, Trump"s Disrespecting the People

Stevie Wonder is telling TMZ Sports exactly what the national anthem protests mean to him … and why taking a knee does NOT disrespect the flag. We asked Stevie about the NFL movement sweeping the country … and he told us…


Monday, September 25, 2017

Dave Matthews, Pharrell Williams and Stevie Wonder Perform, Protest at Charlottesville Concert

Pharrell Williams, Dave Matthews and Stevie Wonder took a firm stand against President Trump by kneeling during the Charlottesville benefit concert. Pharrell performed with The Roots at Sunday night’s  ”A Concert for Charlottesville” ……


Dave Matthews, Pharrell Williams and Stevie Wonder Perform, Protest at Charlottesville Concert

Pharrell Williams, Dave Matthews and Stevie Wonder took a firm stand against President Trump by kneeling during the Charlottesville benefit concert. Pharrell performed with The Roots at Sunday night’s  ”A Concert for Charlottesville” ……


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Stevie Wonder, Takes a Knee, Take That Trump

Stevie Wonder joined the solidarity movement which now targets Donald Trump … by taking a knee at a NYC festival. Stevie performed at the 2017 Global Citizen Festival in Central Park Saturday night.  Stevie was onstage with his son Kwame…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Scooter Braun: Stevie Wonder, Beyonce Spoke from the Heart in Politicized Telethon

Scooter Braun isn’t apologizing for what some considered overly political remarks during his and Bun B’s nationally televised telethon event for hurricane relief. We got the music manager — and potential California gubernatorial candidate –…


Stevie Wonder Opens Hurricane Relief Telethon with Trump Jab

Stevie Wonder didn’t pull any punches in the opening of tonight’s hurricane relief telethon, blasting global warming deniers right off the bat …. including the Prez. Stevie kicked off the special with a touching speech about loving the planet and…


Stevie Wonder Opens Hurricane Relief Telethon with Trump Jab

Stevie Wonder didn’t pull any punches in the opening of tonight’s hurricane relief telethon, blasting global warming deniers right off the bat …. including the Prez. Stevie kicked off the special with a touching speech about loving the planet and…


Friday, August 25, 2017

James Cameron Slams Wonder Woman; Patty Jenkins Hit Back!

Maybe James Cameron should stick to deep sea diving and making Avatar movie sequels that literally nobody asked for.

The legendary director took aim at Wonder Woman, one of the most critically acclaimed and popular films of the summer, and just sort of rubbed his male opinions all over it.

Wonder Woman‘s director, Patty Jenkins, clapped back with her own statement.

In an interview with The Guardian, James Cameron dismisses Wonder Woman as a giant step backwards for women and for Hollywood.

He’s wrong, but here’s what he says:

“All of the self-congratulatory back-patting Hollywood’s been doing over Wonder Woman has been so misguided. She’s an objectified icon, and it’s just male Hollywood doing the same old thing! I’m not saying I didn’t like the movie but, to me, it’s a step backwards.”

It’s not clear how she was objectified. Her hair was nice and she looked gorgeous, but the only time that we can think of when Gal Gadot’s character’s appearance was a focus and she wasn’t in battle was maybe when she wore that stunning blue dress.

And then the focus shifted to the sword that she had concealed along her spine.

Naturally, James Cameron pivots to discussing and praising his own work.

“Sarah Connor was not a beauty icon. She was strong, she was troubled, she was a terrible mother, and she earned the respect of the audience through pure grit. And to me, [the benefit of characters like Sarah] is so obvious. I mean, half the audience is female!”

First of all, Linda Hamilton — who wasn’t only James Cameron’s star but also, for a time, his wife — doesn’t exactly have fond memories of their marriage and she hasn’t been shy about it, either.

So … that’s awkward to bring up. We’ll explain why he’s wrong in a moment.

But we’ll say that he’s absolutely right — half of the audience is female, so women should be catered to in films just as much as men are.

Like, we said, he’s wrong.

Wonder Woman herself, Diana of Themyscira, is conventionally attractive — which has always been part of her character.

There are absolutely greasy, nuts-and-bolts female superheroes.

The point isn’t that everybody needs to be an Imperator Furiosa or a Sarah Conner.

Those are great, but there are multiple ways to be a woman and therefore multiple ways to be a leading woman in an action movie.

Wonder Woman would always be a story about a strikingly beautiful woman who remains so even in the thick of battle.

(Just as Superman remains intensely handsome even when he’s in the middle of a knock-down, drag-out fight with the likes of Darkseid or whomever)

When they make a Hawkgirl movie, that’s the place to have a woman who gets dirty and gritty.

Hawkgirl is an alien (or sometimes a reincarnated one … ugh, why are comics like this), not a demigod. She hangs out in Space Taverns and gets into bar fights for fun.

James Cameron is falling into that trap of thinking that there’s only one progressive vision for females on screen, and that won’t serve him well.

Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins, who’s won acclaim for making the most successful superhero origin movie of all time, clapped back at James Cameron over Twitter:

“James Cameron’s inability to understand what Wonder Woman is, or stands for, to women all over the world is unsurprising as, though he is a great filmmaker, he is not a woman.”

Most of the women who saw Wonder Woman loved it.

(One of my viewing companions the first time that I saw it cried through at least a third of it. Like, tears of happiness)

“Strong women are great. His praise of my film Monster, and our portrayal of a strong yet damaged woman was so appreciated. But if women have to always be hard, tough and troubled to be strong, and we aren’t free to be multidimensional or celebrate an icon of women everywhere because she is attractive and loving, then we haven’t come very far have we.”


“I believe women can and should be EVERYTHING just like male lead characters should be. There is no right and wrong kind of powerful woman. And the massive female audience who made the film a hit it is, can surely choose to judge their own icons of progress.”

Like we said, there are plenty of ways to be a woman and plenty of ways to be a hero.

The thing is that James Cameron should know that.

He was one of the creators of the massively underrated TV series, Dark Angel, where Jessica Alba was very capable of kicking butt and looking gorgeous in a show that was not subtle about its feminist ideals.

Don’t get us wrong — Dark Angel had a couple of problems. None of them had to do with the protagonist being attractive.

But it is disappointing to see James Cameron speaking over so many women to give his opinion.

Men can absolutely be feminists, just as white people can oppose racism, but women and people of color (respectively) shouldn’t have their voices drowned out by “allies.”

Anyway, Wonder Woman was great.


Monday, August 21, 2017

"Wonder Woman" Star Eugene Brave Rock says Total Solar Eclipse is No Bad Juju!!!

“Wonder Woman” star Eugene Brave Rock says don’t fear the natural … a total solar eclipse is a time for celebration! Eugene — who hails from the Blackfoot Indian Tribe and starred as The Chief in the epic DC Comics flick — says the first…
