Showing posts with label Pack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pack. Show all posts

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Kim & Kanye South Beach Shopping Brings Pack of Paps


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Kim & Kanye South Beach Shopping Brings Pack of Paps

Friday, October 5, 2018

"America"s Next Top Model" Alum Natalie Pack Sues Guess for $1.265 Million

Natalie Pack — who appeared on “America’s Next Top Model” and went on to become Miss California — claims she wasn’t paid on time while working for Guess … so now she wants BIG money. According to a new suit obtained by TMZ … Pack was booked by…


Monday, June 18, 2018

Chad Ochocinco Brags About Gym Fanny Pack, Here"s What"s Inside!

Chad Ochocinco isn’t embarrassed by his gym fanny pack — HE’S PROUD — and he’s even revealing what secret treasures he rocks around his hips.  News flash … Chad’s a bodybuilder now — he’s been dead serious about bulking up and he’s…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Gal Gadot and Chris Pine"s Fanny Pack Shooting "Wonder Woman" Sequel

Chris Pine is back from the dead, or part of a ridiculous dream sequence, in the next ‘Wonder Woman’ flick … based on pics from the set. Ummm … spoiler alert? Chris was spotted Wednesday in Virginia with costar Gal Gadot. We knew Chris was…


Friday, May 25, 2018

Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union Pack on The PDA in France

Dwyane Wade’s best buddies LeBron James and Chris Paul are still in the hunt for an NBA Championship … but D-Wade’s doing just fine with wifey Gabrielle Union. Gabby and the 3-time NBA Champ soaked up the sun in the South of France Friday … and…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott Pack on the PDA Shoe Shopping in NYC

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott went shoe shopping in NYC the day after the Met Gala, and it was a very hands-on experience for him … just ask Kylie’s ass. The couple hit up Stadium Goods, which sells rare sneakers, and they couldn’t keep their paws…


Friday, February 16, 2018

NBA"s Timofey Mozgov Blows $1,300 On Gucci Fanny Pack

You know you’ve got WAYYYY too much money when you drop $ 1,290 on a Gucci fanny pack — just like Brooklyn Nets center Timofey Mozgov!! Remember, the L.A. Lakers signed Mozgov to a $ 64 MILLION contract back in 2016 — so, why the hell not blow…


NBA"s Timofey Mozgov Blows $1,300 On Gucci Fanny Pack

You know you’ve got WAYYYY too much money when you drop $ 1,290 on a Gucci fanny pack — just like Brooklyn Nets center Timofey Mozgov!! Remember, the L.A. Lakers signed Mozgov to a $ 64 MILLION contract back in 2016 — so, why the hell not blow…


Friday, December 22, 2017

Shawn Mendes & Hailey Baldwin Pack On PDA On Toronto Stroll

Shawn Mendes and Hailey Baldwin didn’t need mistletoe Thursday as they strolled to the Toronto Christmas Market. The freshly-minted couple are in Mendes’ hometown for the holidays. The day before they hit up Daniel Caesar’s concert. Hailey’s…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Sarah Stage, the Six Pack Mom, Reveals Her Pregnancy Weight!

Some women gain weight during pregnancy and never seem to be able to shake it — because pregnancy literally restructures your body, some more than others, all depending on your biological predispositions.

And then there’s Sarah Stage, the “Six Pack Mom” herself, a fitness model who looks the part — even 31 weeks into her pregnancy.

Would you care to guess how much she weighs while pregnant? Because you don’t actually have to guess.

Sarah Stage isn’t the only “fit mom” out there.

What we have to remember is that genetic predispositions from both parents are at play with pregnancies.

In many ways, how a pregnant person’s body is impacted by pregnancy has less to do with their own fitness and more to do with the demands that their fetus makes upon their body.

(Seriously, human pregnancies give way more power to the fetus than the pregnancies of many other mammals, but that’s a whole other conversation)

Some people swell up, gaining a huge amount of weight in their torsos and faces.

That weight may or may not go away after they give birth.

(Sometimes, even with exercise, it doesn’t go away — some physical changes that take place during pregnnacy are basically permanent)

Others barely see any changes in their bodies, and just look like they’re smuggling a basketball under their clothes.

And then there’s Sarah Stage and her tiny baby bump.

She’s in a whole other league of women who are typically fitness models.

She’s so physically fit that she’s been body-shamed, in 2015 and also this year with this pregnancy, over her visible abs and how little she’s “showing” of her pregnancy.

To be clear, just as a woman who puts on dozens and dozens and dozens of pounds while pregnant doesn’t deserve to be body-shamed, a woman who gains only a little weight doesn’t, either.

Different bodies work in different ways, folks.

(And those same women gaining or not gaining weight without being pregnant should also be free from criticism because their weight is none of anyone’s business, of course)

But we can still be amazed and perhaps a little shocked at this report on Sarah Stage’s weight, shared over Instagram:

Don’t worry, she’s not going to make you do math — she’s not a monster.

Sarah Stage weighs 137 pounds, which is not much at all, especially for such a muscular woman.

Especially for a pregnant muscular woman.

So far, throughout this entire pregnancy, the Six Pack Mom has only gained 18 pounds.

That’s only three pounds for each of her six abs, though obviously the weight is a little more, you know, baby-oriented.

Honestly, some people have mild pregnancies like that.

(Off of the top of my head, I know that my grandmother’s pregnancies were almost that mild)

Some look at this and worry if she’s malnourishing her baby or something, but … that’s a huge leap to make.

18 pounds is enough for a baby of a healthy weight, plus a placenta and amniotic fluid.

It doesn’t leave a lot of room for error or whatever, but unlike humanity’s ancestors, people in modern times don’t need to pack on weight in case food suddenly becomes scarce.

We’re not dependent upon the migration patterns of bison for our meals. Grocery stores exist.

We’re not suggesting that anybody try to emulate Sarah Stage’s physique, pregnant or otherwise.

Like most things, it’s not for everyone.

But please don’t freak out or, worse, mom-shame someone for looking like themselves even when they’re about to pop out a tiny human.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Sarah Stage: Eight Months Pregnant with a Six Pack!

Get ready to have your mind blown!

Because Sarah Stage, the fitness model with the impossibly tiny baby bump, is now eight months pregnant … and she’s sharing bikini pics.

You weren’t ready, were you?

That’s seriously what Sarah looks like in real life right now, in her third trimester.

There are many women who have trouble moving when they’re as pregnant as she is now, let alone pulling on a bikini that shows off their abs.

Speaking of which, how on earth does this woman have a six pack right now?!

As we’ve discussed before, this just seems to be the way Sarah’s body works. She had a similarly tiny baby bump during her last pregnancy, and she gave birth to a big, healthy baby boy.

This time around, she’s got the same little bitty bump, and according to updates she’s shared, this new baby is just as healthy.

She may be so small during pregnancy because she’s so fit, and her strong abdominal muscles are better at keeping that uterus hidden.

Her uterus may also be tilted in a way that prevents her from growing a great big bump like most women get.

But, either way, it’s obvious that she’s taking care of herself and her unborn child, despite what the haters say.

And, as it turns out, Sarah has a message for those haters …

In a new post she made to Instagram, she wrote “As I’m nearing #8months I’ve wanted to share what’s on my mind.”

“Since I’ve announced my second pregnancy, I’ve had certain ‘Instagram medical experts’ tell me what I should and shouldn’t do.”

“And while I find some of the comments hilarious,” she admitted, “I choose to only listen to my OBGYN and of course I also listen to MY body.”

It’s actually pretty amazing that she’s able to laugh at the comments she gets, because people are astoundingly terrible to her.

Like, there are many, many people who actually tell her that she’s killing her baby, either by starving it or crushing it with all her exercise.

“Instagram medical experts,” indeed.

“If something feels off, I don’t do it!” Sarah continued. “I always do what’s best for my growing baby and put him first!”

“It’s a proven medical fact that continuing exercising while pregnant has many health benefits for you and baby.”

It’s true: doctors typically advise pregnant women that it’s fine to keep up with the level of exercise you were doing before pregnancy, provided you feel comfortable doing it.

And since Sarah makes a living by being fit and exercising, it’s easy to imagine that doing some home workouts is fine for her.

She continued her message with “There are also some people who assume that since I am exercising while pregnant, that I’m obsessed with how I ‘look."”

But meanwhile, over in reality, “I’m obsessed with maintaining a healthy lifestyle that will give my baby and myself the best possible quality of life.”

And since this woman is wonderful, she added “Alternatively, I don’t judge anyone who chooses not to be active while pregnant etc. as it’s their own life.”

“I’m just sharing my pregnancy journey and appreciate the positive support from most of you.”

She really does seem like a gem, right?

Thanks for everything, girl!


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire Add Orlando Bloom to the Wolf Pack

It’s not next season’s ‘Bachelorette’ cast … it’s just Leo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire and Orlando Bloom kicking it in NYC. NBD.  We’re used to seeing BFFs Leo and Tobey hang out, but Wednesday afternoon Orlando was suddenly part…


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Selena Gomez and The Weeknd Pack On PDA At Friend"s Bday Party

Selena Gomez and The Weeknd have officially gone social media official … with one of them finally including the other in a post. The Weeknd posted a pic of the pair early Saturday, with Selena planting one right on his cheek. Reports say the…


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Stephen Belafonte Says Mel B"s Allegations are a Pack of Lies

Stephen Belafonte has broken his silence, telling TMZ … Mel B’s domestic violence allegations are “outrageous and unfounded.” Belafonte’s lawyers tell us, “It’s a shame that Ms. Brown elected not to proceed in a respectful and amicable fashion in…


Stephen Belafonte Says Mel B"s Allegations are a Pack of Lies

Stephen Belafonte has broken his silence, telling TMZ … Mel B’s domestic violence allegations are “outrageous and unfounded.” Belafonte’s lawyers tell us, “It’s a shame that Ms. Brown elected not to proceed in a respectful and amicable fashion in…


Friday, January 27, 2017

Selena Gomez & The Weeknd Pack On PDA in Italy (PHOTO)

Selena Gomez dating the The Weeknd is even a big deal over in Italy. The couple popped up Friday in Florence where they took in the local art at the famed Uffizi Gallery Museum. We’re told there were about 20 people waiting to get in who were…


Monday, July 4, 2016

Big Brother Recap: The Eight Pack Alliance In Jeopardy?

Expect the unexpected. 

That’s the bold statement we hear every damn summer about the latest season of Big Brother and it really makes me question just how far the producers will go to shake up the game. 

Big Brother Paulie

Remember the Big Brother Takeover? That was the worst weekly competition in the history of the series, but there’s something about the Big Brother Road Kill that’s making this summer the best one yet for the CBS series. 

It’s just thrilling to think that one side of the house has all the power, but then the other side can fracture the big alliance without even winning HOH. 

The drama picked up at the HOH competition and it was pretty tense. Victor knew he had to win this one because his ally was just booted from the game in one of the best blindsides of the entire series. 

Frank’s plan to have Jozea’s alliance members shook up going into the competition worked very well. While the rest of the house were focusing on winning the power, Nicole was sitting on the sidelines, scared at the thought of being a target. 

Natalie joined her when she was swiftly disqualified from the competition. Everyone seemed to be at the same point of the competition until the Freakazoids lost a handful of berries. Then, Tiffany threw her win because she knew Corey would have a better chance of winning without her. 

Let’s face it, Vanessa got so paranoid whenever she had power, so it’s good that her sister realizes that she could share that exact same trait. 

Victor and Bronte almost won the competition, but James threw a wrench in their plan to give Category 4 the win. Paulie took the HOH crown because he spent the last week on the block. 

We never got to see just how annoyed Bridgette was because she also had a stretch on the block, but she’s safe, so maybe she let it go. 

After the competition, Natalie cried in the toilet because she thought she was public enemy number one, but James comforted her and let her know that should be safe. 

In a flashback, Frank revealed the plan to Victor, who was scared that the house was gunning for him. Now that I’ve watched it play out, Frank is trying way too hard to play all sides of the house and if he continues this way, he’s probably toast. 

Victor was tricked into thinking that he had an alliance with Paulie and that Paulie wouldn’t target him. Paulie secretly wants to send Victor packing through the back door because of the way he acted last week. 

The thing Paulie needs to remember is that revenge is a dish best served cold. He’s doing what Frank wants and it’s making it look like Paulie is bitter to the rest of the house. 

Not a good look. 

Victor won the Road Kill competition and decided to target James, but with Paul in his ear, he changed his decision and nominated Tiffany. 

Paul, Bronte and Tiffany are the nominees for this week.

What did you think of all the drama tonight? Will Paulie’s plan to send Victor out of the house work?

Hit the comments with your take on the latest drama in the house.

Big Brother Recap: The Eight Pack Alliance In Jeopardy?

Expect the unexpected. 

That’s the bold statement we hear every damn summer about the latest season of Big Brother and it really makes me question just how far the producers will go to shake up the game. 

Big Brother Paulie

Remember the Big Brother Takeover? That was the worst weekly competition in the history of the series, but there’s something about the Big Brother Road Kill that’s making this summer the best one yet for the CBS series. 

It’s just thrilling to think that one side of the house has all the power, but then the other side can fracture the big alliance without even winning HOH. 

The drama picked up at the HOH competition and it was pretty tense. Victor knew he had to win this one because his ally was just booted from the game in one of the best blindsides of the entire series. 

Frank’s plan to have Jozea’s alliance members shook up going into the competition worked very well. While the rest of the house were focusing on winning the power, Nicole was sitting on the sidelines, scared at the thought of being a target. 

Natalie joined her when she was swiftly disqualified from the competition. Everyone seemed to be at the same point of the competition until the Freakazoids lost a handful of berries. Then, Tiffany threw her win because she knew Corey would have a better chance of winning without her. 

Let’s face it, Vanessa got so paranoid whenever she had power, so it’s good that her sister realizes that she could share that exact same trait. 

Victor and Bronte almost won the competition, but James threw a wrench in their plan to give Category 4 the win. Paulie took the HOH crown because he spent the last week on the block. 

We never got to see just how annoyed Bridgette was because she also had a stretch on the block, but she’s safe, so maybe she let it go. 

After the competition, Natalie cried in the toilet because she thought she was public enemy number one, but James comforted her and let her know that should be safe. 

In a flashback, Frank revealed the plan to Victor, who was scared that the house was gunning for him. Now that I’ve watched it play out, Frank is trying way too hard to play all sides of the house and if he continues this way, he’s probably toast. 

Victor was tricked into thinking that he had an alliance with Paulie and that Paulie wouldn’t target him. Paulie secretly wants to send Victor packing through the back door because of the way he acted last week. 

The thing Paulie needs to remember is that revenge is a dish best served cold. He’s doing what Frank wants and it’s making it look like Paulie is bitter to the rest of the house. 

Not a good look. 

Victor won the Road Kill competition and decided to target James, but with Paul in his ear, he changed his decision and nominated Tiffany. 

Paul, Bronte and Tiffany are the nominees for this week.

What did you think of all the drama tonight? Will Paulie’s plan to send Victor out of the house work?

Hit the comments with your take on the latest drama in the house.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Miranda Kerr and Evan Spiegel -- Check Out the Six Pack On Us (PHOTO)


0928-miranda-kerr-evan-spiegel-x17Miranda Kerr and BF Evan Spiegel were just like any other couple … having date night at a Kanye West concert with a six pack — oh, and he’s got $ 2 billion in the bank.

Kerr and the Snapchat founder hit up West’s concert Saturday night at the Hollywood Bowl with some Negra Modelos — and it looks like they’d already downed 2 by the time they arrived.

Translation: Miranda’s a cool chick.   

They’ve only been together for a few months, but when she arrived at LAX before the concert … the big ‘M’ came up. Check out her sly smile.