Showing posts with label Wolf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wolf. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Michelle Wolf on Her WHCD Roast: I Wouldn"t Change a THING!

Michelle Wolf performed a roast at the annual White House Correspondent’s Dinner

While she had some amazing burns against a lot of people, a lot of the focus — and criticism — was on a short segment in which Wolf took aim at White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Now, Wolf is speaking up about the criticism. And she wouldn’t change a thing.

In an interview with NPR, Michelle Wolf says that she is glad that she said what she did at the WHCD.

And, after discussing some of the logistics of speaking at the correspondent’s dinner in contrast with a normal roast or especially a stand-up gig, she talks about the backlash.

“I wasn’t expecting this level, but I’m also not disappointed there’s this level. I knew what I was doing going in.”

It’s good that she was prepared.

“I wanted to do something different. I didn’t want to cater to the room. I wanted to cater to the outside audience, and not betray my brand of comedy.”

Artistic integrity is important.

“I actually, a friend of mine who helped me write, he gave me a note before I went on which I kept with me which was, ‘Be true to yourself. Never apologize. Burn it to the ground."”

Wolf talks about how the WHCD has changed in recent years.

“I think a lot of it and what I’ve seen in the past is they poke little fun, they kind of poke fun at deeper dives in news media.”

Notably, some people were outraged at Stephen Colbert in 2006 for “getting too political.”

But there are many people who feel that George W. Bush should be sent to the Hague for war crimes, so they’d say that some political commentary is getting off easy.

“They’ll go kind of table by table pointing at people and making fun of them, in a way that I think used to be fun because the dinner used to have the president there, it used to be we’re all poking fun of each other, the president’s going to poke fun at us, we’re going to hit back.”

Donald Trump is notoriously thin-skinned, and it is difficult to imagine that he would enjoy even a lighthearted roasting if it touched on certain subjects — such as his alleged wealth, or his multiple business failures.

“Now it seems like it’s a much more serious environment and to kind of not go after the big issues and just have a little fun in the room seemed just not as exciting to me.”

Though Wolf is hardly the first to go after Sarah Huckabee Sanders, her lines about the Press Secretary received the most scrutiny and backlash.

“I mean, I’m honestly – I wouldn’t change a single word that I said. I’m very happy with what I said, and I’m glad I stuck to my guns.”

She suspects that perhaps people were shocked at her words because of her gender.

“Yeah, I mean, I think I don’t know maybe I’m projecting this, but I think sometimes they look at a woman and they think ‘Oh, she’ll be nice."”

She says that she is not nice.

“And if you’ve seen any of my comedy you know that I don’t — I’m not. I don’t pull punches.”

Good for her.

“I’m not afraid to talk about things. And I don’t think they expected that from me. I think they still have preconceived notions of how women will present themselves and I don’t fit in that box.”

The interviewer asks Wolf what she has to say about people who heard her lines about Sanders as an attack on her appearance.

“I think they didn’t pay attention to what was said.”

For the record, her criticism for Sanders was over the fact that she lies to the American people for a living and over the fact that he’s pretty hostile when she does it.

“Yeah, I mean, if there is two people that I actually made fun of their looks on Saturday it was Mitch McConnell and Chris Christie.”

She referred to Christie as a “barrel” and said that McConnell was having his neck circumcised.

“And no one is jumping to their defense. I made fun of Mitch McConnell’s neck and I did a small jab at Chris Christie’s weight and no one is jumping to their defense.”

In the mean time, what she actually said about Sanders’ appearance was that she has a “perfect smokey eye.” That is a literal compliment.

“I think one of the things about being a comic is getting to actually, as a woman, I have access to hit women in a way that men might not be able to hit them with jokes. I don’t mean physically hit.”

Of course.

“But you know, because I’m a woman, I can say things about women because I know what it’s like to be a woman, if that makes any sense.”

Honestly, the most important things that Wolf said had nothing to do with the Press Secretary.

She pointed out that Trump has the support white nationalists, and pointed out that it was an oddly soft word to use to describe nazis.

(Wolf compares it to calling a pedophile a “kid friend”)

She also reminded the world that Flint, Michigan still does not have clean drinking water.

Honestly, good for Wolf for speaking her mind, at the dinner and on NPR.

And no matter how much backlash she receives, her roast made a great advertisement for her upcoming Netflix special.


Sunday, April 29, 2018

Michelle Wolf at the WHCD: Her 17 Biggest Burns

For the second straight year, Donald Trump did not attend the White House Correspondents Dinner.

But Michelle Wolf sure did.

The comedian has gone viral for her somewhat raunchy, borderline offensive jokes and insults as keynote joke-maker at this annual press and politics event.

She went after Michael Cohen. She attacked Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She held nothing back when it came to Ivanka Trump.

Did Wolf go too far at times? Or did she execute this unique job perfectly?

Relive some of Wolf"s most biting quips below and decide for yourself:

1. Who is Michelle Wolf?

Michelle wolf

Michelle Wolf is a comedian and a former writer on The Daily Show. Now, she may forever be remembered as the 2018 White House Correspondents Dinner speaker.

2. Her Best Lines?

Her best lines

Wolf made headlines for several of her digs, including: “Here we are, the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Like a porn star says when she’s about to have sex with a Trump, ‘Let’s get this over with.”

3. And Also:

And also

I’m 32 years old, which is an odd age. I’m 10 years too young to host this event, and 20 years too old for Roy Moore.

4. The Present is Female

The present is female

I know as much as some of you might want me to, it’s 2018 and I’m a woman, so you cannot shut me up — unless you have Michael Cohen wire me $ 130,000. Michael, you can find me on Venmo under my porn star name, ‘Reince Priebus.’

5. Double Diss

Double diss

It is kinda crazy that the Trump campaign was in contact with Russia, when the Hillary campaign wasn’t even in contact with Michigan.

6. Getting Dirty

Getting dirty

Of course, Trump isn’t here… and I know, I would drag him here myself, but it turns out the President of the United States is the one pussy you’re not allowed to grab

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Michelle Wolf Destroys Trump Admin. at White House Correspondents" Dinner

Comedian Michelle Wolf eviscerated Donald Trump and Co. Saturday night at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Wolf had a receptive audience of journalists and celebs, almost all of whom have unbridled contempt for the Prez.   Among…


Friday, March 23, 2018

Meek Mill Gets Shout-Out, Support from Pennsylvania"s Governor Wolf

Meek Mill now has the Governor of Pennsylvania in his corner, adding a pretty powerful voice to the big push to get him out of prison ASAP — but Meek’s team is frustrated with the lack of progress. Governor Tom Wolf says he’s in full support…


Meek Mill Gets Shout-Out, Support from Pennsylvania"s Governor Wolf

Meek Mill now has the Governor of Pennsylvania in his corner, adding a pretty powerful voice to the big push to get him out of prison ASAP — but Meek’s team is frustrated with the lack of progress. Governor Tom Wolf says he’s in full support…


Friday, October 13, 2017

"Law & Order" Creator Dick Wolf, Culture of Sexual Harassment, Men are Pigs

Powerful men in Hollywood have been preying on women because that’s how lots of men are built … so says “Law & Order” titan Dick Wolf. We got Dick leaving Craig’s Thursday night and he’s not a bit surprised at the Harvey…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

"Wolf of Wall Street" Jordan Belfort Still Owes Feds $97.5 Million

There might be a ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ sequel after all because the real life guy is still heavily in debt to the United States, and the government is digging into his pockets to get the dough. According to new legal docs … Jordan…


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire Add Orlando Bloom to the Wolf Pack

It’s not next season’s ‘Bachelorette’ cast … it’s just Leo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire and Orlando Bloom kicking it in NYC. NBD.  We’re used to seeing BFFs Leo and Tobey hang out, but Wednesday afternoon Orlando was suddenly part…


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Ariana Grande Concert Attack Suspect Arrested, Suicide Bomber NOT a Lone Wolf?

The suicide bomber at Ariana Grande’s concert did not act alone … according to police who say they’ve nabbed another man in connection with the attack. Greater Manchester Police say they arrested the 23-year-old man Tuesday. They have not said…


Ariana Grande Concert Attack Suspect Arrested, Suicide Bomber NOT a Lone Wolf?

The suicide bomber at Ariana Grande’s concert did not act alone … according to police who say they’ve nabbed another man in connection with the attack. Greater Manchester Police say they arrested the 23-year-old man Tuesday. They have not said…


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Aaron Rodgers Says Arian Foster Could DEFINITELY Take Wolf (VIDEO)

Aaron Rodgers has taken a side in the whole Arian Foster vs. Wolf debate … and it’s man over beast. Foster got EVERYONE talking this week when he tweeted out reasons why he truly believes he could take a wild wolf in a 1-on-1 fight. He even laid…


Monday, March 6, 2017

Former NFL All-Pro Swears He Could Beat Up a Wolf

Over the course of his impressive NFL career, Arian Foster amassed over 6,500 yards rushing and scored 54 touchdowns.

But whatever. Who cares about how many yards the running back averaged per carry?

Foster is claiming on Twitter that he can kill a wolf with his bare hands.

How?!? What does the former All-Pro claim to be this animal"s one major weakness?

Scroll through the hilarious Tweets below, get inside Foster"s unique head and decide: Could he really kill a wolf all by his lonesome?!?

1. It’s Called "Wild" for a Reason, Right?

Its called wild for a reason right

This hilarious stream of consciousness started with this simple Tweet/concern.



… I ain’t scared of no wolf!

3. Here’s the Thing…

Heres the thing

… a wolf has no thumbs. Foster was adamant about this playing a key role in his kill.

4. Wolf, Schmolf!

Wolf schmolf

I’ve dealt with angry pitbulls in my past. I totally got this.

5. He Ain’t Got No Bite

He aint got no bite

Not after I give his jaw a solid wallop or two.

6. PACKS?!?


They… do… not… have… thumbs.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Watch Teen Wolf Online: Check Out Season 6 Episode 8

Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 8 was titled “Blitzkrieg.”

That doesn’t go a long way toward explaining what actually transpired, of course.

So scroll down for a summary of events…

On this installment of the MTV hit, Scott, Lydia and Malia decided to storm the rift in an attempt to get Stiles back.

Meanwhile, elsewhere during an intense hour of television, Liam, Hayden and Mason made a deal with Theo in order to learn Douglas’s real plan.

How did it go? And what else transpired on Teen Wolf this week?

Use the video above to watch Teen Wolf online and find out now.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Watch Teen Wolf Online: Check Out Season 6 Episode 6

Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 6 was title “Ghosted.”

But what actually transpired on the first Teen Wolf episode of 2017? We’re so glad you asked! Scroll down for the answer…

On this installment of the beloved MTV drama, Scott, Lydia and Malia went in search of clues regarding the Wild Hunt in a mysterious locale known as Canaan.

Elsewhere, meanwhile, Liam and Hayden took drastic measures in the fight against the Ghost Riders.

Where did things go from there? On what sort of cliffhanger did we conclude?

Click on the video above to watch Teen Wolf online and find out for yourself.


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Watch Teen Wolf Online: Check Out Season 6 Episode 4

Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 4 was titled “Relics.”

For what reason? What transpired on the latest installment of this fun MTV reality series?

On this episode of Teen Wolf, Scott and Liam protected the lacrosse team from the Ghost Riders, doing all they could possibly do in order to keep the team safe.

Meanwhile, also during this hour of television, Lydia discovered clues about what happened to Stiles.

What did they reveal, exactly? Is she any closer to the truth?

We suggest you click on the video above to watch Teen Wolf online and find out the answers now.


Monday, January 11, 2016

Charlie Carver, Popular Teen Wolf Star, Comes Out as Gay

Charlie Carver, a 27-year old actor best known for roles on Teen Wolf and The Leftovers, has confirmed that he is gay.

The star made this reveal in a lengthy Instagram post

“As a young boy, I knew I wanted to be an actor. I knew I wanted to be a lot of things! I thought I wanted to be a painter, a soccer player, a stegosaurus… But the acting thing stuck,” Carver wrote.

He then got to the heart of the topic:

“It was around that age that I also knew, however abstractly, that I was different from some of the other boys in my grade.

“Over time, this abstract ‘knowing’ grew and articulated itself through a painful gestation marked by feelings of despair and alienation, ending in a climax of saying three words out loud: ‘I am gay.’

“I said them to myself at first, to see how they felt. They rang true, and I hated myself for them. I was twelve.

“It would take me a few years before I could repeat them to anyone else, in the meantime turning the phrase over and over in my mouth until I felt comfortable and sure enough to let the words pour out again, this time to my family.”

Along with his message, Carver shared a photo on social media of the following quote:

Be who you needed when you were younger.

Carver’s post is long, heartfelt and personal… and it concludes as follows:

“So now, let the record show this – I self-identify as gay. And does that really matter anymore?

“As a young man, I needed a young man in Hollywood to say that – and without being a dick about it, I owe it to myself, more than anything, to be who I needed when I was younger.”

We admire Carver’s courage in coming out and we wish him the best.