Showing posts with label Whines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whines. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ashley Jacobs Whines, Wonder: Who Will Date Me Now?!?

Ashley Jacobs is here to set the record straight.

She knows what Thomas Ravenel has been saying about her and she knows what the Internet has been writing about her.

Did she really cheat on the shady ex-Southern Charm lead?

Is she really dating other men already, mere days after tearfully breaking up with Ravenel?

The answer is no to the first question, Jacobs has already said, dismissing Ravenel’s accusations of infidelity as Thomas just being jealous that she was hanging out with friends and then going on a “toxic Tweet storm.”

But what about that dude spotted whose butt she was spotted grabbing?

Is Jacobs back on the market already, samping various handsome dishes and re-igniting her love life now that she’s single?

Not exactly, she explains to Us Weekly.

“I need to be strong enough to be alone right now and I guess I thought by talking to someone else, it was sort of a distraction to get over him,” Jacobs tells the tabloid, detailing why she has been seen with at least one other guy of late.

“Not necessarily to be with this other guy, but … I think every woman or person for their ego wants to know that they’re still desired, like I haven’t lost my groove.

“And just because I dated Thomas Ravenel, [my fear] was that no one in this town would still date me.”

That may be true.

But it wouldn’t be any reflection on Jacobs.

It would simply be because Ravenel has been accused of rape. We really can’t emphasize that enough.

Elaborating on why it looks like she’s moved on so quickly, Jacobs says:

“That was my fear because people will be like, ‘What were you doing?’

“So I think it felt good, like I was flattered, but I think I should have stayed clear and then I think no one would have been hurt in the process of it.”

Without naming his ex-girlfriend by name, Ravenel said on Twitter over the weekend that he now has “more than enough information” to prove Jacobs was disloyal.

But Ashley – who dated Ravenel for well over a year and who clashed with his multiple-time baby mama, Kathryn Dennis, for most of Southern Charm Season 5 – says Thomas was simply upset when he saw footage of her talking to other men.

She says the two were not “exclusive” during this period and that Ravenel also got angry after looking at her phone and seeing how frequently she texted with one of these men.

“I should have been more upfront that this guy texts me more than I led him on to believe, but it was all harmless and I told this other guy,” she says now to Us.

“I said, ‘Thomas and I, we’re in a very complicated relationship.’”

Has Jacobs learned anything from this experience?

Would she do anything differently?

How does she feel now that the romance is dead and over, for good finally?

“I wish I could do things over, but I can’t. Sometimes you show a tough exterior, but deep down you can’t help but be hard on yourself and tough on yourself and be disappointed in yourself,” Jacobs says, concluding:

“Or just say, ‘How did I get myself to this place? I’m better than this.’

“And I made so many mistakes, on camera, rookie mistakes, but I definitely learned a lot, but I appreciate people who lift my spirits because I don’t get a whole lot of that and I think that’s what keeps me tied to Tom – he’s the only one who really knows what I’m going through in terms of being on the show.”

He also may be a rapist, Ashley.

Ravenel has already said he will not return for Southern Charm Season 6.

It’s unclear right now whether Jacobs will be invited back when the show airs new episodes in 2019.

Would you want to see her as a cast member again?


Monday, February 12, 2018

Outback Server Whines About Tip, Gets Fired

Restaurant employees work hard to earn their tips. When they don"t receive the gratuity on which they depend to make ends meet, they"re understandably upset.

When one Outback Steakhouse employee was given $ 0 in tips on a $ 735 order for a church, she took to social media to share her dismay and disappointment.

And she was fired for it. As you"ll see in the video below, she says that she wouldn"t change a thing.

Outback 1

Outback Steakhouse wisely offers delivery services in some areas — in these days of Amazon Prime and soon-to-be days of delivery via drone and autonomous vehicle, your restaurant has to be exceptional if you expect for people to physically leave their homes to eat your food.

However, delivery service at one Palm Beach County, Florida Outback was delayed, and so a local megachurch, Christ Fellowship, sent a volunteer to pick up the order directly from Outback.

The order for 25 people came out to $ 735.

The volunteer paid for the order and left.

There was just one problem: the volunteer didn"t leave a tip. Annoying on small orders. On a massive order that took a while to put together, that kind of slight can leave wait staff financially devastated for the day.

Outback 2

One of the employees who worked on the order was Tamalyn Yoder.

Speaking to the Palm Beach Post, she explained why this is a problem, even though there was no table service:

"We take the order over the phone, we put the order together, take payment and then take order to the car. It’s a lot of work just as much as serving."

As a result, she says that she made only $ 18 in tips from other orders — as so much of her time was occupied preparing the large order.

It"s important to remember that, though the minimum wage is not really a living wage, many restaurant employees are paid even less.

Outback 3

As a number of servers have done since the advent of social media, Tamalyn took to the internet to express her disappointment that such a large order would come with no tip.

A large part of her intention was to raise awareness — some people may believe that tipping isn"t necessary because they aren"t being waited upon at a table. It"s easy to forget how much goes on behind the scenes.

She was also just upset, folks. As anyone would be if their work went uncompensated.

Unfortunately, Outback responded by firing her, citing its policy of firing waiters who do literally exactly what she did — complaining about customers on social media.

Now, Tamalyn is speaking to the media about why she felt that this was worth being fired.

Outback 4

"When I brought it out and put it in the car and received the payment, there was no gratuity. I got upset."

She"s very matter-of-fact about events.

"I posted a post on Facebook about the church not leaving a gratuity tip."

She reminds everyone of the importance of tipping.

"We live off of tips. If we don’t have that then we have nothing."

A lot of people aren"t sure how to tip when it"s not in a restaurant. In a restaurant, 20% makes sense as a bare minimum, sure, but if you"re picking up, she recommends:

"Coming in to eat or takeout, you should automatically be wanting to tip 15%. From there you either go up or you go down, based on service."

Outback 5

She doesn"t quite agree with Outback"s policy.

"I feel that we should be allowed to say something especially to big parties that don’t leave anything…they pay the exact amount."

Some places put an automatic gratuity on large orders; perhaps Outback should implement that. They may even learn from this example.

Tamalyn says that what has transpired was worth it.

"I probably would still do it the same way. I wouldn’t change anything."

She is currently searching for a new job. But she mentions that she doesn"t harbor any ill will towards Christ Fellowship.

"The church did reach out to me, they are trying to rectify the whole thing. And I thank them."

Christ Fellowship has clarified that the volunteer was unaware that the church always tips, as it was a last-minute arrangement.

Outback server fired for post about 0 dollars tip on 735 dollars

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Justin Bieber Whines on Instagram: Where"s My Valentine?

Can someone please break out the violins for Justin Bieber?

The singer had to spend Valentine"s Day all by himself.

Bieber took to Instagram last night to use an annoying baby voice and complain that all he "ever wanted" in life was a Valentine and "now I don"t even have a Valentine."

The footage earned the artist sympathy from his loyal legion of fans ("Aww I wanna hug him," wrote one follower), but we have a strong feeling Bieber was actually trolling Selena Gomez here.

For starters, he begins his mini rant by paraphrasing the comedic film Dumb and Dumber.

Moreover, Bieber has been faced with endless questions of late about Gomez and how she"s dating The Weeknd and how he feels about the entire thing.

In an earlier Instagram live chat, Bieber took a dig at The Weeknd by laughing like an idiot and pretending that he actually enjoyed that singer"s music.

So it seems like Justin is sick of the questions and probably of the idea that he"s lonely and sad over Selena having moved on with another man.

Hence this sarcastic plea for a Valentine when, in reality, he"s Justin Bieber.

He could pull over his car at any moment and ask nearly any young woman to jump inside to go home with him… and they"d all say yes.

We somehow doubt he"s too broken up over Gomez and The Weeknd and is just having a bit of fun in the footage below.

But you can watch and decide for yourself:

Justin bieber whines on instagram wheres my valentine

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Sage Steele Whines About Airport Protestors, Gets Roasted Online

In the days since Donald Trump issued an executive order that bans refugee admission to the United States from seven countries, many celebrities have spoken out.

As recorded in the photo gallery below, most of these stars have slammed the possibly illegal decree as being un-American and immoral.

But Sage Steele has made headlines for a different reason.

She focused a bit more on the personal inconvenience caused by protests over the weekend against the Muslim… and Twitter has responded to Steele’s comments in the way Twitter so often does.

That is, in very critical fashion.

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, thousands of protestors gathered in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and many other cities around the country.

They were on hand to voice their strong support for immigrants and refugees, those who were being detained by customs officials in response to Trump’s order.

As a result, traveling through airports in these cities was made a lot more difficult, a consequence of citizens using their First Amendment rights that did not sit well with Steele.

“So THIS is why thousands of us dragged luggage nearly 2 miles to get to LAX, but still missed our flights,” wrote Steele on Instagram, along with the following photo of the crowd at Los Angeles International Airport.

steele pic

The ESPN host added:

“Fortunately, a 7 hour wait for the next flight to Houston won’t affect me that much, but my heart sank for the elderly and parents with small children who did their best to walk all that way but had no chance of making their flights.

“I love witnessing people exercise their right to protest! But it saddened me to see the joy on their faces knowing that they were successful in disrupting so many people’s travel plans.

“Yes, immigrants were affected by this as well. Brilliant.”

As a rule, when you are on the way to Houston to cover the Super Bowl for your job, you probably should not complain about… well… almost anything.

But you definitely should not be the one complaining when families are being torn apart and translators who worked for the U.S. war efforts in the Middle East are being denied entry into the country because Donald Trump Steve Bannon wants to cater to an ignorant voter base.

And social media was quick to take Steele to task for her whining.

anti Steele

HA! Those are pretty great replies, even Steele might have to admit.

Other critics took a similar tact as these commenters, basically saying:

Yeah, protests can cause some inconveniences. But… ummm… priorities and bigger picture please!

“@sagesteele the nerve of MLK to block that bridge in Selma. Didn’t he know that he was tying up traffic! What a jerk!!!!” wrote one astute Twitter user, while another chimed in as follows:

“SAGE STEELE: Tom, talk about how the media should get off your back, and how making me miss my flight is actual terrorism. TOM BRADY: Gladly…”

Steele, however, took the criticism in stride. She didn’t really back down from her position.

“All good!  But just bc someone has a different opinion, doesn’t mean they’re “the worst”. Unless, of course, only YOUR opinion is allowed,” she Tweeted on Sunday.

That viewpoint is often true.

We’re not sure if it applies here, however,

Steele isn’t coming out against the protests; she’s just complaining about how the protests affect her. That’s the main issue people have here.

It would actually have been less self-involved and less noteworthy if Steele simply said she agreed with Trump’s order.

Steele is the daughter of a U.S. Army Colonel and she criticized Tampa Bay Buccaneers wide receiver Mike Evans for kneeling during the national anthem as a message against Trump in November:

“Hey @MikeEvans13_ look up definition of the word DEMOCRACY & remember this pic while kneeling/exercising your right to protest #perspective.”

The picture Steele shared at the time was of a man in mourning, kneeling at the tombstone of a dead U.S. soldier.

Click through the slideshow above for a look at how other celebrities have reacted to Trump’s Muslim ban and then share your view on this controversy below.


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Donald Trump Gets Roasted by SNL, Hilariously Whines About It

Donald Trump … well, let"s put it this way: there"s an extremely good chance that he"s the most ridiculous person to ever exist in the history of humans existing.

You can"t even make up some of the things he says and does, and hey, why would you want to?

He"s consistently outrageous, offensive, and just plain absurd.

But if you call him out on it? 

Well, what a big ol" bully you are, you mean thing, you!

Still, Saturday Night Live has done a masterful job of making fun of Trump, and despite the protests of the man himself, they just keep on keepin" on.

Alec Baldwin has played Trump so beautifully in skits based on all three debates, and one more after the election results were in.

And last night, Baldwin came back again for a very, very funny skit about Donald"s bizarre tweeting habits.

You can check out the delightful video below, but if you need convincing, know that it was so good that Trump felt the need to defend himself on Twitter.

Yes, he saw SNL making fun of him for tweeting too much, and he tweeted about it. 

"Just tried watching Saturday Night Live – unwatchable!" he wrote. "Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can"t get any worse. Sad."

Here, you"re going to want to watch the magic for yourself:

Donald trump gets roasted by snl hilariously whines about it

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Leah Messer Whines To Friend As Daughter Falls Off Swing


On the one hand, Leah Messer takes a beating from Teen Mom 2 viewers and it makes you feel a little bad for her.

On the other, she does sh** like this that makes you forget those feels from just a moment ago.

On this week’s episode, Messer, 25, took her girls to the playground.  Fine.  A great day out.

Messer was more focused on her love life and her lunch to keep an eye on her kids.

“I don’t want to be in a relationship, I need time,” Messer told her friend.

“I’m focusing on my kids… I’m learning how to embrace struggles.”

As those words left her mouth, daughter Ali fell out of a swing, landing on her back and head (the six-year-old sufferse from muscular dystrophy).

Messer did rush over to the child as soon as the accident happened, but fans were ticked off because they didn’t think she was paying close attention.

“I know kids fall, but Leah definitely wasn’t watching them at the park,” one viewer wrote on social media.

“Ali fell so hard,” another pointed out.

“She [Leah] didn’t even check her head. She could of gotten a concussion. All she did was wipe off her back.”

To make matters even worse, 3-year-old Adalynn (Messer’s daughter with ex-husband Jeremy Calvert) was climbing to great heights on the jungle gym.

“Addi with NO SUPERVISION,” yet another viewer wrote, blasting Messer’s negligence.

The worst part?  Messer spent the episode claiming that she deserved 50/50 custody of her children.

“Leah isn’t capable of having those kids,” one more user tweeted.

“You do not have your s**t together.”

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Bella Thorne Whines About Her Skin, Needs To STFU

Let me just preface this by saying that Bella Thorne’s skin always, always look smooth and dewy.

But, like all youths, she’s displeased with her complexion, Snapchatting about zits and dry skin.

According to Fishwrapper, Thorne shared a close-up of her Snapchat and revealed that when she was younger, she would “cry herself to sleep over acne breakouts.”

Thorne’s attempt was to hit out at the haters who bullied her and others for their problematic skin.

“I cried every night for months,” Thorne, 18, recently told InStyle.

“It sounds silly to say that I cared so much about my face, but when you’re a young girl, it takes a toll on your self-esteem. It’s unbelievable how people looked at me differently because I had pimples.

“I’m still self-conscious about it.”

As one who still suffers from bad skin, I totally get it.

But bad skin is something almost all of us have had to go through.  I took Accutane twice, and back then it was probably just a little safer than drinking arsenic.

Still, I took it and it cleared up my skin…until freshman year of college, when I took it again.

To this day, I still experience black heads, breakouts, patches of dry skin and clusters of cystic acne. 

And the scars!  Oh the scars.  Don’t pick at your face, children.  Go on Groupon and book a facial.

I’m no doctor, but drinking plenty of water and taking your dermatologist’s advice is the best course of action in the fight against acne.

Find a face wash that works for you.  Wash your pillow cases.  Wear sunscreen.

Somehow, this turned into a skincare PSA.  My bad

If you take a look at Thorne’s Instagrams, all you see if fresh, dewy skin.  

I’ll let her off the hook for being insecure about her bare skin, with the disclaimer that it’s something we all have to deal with.

Bella Thorne Whines About Her Skin, Needs To STFU

Let me just preface this by saying that Bella Thorne’s skin always, always look smooth and dewy.

But, like all youths, she’s displeased with her complexion, Snapchatting about zits and dry skin.

According to Fishwrapper, Thorne shared a close-up of her Snapchat and revealed that when she was younger, she would “cry herself to sleep over acne breakouts.”

Thorne’s attempt was to hit out at the haters who bullied her and others for their problematic skin.

“I cried every night for months,” Thorne, 18, recently told InStyle.

“It sounds silly to say that I cared so much about my face, but when you’re a young girl, it takes a toll on your self-esteem. It’s unbelievable how people looked at me differently because I had pimples.

“I’m still self-conscious about it.”

As one who still suffers from bad skin, I totally get it.

But bad skin is something almost all of us have had to go through.  I took Accutane twice, and back then it was probably just a little safer than drinking arsenic.

Still, I took it and it cleared up my skin…until freshman year of college, when I took it again.

To this day, I still experience black heads, breakouts, patches of dry skin and clusters of cystic acne. 

And the scars!  Oh the scars.  Don’t pick at your face, children.  Go on Groupon and book a facial.

I’m no doctor, but drinking plenty of water and taking your dermatologist’s advice is the best course of action in the fight against acne.

Find a face wash that works for you.  Wash your pillow cases.  Wear sunscreen.

Somehow, this turned into a skincare PSA.  My bad

If you take a look at Thorne’s Instagrams, all you see if fresh, dewy skin.  

I’ll let her off the hook for being insecure about her bare skin, with the disclaimer that it’s something we all have to deal with.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Paula Deen Whines Over Dancing with the Stars Elimination

As of Monday night, Paula Deen is no longer Dancing with the Stars.

The occasionally racist chef was voted out of the ABC competition, expressing a bit of relief at first by saying she can now go home and “see [her] grandbabies.”

But Deen then spoke to Us Weekly after her elimination and sounded a tad bitter over how it all went down.

“[The judges] have been hard on me since the very start,” Deen said.” I don’t know.”

Oh, but we know: the judges have been hard on you because you aren’t very good. That’s sort of their job. That’s how the whole thing works.

“I figured two weeks and I’ve been here six!” added Deen.

“So four weeks is a bonus, a pure gift. And I’ve made wonderful friends here that’ll last forever and that’s worth its weight in gold, right there.”

The celebrity chef was teamed with Mark Ballas this season, with the tandem executing a rather racy routine the week before getting voted out.

She concluded by praising Ballas as “so much fun” and then said she hopes she can serve as an inspiration to others.

“I hope everybody saw me over these six weeks and I hope it gives them hope and encouragement, Deen said.

“I hope all the women out there got the message that I was trying to send to them. Get up and do it!”