Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Paula Deen Whines Over Dancing with the Stars Elimination

As of Monday night, Paula Deen is no longer Dancing with the Stars.

The occasionally racist chef was voted out of the ABC competition, expressing a bit of relief at first by saying she can now go home and “see [her] grandbabies.”

But Deen then spoke to Us Weekly after her elimination and sounded a tad bitter over how it all went down.

“[The judges] have been hard on me since the very start,” Deen said.” I don’t know.”

Oh, but we know: the judges have been hard on you because you aren’t very good. That’s sort of their job. That’s how the whole thing works.

“I figured two weeks and I’ve been here six!” added Deen.

“So four weeks is a bonus, a pure gift. And I’ve made wonderful friends here that’ll last forever and that’s worth its weight in gold, right there.”

The celebrity chef was teamed with Mark Ballas this season, with the tandem executing a rather racy routine the week before getting voted out.

She concluded by praising Ballas as “so much fun” and then said she hopes she can serve as an inspiration to others.

“I hope everybody saw me over these six weeks and I hope it gives them hope and encouragement, Deen said.

“I hope all the women out there got the message that I was trying to send to them. Get up and do it!”