In the days since Donald Trump issued an executive order that bans refugee admission to the United States from seven countries, many celebrities have spoken out.
As recorded in the photo gallery below, most of these stars have slammed the possibly illegal decree as being un-American and immoral.
But Sage Steele has made headlines for a different reason.
She focused a bit more on the personal inconvenience caused by protests over the weekend against the Muslim… and Twitter has responded to Steele’s comments in the way Twitter so often does.
That is, in very critical fashion.
On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, thousands of protestors gathered in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and many other cities around the country.
They were on hand to voice their strong support for immigrants and refugees, those who were being detained by customs officials in response to Trump’s order.
As a result, traveling through airports in these cities was made a lot more difficult, a consequence of citizens using their First Amendment rights that did not sit well with Steele.
“So THIS is why thousands of us dragged luggage nearly 2 miles to get to LAX, but still missed our flights,” wrote Steele on Instagram, along with the following photo of the crowd at Los Angeles International Airport.

The ESPN host added:
“Fortunately, a 7 hour wait for the next flight to Houston won’t affect me that much, but my heart sank for the elderly and parents with small children who did their best to walk all that way but had no chance of making their flights.
“I love witnessing people exercise their right to protest! But it saddened me to see the joy on their faces knowing that they were successful in disrupting so many people’s travel plans.
“Yes, immigrants were affected by this as well. Brilliant.”
As a rule, when you are on the way to Houston to cover the Super Bowl for your job, you probably should not complain about… well… almost anything.
But you definitely should not be the one complaining when families are being torn apart and translators who worked for the U.S. war efforts in the Middle East are being denied entry into the country because Donald Trump Steve Bannon wants to cater to an ignorant voter base.
And social media was quick to take Steele to task for her whining.

HA! Those are pretty great replies, even Steele might have to admit.
Other critics took a similar tact as these commenters, basically saying:
Yeah, protests can cause some inconveniences. But… ummm… priorities and bigger picture please!
“@sagesteele the nerve of MLK to block that bridge in Selma. Didn’t he know that he was tying up traffic! What a jerk!!!!” wrote one astute Twitter user, while another chimed in as follows:
“SAGE STEELE: Tom, talk about how the media should get off your back, and how making me miss my flight is actual terrorism. TOM BRADY: Gladly…”
Steele, however, took the criticism in stride. She didn’t really back down from her position.
“All good! But just bc someone has a different opinion, doesn’t mean they’re “the worst”. Unless, of course, only YOUR opinion is allowed,” she Tweeted on Sunday.
That viewpoint is often true.
We’re not sure if it applies here, however,
Steele isn’t coming out against the protests; she’s just complaining about how the protests affect her. That’s the main issue people have here.
It would actually have been less self-involved and less noteworthy if Steele simply said she agreed with Trump’s order.
Steele is the daughter of a U.S. Army Colonel and she criticized Tampa Bay Buccaneers wide receiver Mike Evans for kneeling during the national anthem as a message against Trump in November:
“Hey @MikeEvans13_ look up definition of the word DEMOCRACY & remember this pic while kneeling/exercising your right to protest #perspective.”
The picture Steele shared at the time was of a man in mourning, kneeling at the tombstone of a dead U.S. soldier.
Click through the slideshow above for a look at how other celebrities have reacted to Trump’s Muslim ban and then share your view on this controversy below.