Friday, January 20, 2017

Alec Baldwin Channels Donald Trump, Addresses Protestors

This NOT Just In:

Alec Baldwin is not a big fan of Donald Trump.

The actor and the President-Elect have often clashed as a result of Baldwin"s Saturday Night Live impression, which Trump believes to be terrible and awful and biased and insulting.

Baldwin once offered to stop doing this impersonation, as long as Trump released his tax returns, but no deal was ever reached between the stars.

On Thursday night, meanwhile, Baldwin addressed thousands of anti-Trump protestors who gathered in New York City outside Trump Hotel.

He was one of several celebrities (along with Robert De Niro and Cher, just to name a couple) who attended the event and who addressed those in the crowd.

"I just wanna say I"ve been standing out here in the freezing cold for a long time," Baldwin told the protestors, channeling Trump once again and added:

"I have to go to the bathroom, I have to pee. But I"m holding it in, I"m holding it in, I"m not gonna pee. I"m going to a function at the Russian consulate tonight, I"m going to hold onto it until I get there."

But Baldwin was on hand to offer a few important messages, not just to mock the soon-to-be President of the United States.

Click PLAY to see what he had to say and to see how the giant group gathered in front of him reacted:

Alec baldwin impersonates donald trump addresses protestors