Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Bella Thorne Whines About Her Skin, Needs To STFU

Let me just preface this by saying that Bella Thorne’s skin always, always look smooth and dewy.

But, like all youths, she’s displeased with her complexion, Snapchatting about zits and dry skin.

According to Fishwrapper, Thorne shared a close-up of her Snapchat and revealed that when she was younger, she would “cry herself to sleep over acne breakouts.”

Thorne’s attempt was to hit out at the haters who bullied her and others for their problematic skin.

“I cried every night for months,” Thorne, 18, recently told InStyle.

“It sounds silly to say that I cared so much about my face, but when you’re a young girl, it takes a toll on your self-esteem. It’s unbelievable how people looked at me differently because I had pimples.

“I’m still self-conscious about it.”

As one who still suffers from bad skin, I totally get it.

But bad skin is something almost all of us have had to go through.  I took Accutane twice, and back then it was probably just a little safer than drinking arsenic.

Still, I took it and it cleared up my skin…until freshman year of college, when I took it again.

To this day, I still experience black heads, breakouts, patches of dry skin and clusters of cystic acne. 

And the scars!  Oh the scars.  Don’t pick at your face, children.  Go on Groupon and book a facial.

I’m no doctor, but drinking plenty of water and taking your dermatologist’s advice is the best course of action in the fight against acne.

Find a face wash that works for you.  Wash your pillow cases.  Wear sunscreen.

Somehow, this turned into a skincare PSA.  My bad

If you take a look at Thorne’s Instagrams, all you see if fresh, dewy skin.  

I’ll let her off the hook for being insecure about her bare skin, with the disclaimer that it’s something we all have to deal with.