Showing posts with label Talent'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Talent'. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Laura Bretan Earns Standing O on America"s Got Talent

Can we please hear it once again for Laura Bretan?

The 14-year old opera singer first garnered national attention during her initial audition for America"s Got Talent.

Due to her amazing vocals, Bretan earned a Golden Buzzer from Melanie B, shooting her directly into the live round of auditions.

So that brings up to Tuesday evening.

Inspired by her late grandfather, the young teenager wrapped the two-hour broadcast by emotionally singing “one of his favorites.”

Yes, it was another opera ballad.

But even those who are not fans of this genre had to be impressed.

The powerful rendition prompted a standing ovation from everyone in the Dolby Theatre, including the four judges.

At first, Simon Cowell couldn’t even get a word in over the crowd"s reaction.

“Laura, I know this was the best vocal performance you’ve given so far in the competition,” he finally told her, adding:

“If you’re not in the finals, something has gone seriously, seriously wrong.”

Heidi Klum said Bretan “hit all the right notes” with her “beautiful voice.”

Melanie B then chimed in with the following:

“Regardless of whether you’re a fan of this genre of music or not, what you can do, your vocal ability, is astounding. You could tear this roof off.”

And Howie Mandel said that they can “feel” Bretan’s “heart,” saying he hopes that comes through to the audience at home.

Watch below and see if you agree with these assessments.

Laura bretan earns standing o on americas got talent

Grace VanderWaal Lights Up the Sky on America"s Got Talent

Throughout her run on America"s Got Talent this summer, Grace VanderWaal has been showered with more praise than just about any other contestant

Heck, Simon Cowell said she"ll be the next Taylor Swift.

The 12-year old earned a Golden Buzzer, advanced to the live rounds of auditions… and then blew away viewers once again last week.

That takes us to Tuesday night.

Once again, VanderWaal performed an original song titled "Light the Sky," proving that she can sing… play an instrument AND write with the best of them.

And, remember, she"s 12 years old.

Yes, 12 years old!

Mel B could not get over this fact.

“Grace, I mean, you’re 12 years old," the judge gushed, adding:

"You have such a unique voice and you’re in such control of everything. At 12 years old, you’re already a superstar.”

This is what Heidi Klum had to say:

“Grace, you are a superstar. You are the real deal, and I would not be surprised if you are one of the last two people standing here.”

Simon Cowell thought VanderWaal’s renditions always work so well because they are so true to who this young woman is.

“I’m so flattered and thrilled that you came on this show to share your talent,” the music mogul told her.

He"s clearly smitten, in a professional manner of speaking.

Finally, Howie Mandel jumped in with the following: “The world knows you could win this.”

Indeed, we do.

Will Grace VanderWaal take the America"s Got Talent title? She has a very good chance.

Check out her latest performance here:

Grace vanderwaal lights up the sky on americas got talent

Grace VanderWaal Lights Up the Sky on America"s Got Talent

Throughout her run on America"s Got Talent this summer, Grace VanderWaal has been showered with more praise than just about any other contestant

Heck, Simon Cowell said she"ll be the next Taylor Swift.

The 12-year old earned a Golden Buzzer, advanced to the live rounds of auditions… and then blew away viewers once again last week.

That takes us to Tuesday night.

Once again, VanderWaal performed an original song titled "Light the Sky," proving that she can sing… play an instrument AND write with the best of them.

And, remember, she"s 12 years old.

Yes, 12 years old!

Mel B could not get over this fact.

“Grace, I mean, you’re 12 years old," the judge gushed, adding:

"You have such a unique voice and you’re in such control of everything. At 12 years old, you’re already a superstar.”

This is what Heidi Klum had to say:

“Grace, you are a superstar. You are the real deal, and I would not be surprised if you are one of the last two people standing here.”

Simon Cowell thought VanderWaal’s renditions always work so well because they are so true to who this young woman is.

“I’m so flattered and thrilled that you came on this show to share your talent,” the music mogul told her.

He"s clearly smitten, in a professional manner of speaking.

Finally, Howie Mandel jumped in with the following: “The world knows you could win this.”

Indeed, we do.

Will Grace VanderWaal take the America"s Got Talent title? She has a very good chance.

Check out her latest performance here:

Grace vanderwaal lights up the sky on americas got talent

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Linkin Bridge on America"s Got Talent: Watch and Cheer!

Not so tough, are you, Linkin Bridge?

On Tuesday night"s live episode of America"s Got Talent, these singers from Kentucky actually broke down while being showered with praise by all four judges.

It was the first time the quartet performed live on the NBC competition.

Linkin Bridge made its first strong impression a few weeks ago when they sang “Over The Rainbow” via an a capella arrangement.

They followed that with their take on “Free Bird.”

This time around, inside the Dolby Theater in Hollywood, the group went with "Always On My Mind," a song choice that Simon Cowell didn"t totally agree with.

But that didn"t mean he didn"t have very nice things to say.

"I’m excited right now, because from the first time I saw you, I really, really liked you. And there’s something about you."

This was Howie Mandel"s take on the performance:

“I loved the harmony, I loved the sound. This is so weird as one man looking into the eyes of four men, [but] I only have one thing to say to you directly from my heart: You guys are beautiful.”

And Melanie Brown:

"Your strongest point is your harmonies. The way that your voices blend together, it makes me melt. I loved it. I really did."

Linkin Bridge has to compete with Grace VanderWaal, among others, for the title.

So it won"t be easy.

But the crown could be theirs if they keep pulling out songs such as this:

Linkin bridge did they hit the right americas got talent notes

Grace VanderWaal Returns to America’s Got Talent, Blows Us Away

Remember Grace VanderWaal?

You"d be forgiven if you did not.

The 12-year old blew away the judges with her initial America’s Got Talent audition, so much so that Simon Cowell referred to her as “the next Taylor Swift,” while Howie Mandell used his Golden Buzzer on the young hopeful.

She played her ukulele and sang an original song at the time.

Receiving the Golden Buzzer honor meant VanderWaal was sent straight to the live rounds, in which she was then placed in the fourth group of quarterfinalists.

America"s Got Talent then took a break for coverage of the Summer Olympics, which meant VanderWaal had not appeared on the show in well over a month.

But she made us remember why we fell in love almost as soon as she opened her mouth on Tuesday night.

This time around, Grace sang a track about her older sister, Olivia, who she said was her “best friend."

It was titled “I’ll Hold Your Hand” and it prompted a standing ovation from all four panelists.

"I always believe these shows are about finding potential,” Cowell said in response to the performance. “There’s something so sweet, so charming about you, so real…

"I’m going to predict they’re all going to remember in years to come the moment we saw Grace sing live."

Added Heidi Klum: "You are so very talented… you are one in a million.”

As for Howie Mandel? He may have gone a bit overboard with his praise:

“You are my Golden Buzzer in life. I predict that you’re bigger than Taylor Swift. I predict that you are the biggest star to come out of this show… You are a superstar. America’s gotta vote. You’re the best thing I’ve seen on this show.”

Wow. Did VanderWaal deserve these compliments?

Watch her latest audition and decide for yourself:

Grace vanderwaal returns to americas got talent blows us away

Monday, August 8, 2016

Jordan Rodgers Hiring Defended By ESPN: He Has Real Talent!

Last week ESPN’s SEC Network hired Jordan Rodgers, a former college football player at Vanderbilt and a much bigger player on The Bachelorette.

If you know what we mean!

While those who noticed this underreported story focused on whether Jordan used JoJo Fletcher to advance his career, the real question is:

Why did ESPN hire the guy?!

The soon-to-be college football studio analyst for the network lacks any TV experience other than winning the final rose on The Bachelorette.

ESPN Senior Vice President Stephanie Druley, asked if Rodgers actively pursued employment with ESPN, defended the curious move.

“Our talent office had Jordan on their radar for some time,” she said, asked about her handsome new recruit by Sports Illustrated.

“His name was in the initial group of names that we discussed when looking at people to bring to Charlotte (the SEC Network home) for auditions.”

“He played at Vanderbilt. He played quarterback. We had seen some interviews that he had done. So we reached out to him.”

“At the time, he was unavailable due to filming. I’m not even sure that we knew what show he was doing,” she adds, completely dubiously.

“When he became available … he walked into my office and the first thing I said [jokingly] was that his hair might be too high for our network.”

“Despite that, it was clear he had a real passion and a deep knowledge of college football. The audition was really good,” she said.

Really really good, she says, calling it “rare that someone walks in off the street and does an audition that we would be willing to air.”

As for the obvious assumption in the eyes of many that ESPN is just capitalizing on the popularity of a show on a fellow Disney property?

“He had been on our radar before the show, he didn’t need to get our attention,” Druely insists, saying that worked against him, not for him. 

“In fact, I had a real concern with how he would be viewed by fans of the show and what it might mean for him down the line.”

“We waited until the show was a few weeks into its run before we made an offer,” she said, unaware there would be a tabloid firestorm.

“He accepted the offer the day I was in an airport and saw [celebrity news magazine] US Weekly with him splashed across the cover.”

“Thankfully, the article didn’t live up to the headline nor did a lot of other ones I read,” she said of one of many reports of Jordan’s shadiness.

“I’m certain that I read about 90% of what was written because I was vested in what it’d mean for the work he’d do with us.”

“My group had spent time with Jordan [and was] confident in the decision,” Druley adds, noting that The Bachelorette was helpful in one respect:

“The advantage Jordan had when he sat down in front of our cameras was that he had just spent three months in front of many cameras.”

“When you combine that with the fact that he knows college football and can speak intelligently about it, it made him the right fit for us.”

“I think that’s the advantage it gave him.”

As for why Jordan Rodgers’ feud with Aaron Rodgers, his famous NFL star brother, got started or whether he cheated on Brittany Farrar?

Or whether Jordan and JoJo are already over and putting on a front to save face, or already fighting hardcore and on the verge of a split?

Only time will tell, but one has to wonder:

Is he really so good as an analyst that fans will forget the ridiculous reason he’s quasi-famous now? And did that really not affect ESPN?

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Sofie Dossi Did WHAT on America’s Got Talent?!?

It can be very dangerous to shoot a flaming arrow on live television.

That point was driven home, in nearly fatal manner, on Tuesday night.

But then Sofie Dossi went out on the same show and proved that one can, actually, successful shoot an arrow that is on fire.

And one can do it while one has contorted her body on a balance beam in a way that seems against all human nature.

Over her run on America"s Got Talent, Dossi has managed to not just bend her body in mind-boggling positions… but she’s also been able to use her feet to eat an apple while doing so

This explains why guest judge Reba McEntire picked Dossi as her Golden Buzzer act during the Judge Cuts round last month, ensuring her a spot in the live rounds.

On Tuesday night, the contestant performance an aerial acrobatic stunt prior to her signature hand-balancing and contortion.

She then lit an arrow aflame, although this time she put on a blindfold and shot her target after rotating all around.

It was amazing. It was incredible. It led to a standing ovation from the entire panel.

“I just think you are so good, and even though it’s very similar to what we’ve seen you do before, every time you come it’s bigger and better,” Heidi Klum told Dossi, adding:

“It’s fantastic. What a show. Loved it!”

Added Simon Cowell:

“You are an incredible performer. The music, by the way, was sensational. It was just a fantastic act… You are getting better and better and better.”

And Howie Mandel?

“I’m here to tell the people at home, it’s real… I love you.”

And, finally, Mel B?

"I don’t think people actually understand how much body strength and power you have to have to do what you do. It is extraordinary… You are amazing."

See the act for yourself:

Sofie dossi did what on americas got talent

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

90-Year Old Stripper Advances on America"s Got Talent

So much for all the Golden Buzzers being used up on America"s Got Talent this season.

Over the past several weeks, the panelists have handed out automatic advancements to various acts they deemed especially worthy.

There was Laura Bretan, who earned the unending praise of Melanie… and Grace VanderWaal, who garnered Howie"s Golden Buzzer vote.

Remember Sal Valentinetti? He blew Heidi away.

And Calysta Bevier managed to make Simon Cowell smile.

On Tuesday night, meanwhile, it was time to meet Dorothy Williams.

She found her way into Nick Cannon"s heart… in most unusual fashion.

The host first met the 90-year old backstage, as she explained to him she’s been dancing since age 17 when she joined a chorus line and danced across the country.

"I never got to be a star," she said sadly, to which Cannon replied:

“I deem you a star. It’s happening.”

Fast forward to seeing Williams on stage.

She sang an old fashion song in the style of a capella… and then she started to take off her clothes! A revealing outfit was underneath her original outfit.

And so were some boob tassels.

"I have to say, you’re 90 years old – good for you!” Heidi Klum told Williams adding: “I absolutely love you. That was really, really special.”

Cowell then chimed in with the following praise:

“I find you fascinating, Dorothy, I do, and I do think there’s an audience for you.”

We"ll soon find out. The 90-year old is off to the live America"s Got Talent auditions now after Cannon admitted to breaking the rules and Golden Buzzing her on through.

Can you blame him?

Check out the unexpected act below:

90 year old stripper advances on americas got talent

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Brian Justin Crum: Somebody to Love on America"s Got Talent!

Brian Justin Crum just gave America"s Got Talent viewers somebody to love.

Big time.

The 28-year-old contestant appeared on this NBC stage on Tuesday night and explained how he has wanted to be a singer all his life.

However, his difficult past included battles as a child with bullies bullied over his weight and his sexuality (the singer is gay).

But Crum has found a way to channel these struggles into something beauty, pour out all his emotions into Queen’s “Somebody To Love" and receiving a standing ovation in the process.

Said Howie Mandel after the aspiring star finished his impressive cover:

“The song is can anybody find you somebody to love. I think tonight you found everybody to love you.”

Melanie B then jumped in with the following praise:

"Brian, you took us to church and back. If I wasn’t married and you were straight, we would be in love."

Those judges aren"t typically very tough on contestants, however.

What about Simon Cowell?!?

“The truth is, you are a fantastic singer," he said. "This is why these shows exist, to give people like you with huge talent an opportunity."

Crum was passed on to the next round, of course, although the panelists were all out of Golden Buzzers.

Over the past few weeks, they"ve been used on Laura Bretan (courtesy of Melanie)… Grace VanderWaal (courtesy of Howie)… Sal Valentinetti (courtesy of Klum)… and Calysta Bevier (courtesy of Cowell).

Check out Crum"s full performance now:

So there you have it!

Brian justin crum gives us somebody to love on americas got tale

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Calysta Bevier Beats Cancer, May Win America"s Got Talent

Calysta Bevier has officially accomplished two very impressive things in life:

ONE, she beat cancer.

TWO, she earned positive words of encouragement from Simon Cowell.

The 16-year old took to the America"s Got Talent stage on Tuesday night and shared both her life story and her very impressive singing ability.

While introducing herself to the panel and to millions of viewers, the Ohio native explained that her pixie hairdo was the result of surviving stage 3 ovarian cancer.

"No matter what you"ve gone through, keep chasing your dreams," Bevier told the crowd before belting out Rachel Platten"s "Fight Song."

Pretty appropriate song for the occasion, wouldn"t you say?

"I"ve got this incredible feeling about you, I think everyone in this room felt it, you were nervous I could feel that," Cowell said in response to the performance, adding:

"I predict great things are gonna happen for you. There"s something about you."

He then reached over and hit the Golden Buzzer.

Each judge is allowed to use this apparatus once per season; it sends a contestant directly to the live round of auditions.

Over the past couple weeks, Heidi Klum used it on Sal Valentinetti.

Howie Mandel used it on Grace Vanderwaal.

And Melanie Brown used it on Laura Bretan.

In regard to Bevier, Cowell was not the only one left in awe.

“It was so heartfelt and so inspirational, I just to say ‘thank you," Mandel told the teenager, while, Mel B called the performance “amazing."

Watch it here:

Calysta bevier beats cancer earns golden ticket from simon cowel

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Sal Valentinetti Earns Golden Buzzer on America’s Got Talent

Sal Valentinetti has advanced on America"s Got Talent.

And for very good reason, as you"re about to find out.

As viewers of this NBC reality competition know by now, each judge is permitted to use his or her Golden Buzzer just one time. This act directly sends the contestant to the live performance round.

On last month’s premiere, Melanie Brown chose a young opera singer named Laura Bretan.

And, last week, Howie Mandel went with Grace Vanderwaal, who Simon Cowell predicted could be the “next Taylor Swift." High praise and expectations, we know.

On Tuesday evening, meanwhile, it was time for Heidi Klum to step up.

Enter Valentinetti, an American Idol cast-off from Season 14.

“I wanna make something of myself. I want to bring back those Dean Martin-style roasts.” Valentinetti told the panel prior tp performing.

“I’m gonna entertain you like you’ve never been entertained before. As a matter of fact, I didn’t come here to try out. I came here to win."

We love the confidence.

And we also love what Valentinetti did from there.

He received a standing ovation for his version of Frank Sinatra"s "My Way," with Cowell gushing:

“Sal, when you want to sing this kind of music you can’t fake it. It’s either in you or it’s not. You’re an old soul."

Klum proceeded to give him a hug before adding:

"Do you wanna know how I feel about you? I’ll tell you right now!”

BOOM! Golden Buzzer time!

What did Valentinetti do to earn this distinction? Watch and find out below!

Sal valentinetti earns golden buzzer on americas got talent

Monday, December 21, 2015

Brave Boys Make Like Mean Girls for High School Talent Show

Forgive the obvious introduction, but:

The following video is totally FETCH!

It comes to us from My Fanatic and it features a quartet of male students from Lavaca High School in Arkansas.

They are rocking the same (revealing!) outfits as Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams, Lacey Chabert and Amanda Seyfried from the classic 2004 comedy Mean Girls and they are also recreating the same moves.

Trust us: you’ve never seen a performance of “Jingle Bell Rock” like the one you see here.

You really need to take your hat off to these four young men, considering how many layers of clothing they took off for their routine.

It’s been over a decade, of course, since Mean Girls hit the big screen, but its impact continues to be felt to this day.

Partly because it was the final meaningful performance of Lohan’s career.

But also because it was written by Tina Fey, prior to her striking it huge with 30 Rock; and also because a Mean Girls reunion continues to be a rumor that just won’t go away.

Check out the entertaining video above and then catch back up with the young women from Mean Girls below. 

How we miss them! Come back into our lives, Lacey Chabert!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Simon Cowell to Judge America"s Got Talent!

Start cowering in fear now, future America’s Got Talent contestants.

Because Simon Cowell is headed your way.

In news broken by Us Weekly, the awesomely candid music producer will take over for Howard Stern when this NBC competition returns next summer.

“We’ve been talking about it for a few years, funny enough, me and NBC,” Cowell tells the tabloid. “This year … everything worked. So it was perfect.”

Stern departed the series following Season 10, leaving producers with an open spot alongside Howie Mandel, Melanie Brown and Heidi Klum.

Cowell, meanwhile, left American Idol after nine very successful seasons.

He has continued to serve as a panelist on The X Factor in Great Britain, however, and likely can’t wait to bring his wit, humor and, of course, total and complete honesty to America’s Got Talent.

“I’m not going to lie to people when I think they’re hopeless, I just couldn’t do that!” Cowell says, looking ahead.

“But no, of course I’m not going to be rude for the sake of being rude. That would be ridiculous. I’ll take it act by act.”

America’s Got Talent will not return for many months, but it will be holding auditions in cities such as New York, Detroit and Kansas City over the coming weeks.