Showing posts with label Brenda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brenda. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Brenda Song and Macaulay Culkin: DATING?!

Remember when Brenda Song and Trace Cyrus were a couple? They seemed, to many people, like a bit of a mismatch.

And it wasn’t that long ago, really, when Macaulay Culkin and Mila Kunis broke up. Well … it’s been almost a decade, but still.

Why are we bringing up two random couples? Because they’re no longer unrelated — because Brenda Song and Macaulay Culkin are apparently an item now.

There were actually some dating rumors about Macaulay and Brenda back in July, but at the time they were just spotted out-and-about together.

Like, people are allowed to have friends, folks.

You can see how they’d get along.

Despite having been a Disney child star, Brenda Song gets along well with a lot of “alternative” crowds.

(Again, she used to date Trace Cyrus)

Macaulay Culkin sort of embodies the “child actor turned eccentric adult whom fans still like but can’t quite figure out and also sometimes people worry about his health and well-being” concept.

So they seem like they’d be a good match, in general. And an 8-year age difference is hardly a deal-breaker at this point, right?

But here’s why we actually think that they’re dating, for real:

Entertainment Tonight reports that Macaulay and Brenda were showing PDA at Knott’s Scary Farm celebrity night, which was on Friday.

“Parkgoers said they were very cute with each other holding hands and very affectionate.”

Going out and about shopping or whatever? That’s something that people do all of the time.

Hand-holding and cuddling and generally seeming joined at the hip?

That sometimes happens in friendships but is way, way more likely when there’s a romantic element to your relationship.

Reportedly, the two of them:”Looked like they were having a great time.”

That’s good to hear, though not surprising.

“They all looked super comfortable together and like they were having a great night out.”

They were out and about with mutual friend Seth Green and his girlfriend.

Leading some to wonder if Seth had set the two of them up. Hmmm …

Brenda Song has spoken about the movie that she’s doing along with Macaulay.

They filmed together in Thailand and we wonder if it was there that the sparks started flying.

Here’s how Brenda describes it all:

“It’s basically about a guy who is going on a planned a trip with his wife, finds out that she’s cheating on him, and his best friend jumps in last minute, and it’s their adventures in Thailand and the people they sort of come across, and the crazy adventures that happen when you go on a trip across the world.”

To film it, they themselves went on that trip across the world.

“It’s been incredible. We spent five weeks in Thailand shooting this. Seth directed and wrote and starred in it, and this has been in the making for the last seven years, so he made it happen, it was incredible — it was like, Changeland for me. That sounds super cheesy but, like, I came back like a different person.”


Did she also come back with a different person?

She credits Seth Green for convincing Macaulay, a notorious recluse when he’s not bonding with his goddaughter, to be in the film.

“Seth and him had done Party Monster together so they had been friends forever, so I think that’s probably how he got [him] in, but it was a wonderful experience.”

That’s what everyone says about movies.

That’s also what you might say if you’d picked up a boyfriend during filming, right?

“Everyone was great … we had the best time ever. Everyone was lovely, we just got to go to Thailand and hang out with our best friends for five weeks.”

That does sound like an amazing bonding experience.

Brenda Song did decline to comment to Entertainment Tonight on whether she’s actually dating Macaulay.

But … she didn’t deny it. She just says that she doesn’t like to openly discuss her love life.

We get that.

We also get that, by not denying it, she wasn’t exactly shooting down any rumors. That combined with PDA sounds just a few degrees shy of a confirmation.

As for that movie, though … it sounds interesting.

Also, one of our favorite films is Saved!, which starred Macaulay. So when he does choose to be in something, it can be amazingly good.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Brenda Buttner Dies; Fox News Host Was 55

Brenda Buttner, a senior business correspondent and the host of Bulls & Bears on Fox News, died of cancer on Monday.

She was 55 years old.

With a heavy heart, Fox News colleague Neil Cavuto passed along this sad news to viewers a couple hours ago, via an emotional tribute  to Buttner on his show.

“Brenda was among the very first to put a kind female face to this once-staid old male batch of the business,” Cavuto said, adding:

“She took stock of life more than stock in life.”

A financial reporter, Buttner graduated from Harvard University in 1983 and spent two years as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, where she graduated with high honors in politics and economics.

She kicked off her professional career at an NBC affiliate in Reno, Nevada, prior to hosting CNBC’s The Money Club and serving as a a contributor to that network from 1990 to 1998.

The New Jersey resident joined Fox News in 2000 and served as a senior business correspondent there ever since.

“In her sickest moments, battling an unrelenting cancer, there was Brenda, cheering you on,” Cavuto added on air.

“Business journalism is never going to be the same. I just don’t know, now that she’s gone, whether we’ll ever be.”

Others who knew Buttner well also paid tribute to her on social media.

“She loved rainy days, cloudy places, motorcycles and her children most of all,” wrote ex-Fox News commentator Tobin Smith on Facebook.

“I told her that I would spread a few of her ashes in her beloved Edinborough outside her favorite pub…she loved that idea.

“She called me her ‘office husband’ and I told her that ‘all I got was crap from her and none the benefits’ and she would laugh a hearty obscenity in response…

“My role in her life the last few years was to make her laugh…and I accomplished that goal on many phone calls. She was the type of friend you could not speak with with for months and then talk like we had just left off from yesterday.

“My dear Brenda Buttner..she was the little sister I never had. I miss her terribly and yet she is in my heart forever and an inspiration to all that knew her and her battle.”

brenda tributes

Eric Bolling, another Fox News co-worker, Tweeted his condolences Monday afternoon after the news broke.

“Our colleague and my friend Brenda Buttner passed today,” he wrote. “She fought cancer heroically. RIP Brenda. We will miss you.”

And Greta Van Susteren wrote simply: “We will all miss Brenda.”

The late reporter is survived by her two daughters.

May Brenda Buttner rest in peace.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Buffy Honors "Brave Friend" Brenda Walsh, "90s Fans Everywhere Weep

Sarah Michelle Gellar made a declaration of love for her friend, Shannen Doherty who is currently battling breast cancer.

“My #mondaymuse (and really every day #muse) is my brave friend @theshando,” Gellear wrote on Instagram.

“I’ve always said she is one of the most loyal friends I’ve ever known, and now while she is facing the toughest journey of her life, she is sharing it with friends she has never met in the hopes of helping other people who are going through the same struggle. That’s a true friend #FuckCancer.”

The two women certainly made their mark on ’90s pop culture; Gellar played the title role on Buffy The Vampire Slayer, while Doherty will always be remembered as the headstrong, lovesick-over-Dylan Brenda Walsh on Beverly Hills, 90210.

Over the weekend, Doherty shared an update with fans on chemotherapy, which anyone who has gone through knows can kick the absolute crap out of a patient.

“Each persons cancer journey is different,” she shared via Instagram.

“For me, chemo has been terrible and believe me, we have tried almost everything. So days like this have become a bit of the norm. I’m learning that it’s ok to fall into bed and give in to the exhaustion or nausea or aches.”

Last week, Doherty told Entertainment Tonight’s Jennifer Peros that the breast cancer has spread since her March 2015 diagnosis.  

Doherty is suing her former management company for failing to pay her health insurance premiums, which prevented the star from getting an earlier diagnosis.

“The unknown is always the scariest part,” Doherty told Peros “Is the chemo going to work? Is the radiation going to work? You know, am I going to have to go through this again, or am I going to get secondary cancer?” she wondered.

Doherty said she could handle the pain and living without a breast, but what she’s finding hard to handle is not knowing what the future will bring, and how her future “is going to affect” her loved ones.

Right now, Doherty is doing all she can to raise awareness.  She’s drawing strength from reading stories of others going through the same thing, 

“It’s easier to live with having cancer if I know I helped at least one person.”