Monday, November 6, 2017

Audrey Roloff Shares Precious Baby Pics, Vital Marital Advice

Little People, Big World?

More like Entirely New, Exciting and Adorable World for Audrey Roloff these days.

The relatively new mother admittedly struggled with parenthood for a few weeks after giving birth in September 10 to a daughter named Ember Jean.

Due to a health concern, Audrey was in significant pain every time she tried to breastfeed, which made the entire process both challenging and upsetting.

Roloff herself admitted to a bit of postpartum depression.

But that was back then.

Now? Around the time Audrey turned a month old?

It appears as though things have gotten a lot better for Audrey and husband Jeremy, both of whom frequently take to social media in order to share new images of Ember and updates on their lives.

The latest image, meanwhile, may very well be the cutest.

What is there to even say about the following snapshot aside from AWWWWWWWWWWW?!?

As a caption to this positively adorable picture, Audrey let followers inside her marriage a bit.

She explained that she and Jeremy have a unique way of checking in on their relationship in order to make sure both sides are content.

“Every Sunday Jeremy and I do our marriage journal. It’s a journal with weekly questions that help us connect, communicate, and grow in love,” Audrey wrote.

What an interesting idea, huh?

The Little People, Big World star continued:

“It has been by far the greatest communication tool in our marriage. Every week, the first question in our journal is: “What brought you joy this week?”

And, for the last four weeks, Audrey says, her answer has been the same:

“Ember’s smile. I mean come on, how could it not be?! It has become one of my life’s greatest joys to smile back at my daughter and laugh when she laughs.”

Audrey also posted this picture of Ember.

And while the two-month old isn’t all smiles in it, the face she’s making may be even more precious. HA!

Last week, Audrey and Jeremy were able to get out for their first date since becoming parents.

That’s always a special milestone for any mother and father, as it seems at times early on as if you’ll never have even just a few hours to yourselves.

Audrey let fans know about the much-anticipated date, but also confessed there was a bittersweet aspect to the night.

“I held back tears as we drove off in the Jer’s orange 1971 bmw with no car seat in the back,” wrote Roloff, adding:

“But at the same time it was refreshing to spend some much needed quality time just the two of us.”

We’d have to imagine so.

And then you get to come home to a (hopefully) sleeping angel as cute as Ember?

Pretty special indeed.
