Showing posts with label Piece. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Piece. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Christmas Abbott, Big Brother Alum, Arrested for Attack on Baby Daddy"s Alleged Side Piece

According to official police reports, it was not a very merry Tuesday afternoon for former Big Brother contestant Christmas Abbott.

TMZ and Us Weekly both confirm that the 36-year old reality star turned herself into Tampa authorities yesterday, at which time she was booked for felony criminal mischief.

For what rather incredible and violent reason? Scroll down to find out!

Based on records obtained by TMZ, Abbott drove to a local Florida gym back in August in order to confront her baby daddy’s alleged side piece.

Cops say that Abbott then flew into a complete rage, asking all kinds of questions of this unnamed woman prior to throwing a cup of coffee in her direction. But that wasn’t all.

Christmas then rammed into the alleged victim’s car in the parking lot with her own.

Abbott was eight months pregnant with her first child at the time, a boy who would be born a few weeks later and named Loyal.

The boy’s father is Benjamin Bunn, a fellow fitness enthusiast who is no longer with the Big Brother Season 19 third-place finisher.

TMZ quotes this same police report in stating that Abbott called the other woman a “pathetic home-wrecking little slut,” among other insults.

She believed at the time of the confrontation that the woman was sleeping with Bunn, even though Bunn told Us Weekly last month that he and Abbott ended their romance last December.

“Unfortunately, I had very little contact with Christmas in the last few months of her pregnancy,” Bunn told this tabloid, adding in October:

“However, prior to that, we spent almost every day with each other for six to seven months straight. I went to every doctor’s appointment, accompanied her for travel, moved furniture and did all the things that two caring adults do with and for each other…

“I was finally able to reach her a few days before [her] due date. I found out she was being induced through Instagram, and shortly thereafter received an email.”

But back to Abbott’s arrest:

The responding officer on the scene says Abbott kept yelling at her man’s mistress while the officer tried to calm her down.

Cops declined to process her because she was so far along, although her vehicle was seized and the sides agrees that Abbott could turn herself in at a later date.

And this is what she did on Tuesday.

As previously mentioned, Abbott came in third place during season 19 of Big Brother.

addition to her stint on the CBS reality show, Christmas is well-known for being a series CrossFit competitor – and she was actually the first female NASCAR pit crew member.

How cool and random, right?!?

Hours after her arrest, meanwhile, Abbott shared a video of son Loyal Atticus sleeping on her chest.

“How could I ever get enough of that sweet smile,” she wrote along with it.

“I literally can stare and watch him all day long just to watch him & maybe see a lil laugh or giggle. He simply lights up my heart & makes me so fulfilled!”


Friday, August 31, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: "You"re a F-cking Psychopath. You"re a F-cking Loser. You"re a Piece of Sh-t!"

If you’re a fan of Jersey Shore, you had likely read all about it by this point.

But still.

Simply having knowledge of what went down this summer between Ronnie and his girlfriend/baby mama, Jen Harley, probably did not prepare you for what transpired on Thursday night.

Because… holy Hell. Things got ugly.

On the latest installment of this MTV hit, we witnessed Harley and Ronnie go at it after Ronnie threatened to leave the show because Jen was keeping his daughter, Ariana, away from him.

He was convinced to stick around by Pauly D and by a producer who actually appeared on camera, but he realized that something in this ugly back-and-forth with Harley had to give.

“I have to make a change for my daughter. We need some kind of guidelines and foundation to make sure that she’s all right at the end of the day,” he told his co-stars about heading to meet with a lawyer.

Ronnie’s friends obviously understood where he was coming from.

“Jen is controlling him and baiting him,” Snooki said at one point. “You can’t take someone’s baby away, like, that’s not okay.”

Ronnie agrees, that’s sort of the whole point here.

But he also remarks that he could see himself getting back together with Jen, prompting an all-time response by Pauly.

“You gotta be nuts! She was just holding a baby from you, that’s the beginning. You gotta stay away from this girl for a while,” The DJ yelled to his pal, adding:

“That’s crazy. You can’t reconcile with her, you can’t. At this point, you can’t anymore. Why would you want to be with somebody that would hold a baby from you and not tell you where it is?

“That’s unsafe. God forbid something happened to her, you wouldn’t know where the baby was. … You can’t be with someone like that. You’re better than that.”

(Is he, though? Discuss.)

While Ronnie’s gone, Jen comes knocking… with a friend by her side.

She demands to know where Ronnie is and doesn’t believe the cast when they claim to have no idea.

Harley alleges that last night, he went “on a f-cking rampage, texting me every name in the book” in over 300 messages.

(Yes, this did really happen. Click below for proof.)

“Obviously someone’s with him, a producer or …” Jen says, looking around the room.

At this mention, a producer actually interrupts, reminding Jen that they’d told her he’d be back at a specific time later and suggesting that she leave and return then.

This appears to blows up her ruse: Jen knew he wasn’t home when she traveled to the hotel. Busted!

“You guys are f-cked up! You guys are f-cking liars!” she cries out as she departs.

“That girl came to this room with an agenda, to tell her side of the story and paint this picture that Ronnie’s this animal,” Pauly says.

“Jen is gangster. She’s trying to play everybody. She’s not going to play me.”

But then $ hit REALLY gets crazy…

After Ronnie comes home and says he feels better after talking with an attorney, the group goes out to dinner — but he remains at the hotel, bracing himself for a confrontation with Jen.

As soon as she walks in… BOOM! It’s on.

“Ron! You’re texting me I’m a f-cking whore, I’m a liar, I’m a f-ckng cheater?” she screams.

“Calm down,” he replies.

“No. I’m not gonna calm down. I don’t want to hear your whole f-cking bullsh-t story. … You’re calling me a f-cking whore? Motherf-cker?”

And then it was Ronnie’s turn to lose it:

“You’re driving me crazy! All you do is use that kid as a f-cking pawn!””

Your response, Jen?

“You’re a f-cking psychopath. You’re a f-cking loser. You’re a piece of sh-t,” she yells… and then spits in his face.

(This is where we remind people that Jen and Ronnie were parents to a newborn girl at the time this was filmed.)

A security guard intervenes at this juncture, only for Jen to lunge at Ronnie and the picture to fade to black.

We’re left with the prophetic word: “I don’t give a f-ck. I’ll go to jail.”

And then, for the record, Harley did go to jail.

What do you think, viewers?

Was this the most explosive fight in the history of Jersey Shore?

Heck, in the history of reality television?

You can click on the video below and relive every vicious second now:


Monday, July 30, 2018

Dwight Howard Is Washington Wizards" Missing Piece, Otto Porter Says

Dwight Howard was the one player Washington had to have in order to make a serious run in the East … so says Wizards forward Otto Porter, who tells TMZ Sports, “He’s definitely a piece that we need.” We got Otto at Reagan National Airport…


Jessa Duggar Shares Her ONE Critical Piece of Marital Advice

Jessa Duggar married Ben Seewald on November 1, 2014.

Since then, the couple has welcomed two kids into their blissful world, a two-year old named Spurgeon and a 17-month old named Henry.

Has the relationship between spouses been perfect? No, of course not.

But Jessa believes it has remained strong and powerful due to one main piece of advice that she tries to follow on a daily basis.

Scroll down to find out what we"re talking about…

1. The Wedding

Ben seewald and jessa duggar

Jessa and Ben exchanged vows at First Baptist Church in Bentonville, Arkansas, which is where Jessa’s sister Jill Duggar also married Derick Dillard.

2. There Were Over 1,000 Guests in Attendance

Ben seewald and jessa duggar picture

But no one got to witness the couple’s very first kiss. “They wanted their very first kiss ever to be in private,” Pastor Mike Schadt told People. “It was important to the both of them.”

3. Meet the Family

Seewald family

Fast forward about three-and-a-half years and here is a photo of the very happy family, as Ben and Jessa have been gushing about parenthood ever since they welcomed little Spurgeon into their famous universe.

4. How Does Jessa Make the Marriage Work?

Jessa and ben seewald date night

Two young kids. TLC cameras all around. Where do Ben and Jessa find time for each other and how does the relaitonship remain strong? It goes beyond mere date nights, Jessa tells Us Weekly.

5. In a Word? Be GRACIOUS.

Jessa duggar on tlc

“Never stop showing gratitude to your spouse for all the things they do to help out,” Duggar tells the tabloid. “It doesn’t matter how big or small. Sometimes couples come to expect things of each other and they stop noticing and appreciating things the other one does to help out with the kids or keep the household running smoothly.”

6. It May Sound Simple, But…

Seewald jessa and ben

The Counting On star explains that it’s important to remember at all times, explaining “If your spouse volunteered to change nastiest, stinky diaper or you saw them jump up quickly to clean up a spill, make it a habit to express gratefulness and say, ‘Thank you for doing that."”

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Friday, July 27, 2018

Piece of Trump"s Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Hits eBay for $500

The remains of Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star are now on the open market … but it won’t come cheap, despite the fact it’s pocket-sized. An eBay user who says he nabbed a piece of the star debris after Austin Clay obliterated…


Saturday, July 7, 2018

Jenelle Evans: My Son Would NEVER Call Me a Piece of S--t If He Actually Knew Me!

If you watched Teen Mom 2 this week, then you know what a roller coaster ride of an episode it was.

We got to see Chelsea Houska do a sweet little gender reveal for her husband, Cole DeBoer, which was adorable and wonderful and precious.

But then we saw Leah Messer discuss her daughter’s increasing health problems, which, as always, was positively heartbreaking.

Briana DeJesus was dealing with her breakup with Javi Marroquin, which was pretty whatever, but the best part of her segments was her sister, Brittany, comforting her while on painkillers after a wisdom tooth removal.

Kailyn Lowry’s segments dealt with Javi too, but we also got to see Isaac’s birthday — so cute!

And then there’s Jenelle Evans.

In the previous episode we’d learned that David Eason had just been fired, so of course in this week’s show, Jenelle explained that he’d just been refusing to film for his own personal reasons.

In another scene, she gave us a good example of her lack of parenting skills when she explained to her mother Barbara that she hadn’t given Jace his medication because he was “fine,” because that’s how medicine works.

She also didn’t return the medication she didn’t give him to Barb.

Barbara asked Jenelle out to lunch, but Jenelle shut her down because she was too busy, and then we saw Jace and Barb back at home.

He told her that Jenelle didn’t allow him to call her, which is awful, and then he told her that the whole family had gone out on the boat for a big, fun day.

Well, the whole family minus Kaiser, who they stuck in daycare.

Barbara was upset at that news, because it doesn’t sound fair to exclude poor Kaiser when they actually do something fun. She said that it broke her heart.

And then Jace actually said “Mommy and David are pieces of sh-t.”

Barbara looked shocked and asked him what he’d said, so he repeated himself, and he spit on the ground for good measure.

She didn’t say anything, because what can you say after something like that? Then the episode ended.

A lot of Teen Mom 2 fans had a lot of feelings about the moment — most were as shocked as Barb was.

Some thought that he was repeating something he’d heard from her, but others thought that the phrasing sounded something more like David would say, particularly with the spitting on the ground for emphasis.

Regardless, most people agreed that it really did seem like he was fully aware of what he was saying, and that he meant it.

Since it was the last scene of the episode, and since the next episode obviously hasn’t aired yet, we don’t know how Barbara ended up dealing with what Jace said, or if Jenelle heard about it before watching the episode.

But since Jenelle is Jenelle, she’s discussing the issue on Twitter in the dumbest manner possible.

Early this morning, she tweeted “If Jace lived with me he wouldn’t have ever spoke those words about ANYONE.”

“Thought me and my mom were actually building our relationship lately and now it’s two steps back.”

There are approximately a million things wrong with this one short tweet, but let’s try to break it down anyway, all right?

For one, why is she blaming her mother for this?

Sure, Jace may have heard the sentiment from her originally, but it’s not like she forced the kid to say it.

And since this was filmed several months ago, it shouldn’t have an impact on any progress their relationship is making now.

Also, why on earth does she think that anyone would actually believe that Jace wouldn’t talk like this if he lived with her?

We’ve seen Jenelle and David both be absolutely horrible to all kinds of people — David’s called Kaiser a “screaming little bitch,” he’s called Dr. Drew a “f-g,” and it’s impossible to keep up with all the names he’s called Nathan Griffith.

Throughout the years we’ve seen Jenelle say awful things about Barbara in front of Jace, too.

If Jace lived with Jenelle and David, he’d almost certainly being saying worse about several people.

And let’s be real, it’s not like Jace was wrong in his original statement, anyway.

Does she forget that she’s been on a reality show for the better part of a decade and that lots of people are familiar with her life and her personality?

Because anyone who’s ever seen like ten minutes of her footage would be able to tell you that her statement on this subject is absolute nonsense, and it’s a little embarrassing that she’s trying to act like she could raise Jace better than Barbara is.

Jenelle, just … stop, girl. Just stop for a little bit.


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Jenelle Evans" Son Says What We"re All Thinking: She"s a Piece of Sh-t!

Jenelle Evans doesn"t have much competition for the esteemed title of Worst Mother in the History of Reality Television.

And now, it seems even her own offspring agree that Jenelle really doesn"t have much business raising children.

The Carolina Hurricane keeps finding new and creative ways to hit rock bottom this season, and viewers are more disgusted by her behavior than ever.

Last week, we learned that CPS has been called to Jenelle"s house an astonishing 20 times in less than a year.

And this week, we learned that at 8 years old, her eldest son Jace already recognizes that Jenelle isn"t much for this whole "being a parent" thing.

1. Secondary Mother

Jace and jenelle

Jace is Jenelle’s first child, but since infancy, he’s been in the custody of her mother, the infamous Barbara Evans.

2. The Never-Ending Battle

Jenelle evans and jace pic

Jenelle has made several efforts to regain custody over the years, but after the current season of Teen Mom 2, it seems more certain than ever that Jace will reside with Babs until he leaves for college.

3. A Low Point

Jenelle and her pills

Last week, we saw Jenelle receive a visit from her local sheriff. He had been called to the home to perform a wellness check on Jenelle and David’s kids, but the couple refused to allow him inside the house.

4. An Ugly Scene

Jenelle evans takes a lot of drugs

Jenelle stated that it was the twentieth time the authorities had been called to her home in the past year. Viewers noted that more than a dozen prescription bottles were placed where they could be reached by children.

5. The Terrible Twosome

Jenelle eason and david eason pic

Fans probably didn’t think they could come away with a much lower opinion of Jenelle and David’s parenting after last week’s episode. Of course, Evans and Eason were quick to prove them wrong…

6. A Tense Stand-Off

Jenelle evans with barbara evans

When Jenelle dropped Jace off after he spent the weekend with her and David, she quickly gave Babs the brush-off. The reason, as it turns out, is that the visit did NOT go smoothly …

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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Blac Chyna Dropped YBN Almighty Jay Due to His Side Piece, Flirtiness

Blac Chyna is fed up with YBN Almighty Jay’s shady ways … and that’s why she dumped his ass. Sources close to Blac Chyna tell TMZ … she felt disrespected because the 18-year-old rapper was slipping into a few girls’ DMs. She also…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Mark Wahlberg Takes Back Offer to Give Conor McGregor Piece of UFC

Mark Wahlberg says his offer to give Conor McGregor a piece of his UFC ownership stake has expired … telling TMZ Sports the dude has already been compensated enough!  Mark — along with a bunch of other big stars like Sylvester Stallone, Tom…


Monday, April 23, 2018

Tristan Thompson: Did He Make a Sex Tape With His PREGNANT Side Piece?!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on Khloe Kardashian while she was still pregnant with his daughter.

At first it seemed as though the news couldn’t get much worse, but now we know that’s definitely not the case.

Khloe welcomed her first child earlier this month, but when news of Tristan’s infidelity went public, she was still pregnant with baby True.

Just days before the delivery, TMZ published damning video evidence that showed Tristan hooking up with random women while traveling with his team in D.C. and New York.

Needless to say, Khloe was likely not very happy with the revelation or the fact that she had to learn of her boyfriend’s cheating at the same time as the rest of the world, all while six months pregnant.

But to the surprise of many, she didn’t immediately break up with Tristan.

However, that doesn’t mean he’s in the clear. 

According to insiders, Khloe is giving Tristan the chance to make it up to her, but she’s also holding off on offering him any sort of forgiveness until she does some digging and finds out if he has anymore skeletons in the closet.

“Khloe is waiting to see how many more, if any, side pieces will come forward before she decides whether or not to take back Tristan,” a source close to the situation tells Hollywood Life.

“She fears that Tristan may have random women across the country, in every NBA town. If that is the case, then Khloe will close the door on any chance of keeping her family together.”

Specifically, it seems Khloe is concerned that there’s more bad news yet to come, and she doesn’t want to be blindsided by Tristan’s shady ways a second time.

“She is also nervous about something else embarrassing coming out like a sex tape or more pictures of him with other women. Khloe has her team investigating the situation, hunting for any more mistresses and if they find any, it’s over for good,” the insider claims.

And it seems there’s one fear in particular that’s keeping Khloe up nights these days,

“She is terrified at the thought of Tristan possibly having gotten another woman pregnant,” says the source.

It’s not hard to see why that specific scenario is Khloe’s ultimate concern.

After all, Tristan seems to be the fertile type.

He welcomed a child with ex-girlfriend Jordan Craig while he was already dating Khloe (Craig was several months pregnant when Tristan and Khloe met.), and one of his alleged side-pieces has already revealed she’s expecting.

The woman didn’t say if the child is Tristan’s or not, but it’s probably smart of Khloe to hold off on welcoming him back into her life.

For her sake, we kind of hope she and Tristan can work things out.

But also sort of hope she kicks his cheating ass to the curb.


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Tristan Thompson Feared He Got His Side Piece Pregnant

Tristan Thompson cheated on Khloe Kardashian while she was pregnant.

This is really all you need to know in order to think the professional basketball player is a giant jerk face.

But new details have emerged regarding Thompson’s behavior over the past few months that will make you think he’s a HUGE giant jerk face.

As everyone with an Internet connection knows by now, Thompson almost definitely slept with multiple over throughout his girlfriend’s pregnancy.

Earlier this month, TMZ shared footage of Thompson walking into a New York City hotel very early on a Sunday morning with a woman he had been partying with earlier that night.

Elsewhere, The Daily Mail shared snippets of a surveillance video that depicted Thompson making out with one woman while being groped by another.

Tristan has not come out and denied reports of his infidelity are inaccurate.

Now, meanwhile, In Touch Weekly has run a cover story that highlights just how devious and irresponsible Thompson acted while he was out railing various side pieces.

One in particular.

The tabloid claims that Thompson hit on an unnamed woman last November in New York, when Khloe was four months along.

The woman apparently was aware Thompson and Kardashian were an item, although In Touch writes that Thompson never mentioned anything about his relationship or the impending baby.

Tristan allegedly brought his companion back to the Four Seasons Hotel in an SUV.

He exited the vehicle first and had her circle the block a few times before coming up to his room… where they proceeded to have unprotected sex.

Yes, according to this article, Thompson did not use a condom while violating Khloe’s trust and entering this woman’s vagina.

“She slept with him because he’s an NBA star, but she thinks he’s hot, too,” an insider says of this mistress, adding:

“She said that the sex was good.” 

The woman reportedly stayed the night with Thompson and even filmed a video of him in bed, which In Touch says it has obtained.

“He was definitely not careful at all about making sure that nobody knew who she was or that she didn’t have her phone,” the source tells the magazine.

He or she also says Thompson had two cellphones on his nightstand, presumably one he used a majority of the time and one he used just to set up hook-ups.

“It’s so sketchy,” says the source.

The morning after he banged this woman, Thompson supposedly texted her and asked if she had used “Plan B,” which is a pill a woman can take the day after sex to prevent pregnancy.

Three months passed before they hooked up again.

In Touch says Thompson texted the woman and invited her to see his team play in another city in February.

“He paid for her flight,” says the insider. “And she slept over again.”

Pretty darn shady all around, right?

No wonder Khloe is thinking of taking her daughter and leaving Thompson for good.

Can you possibly blame her?!?


Thursday, January 4, 2018

New Book, Donald Trump told Hope Hicks She was "Greatest Piece of Tail" Lewandowski Ever Got

The new book ‘Fire and Fury’ is loaded with explosive allegations involving Donald Trump and company, including one in which candidate Trump allegedly told his current Communications Director Hope Hicks that she was the “greatest piece of tail”…


Sunday, December 24, 2017

Blac Chyna Gets Piece of Ass for Christmas

Blac Chyna’s got the Christmas spirit … because she’s all about the pa-rump-a-rump Rump. Chyna was at Karrueche Tran’s Christmas party Saturday night at Paloma nightclub in WeHo when a random chick backed into her and Chyna did not view it as an…


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Mickey Rourke, I Feel Sorry for Harvey Weinstein, Not that "Piece of S***" Bill Cosby

Mickey Rourke feels badly for Harvey Weinstein … and it all has to do with Hollywood envy. We got Mickey in WeHo Saturday leaving Catch, and he told our photog … although what Weinstein did is “f***** up,” he’s done a lot of good, and when…


Friday, October 20, 2017

Usher"s Herpes Lawsuit, Not Everyone Wants a Piece of It

Usher’s accuser, Quantasia Sharpton, is trying to add some ammo to her herpes lawsuit by questioning another woman who had sexual relations with the singer … but that woman wants none of it. In new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, a woman…


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Harvey Weinstein: Decades of Sexual Harrassment Detailed in Scathing New York Times Piece

Since rising to fame as one of the central figures of the indie film renaissance in the early 1990s, Miramax and the Weinstein Company co-founder Harvey Weinstein has enjoyed a spot at the very top of the Hollywood food chain.

Weinstein is such a powerful figure that tales of him wielding his clout to secure everything from favorable reviews to Academy Awards are the stuff of legend within the movie industry.

Unfortunately, as is the case with so many powerful men in far too many fields, there’s a dark side to Weinstein’s ascendance that’s come to light slowly thanks to a number of brave women and their willingness to share their stories.

Weinstein’s been accused of sexual assault and harassment several times over the years, but he’s survived each scandal due largely to the tremendous amount of media influence he’s accrued over the years.

In October of 2015, actress Ashley Judd claimed she was harassed by an unnamed producer who was widely assumed to be Weinstein. 

“I was sexually harassed by one of our industry’s most famous, admired-slash-reviled bosses,” Judd revealed in an interview with Variety.

“I was making Kiss the Girls at the time, and here I was, a declared feminist …  It took years before I could evaluate that incident and realize that there was something incredibly wrong and illegal about it.”

As the account followed closely on the heels of a different Weinstein sexual assault scandal, many believed that Judd was hinting that she had been assaulted by the then-Miramax chief.

Now, the allegations have been confirmed in a scathing New York Times exposé that Weinstein reportedly tried to prevent from being published.

In addition to detailing the abuse against Judd, the Times has published allegations from several women who worked for Weinstein and claim they were groped, harassed, or otherwise abused during their time in his employ.

An investigation by the Times revealed several undisclosed allegations against Weinstein across a thirty-year period.

The mogul has reportedly reached out-of-court settlements with his accusers on eight separate occasions.

The Times piece includes accusations from a temporary Miramax employee who says she was forced to massage Weinstein while he was naked, an episode that left her “crying and very distraught.”

The Times also excerpted a letter written by Weinstein colleague Lauren O’Connor to several execs at TWC that addresses the issue of Weinstein’s ongoing misconduct:

“There is a toxic environment for women at this company,” O’Connor wrote.

“I am a 28 year old woman trying to make a living and a career. Harvey Weinstein is a 64 year old, world famous man and this is his company. The balance of power is me: 0, Harvey Weinstein: 10.”

In a statement issued to the Times this afternoon, Weinstein did not deny the allegations against him, saying:

“I appreciate the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologize for it. Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go.”

Sources say Weinstein will be taking an indefinite hiatus from his company.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Roger Stone Says Sen. McCain Is "Piece of S***" ... Vows Trump Won"t Let It Go

Sen. John McCain is #2 in the eyes of former Trump adviser Roger Stone — and no, he doesn’t mean second place. Stone was at Politicon Saturday in Pasadena when we asked if he though President Trump would be able to get past McCain’s skinny repeal…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Blac Chyna"s Ex-Side Piece Negotiating to Join "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta"

The world hasn’t seen the last of Ferrari, the guy that came between Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian, because he’s negotiating with “Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta” to join the cast … if the price is right. We’re told Ferrari is “far along” in…


Saturday, July 15, 2017

Blac Chyna Fears Ferrari, Beefs Up Security and Bans Ex-Side Piece from Nightclub Gig

Blac Chyna’s beefing up her personal security and got her former side piece banned from her upcoming club appearance … because his recent actions are scaring her. Sources close to Chyna tell TMZ … Ferrari won’t be allowed in at the Medusa…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Blac Chyna to Ferrari: You Want a Legal Piece of Me, Too?!?

Blac Chyna is using the full power of the law to protect her boobs, butt and other very private parts.

On Monday, the reality star was granted a temporary restraining order against Rob Kardashian, days after her ex-fiance went on an Instagram rant that including the public sharing of very NSFW photos.

There’s no longer a legal grey area.

For the time being, it is illegal for Kardashian to post naked photos of his former flame.

Similarly, Chyna is now sending the same potential message to Ferrari.

The previously-unheard-of rapper has seemingly been sleeping with Chyna for a few weeks.

He’s the man kissing her in the video below, which Chyna sent as a taunt to Kardashian on July Fourth and which ignited Rob’s wrath and spurned on his explicit social media diatribe.

As part of his viral attack against Chyna, Rob slammed his ex as a promiscuous drug user, but he also claimed to include text messages he received from Ferrari.

Some were asking Rob for money, others were implying that Ferrari wanted to actually work with Rob in some capacity to profit off their shared banging of Blac Chyna.

The day after Kardashian slammed Chyna and got this whole mess underway, Ferrari actually shared a couple lewd photos of Chyna himself.

They featured the artist and the mother of two in bed, likely following some sex, and clearly serving a as a form of trash talk.

Did Chyna approve of these pictures? Or did Ferrari send them behind her back and possibly break California’s revenge porn law himself as well?

We don’t have the answers to those questions at the moment.

However, lawyer Lisa Bloom has sent Ferrari a letter (obtained by TMZ)  that warns him NOT to sell or post any more nude Blac Chyna images.

Otherwise, he may face a lawsuit.

Or a prison sentence.

“Posting online or distributing photos of Ms. White’s intimate body parts is a crime punishable by fines and jail time,” Bloom writes in the document.

Insiders say that Ferrari removed himself from the Blac Chyna narrative late last week.

He returned a bunch of jewelry he had purchased for his fling and no longer has any interest in making love to her, considering all the drama that has ensued ever since they knocked boots.

Chyna, meanwhile, held a brief conference on Monday that said she was grateful a judge granted her the aforementioned restraining order against Rob.

She is allegedly frightened of her second baby daddy and even fearful that Kardashian may use his gun to harm himself or others.

But this doesn’t mean she wishes to punish him where it hurts most; i.e. when it comes to custody of his daughter, Dream.

“I would never try to take Dream from her dad,” Chyna said on Good Morning America. “Hopefully, me and Rob can learn to have common ground and be the best co-parents as we can be.”

That’s a pretty impressive and mature stance for Chyna to take when you think about all Rob said about her last week.

For the sake of their precious loved one, we really hope Chyna sticks to it and we really hope Kardashian grows the heck up.
