Showing posts with label Scathing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scathing. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Patricia Altschul: Southern Charm Star SHADES Ashley Jacobs in Scathing Tweet

Despite some fan speculation, viewers won’t see Ashley Jacobs return to Southern Charm next season.

Ashley confirmed that on social media, claiming that it was her choice.

Patricia Altschul isn’t letting that claim stand unchallenged, and mocked Ashley’s post. Did she go too far?

“After a lot of prayerful consideration,” Ashley announced on Instagram. “I have decided not to return to Southern Charm next season.”

There was more to her announcement, and we’ll get to that.

But right now, let’s look at what one of the reigning Southern Charm stars has to say.

The absolute legend that is Patricia Altschul saw Ashley’s announcement and decided to parody it with an announcement of her own.

“After prayerful consideration,” Patricia tweeted. “I’ve decided to decline the Nobel Peace Prize and the swimsuit cover of Sports Illustrated.

Patricia Altschul shades Ashley Jacobs in tweet

Patricia Altschul is a delight.

It is clear by the implication of her tweet that, as far as she is concerned, Ashley was never considered for an invitation to return to the show.

That’s not so surprising — Ashley was never a real cast member, and was only paid for her appearance at the reunion special.

She was Thomas Ravenel’s girlfriend, and Thomas is never returning to Bravo.

(Thomas will, in fact, stand trial for sexual assault based upon the chilling allegations made by his children’s former nanny)

Patricia received a lot of cheering after her shady tweet.

Others, however, felt that she was taking things too hard.

“Quit being a bully,” demanded one Twitter denizen. “Move on.”

“You’re too old to continue these shenanigans,” the tweeter told Patricia.

(Poking at Patricia Altschul’s age isn’t just rude — it also makes your words about bullying sound a little hollow)

Patricia dismissed that particular tweet as sour grapes — possibly from Ashley herself under a fake social media account.

Despite the implication that Ashley never had the option of returning to Southern Charm, her Instagram post explained her reasoning.

“I’ve been blessed with an amazing career, family, & friends,” she wrote.

“And,” Ashley continued. “I don’t want to put those things in jeopardy for a reality tv show.”

“Honestly,” she shared. “I considered filming again because I desperately want to tell my side of the story.”

“But after experiencing how unfair the editing process can be,” she explained. “I don’t think I’ll ever have a fair shot.”

“I appreciate you all following me throughout this journey,” Ashley concluded.

We’re glad that Ashley seems to have found some peace.

Given the damage to her image as well as the visibly detrimental effects that stardom exacted upon her health, maybe it’s best that Ashley not return.

(Not everyone should be a reality star, and that is perfectly okay — Ashley is a registered nurse)

There are conflicting reports over who made this call.

Ashley and some sources say that she was offered the chance to return to the show and try to work her way into the inner circle.

Other sources — and Patricia Altschul —  say that she was never considered, because she was never really a star.

As you can see, the other ladies of Southern Charm are getting on just fine without Ashley.

But we don’t think that it’s fair to call Patricia’s words “bullying.”

It’s a shady tweet from a reality star to her former co-star.

If it were racist or homophobic or misogynistic or something along those lines, maybe.

Instead, it was one woman who appeared on a reality show mocking another. That goes with the territory.

Also, it’s worth noting that Patricia was overtly friendly to Ashley when she first joined the show.

It was Ashley’s behavior during her brief stint on Southern Charm that made Patricia feel repulsed.


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Harvey Weinstein: Decades of Sexual Harrassment Detailed in Scathing New York Times Piece

Since rising to fame as one of the central figures of the indie film renaissance in the early 1990s, Miramax and the Weinstein Company co-founder Harvey Weinstein has enjoyed a spot at the very top of the Hollywood food chain.

Weinstein is such a powerful figure that tales of him wielding his clout to secure everything from favorable reviews to Academy Awards are the stuff of legend within the movie industry.

Unfortunately, as is the case with so many powerful men in far too many fields, there’s a dark side to Weinstein’s ascendance that’s come to light slowly thanks to a number of brave women and their willingness to share their stories.

Weinstein’s been accused of sexual assault and harassment several times over the years, but he’s survived each scandal due largely to the tremendous amount of media influence he’s accrued over the years.

In October of 2015, actress Ashley Judd claimed she was harassed by an unnamed producer who was widely assumed to be Weinstein. 

“I was sexually harassed by one of our industry’s most famous, admired-slash-reviled bosses,” Judd revealed in an interview with Variety.

“I was making Kiss the Girls at the time, and here I was, a declared feminist …  It took years before I could evaluate that incident and realize that there was something incredibly wrong and illegal about it.”

As the account followed closely on the heels of a different Weinstein sexual assault scandal, many believed that Judd was hinting that she had been assaulted by the then-Miramax chief.

Now, the allegations have been confirmed in a scathing New York Times exposé that Weinstein reportedly tried to prevent from being published.

In addition to detailing the abuse against Judd, the Times has published allegations from several women who worked for Weinstein and claim they were groped, harassed, or otherwise abused during their time in his employ.

An investigation by the Times revealed several undisclosed allegations against Weinstein across a thirty-year period.

The mogul has reportedly reached out-of-court settlements with his accusers on eight separate occasions.

The Times piece includes accusations from a temporary Miramax employee who says she was forced to massage Weinstein while he was naked, an episode that left her “crying and very distraught.”

The Times also excerpted a letter written by Weinstein colleague Lauren O’Connor to several execs at TWC that addresses the issue of Weinstein’s ongoing misconduct:

“There is a toxic environment for women at this company,” O’Connor wrote.

“I am a 28 year old woman trying to make a living and a career. Harvey Weinstein is a 64 year old, world famous man and this is his company. The balance of power is me: 0, Harvey Weinstein: 10.”

In a statement issued to the Times this afternoon, Weinstein did not deny the allegations against him, saying:

“I appreciate the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologize for it. Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go.”

Sources say Weinstein will be taking an indefinite hiatus from his company.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Charles Oakley Blasts James Dolan, Knicks In Scathing New Lawsuit

Charles Oakley tears into the NY Knicks as the “laughingstock” of the NBA — and rips owner James Dolan as an incompetent, insecure liar in a brand new lawsuit obtained by TMZ Sports.  Oak is suing Dolan and the Knicks over that infamous Feb.…


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

High School Senior SLAMS Sexist Dress Code with Scathing Yearbook Quote

Yearbook quotes used to just be little cute ways of being remembered or sharing jokes with friends.

Now, in the age of social media, many students hope to be able to share their sense of humor or their ingenuity with thousands of people who never attended their school. Sometimes, it works, and their photo and quote get shared all across the world.

One student’s yearbook photo has gone viral for making a hilarious point about sexist dress codes.

Tori DiPaolo

When Tori DiPaolo tweeted this photo from the yearbook, she included a caption.

“Tori: 1; Dress Code: 0.”

She wasn’t just congratulating herself for an entertaining quote that poked fun at the hypocrisy of school photos that bare those scandalous shoulders when the school itself bans them.

She’s apparently waged a lengthy battle against the school’s outrageously sexist dress code policies.

“Over the past four years, myself and many of my friends have received dress code violations for clothes that were nowhere near inappropriate.”

That’s all too common.

And while many students are quick to blame teachers for reporting them for their “offenses,” they should realize that most teachers only do so for fear of getting into trouble if they don’t report dress code violations.

“I became a bit infamous around school for fighting the administration about dress code, so I figured I’d use my senior quote as one final jab.”

Great callbacks to your reputation are a great way to use a yearbook quote.

Second only to the folks who use their yearbook quotes to come out of the closet.

“I just found it funny that the outfits for senior portraits technically violated the dress code by exposing our shoulders, so I saw my opportunity and ran with it.”

Funny, yes … but not funny haha, you know?

Dress codes can be especially onerous in the south, where soaring temperatures can combine with humidity to make even a tee shirt feel like its smothering its wearers.

But no matter the location, dress codes are clearly and aggressively based on gender discrimination.

“It’s all based on sexism, and it is completely unreasonable.”

She’s not pulling that out of nowhere.

So much of dress codes has to do with the idea that a girl’s bare shoulders or, gasp, if her tee shirt rides up, will distract the boys in the classroom.

You know, because shoulders and the small of your back have magic powers that force boys to stop paying attention.

One of my favorite anecdotes about girls responding to stupid sexist dress code enforcement was a girl who was told that her bra strap was showing so she needed to change outfits who then reached under her shirt and removed her bra.

All the while without breaking eye contact with the teacher.

Not all heroes wear capes.

Or bras.

“There have been a number of incidents where I was called into the office due to what I was wearing. Whether it was my bra strap showing, or my midriff being a quarter inch exposed, administration always gave me a problem.”

Pulling her out of class and wasting her time when she could have been learning.

Shame on them.

Like, the idea of a dress code makes sense, but basically you should just need to wear clothing that wouldn’t get you banned from Instagram or, like, a McDonald’s.

That’s just part of life.

Instead, students — most of whom are in the middle of growth spurts and many of whom may not come from families who can afford to be picky about clothes — are expected to go above and beyond.

Because apparently certain parts of the human arm are just too darn sexual.

(But in ways that only impact boys)

Policies are inconsistently enforced, so a girl might only get in trouble for her attire after having worn it a dozen times before, thinking that it wasn’t a problem.

The most insidious part of how dress codes are enforced is that, in case she might distract boys from their educations, girls are called out of class or even sent home.

Which effectively prioritizes the educations of hypothetical boys who lack basic self-control skills.

The fact that girls are supposed to be responsible for their male classmates’ educations is ludicrous, but it’s enshrined in countless dress codes across the country.

That kind of thinking is only a few steps below “that witch hexed me into lusting after her!”

DiPaolo isn’t the only students or former student to have expressed these concerns or fought this battle.

There have been viral stories, like that parent of a female student who invited the school’s principal to go shopping with them to see how absurd the dress code was an how difficult it was to meet.

There are adults fighting similar battles against what’s considered inappropriate for grown women vs what men are allowed to do.

There are even cases where men are directly impacted — right now in Europe, there are numerous men wearing skirts to protest their companies’ bans on wearing shorts during soaring temperatures.

Though, honestly, skirts have to be way more comfortable.

Maybe they’ll stick with them.

And maybe society should care a little less about how people decorate their meat prisons.


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Dana White Fires Back at Demetrious Johnson After Scathing Letter

You knew it was coming … here’s Dana White lashing back at Demetrious Johnson — essentially calling BS on all the claims DJ made in his scathing statement about the UFC. Earlier this month, Mighty Mouse blasted Dana — saying the UFC has…


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Tituss Burgess: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Star"s Scathing Review of Moving Company Goes Viral

Well played, sir.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt"s Tituss Burgess gave one Brooklyn moving company a Yelp review so bad, it has not just gone viral, it prompted the ratings site to monitor the company"s page.

Burgess recounted the entire exchange on each of his social media platforms, in which an employee from Franks Express Moving Company refused to send movers unless Burgess first wrote a Yelp review.

“My name is Tituss Burgess. I’m an Emmy Nominated Actor for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt currently streaming on netflix. Thats besides the point. But watch it,” he started.

“These guys are the absolute most UNPROFESSIONAL workers I have EVER DEALT WITH.

"I called this man this morning. We chatted. He said he could move my couch at 1 pm which was the time I requested. 1:30 still no movers.

“I called back and he says I will give you a discount .. I said ok.

But wait!  There"s a catch.

"He says but you have to post a review on yelp. I said when you complete the job I will complete the review.”

“I called him about 9 times but he wouldn’t pick up but he somehow was capable of texting. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY.

“Im going to post this to twitter to my instagram to my Facebook. You messed with the wrong Queen.

 Later, someone else from Franks Express responded to the review, insisting it was a "fatal mistake" on their part.

"As you can see our reviews on the Yelp you can find us as professional," the response read.

"It would be the best chance to help the famous person.”

What"s worse is that Burgess" reviewed resulted in a wave of others leaving similar stories, furious that they had to first rate the company before any services would been provided.

The actor made such an impact that Yelp is now monitoring the page, stating that since it received so much media coverage, 

"While we don’t take a stand one way or the other when it comes to these news events, we do work to remove both positive and negative posts that appear to be motivated more by the news coverage itself than the reviewer’s personal consumer experience with the business," the message read.

Moving companies across America just collectively peed their pants.

Tituss burgess unbreakable kimmy schmidt stars scathing review o

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Michael Jackson Said WHAT About Prince?! Read His Scathing Comments

Fans have compared Michael Jackson and Prince on numerous occasions, and it’s easy to see the similarities between the two stars.

Michael Jackson and Prince

Both singers were eccentric, top-of-the-charts pop icons who rose to fame in the 80s with oft-controversial lyrics and always-stupefying dance moves.

But the two were hardly friends, we’ve now learned.

New recordings uncovered by The Mirror reveal some harsh words Jackson had for Prince 30 years ago.

“I don’t like to be compared to Prince at all,” the Thriller singer said in the tapes.

He went on:

“I have proven myself since I was real little. It’s not fair. He feels like I’m his opponent.

“I hope he changes because boy, he’s gonna get hurt. He’s the type that might commit suicide or something.”

Jackson also called his rival “rude,” “mean” and “nasty,” although he does not elaborate on any specific incidents between the two. 

“He was so rude, one of rudest people I have ever met,” he said. “Prince is very competitive. He has been very mean and nasty to my family.”

Unbelievably, the King of Pop made fun of Prince when he stumbled into the crowd onstage at a 1983 James Brown tribute show after he mistook a paper mache lamp post for a real one.

“He made a fool of himself. He was a joke,” Jackson mocked. “People were running and screaming. I was so embarrassed. It was all on video.”

Jackson, who had been in the public eye since he was a child, claimed that Prince was “starstruck” when they first met, but the Purple One shifted his attitude once he found fame himself.

Despite their differences, the two music legends unfortunately share one more similarity: both their deaths were caused by an overdose to physician-prescribed medication.

Toxicology results indicated that Prince died of an opioid overdose this year, assumed to be Percoset, which he was reportedly taking for hip pain.

Jackson’s death was attributed to a lethal dose of the sedative Propofol, administered by his doctor, Conrad Murray. 

Even stranger, Jackson named his third child Prince Michael Jackson, born in 2002.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Michael Strahan to Pen Scathing Memoir About Kelly Ripa?

Michael Strahan has already left Live! for Good Morning America.

But that doesn’t mean the talk show host is done with Kelly Ripa, not according to a new tabloid cover story.

The latest issue of Star claims that Strahan has a $ 10 million offer on the table to pen a memoir that will reveal endless secrets about his former colleague.

An anonymous insider tells the magazine that Strahan would “relish telling his side of the story” of why he ditched one ABC program for another.

Strahan, of course, announced in mid-April that he would depart Live! in September in order to become a full-time part of Good Morning America.

But Ripa felt disrespected enough by the way in which ABC handled this announcement to stage a mini-boycott of her own show.

She eventually returned… talked about the need for respect in the workplace… and then awkwardly sat next to Strahan for the next few weeks until he ended up leaving on May 13.

What might a Strahan memoir include?

Details on how Live! employees supposedly dislike Ripa, and “how icy-cold she can be toward anyone she deems beneath her.”

The magazine writes that Ripa would also tell Strahan “very private, intimate stuff” about her marriage to Mark Consuelos… all of which Strahan is now prepared to spill to the public!

Michael has “seen the worst side of Kelly, and he could blow apart her carefully constructed image and ultimately humiliate her,” the bombshell report claims.

Ever since Strahan confirmed his job change, there’s been talk that he and Ripa have hated each other for years.

And this may very well be true.

But Strahan has still carved out a reputation as one of television’s most beloved morning personalities. It seems very hard to believe that he’d risk that for a few million bucks.

The guy has raked in plenty already from his professional football career and his new GMA gig.

Ripa, meanwhile, has possibly gone rogue.

She has also lined up a number of guest co-hosts, with no decision about a permanent fellow anchor expected any time soon.

We have a few suggestions, however…

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Kelly Osbourne Publishes Michelle Pugh"s Phone Number In Scathing Tweet

Point: Kelly

It was recently revealed that Ozzy Osbourne, 67, had been having an affair with hair stylist, Michelle Pugh.

According to  i, Pugh was fired from her job as a colorist at Meche Salon in Beverly Hills after the cheating rumors surfaced.

“Ozzy was supporting her,” a source told the magazine.

Kelly Osbourne is defending her mother, Sharon, who uncovered the affair by going through her husband’s emails.

“She and [daughter] Kelly both called the salon repeatedly for about two weeks before the news broke, trying to get in touch with Michelle.

“They were really angry,” the source added.

“Sharon is the reason Michelle was let go.”

Last night, Kelly took to Twitter to issue a scathing call-to-action against Pugh.

“Anyone looking for cheap chunky LOW-lights a blow out and a blowjob call ________,” listing a cell phone number that no doubt belongs to Pugh.

In the May 30th issue of Us, a coworker told Entertainment Tonight that Pugh, who has worked with Jennifer Lopez and Pete Wentz, “is super into rock/metal music, so they bonded.

“It was known in the salon they were a little too close.”

The family thought Ozzy went missing in April, but it turns out he just left the house without telling anyone so that he could hang out with Pugh.

Sharon, according to the story, “thought he had gone on a walk and had some kind of medical emergency.”

She and Kelly, along with siblings Aimee and Jack, tried to find their dad.

Ozzy had left behind his cell phone, so the family scrolled through his history for any information pointing to his whereabouts.  They noticed a strange number, which belong to Pugh.

“She’s a Black Sabbath groupie who used to dye his [Ozzy’s] hair,” a friend of Pugh’s said.

As of press time, Kelly’s tweet is still up.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The People v. O.J. Simpson: A Scathing Indictment of the Kardashians?

Last night’s episode of the hit FX miniseries The People v. O.J. Simpson featured a scene in which Robert Kardashian (as portrayed by David Schwimmer) took his four kids to a packed restaurant on Father’s Day.

Fearing that they wouldn’t be able to get a table, Kardashian approached the hostess stand, where he was instantly recognized as “Richard Cordovian” and informed that he and his kids would be seated right away.

The scene takes place just days after the arrest of O.J. Simpson for the double murder of Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

The tragic events thrust Robert Kardashian – then a non-practicing lawyer and small-time businessman – into the spotlight as a result of his role as Simpson’s number one confidante.

Once seated, Kardashian lectures his giddy children on the shallowness of fame, and the importance of disregarding public opinion in favor of staying true to one’s self.

His words fall on deaf ears, as the kids bask in the spotlight and gush about their famous step-father, Bruce Jenner.

The Kardashians are said to be furious about the depiction of Robert as a cut-rate lawyer who was only involved with the case because of his friendship with “the Juice” (famed attorneys Robert Shapiro, F. Lee Bailey, and Alan Dershowitz barely acknowledge him in one scene), but thus far, it seems that he’s meant to serve as the unlikely moral center of the show.

At first, the series’ focus on the Kardashian family’s role in the trial was viewed as a desperate attempt to make the events of the case more relevant to a Millennial audience.

On more careful inspection, however, one notices that Kim and her siblings are always depicted as behaving in an insensitive, self-obsessed fashion, even as their parents cope with the brutal murder of one close friend, and the trial of a man so close to the family that the Kardashian kids called him Uncle O.J.

In the first episode they’re seen roughhousing at the funeral of Nicole Brown-Simpson, ignoring their mother’s admonitions to show some respect.

In the second, they chant their family’s name while their father reads what was thought to be Simpson’s suicide note on live television.

In the third, they revel in the fact that their parents’ newfound fame (Kris Jenner was starring in her new husband’s Thighmaster infomercials at the time.) might mean a lifetime of special treatment.

What was once thought to be a cheesy nod to the tangential involvement of a family of present-day A-listers may in fact be an indictment of the national obsession with celebrity that almost certainly played a role in Simpson’s acquittal, and that many believe enabled him to quite literally get away with murder. 

It’s easy to see how the Kardashians might take offense at their portrayal, but more and more it seems that the goal of the show’s producers is not to take preemptive shots at the celebrity world’s easiest targets, but to illustrate the ways in which the widespread mentality that compromised the Simpson trial is still alive and well.