Showing posts with label Fcking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fcking. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: "She"s a F-cking Psycho!"

We nearly saw Vinny Guadagnino’s penis on the latest episode of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

But while this veteran castmate thankfully kept his junk in his pants, Vinny let it all come out when discussing his feelings toward former fling Angelina Pivarnick.

Seriously, the guy just WENT OFF on her. Scroll down to find out why…

It’s been clear for a few weeks now that Angelina still has a thing for Vinny, following their hook up eight years ago.

(Yes, eight years ago! These people have been in our lives for a very long time.)

On Thursday night, however, Vinny made it clear that Angelina lust for him was not reciprocated after the group went out for dinner and Angelina would not leave him alone.

At one point, after taunting Vinny and alleging that he’s the one obsessed with her, Angelina grabbed Vinny’s crotch.

And he was so NOT down with it.

“I hate that girl. I’m done with that girl, seriously. She went too far. I’m done being nice to her,” he screamed in response, adding:

“She’s f-cking psycho.”

Snooki and JWOWW were encouraging Angelina (who’s engaged, by the way) to simply “hate f-ck” Vinny, but even they backed off once they saw the state Guadagnino was actually in.

The final straw was when Angelina said Vinny was attracted to her because, in her mind, she reminded Vinny of his mother.

“You’re obsessed with me,” Angelina told Vinny over dinner, turning the knife in deeper by continuing:

“You literally love me. Just admit it to everybody here that you’re obsessed with me. You should just confess your love in front of everybody.”

Vinny called her “delusional” and told her to “shut up” multiple times; nevertheless, Angelina persisted. And then she crossed a line.

“You want a woman like your mom. That’s what you want,” she said. “That’s why you love me so much, because I remind you of your mother.”


“How dare you? How dare you?” Vinny later vented to the camera.

“I don’t care if Angelina compared herself to Kim Kardashian. I don’t care if you compare yourself to f-cking Beyonce. Do not ever compare yourself to my mother.”

He also made it as clear as could be to Angelina herself, telling his past lover:

“All I begged you to do is stop talking to me. You f-cking bring up my name every second.”

Still, Angelina kept interrupting.

“You’re obsessed with me. You love me. You literally love me. You wanna marry me. You literally wanna marry me,” she said.

Vinny eventually snapped, yelling “COME AT ME, BRO!” — until The Situation calmed everyone down by asking about dessert.\

Speaking of The Situation:

He invited JWOWW to attend his speech at his former rehab facility.

She was still sort of drunk from the night before, but she downed some Gatorade, tossed on some sweat pants and agreed to support her friend.

On his way there, Mike told Jenni a story about his struggle with drinking and how his now-wife stood by his side throughout the worst of times.

“There was one time where I was attempting to get sober,” Mike explained.

“I had a doctor and a nurse at my house. They were detoxing me, and after I think four or five days, I had the ‘f-ck its,’ they call it, where you’re like, ‘F-ck it, I don’t want this anymore. I wanna go party. I wanna feel better.’

“So I jumped in my car, and Lauren jumped in her vehicle. I was trying to get away from her, so there was a bit of speeding going on, a little bit of a car chase.

“Eventually, a cop pulled up beside me, and I actually said to the cop that there’s a crazy fan following me.”

Continued The Situation:

He didn’t entertain it. He was just like, ‘Mike, you’re crazy.’

“But I actually said that [about] my girlfriend, who’s behind me trying to help me. That’s a good story for people to hear that because that was my crazy times. I could not escape her. She was determined.

“I turned around and went home and went through the detox process.”

And now Mike and Lauren are married.

We don’t often say this when it comes to Jersey Shore, but: How sweet, right?!?


Monday, October 8, 2018

Kim Kardashian to Kourtney Kardashian: You F-cking Disgust Me!

Keeping Up with the Kardashians took Kim and Kourtney to Japan on Sunday night.

And the sisters brought with them many suitcases, changes of outfits… and lots of hard feelings.

in japan

The installment centered on Kim planning a trip to Tokyo to shoot a Yeezy campaign on behalf of her husband’s fashion brand.

“I love working with Kanye in that way because he will listen to me on things that are important to me, and I’ll trust him on colors and fabrics,” she said of the endeavor, adding:

“I only have a few days to get 20 looks shot.

“Japan is the campaign – we can’t recreate it. There are dozens of people working on this, so it is a lot of pressure.

“It’s my husband’s collection and I want to make sure that I do a good job and that he likes how everything turns out.”

This was the epitome of a First World Problem, but whatever, right?

It was a fair concern for Kim at the time, given the circumstances.

However, Kim decided to mix the personal with the professional by inviting Khloe and Kourtney along for the vacation.

Why would she do so, considering the tension that has existed between all three siblings throughout Season 15?

Probably because the script called for it, but maybe also to bury the hatchet.

All it took was one evening out, though, for the tension to return — which is what happens when one sister simply can’t handle what her loved one is wearing.

“I can’t even eat dinner because I’m so disgusted with my sisters’ crazy outfits that completely don’t go with my look,” Kim told the camera. “Like, I can’t take it.”

No, really, she could. Not. Even. Take. It.

“My sisters look so crazy,” Kim continued.

“It’s actually embarrassing. Kourtney with the Japanese-inspired outfit, and Khloé is wearing silver sequins, turquoise eyeshadow, huge chandelier earrings – they’re just like, completely clashing and making my outfit look really bad and they’re ruining everything.

“I need the Yeezy collection to be debuted and not all this crazy distraction in the background.”

Seriously, Khloe and Kourtney: How did you not consider the effect your fashion taste would have on Kim’s career?!?

Kim didn’t keep her feelings to herself, either.

She sat down with her siblings, told them they looked like “f-cking clowns” and continued to berate them as follows:

“I’m not kidding. This is not like, a tourist thing where it’s Halloween, dress up like a f-cking Japanese geisha, unless we’re at a geisha house.

“I just think you’ve got to like, chill. Like, you can be cooler. I’m not telling you guys who to be and what to wear or anything, but I’m telling you who to be and what to wear.

“It could be time for a fashion overhaul, so that you stay young and relevant.”

pink kim

At another point, she told Kourtney she looked “like a f-cking grandma, 100 percent.”

After being informed that she doesn’t come across as “special” or “innovative,” Kourtney at last snapped and replied in a confessional:

“Now I think Kim’s just being rude, and rude to everyone in glam.

“We’re all doing fun looks together and it’s not that serious. I think Kim and I don’t always see eye-to-eye as far of the importance of traveling and living in the moment. …

“I have three children and a full-time job. I don’t have seven stylists.”

Kim defended her actions, saying she didn’t have time to “beat around the bush” while on location for a Yeezy campaign, while Kourtney countered that she just wanted to have some “fun.”

“Nobody wants to wake up and be criticized from head-to-toe the whole day long,” she sighed, finally lashing out as Kim for real:

“Would you rather me f-cking say your f-cking outfits suck? You’re wearing a puffy vest, you have pink hair and turquoise shoes.

“I didn’t come here to wear leggings that are see-through and show my ass off. Do you know easy it is to a bitch? I could be a bitch all f-cking day if that’s what you want.

“But guess what? It takes a lot more courage to show your feelings than to sit there and be a bitch.”

Okay, fine, Kim relented toward the end of the episode.

She said she takes pride in being “honest,” but that the “delivery” of her message may have been off.

But, hey, it was all worthwhile in the end!

“It was a lot of work but we did it, and with how amazing and pretty this city is, this campaign is going to be super dope,” she concluded.

“Kanye is so happy with how the shoot turned out and I feel like it was a really good trip for us overall.”


Friday, August 31, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: "You"re a F-cking Psychopath. You"re a F-cking Loser. You"re a Piece of Sh-t!"

If you’re a fan of Jersey Shore, you had likely read all about it by this point.

But still.

Simply having knowledge of what went down this summer between Ronnie and his girlfriend/baby mama, Jen Harley, probably did not prepare you for what transpired on Thursday night.

Because… holy Hell. Things got ugly.

On the latest installment of this MTV hit, we witnessed Harley and Ronnie go at it after Ronnie threatened to leave the show because Jen was keeping his daughter, Ariana, away from him.

He was convinced to stick around by Pauly D and by a producer who actually appeared on camera, but he realized that something in this ugly back-and-forth with Harley had to give.

“I have to make a change for my daughter. We need some kind of guidelines and foundation to make sure that she’s all right at the end of the day,” he told his co-stars about heading to meet with a lawyer.

Ronnie’s friends obviously understood where he was coming from.

“Jen is controlling him and baiting him,” Snooki said at one point. “You can’t take someone’s baby away, like, that’s not okay.”

Ronnie agrees, that’s sort of the whole point here.

But he also remarks that he could see himself getting back together with Jen, prompting an all-time response by Pauly.

“You gotta be nuts! She was just holding a baby from you, that’s the beginning. You gotta stay away from this girl for a while,” The DJ yelled to his pal, adding:

“That’s crazy. You can’t reconcile with her, you can’t. At this point, you can’t anymore. Why would you want to be with somebody that would hold a baby from you and not tell you where it is?

“That’s unsafe. God forbid something happened to her, you wouldn’t know where the baby was. … You can’t be with someone like that. You’re better than that.”

(Is he, though? Discuss.)

While Ronnie’s gone, Jen comes knocking… with a friend by her side.

She demands to know where Ronnie is and doesn’t believe the cast when they claim to have no idea.

Harley alleges that last night, he went “on a f-cking rampage, texting me every name in the book” in over 300 messages.

(Yes, this did really happen. Click below for proof.)

“Obviously someone’s with him, a producer or …” Jen says, looking around the room.

At this mention, a producer actually interrupts, reminding Jen that they’d told her he’d be back at a specific time later and suggesting that she leave and return then.

This appears to blows up her ruse: Jen knew he wasn’t home when she traveled to the hotel. Busted!

“You guys are f-cked up! You guys are f-cking liars!” she cries out as she departs.

“That girl came to this room with an agenda, to tell her side of the story and paint this picture that Ronnie’s this animal,” Pauly says.

“Jen is gangster. She’s trying to play everybody. She’s not going to play me.”

But then $ hit REALLY gets crazy…

After Ronnie comes home and says he feels better after talking with an attorney, the group goes out to dinner — but he remains at the hotel, bracing himself for a confrontation with Jen.

As soon as she walks in… BOOM! It’s on.

“Ron! You’re texting me I’m a f-cking whore, I’m a liar, I’m a f-ckng cheater?” she screams.

“Calm down,” he replies.

“No. I’m not gonna calm down. I don’t want to hear your whole f-cking bullsh-t story. … You’re calling me a f-cking whore? Motherf-cker?”

And then it was Ronnie’s turn to lose it:

“You’re driving me crazy! All you do is use that kid as a f-cking pawn!””

Your response, Jen?

“You’re a f-cking psychopath. You’re a f-cking loser. You’re a piece of sh-t,” she yells… and then spits in his face.

(This is where we remind people that Jen and Ronnie were parents to a newborn girl at the time this was filmed.)

A security guard intervenes at this juncture, only for Jen to lunge at Ronnie and the picture to fade to black.

We’re left with the prophetic word: “I don’t give a f-ck. I’ll go to jail.”

And then, for the record, Harley did go to jail.

What do you think, viewers?

Was this the most explosive fight in the history of Jersey Shore?

Heck, in the history of reality television?

You can click on the video below and relive every vicious second now:


Friday, July 13, 2018

Jerry Rice Says "I"m The F*cking Best Football Player Of All Time"

Ever wonder who Jerry Rice thinks is the greatest football player that ever lived? “I’m the f*cking best football player of all time!” the ex-49ers receiver says.  Well, there you have it. Jerry Rice to Charles Barkley: “I’m the…


Friday, April 13, 2018

Jenni Farley Talks Miscarriage: "I Was a F-cking Mess"

Gym, Tan, Laundry?

Maybe that was all the cast of Jersey Shore talked about its first time around.

But a lot has changed over the years, and these MTV stars got far deeper than we ever imagined was possible on Thursday night’s installment of their rebooted series.

Specifically, Jenni “JWoww” Farley and Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino opened up on this episode about Jersey Shore Season 4, which was filmed in Italy.

It aired throughout the summer and fall of 2011 — and Farley admits now that she was in no shape at all to be having her life filmed at all times by cable network cameras back then.

And why not?

Because she had very recently suffered a miscarriage.

“Three to four weeks before Italy, my grandmother passed and me and Roger [Mathews] actually lost a baby … not a lot of people know,” the 32-year old said on air last night.

She went on to detail the effect that such a trauma had on her psyche.

 “They put me on medication because of it because I couldn’t handle life,” Jenni said, expounding as follows:

“The medication – it was like Xanax, it would take me down. The downers would make me so groggy, then I would start taking uppers. I segued right into Italy.

“I was a f-cking mess.”

Man. We’re so very sorry to hear that.

Few life events are as devastating as a miscarriage.

Farley and husband Mathews eventually welcomed their first child, a daughter named Meilani Alexandra, in 2014.

Two years later, they welcomed a son named Greyson Valor.

Prior to Meilani entering the world, however, Farley wrote candidly on her blog that she actually thought she had suffered a miscarriage for a second time.

(The first miscarriage was unknown to the public at the time.)

“I went to the bathroom, I saw blood and panicked,” wrote Farley in early 2014, adding:

“So many thoughts were running through my head. I felt a loss like no other when I thought that I was no longer pregnant.

“I whispered it to Roger and for that whole ride we just stared straight ahead and didn’t say a word. I went to bed that night in Nashville praying it was just a thing that happens.”

Thankfully, she was right.

Everything was okay this time around.

Jersey Shore: Family Vacation premiered last Thursday evening, giving fans an update on what Jenni, Mike and others in their crew have been up to.

In many ways, things are the same:

There’s still plenty of drinking, partying and arguing taking place.

In other ways, however, nothing is the same, most notably because there are now actual kids in the picture… kids that belong to these reality stars!

Who would have thought?!?

To watch Jersey Shore online and to get caught up on the happenings surrounding JWOWW and company, press Play on the video below:

Editor’s Note:

We wish Farley the best and we’re so very sorry this happened to her.

We’re glad to hear that she has recovered from this tragedy and we think her two kids are SO cute!


Monday, October 2, 2017

Dan Bilzerian Films "F-cking Crazy" Las Vegas Massacre

Dan Bilzerian is a social media personality with over 23 million Instagram followers.

He"s risen to viral fame for being a professional gambler, who once hurled a porn star off a roof; for having a massive gun collection; and who proudly supported Donald Trump for President last year.

"In an age of pussified political correctness, you have to respect the people who remain unfiltered," Bilzerian captioned a photo of himself and The Donald in December of 2015.

We say all this as a preface to the video below.

It"s a collection of the videos Bilzerian filmed on Sunday night – and later uploaded to Instagram – while he was on hand for the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

As tragically documented, a shooter named Stephen Paddock opened fire with a semi-automatic weapon very early Monday morning at a Jason Aldean concert in Las Vegas, killing 50 people and injuring over 400 others.

Paddock is believed to have taken his own life immediately after committing this act of terrorism; while police found eight weapons in his hotel room at the Mandalay Bay after identifying the culprit and tracking down his location.

The shooting took place at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival.

"F-ck, this girl just got shot in the f-cking head," Bilzerian says at the outset of the footage below. "So f-cking crazy."

As the gunfire continued to ring out (other witnesses have said it went on for 10 or 15 minutes), Bilzerian apparently went back to his residence in order to arm himself.

"So I had to go grab a gun. I"m f-cking headed back. It"s f-cking so crazy – some kind of mass shooting," he says in a video added about an hour after the first.

"F-cking guy had a heavy caliber or whatever… Saw a girl got f-cking shot in the face right next to me."

In the third and fourth videos, Bilzerian realizes he can"t exactly do much, telling followers:

"I don"t think there"s much I can do."

We"ve culled all four videos into one piece of footage. Check it out here:

Dan bilzerian films las vegas massacre chronicles f cking crazy

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Kate Upton: Acting like a F-cking Diva Over Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover?

Kate Upton is as beautiful as it gets on the outside.

According to a bombshell new report, however, the voluptuous model is dark and conniving and kind of evil on the inside.

Allow us to explain in further, alleged detail…

On Monday, February 13, Sports Illustrated will release its annual Swimsuit Edition, likely prepared to deal with the backlash that accompanies this rollout on a yearly basis.

But while the publication is used to dealing with complaints from customers, The New York Post writes that SI was forced to deal with an unexpected internal problem while lining up sexy photos for the issue this time aroun.

And that problem centered around Upton, her large breasts and her even bigger ego.

Just like last year, the 2017 version of the Swimsuit edition is expected to feature three covers: on that stars Serena Williams, one that stars 63-year-old model Christie Brinkley and one that stars Upton.

(In 2016, the three covers depicted Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson and Ronda Rousey in body paint and/or bikinis.)

Well… one that maybe stars Upton.

An insider tells Page Six that Upton stirred up a lot of “drama” throughout her bathing suit-based suit.

“Kate demanded that if she did the shoot, that she absolutely must get the cover,” the newspaper writes, adding of Upton:

“She also had a list of photographers and hair and makeup people she would only work with.”

Those latter demands are probably not unusual for a celebrity of Upton’s stature.

But Upton has already appeared on the Sports Illustrated cover in 2012 and 2013 and those close to this situation say he attitude and behavior have been anything but appropriate.

“She was being a big f -cking diva,” an insider claims. “She’s thinks she’s better than everyone because she’s an actress.”

Wait… she is?!?

The busty blonde did appear in The Other Woman three years ago, opposite Leslie Mann and Cameron Diaz.

But the comedy wasn’t exactly embraced by movie critics.

She has three films in post-production at the moment, including one directed by William H. Macy and another by James Franco.

In 2015, Upton – who is engaged to Detroit Tigers pitcher Justin Verlander – was the subject of a New York Post article discussing whether her “ego is ruining her career.”

One modeling industry veteran said that her “demands became ridiculous.”

We can’t wait to see how Upton responds to this uproar.

As we’ve seen in the past, Upton is unafraid to speak her mind.

The only real move that Upton ought to take here is to stage some kind of coup.

Screw Sports Illustrated, right?!?

Why not just pose for a bunch of naked photos on your own and release them on Instagram for all to see?

We see no other option for you to take, Kate. Do it. Do it. Do it RIGHT NOW.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Kendall Jenner Lands Vogue Cover, Screams: I F-CKING DID IT!

Please excuse Kendall Jenner for a moment. 

She has something to say.

And this is basically it:


We exaggerate. But only slightly.

The 20-year old model covers her first-ever issue of Vogue this month, and it’s safe to say that she’s rather excited about the distinction.

(It’s also safe to say we can practically see her breasts in the photo above.)

“In a room with a bunch of people I love, looking at this cover made me cry,” Jenner wrote on Instagram yesterday.

She sent the message from Turks and Caicos, where she was celebrating Kylie Jenner’s 19th birthday with Bella Hadid and Hailey Baldwin

“I FUCKING DID IT. SEPTEMBER VOGUE. this is the coolest thing ever! can’t thank you enough Anna, for giving me the honor,” Jenner added.

She’s referring there to Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour, who is notoriously picky over who gets featured on the front of her publication.

Back in March of 2014, Kim Kardashian expressed a similar sentiment when she and Kanye West were featured in Vogue.

They struck a number of memorable poses along with daughter North West.

Remember this spread of the famous couple?

In Kendall’s case, there are 13 more images of her inside this September issue, as she dons clothing by Alexander Wang, John Galliano, The Row, Prada and Hood by Air, to name just a few designers.

But it’s not all about fashion.

Kendall turns pretty serious at one point in the interview when the topic of Caitlyn Jenner is raised.

She tries to explain why she had some problems with her dad’s transition.

“We had ATVs and go-carts, and I grew up riding them all the time, which is why I’m a good driver,” she says, seemingly at random.

“It’s super ironic to think about now, but it’s something I can thank my dad for: how much of a tomboy I was.”

In other words: Caitlyn Jenner was responsible for making her daughter more manly, for lack of a better term.

And now she’s gone ahead and become a woman. Weird, Kendall explains.

“That’s why I think the whole thing – her transition – was really hard for me, because I was like, ‘But you taught me everything, tomboy!"”

Although the Keeping Up with the Kardashians actress struggled with the change initially, she tells Vogue that a lot has changed since the big reveal last spring.

“It has gotten easier. I knew it was going to have its rough phase, but it’s all super normal now. It’s not weird at all.”

Kendall’s Vogue cover hits national newsstands on August 23.

This is how she wraps up her thoughts on her transgender dad:

“Sometimes I look at a picture of my dad when she was a guy, and it makes me a little sad – I get emotional.

“You have to get past it – you’ve got a new person to love. It’s kind of a blessing in disguise – if that’s not the wrong way to say it.”

We get what she means.

And we have nothing to make fun of her for in this instance.

We can only imagine how challenging this has been for the entire Jenner family to deal with in many ways.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Kendall Jenner to Kylie: You"re a F-cking B-tch!

Are you ready for a sisterly showdown? Of epic proportions?

E! has released a new sneak peek from Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 11, which gets underway on November 15 at 9/8c, and it features Kendall Jenner getting into a serious, non-physical throwdown with Kylie Jenner.

It’s the sort of fight to which all siblings can relate.

See, the Jenners are getting ready to attend the ESPYs. And Kendall wants to borrow a dress from Kylie. But Kylei does not want Kendall to borrow said dress.

They end up yelling across the giant family mansion, with Kendall concluding the screaming match by saying Kylie is LITERALLY the "biggest f-cking bitch" she has ever met.


Elsewhere this season, fans of this scripted non-reality show can look forward to the following storylines:

  • The family continuing to adjust to Caitlyn Jenner as a woman, which is the reason why Kendall and Kylie are attending the ESPYs in the first place in this clip. Their father is receiving an award for courage there.

  • Scott Disick having to face his alcoholic and partying ways.

  • Kim Kardashian growing ever bigger as she awaits her second child.

  • Khloe Kardashian dating James Harden. It"s unclear at this point whether the Lamar Odom medical crisis will make it into the show, considering how far in advance the series tapes.

Will you be tuning in for the Keeping Up with the Kardashians premiere?

How many more seasons do you think the program has left? Do you still believe it"s somehow real and not as scripted as any sitcom out there?

Check out the seriously intense fight below and sound off on which family member you are most excited to see back in action.

Kendall jenner to kylie jenner youre a f cking b tch

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Azealia Banks Goes On Homophobic Rant Directed At Male Flight Attendant — Calls Him A "F*cking F*ggot"! WATCH!

Absolutely terrible!

Early Tuesday morning, Azealia Banks was on a Delta flight from NYC to LA where she went ballistic on the plane!

According to sources, when the flight landed, the rapper tried to quickly exit the jet by passing a French couple who were in front of her.

Related: Azealia Starts Feud With All Of Australia!

When the man put his hand out blocking the 24-year-old’s path, witnesses say she started to attack him by spitting and punching!

When a male flight attendant tried to calm her down, the NYC-native went on an EPIC rant calling him a ‘f-cking f-ggot’!

Police caught up with Miz Banks at baggage claim, but the French couple refused to press charges as they didn’t want to disrupt their vacation.

On the flip side, Azealia claims it was the French man who attacked her!

She said:

“I don’t tolerate bitchassness and I don’t tolerate men putting their hands on me.”

To see the crazy clip, ch-ch-check it out (below)!

[Image via WENN.]