Monday, October 2, 2017

Dan Bilzerian Films "F-cking Crazy" Las Vegas Massacre

Dan Bilzerian is a social media personality with over 23 million Instagram followers.

He"s risen to viral fame for being a professional gambler, who once hurled a porn star off a roof; for having a massive gun collection; and who proudly supported Donald Trump for President last year.

"In an age of pussified political correctness, you have to respect the people who remain unfiltered," Bilzerian captioned a photo of himself and The Donald in December of 2015.

We say all this as a preface to the video below.

It"s a collection of the videos Bilzerian filmed on Sunday night – and later uploaded to Instagram – while he was on hand for the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

As tragically documented, a shooter named Stephen Paddock opened fire with a semi-automatic weapon very early Monday morning at a Jason Aldean concert in Las Vegas, killing 50 people and injuring over 400 others.

Paddock is believed to have taken his own life immediately after committing this act of terrorism; while police found eight weapons in his hotel room at the Mandalay Bay after identifying the culprit and tracking down his location.

The shooting took place at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival.

"F-ck, this girl just got shot in the f-cking head," Bilzerian says at the outset of the footage below. "So f-cking crazy."

As the gunfire continued to ring out (other witnesses have said it went on for 10 or 15 minutes), Bilzerian apparently went back to his residence in order to arm himself.

"So I had to go grab a gun. I"m f-cking headed back. It"s f-cking so crazy – some kind of mass shooting," he says in a video added about an hour after the first.

"F-cking guy had a heavy caliber or whatever… Saw a girl got f-cking shot in the face right next to me."

In the third and fourth videos, Bilzerian realizes he can"t exactly do much, telling followers:

"I don"t think there"s much I can do."

We"ve culled all four videos into one piece of footage. Check it out here:

Dan bilzerian films las vegas massacre chronicles f cking crazy