Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Jenelle Evans" Son Says What We"re All Thinking: She"s a Piece of Sh-t!

Jenelle Evans doesn"t have much competition for the esteemed title of Worst Mother in the History of Reality Television.

And now, it seems even her own offspring agree that Jenelle really doesn"t have much business raising children.

The Carolina Hurricane keeps finding new and creative ways to hit rock bottom this season, and viewers are more disgusted by her behavior than ever.

Last week, we learned that CPS has been called to Jenelle"s house an astonishing 20 times in less than a year.

And this week, we learned that at 8 years old, her eldest son Jace already recognizes that Jenelle isn"t much for this whole "being a parent" thing.

1. Secondary Mother

Jace and jenelle

Jace is Jenelle’s first child, but since infancy, he’s been in the custody of her mother, the infamous Barbara Evans.

2. The Never-Ending Battle

Jenelle evans and jace pic

Jenelle has made several efforts to regain custody over the years, but after the current season of Teen Mom 2, it seems more certain than ever that Jace will reside with Babs until he leaves for college.

3. A Low Point

Jenelle and her pills

Last week, we saw Jenelle receive a visit from her local sheriff. He had been called to the home to perform a wellness check on Jenelle and David’s kids, but the couple refused to allow him inside the house.

4. An Ugly Scene

Jenelle evans takes a lot of drugs

Jenelle stated that it was the twentieth time the authorities had been called to her home in the past year. Viewers noted that more than a dozen prescription bottles were placed where they could be reached by children.

5. The Terrible Twosome

Jenelle eason and david eason pic

Fans probably didn’t think they could come away with a much lower opinion of Jenelle and David’s parenting after last week’s episode. Of course, Evans and Eason were quick to prove them wrong…

6. A Tense Stand-Off

Jenelle evans with barbara evans

When Jenelle dropped Jace off after he spent the weekend with her and David, she quickly gave Babs the brush-off. The reason, as it turns out, is that the visit did NOT go smoothly …

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