Showing posts with label Villain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Villain. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner: I Want to Play a Badass B--ch Marvel Villain!

Caitlyn Jenner has accomplished a great deal in her life. In fact, Kylie Jenner credits Cait for her near-billionaire status. But, for Cait, it’s not enough.

She wents to get into acting. Rather, she wants to get back into acting.

Specifically, she wants to play a big, bad supervillainess in a Marvel movie.

Caitlyn Jenner spoke about a number of things in this week’s special Variety issue on transgender Hollywood.

The former Olympian would love to return to acting, this time “in a Marvel movie,” Caitlyn says.

Cait shares her dream: “I want to play the baddest-ass lady you’ve ever seen in your life.”

Well, that role was taken by another Cait — when Cate Blanchett played Hela in Thor: Ragnarok.

“They got the wicked queen,” Cait, who does not get into a specific role that she desires. “Or the wicked lady.”

“Just do the makeup and the outfit,” Caitlyn says. “And I got the deep voice.”

Caitlyn has acted before — before she transitioned, she played a male athlete on Murder, She Wrote.

Additionally, she was effectively playing a character every time that she pretended to be the man that society saw her as for decades.

Caitlyn says that she feared: “Did I build up this character so big that I’m stuck with Bruce for the rest of my life?”

Transitioning takes a tremendous amount of courage. Doing so as a public figure was a major challenge.

“And it scared the hell out of me,” she admits.

Cait recalls that she was considered for the role of Superman before Christopher Reeve was cast.

Cait says: “They call up: ‘Would you be interested in a screen test for “Superman”?’”

At the time, she says, she felt overwhelmed.

“It was just too much for me,” Cait admits. “I would have gone down as the most macho guy in the world, and that’s not me. It’s not even close to being me.”

This feeds her desire to play a female supervillain — to make it to the big screen in a more authentic, empowering role.

“That’s why I want to play that badass b–ch,” Cait says. “I can play that girl.”

Of course, if Caitlyn plays a supervillain, that could be potentially problematic.

Given Cait’s complicated political views — if you’ll recall, her support for Trump lost her almost all of the good will that she had obtained by publicing coming out as transgender — some fans might prefer to see another transgender actress.

After all, Laverne Cox and Candis Cayne are accomplished actresses who are not regarded as traitors within the trans community.

Cait has come around on politics after she realized what everyone else already knew — that Trump was going to oppose LGBT+ rights at every turn to appease his base and spite his enemies.

There is also the issue of casting a trans woman as a villain when so many trans folks, especially those who are younger, would rather see representation among heroes.

That said … which Marvel characters could Cait play?

Aunt May is already taken, and while we don’t yet know the plot of Spider-Man: Far From Home, we kind of imagine that it’s not going to feature Madame Web.

Besides, neither of those are villains. And we’re struggling to think of a female Marvel villain in the right age bracket who would really work for Cait.

That said, since Disney has acquired X-Men (etc) from Fox, reuniting Marvel with its best properties, maybe that creates some new options for a new character in what many fans hope will be Marvel’s run of clean slate X-Men films.

Caitlyn Jenner could portray an outspoken mutant who vocally supports the Mutant Registration Act or even some sort of Sentinel Program, only to come to bitterly regret it — too late.

Or perhaps that would be too on-the-nose?

Of course, if Cait just wanted to play a villain in a superhero film, people might suggest Granny Goodness — though she is a villain from the DC Universe.

But Granny Goodness is a role that we all know in our hearts belongs to Kathy Bates, even though the DC movies so far have either been bad, catastrophically bad, or Wonder Woman

(At least Aquaman looks like it’s going to be really good and strike a wildly different tone from the grimdark, colorless films like Dawn of Justice)

Still, it would be neat if Cait could be cast as a Marvel villain. She might not be perfect, but it would be great to get to see her live this dream.

It would be even better if they also cast a trans woman as a protagonist, to give someone else the opportunity … and to make it clear that what’s villainous about Cait(‘s character) is not that she’s transgender.

Notably, as we mentioned when Ruby Rose was cast as Batwoman, a trans actress has been cast as a trans superhero on the CW’s Supergirl.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Ex-"Bachelorette" Villain Chad Johnson Sues Producer Over Alleged Sexual Misconduct

Chad Johnson — best known as the villain on JoJo’s season of “The Bachelorette” — was on his way to breaking into the movie biz, but got screwed over by a producer because he wouldn’t screw her … so he says in a new suit. Chad — who’s also a…


Monday, July 9, 2018

LeBron Mural Artist Not Mad At Vandal, "Every Story Needs a Villain"

Jonas Never — the guy who painted the new dope LeBron mural in L.A. — says he ain’t pissed his piece got tagged only hours after its completion … telling TMZ Sports it took just 20 minutes to fix!! The kick-ass artist spent 12 painstaking hours…


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Ex-Cowboys Player Defends Kanye, He"s Not a Villain!

A former Dallas Cowboys player is going to bat for Kanye West — telling TMZ Sports he truly believes Kanye is trying to make America great … despite his “bad choice” of words.  We spoke with Gerald Sensabaugh — who’s now running for mayor…


Monday, April 9, 2018

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 19 Recap: Is Porsha Williams a Villain?

We think it’s fair to say that The Real Housewife Season 10 has been one of the most toxic in franchise history. 

We’ve had some of the biggest bust-ups to date, shifting alliances and some of the cast members just being horrible people (we’re looking at you NeNe Leakes.)

On The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 19, it was time to sit down with the cast and host Andy Cohen to unpack the wild season. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you will know that Porsha has found herself immersed in some of the biggest fights of the season. 

As such, she was put on blast by practically the entire cast. Seriously, we felt a little for her. 

Kandi opened up about just how toxic things had become between her and Porsha and how she would never be able to be friends with her. 

The date rate rumor represented a huge turning point for their friendship. It was the thing that sunk it and proved there was no way they could ever be friends. 

Kandi felt like Porsha’s myriad of apologies throughout the series have been a little too much. Kandi seemed to only want an apology from Porsha that meant something. 

Porsha felt like she had been put on blast one too many times and that she was not ready to go through all of that again. 

Sheree was also against Porsha because of what happened between with Shamea. Porsha previously apologized to Sheree for telling Shamea she should not be trusted. 

But Porsha tried to come up with excuses for why she said it. This was a stark contrast from when the cameras were rolling, and she was the first one to apologize. 

While Porsha was being used as the scapegoat in the situation, Sheree was also put on blast for everything that happened. 

Case in point: Sheree was already in the know about the cockroach video Kim had in her inventory ready to use against NeNe. 

But Andy seemed to be shushing her because he’s saving Kim for the second week of the reunion. 

Then there was Kenya who may well have saved her role on the show. She’s been so adamant about keeping her husband, Marc Daly, away from the cameras. 

She revealed that she is expecting a child. It’s funny because there was a good chance Kenya was being let go after this season. 

“We will definitely be welcoming a boy or girl in late this year,” Moore said in a chat with Andy. 

“Oh my God, I said that! I don’t want to talk about the details because I’m still very nervous about everything, so I want to get past a safe place,” she continued. 

Now, her return is all but guaranteed. While everyone loved the twist about the pregnancy, Kenya admitted she wanted to keep Marc away from the cameras to preserve the wedding. 

In all honesty, this first episode was low-key, and there were not big events aside from the pregnancy reveal. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below!

The Real Housewives of Atlanta continues next Sunday. 


Monday, January 29, 2018

Ronda Rousey Should Be a WWE Villain, Says Cedric the Entertainer

Forget the “good guy” stuff … Ronda Rousey should be a HEEL when she opens her WWE storyline, so says big-time wrestling fan, Cedric the Entertainer. We broke the news to Ced in L.A. on Sunday night after Rousey crashed the Royal Rumble and…


Ronda Rousey Should Be a WWE Villain, Says Cedric the Entertainer

Forget the “good guy” stuff … Ronda Rousey should be a HEEL when she opens her WWE storyline, so says big-time wrestling fan, Cedric the Entertainer. We broke the news to Ced in L.A. on Sunday night after Rousey crashed the Royal Rumble and…


Monday, September 4, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Who Is The Villain?

Big Brother Season 19 has been the worst season of the CBS ratings juggernaut, and part of the blame has got to go on the inclusion of Paul Abrahamian. 

But then there is the sheer stupidity of some of the other housemates. Alex and Jason are a strong duo, so it was obvious they were going to be targeted sooner rather than later. 

We picked up with the Head of Household competition, and it quickly became apparent that something was different about the dynamic. We then got to see flashbacks of Paul, Josh, and Christmas realizing it was time to attack. 

They wanted everyone to throw the competition so that one of them could win and take a shot at Jason or Alex. Paul then basically threatened Kevin to throw the competition. 

That would then allow Alex to drop out and in return, Raven would do the same thing. Paul stressed to Kevin that he was safe, while Alex was under the impression Kevin would be put up as the replacement nominee. 

For some reason, Alex hates Kevin and wants nothing more than to see him going out of the game while she sits with a smug look on her face. The CBS edits make Alex look like an angel. 

Over on the feeds, it is an entirely different story. She says some outlandish things about her fellow houseguests, and it’s pretty sad. 

In the end, Josh let Christmas win the HOH competition, which was pretty crazy when you consider her ailment and that it was a running contest. 

Somehow, the houseguests are intent on breaking the rules this season. 

Christmas questioned whether it would be a good idea to draw a line in the sand quickly as opposed to having back and forth all week. That way, they would respect her honesty. 

The Tree of Temptation returned, and nobody took anything from it. Jason and Alex are going to be so pissed when they watch the season back. 

Christmas went with nominating Jason and Alex, and it seemed like Jason had a sudden realization that he is the target. Alex continued to act dumb by saying she trusted Christmas and felt that there was a bigger plan at play. 


Just hand Paul the money and let it be over. This is just getting more and more tiring to watch. It’s time to stop bringing the veterans back. This will mark two seasons in a row that a veteran has won. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, August 3, 2017

"Big Brother" Star Cody Nickson Villain on Show, Hero in Marines

“Big Brother” star Cody Nickson didn’t just serve his country as a Marine for 4 years, he was also twice deployed and received numerous medals … according to his file obtained by TMZ. Cody’s been on the outs with the rest of the cast…


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

"Bachelor" Villain Corinne Olympios Insists She"s Not Done On TV (VIDEO)

Corinne Olympios loves to tease, and she’s sticking to that … even after Nick Viall sent her packing. The ‘Bachelor’ villain was at LAX Tuesday when she dropped a nugget about a possible reality show in the works. Even though she didn’t win,…


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Wrestling Villain Ivan Koloff Dead at 74

Ivan Koloff, aka The Russian Bear who wrestled to fame for years as a supreme villain, has died. Rick Flair posted the news Saturday morning. The 74-year-old Koloff had been battling liver cancer. Koloff was a former WWWF World Heavyweight champion…


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

"The Bachelor" Villain Corinne Calls Vanessa "Lucky Bitch" and Feels Bloated (VIDEO)

Corinne hasn’t had a 1-on-1 date with Nick Viall yet, so she was sure she was going to get one tonight on “The Bachelor” … but it didn’t happen … and she was pissed. Usually when a girl calls another girl a “lucky bitch,” she’s playing…


"The Bachelor" Villain Corinne Calls Vanessa "Lucky Bitch" and Feels Bloated (VIDEO)

Corinne hasn’t had a 1-on-1 date with Nick Viall yet, so she was sure she was going to get one tonight on “The Bachelor” … but it didn’t happen … and she was pissed. Usually when a girl calls another girl a “lucky bitch,” she’s playing…


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

"Bachelor" Star Corinne Olympios Goes Full Villain (VIDEO)

It’s not like “The Bachelor” star Corinne’s ever cared about making friends with the other contestants … but she’s officially embraced the role of #1 bad girl now. After Nick Viall gave her another rose — much to the chagrin of everyone else –…


Friday, January 6, 2017

Corinne Olympios Defended By Nick Viall: I Was a "Villain" Too!

What would The Bachelor be without people we all love to hate? You don’t need The Bachelor spoilers to tell you every season has one.

Nick Viall, the one doling out the roses this year, knows what that’s like to be on the other side – and in the crosshairs of Bachelor Nation.

For that reason, he’s defending Corinne Olympios, the blonde Florida native already anointed as the “villain” this season on the show.

It only took one episode, or maybe even one montage.

Corinne, in her Bachelor premiere intro, revealed that she runs her family’s business – a multi-million dollar one, FYI – but she also still has a nanny.

She’s single, mind you, and lives with her parents.

Later, she made it clear that she didn’t come here to make friends when she stole the first kiss from Nick, and was quite proud of herself.

Then there was the preview that aired after the rose ceremony in which she proclaimed, “My heart is gold, but my vagine is platinum.”  

Yes, for real. In the context of bragging that her sexual skills are elite level and that she was going to bang Nick at her earliest convenience.

It was quite something.

If you ask Nick Viall about it, however, he has a much kinder – or at least more measured, and nuanced – view of the Corinne situation.

“I don’t see things in black and white. I’m more of a grey kind of guy,” Nick tells E! News, reflecting on his very own franchise experience.

“Everyone knows that in the traditional sense, I was a villain on Andi’s season at least, and by some people’s standards, Kaitlyn’s season.”

“I don’t necessarily agree with that, but I am someone who is assertive, who goes for what they want, and Corinne is someone who does that.”

“You can take it either way,” he continues.

“I don’t think Corinne was in any way disrespectful [this season]. She took a risk and she went for it, and I think she is also funny.”

Nick does acknowledge this, though:

“At the same time, everyone makes mistakes, and I think you’ll see Corinne’s journey as she kind of navigates through that.”

As for Corinne’s determination to sleep with Nick, again, he knows that’s a complicated part of relationships, Bachelor-style.

“Having been in Bachelor world and kind of having been associated with sex and the timing of it,” he says, was enlightening.

“That’s something going into the season I wanted to make sure I learned from,” Nick explains, but well, things just happen.

“At the same time, I had to be able to explore these relationships and find out if this was someone who was right for me.”

He’s certainly explored a few relationships in his time.

Viall’s sexual exploits are second to none on the show, but it’s nice to know he’s self-aware enough not to criticize others for the same.

In fact, he defended Kaitlyn after she was slut-shamed on her season of The Bachelorette for admitting to having pre-Fantasy Suite sex.

Nick is nothing if not an equal opportunity hornball.

From Nick’s past with Liz Sandoz to his future with Corinne Olympios, Rachel Lindsay and others, this is going to be one great season.

One very awkward season.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

"Bachelor" Contestant Corinne Olympios" Parents Cool with Her "Villain" Role (VIDEO)

‘Bachelor’ star Corinne Olympios makes no apologies for her aggressive pursuit of Nick Viall, and if Bachelor Nation wants to label her the villain … she’s cool with it and so are her parents. We’re told the family watched Monday’s premiere…


Corinne Olympios: Meet The Bachelor"s Newest, Hottest Villain!

Florida native Corinne Olympios is already turning heads on ABC"s The Bachelor with her crazy good looks and crazier antics.

Like Courtney Robertson, she didn"t come here to make friends.

We already knew from The Bachelor spoilers that she"ll be sticking around for quite some time, but Monday"s premiere showed us why.

Not only did she establish herself as a go-getter who"s willing to stop at nothing to make an impression on Nick Viall, her attitude is very …

IDGAF. She has no problem playing the villain, on other words.

Corinne Olympios regularly hits up Instagram – where she will soon have many more male admirers – to show her fans just how hot she is.

Check out The Bachelor 2017 preview to see what Nick is in for this season, then scroll through some of her best pictures ever below:

1. Corinne Olympios On The Beach

Corrine olympios on the beach

Corrine Olympios takes herself to the beach and shows off her modelling skills.

2. Corinne Olympios Bikini Pic

Corinne olympios bikini pic

Corinne Olympios from The Bachelor showing us why Nick Viall won’t be sending her home anytime soon.

3. Corinne Olympios in a Bikini Picture

Corinne olympios in a bikini picture

Corinne Olympios from The Bachelor, looking darn impressive in a bikini.

4. Corinne Works It

Corinne works it

Corinne Olympios is feeling it when it comes to workouts. And selfies.

5. Corinne Olympios Topless

Corinne olympios topless

Corinne Olympios of The Bachelor Season 21, posing topless and showing us why Nick Viall will be taking her to the final four. We’re guessing, anyway. I mean …

6. Corinne Olympios Bikini Picture

Corinne olympios bikini picture

Corinne Olympios rocking a bikini and looking positively smoking hot on Instagram.

View Slideshow

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Nick Viall to Josh Murray: You"re A Villain!

Nick Viall and Josh Murray will never be friends. 

That much was established when the two of them butted heads for Andi Dorfman’s heart on The Bachelorette Season 10. 

Why would you want to be friends with a love rival? That would just be pretty awkward. 

The two of them probably never wanted to be in the same room again, but after signing up for Bacherlor in Paradise Season 3, they were forced to.

If you watch Bachelor in Paradise online, you’ll know they really don’t like one another. 

It probably didn’t help matters that history repeated itself on Bachelor in Paradise.

Viall had struck up a romance with Amanda Stanton, but she ditched him for Josh Murray. 

That’s got to sting a little, but it will hopefully pave the way for a lot of drama throughout the rest of the season. 

Nick has every reason to not like his love rival. Josh made it crystal clear he had a thing for Stanton and would be pursuing her throughout the dating series. 

That was met with a stern look from Viall, but there was really nothing he could do. 

If you recall, Josh Murray and Amanda Stanton are totally engaged right now, so Murray beat Viall at the love rival game for a second time. 

That’s probably part of the reason why Nick weighed in on Andi Dorfman’s tell-all about her time with Josh. 

Viall was very much on team Andi, unsurprisingly. 

After the August 8 episode aired, Murray took to Twitter about the scene involving him meeting Nick.

“Bahahahaha that whole Nick vs me talk when I returned from my date [with Amanda] was cut up so much, cracks me up — if y’all only knew what was said.”

However, Viall has since opened up about Murray’s claims.

“[Josh] seems to be taking the approach with saying things about editing and stuff like that, which is funny because I’ve been in the position in the past where I haven’t been painted as favorable as some of my other peers. I’ve been called a villain and things like that, but I never put the blame on editing,” Nick Viall explains to Us.

Blaming the editing is a common thing for people on reality TV shows, but Nick sure thinks it isn’t the editing that’s the issue. 

“I’ve made my mistakes on my time on the show, and I think we should be held accountable for the things we say and do in life and on the show. … I try not to get too involved with how he’s responding,” he continued. 

What do you think?

Was Josh right to blame the editing?

Friday, July 22, 2016

Taylor Swift Squad Problems: Friends Compare Her to WHAT Disney Villain?!

It’s beginning to look like Taylor Swift’s hell week has been extended.

At this point, it seems as though we may one day look back on the summer of 2016 as the season in which the world’s most successful female recording artist just couldn’t catch a break. 

First, there was the speculation that Swift’s relationship with Tom Hiddleston is fake.

Then the singer got slammed by Calvin Harris in a scathing Twitter rant that made it clear their recent breakup wasn’t as amicable as it initially seemed. 

Shortly thereafter, Kim Kardashian Snapchatted what she claimed was proof that Taylor lied about being blindsided by derogatory Kanye West lyrics, and with that, the “Taylor Swift Is Over Party” was in full swing:

Of course, Swift still has her loyal “#Squad” to support her through all of this, right?

Well, maybe not so much…

Reports of problems within Taylor’s squad have been circulating for days now, and In Touch just offered up a hilarious (whether it’s true or not) batch of new rumors.

“Taylor’s image as America’s Sweetheart Pop Princess has taken a great fall,” says one insider.

“She’s been exposed as manipulative. I don’t think it can get any worse for Taylor.”

The source adds that Kendall Jenner was recently kicked out of the squad due to her Kimye ties and that Selena Gomez is not the Squad loyalist she’s been made out to be.

“[Selena] recently found out some pretty horrible stuff Taylor has said about her, including about her weight and choice of boyfriends. Now some of the girls have started revealing what they’ve been hiding about Taylor,” says the source.

“Some of the girls call her Ursula, after The Little Mermaid’s manipulative sea witch, because she’s so controlling,” claims another insider.

She adds that Taylor is the type of girl “who will see a fiend have three drinks and tattle to her boyfriend that she’s an alcoholic.”

The source claims the events of the last week constitute Taylor’s worst nightmare, but the singer is unsure of how to handle it, as no one has ever challenged her like this before:

“Taylor’s public persona is everything to her … She’s overwhelmed with the amount of bad press and feels the pressure, but she still hasn’t apologized to anything – she thinks she’s perfect. But it’s all coming back to bite her.”

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Dr. Luke"s Sister: Kesha is The Real Villain!!!

The legal battle between Dr. Luke and Kesha gets uglier by the day.

No more so than after Lady Gaga’s Oscar performance of “Til it Happens to You” on Sunday evening, which she dedicated to Kesha and to rape victims the world over.

Now, Dr. Luke’s sister Manhattan Beach-based Vezna Gottwald spoke to the Daily Mail about her brother, and how he’s incapable of raping someone.

“I was kind of like a mother figure to him growing up and he is the nearest and dearest to my heart, so I know better than anyone how ridiculous these allegations are,” she told the publication.

“He can’t speak out and he didn’t want me to speak out because he thought I would get too emotional, but he is my little brother.”

Gottwald is furious with those Dr. Luke has worked with in the past who won’t stick up for him.

“It is so difficult for him to fight back when all of these huge stars like Adele and Taylor Swift are coming out in support of her and it really is affecting all of our family,” she said.

“There is nobody shouting out for my brother and this has been very painful and horrible for all of us.  What happened to anyone having integrity and trying to find the truth?”

Reports claim that Katy Perry has sided with the producer, with whom she worked on “California Gurls” and “Teenage Dream.”  The singer, however, has not made any public statements on the matter.

Gottwald, who has a four-year-old son, compared Kesha to a Disney villain.

“If this was a Disney story that my son was watching she (Kesha) would be the evil Cruella,” Gottwald said.  

“He [Dr. Luke] has had to hire a crisis manager and he has not been able to go out of his own home.

“I have a four-year-old and Luke has got a four-year-old and a three-year-old and it is like the children are going to have to grow up with this hanging over us.

“It’s like the Salem witch trials, but we know who the real witch is behind all this.”

When asked about her thoughts on Taylor Swift donating $ 250,000 to Kesha, Gottwald thought her money should be donated to charity.

“Taylor Swift gave all this money, but it is such a shame that real women that have suffered and gone through that, don’t get to see that money,” Gottwald pointed out.

“She should have given it to a rape charity.”

Now, the stigma will follow Dr. Luke for a long time to come, fears Gottwald.

“It’s incredible that anybody can just slander somebody who is a good man and they know nothing about.”